All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 159 Nine-color treasure box, the weapon of rules

Su Xingyu was not the only one who fell into a deep sleep. Almost at the same time, most of the players entered the divine realm, cut off contact with the outside world, and fell into a deep sleep.

Their deep sleep did not make the outside world quiet.

As more and more players ended their ranking matches and returned to their own planes, the situation of the regional ranking matches soon spread throughout the entire elementary realm.

All the players were excited.

In particular, the information channels between the major regions are interconnected. After being able to understand the situation of players in other major regions, some bored players may even quarrel over irrelevant rankings of strong players.

In this qualifying match, the system roughly differentiated all participating players, and those players who had a large amount of information directly classified them into different grades.

According to their comprehensive strength, the participating players this time are divided into six levels.

Not into the mainstream, third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, top-notch, outsiders.

Unconventional: Players who stop at the first wave of monster challenges and can't even stop the first wave of monsters. There is no doubt that they are definitely the ones who spent money to get in.

Third-rate players: Players who stopped at the challenge of the second wave of monsters can survive the first wave of monsters, which proves that they still have some strength, but that's it, most of them are players who spend money.

Second-rate: After surviving the third wave, the strength is already good. Players develop normally, there are no opportunities, and they don’t make any big mistakes. They dare to fight and fight hard. This is the extent of their development along the way.

First-class: Hold on to the fourth wave, have opportunities, dare to fight and fight hard, complete the original accumulation one step ahead of others, and then use the "first qualifying match" to snowball. This stage is already the peak of normal player development. .

Top: It is absolutely impossible to survive to the fifth wave without some trump cards. Most of them were originally the first in their own communities. They were already strong and relied on generous rewards to complete the task in thirty years. sublimated again.

On the other hand: To be able to survive the fifth wave of challenges, they definitely have "plug-ins" in their hands and have mastered at least three "basic rules tools". Their power is comprehensive, without any short version, and they are powerful in all directions without blind spots. .

According to the information collected by interested parties, there are not many players in the last level, that is, the outside level, in all major regions.

Among them, the Eastern Region has the most people, with thirteen people, followed by the Western Region, with twelve people, then the Northern Region, with ten people, and finally the Southern Region, with seven people.

Of course, dividing the levels of strength is just a matter of boredom among the players.

The biggest impact of this regional ranking competition is that players are promoted to the mid-level realm.

Although some players had predicted it before the game, when the system actually announced the news and removed all participating players from the list, it still caused a heated sensation among players.

If they weren't afraid of being beaten, they would even want to hold a banquet to celebrate.

These guys are leaving.

Our hard days are finally over.

The pressure from the big guys in front of them was so great that they didn't dare to do anything.

Obviously his strength is not bad, but he doesn't dare to fight anyone. He can only shrink his head and keep his head down, for fear of provoking the boss's people and causing death.

No one likes this feeling, especially after they "become a god", they dislike this kind of framework even more.

Although most of the participating players were asleep and had no protective shields or anything like that, no one looking for death dared to invade them.

In the steady development, half a year has passed by like a fleeting moment.

In the Dark God Realm, Su Xingyu woke up from his deep sleep and opened his eyes. In the darkness, His eyes shone with a deep light, like bright stars in the dark void, extremely dazzling.

"It's so comfortable. I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time. I really want to sleep like this forever." Su Xingyu's voice echoed in the darkness, with a bit of satisfaction and ease. It has been a long time since he came to this world. It is not like now, completely cutting off all contact with the outside world and devoting myself wholeheartedly to rest.

Supporting his head with his right palm, Su Xingyu was dazed on the throne for a while, and then he began to check the changes that had taken place in the empire during his absence.

I looked at it for several hours.

After seeing the changes in the empire, Su Xingyu fell into silence. This was not a big problem in the Evernight Empire.

Before falling into a deep sleep, although Su Xingyu cut off contact with the outside world, he still left several emergency contact information just in case. If there was a real crisis, he could still wake up.

The reason for Su Xingyu's silence is that they did too well.

During the half year he was asleep, under the supervision of the Elder Council, the entire empire completed a smooth transition and fully digested the gains in the shadow world.

