All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 164 Fifty years, fleeting (please subscribe)

In a relatively smooth development, time passes quickly.

In the seventh year of Ye San's reign, after studying the seal, the Yongye Empire opened the space door under the Moshi Kingdom. The world behind the door was indeed as Su Xingyu had guessed.

It was a world big enough to accommodate demigods.

Hmm... It's said to be a world, but to be more accurate, it should be a demiplane.

According to the division of the void plane, the planes from small to large can be divided into plane fragments, demi-planes, small planes, medium planes, large planes...

Previously, Su Xingyu believed that as this plane was promoted to the intermediate realm, the world behind the portal should also stay in the elementary realm.

Unexpectedly, this demiplane turned out to be an affiliated plane of this plane, and it was promoted along with it.

Although the upper limit of the demiplane is demigods, there are no demigod creatures in it, and the strongest existence has only reached the ninth level.

This is not surprising. The upper limit of accommodation is demigod, which does not mean that there must be demigod creatures.

The maximum capacity of this plane is true gods, but in fact, there are very few demigods, and they were all promoted some time ago.

It was a relatively wild world of ferocious beasts.

Inside, ferocious beasts were rampant and monsters were everywhere. There were countless seventh-level ferocious beasts, and there were also quite a few eighth-level ferocious beasts. There were even several ninth-level sacred realm beast kings.

In the past, even the Eternal Night Empire would have to do its best to deal with such a huge high-level beast.

However, after so many years of development, the high-level powerhouses of the Eternal Night Empire have also experienced a growth spurt. In the human race headquarters alone, there are now more than 2,000 seventh-level epic realm powerhouses.

If you add monster-affiliated tribes, the number can be increased by several hundred.

In addition, in addition to quantity, the quality of strong people is also getting better and better. Strong people are constantly promoted to the eighth level, and even... some people are promoted to the ninth level.

Therefore, although this demiplane is powerful, it is not enough to panic the empire.

Ye San even regarded this demiplane as a place for training, and sent Nidhogg, who had reached the eighth-level legendary realm, and the huge army of Argonians into the world of ferocious beasts to give them a good training.

What Ye San didn't expect was that Harper from the Dog Demon Tribe actually wanted to go in for the trial.

Ye San was perfectly fine with this. After discussing it with the Elders, he quickly agreed to Harper's request.

Therefore, the eighth-level Harper and Dog Demon Legion were also sent in.

Ye San was not worried about their safety. Even though the black dragon and the dog demon leader were only eighth level, they were not normal creatures and could not be treated with common sense.

Nidhogg possesses the blood of the ancient black dragon. After being promoted to the eighth level, he has completely grown up. He is very powerful in various ways. It may be difficult for him to attack the ninth level, but if he just resists, it will definitely not happen. question.

As for Harper, the leader of the dog demon, he has experienced deep depravity and the baptism of the energy of creation. He has also changed from the original mutated dog demon, returning to his ancestors by blood, and turned into a purgatory dog ​​demon.

The Purgatory Dog Demons are the top dark race living at the bottom of the abyss. They have extremely powerful bodies and black flames that burn everything.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a powerful race that can fight with ancient ferocious beasts.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Harper is even better than the current Nidhogg.

With these two super monsters holding down the bottom, Ye San was not worried about anything happening to the two monster legions.

In the thirteenth year of Ye San's reign, the Empire's strongest legion, the Eternal Night Paladin, completed the first step to be promoted to the seventh-level legion and became the first to become the sixth-level epic legion.

Why did it take so long for the Eternal Night Paladin to be promoted to the sixth-level epic legion?

Because before that, they made an extremely crazy decision. The entire army held a vote to change features, and it was finally passed 100%.

So they destroyed the original characteristics and re-accommodated two characteristics that were extremely consistent with darkness.

Now the Eternal Night Paladin has not only transformed all the soldiers into dark creatures, but also contains two dark characteristics. It is no problem to call them divine guards.

The sixth-level epic legion is also called the seventh-level legion reserve.

The Eternal Night Paladin is even more special.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed since Su Xingyu resigned as consul.

Fifty years is a long time.

In fact, it is indeed very long, fifty years, almost two generations.

A generation, as a whole, is already a reincarnation.

It allows people to experience the four stages of birth, growth, marriage, and childbirth.

Two generations are enough to turn a young boy into a gray-haired old man. To ordinary people, they have gone through most of their lives and have reached the age of knowing their destiny.

They have experienced everything that a person should experience in a lifetime.

Fifty years is really a long time for me personally.

And even though this is a world with extraordinary power, creatures can often live to the limit of their lifespan under the irrigation of spiritual energy. For them, fifty years is still a long time.

It has been so long that most of the first batch of Night Tribe members have died.

There was no way around it. At that time, the Night Tribe did not have much blessing, and their cultivation talents were not very good. Even if they had resources, they would not be able to go very far on the road to transcendence.

It's pretty good to be alive until now.

Fifty years is a long time for an individual.

Fifty years is a short time for an empire.

How short is it?

The current governor of the empire is still Ye San. As a seventh-level powerhouse, he has a lifespan of three hundred years. He is now in his prime. As long as he wants, he can continue to work for more than a hundred years.

As for the original ten-year rotation?

This is not a problem. You vote once every ten years. As long as the consul's performance is not too bad during his term, he will not be replaced.

In