The Eternal Night Paladins, the Temple Guard Legion, have reached the threshold of the sixth-level epic legion, and they are just waiting for time to pass before they can officially enter.

The other sixth-order legions have also made considerable progress, and they are moving forward steadily according to the path they have taken in the shadow world.

As the empire did not care about the consumption of open resources, the empire's soldiers transformed at an extremely fast rate.

The road has been explored clearly, they just need to move forward according to the plan, and it is normal to go fast.

"The development is pretty good." Since the Elder's House is doing well, Su Xingyu is not in a hurry to go back.

Take out the items awarded by the system in this ranking match.

Nine-color treasure chest.

If nothing else, this should be the highest-grade treasure chest.

After all, it’s all nine colors.

Nine is the limit of number.

According to the system's color classification method for treasure chests, Nine Colors is the highest grade.

Anyway, Su Xingyu couldn't think of any color that could be higher than the nine colors.

"The nine-color treasure chest is four levels higher than the dark gold treasure chest. I don't know what good things it can bring out."

Before this, the top treasure chest Su Xingyu had ever opened was a dark gold treasure chest, and he had never gotten a colored treasure chest.

Not even three colors, let alone nine colors.

So even he was inevitably a little excited at the moment.

When the treasure chest was opened, a brilliant light lit up, which looked extremely dazzling in the dark space.

[System prompt: Open the nine-color treasure box. 】

[Rewards obtained: Weapon of Rules·Transcendence of Will*1, Weapon of Rules·Smelting Furnace*1, Natural Wonder·River of the Dead*1, Natural Wonder·Dark Mountain*1, Artifact·Death Spear*1, World Heart (big)*1. 】

【Detachment of will】

Category: Ruler

Effect: temper your will and surpass your limits

Introduction: The will of living beings is the most elusive thing in the world. Even gods cannot cover up the brilliance of the will to the extreme.

【Smelting Furnace】

Category: Ruler

Effect: You can forge one holy-level item every year, you can forge one legendary-level item every month, you can forge one epic-level item every day, and you can forge unlimited items below the epic-level (for specific functions, please explore by yourself)

Introduction: A magical furnace, a treasure used by the God of Forging to be lazy.

[River of the Dead] (can be placed)

Category: Natural Wonders

Level: ★★★★★

Effect: Throwing in living corpses can give birth to undead creatures

Introduction: The river contains the laws of the dead, and exudes the terrifying breath of the dead. This is a forbidden area for the living and the home of the dead.

[Dark Sacred Mountain] (can be placed)

Category: Natural Wonders

Level: ★★★★★

Effect: Understand the laws of darkness

Introduction: The ancient sacred mountain contains the laws of darkness, and countless dark creatures live within it.

【Death Gun】

Category: Artifact

Level: True Artifact

Introduction: The artifact used by the death god contains the law of death.

【Heart of the World】

Category: Special props

Level: None

Effect: Upgrade the medium-sized plane to a large-sized plane

Introduction: The foundation of plane existence is the most precious treasure in the world.

"Fuck!" The brilliant light almost blinded Su Xingyu's eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes that so many good things could be found in a nine-color treasure box.

Two regular weapons, two five-star natural wonders, one true artifact, and one special prop, all are extremely precious treasures.

Measured by the points in the ranking mall, the value of this nine-color treasure box has exceeded 200 million, or even more.

"Fuck, if I had known that the nine-color treasure box was so good, I should have exchanged it for one more. It was a loss of blood." Looking at the things in front of him, Su Xingyu suddenly felt regretful. When he thought of the nine-color treasure box in the mall, he suddenly felt that he had missed a hundred million. .

Big loss.

But after a while, he calmed down again and his mood gradually calmed down.

"Well... it should be the reason why I opened the Nine-Color Treasure Box for the first time. A normal Nine-Color Treasure Box cannot bring out so many things." After analyzing it calmly, he felt a lot better instantly.

But even though they were words to comfort myself, there was actually some truth in them.

With the urinary nature of the system, it is impossible for players to make money.

Therefore, the value of the Nine Color Treasure Box is indeed only about 100 million points.

It may be good or it may be bad.

Instead of taking a gamble with 100 million points and getting back a bunch of unknown items, it is better to be down-to-earth and exchange the points for items that are useful to yourself and the empire.

Shaking his head and throwing the matter away, Su Xingyu looked at the six treasures with burning eyes.

[Transcendence of Will] is in the form of a stepped hill, bound by the mysterious power of the system. It is now only the size of a palm, but in its full state, it is very large.

This [Transcendence of Will] alone is worth 80 million points in Su Xingyu's opinion.

Being able to temper the will of living beings with controllable risks is a very rare treasure.

With this item, the probability of the sixth-level warriors of the Evernight Empire breaking through to the seventh level should be greatly improved.

After experiencing the ravages of the monster army, Su Xingyu realized something deeply.

The soldiers should be more refined than more numerous.

The seventh-level legion is really buggy.

If the gap between the fourth-level legion and the third-level legion is 10 to 1, then the difference between the seventh-level legion and the sixth-level legion is 100 to 10. It seems that they are ten times different, but the values ​​are not at the same level at all.

It is true that the third-level legion cannot defeat the fourth-level legion, but it will not be unparalleled by the opponent. If there are enough people, they can still be killed.

As for the seventh-level legion, a single legion would have the power to overwhelm the entire empire.

Without an elite army strong enough to stop them, it would be impossible to surround and kill them based on numbers alone.

Because ordinary sixth-level warriors cannot even break through the defense against seventh-level warriors.

The basic attributes of seventh level and sixth level are very different.

If you include the bonus of characteristics, then the gap between the two sides will be magnified several times.

Therefore, the main focus of the Evernight Empire next is to develop the seventh-level legion.

If you want to develop a seventh-level legion, you must have enough seventh-level warriors.

The key to breaking through the seventh level from the sixth level is actually two points.

Body and will.

As long as the body, energy, and blood accumulate to the seventh level, and the willpower also accumulates to the seventh level, then the so-called talent threshold is a joke.

Body, energy, and blood have always been the main development direction of the Yongye Empire.

As for will, Su Xingyu originally planned to use [Article of Rules: Sky Monument] to make up for it, but now he has [Detachment of Will], which is even better.

After all, [Heaven Monument] still requires some understanding, while [Will Transcendence] requires only willpower and is more universal. It can also be used directly by monster warriors affiliated with tribes.

In addition to [Transcendence of Will], another rule weapon [Smelting Furnace] is also a treasure. As long as there are design drawings and sufficient materials, it can be produced without limit. This means that from now on, the Eternal Night Empire will not No more worrying about gold-level equipment.

What just happened to be that the improved equipment of the Evernight Empire also fell into the gold-level range.

With the [Smelting Furnace], the army of the Eternal Night Empire can be completely redressed.

You can even replace all the attached monster tribes and the sea tribe Naga tribe.

As for the two natural wonders [River of the Dead] and [Dark Mountain], the former can provide the empire with an army of skeletons, and the latter can provide a training ground for the empire.

Skeleton warriors have many shortcomings, such as being brainless, clumsy, and disorderly, but they have one advantage that makes all dark gods unable to reject them.

Free, large quantity.

The cost of summoning a skeleton warrior is close to nothing. As long as the raw materials are enough, a skeleton army can be summoned casually.

But now with the River of the Dead, even this consumption is saved, and the skeletons crawling out of the River of the Dead can be regarded as an independent race.

Compared with skeletons summoned by necromancy magic, their ability to grow independently is better.

Su Xingyu thought carefully about the placement of [River of the Dead] and felt that it would be better to place it in the territory of the Monster Alliance.

As for the [Dark Sacred Mountain], he has not thought about it yet. This thing occupies a large area, but it is also a good place for experience. No matter where it is placed, a main city can be created.

Su Xingyu had thought about placing it near Yongye City, but he quickly rejected it.

Today's Yongye City is already prosperous enough. Adding another natural wonder will not change much. Instead of doing this, it is better to put it outside and create a new main city.

What the Eternal Night Empire needs is comprehensive prosperity, not the ultimate prosperity of a single city.

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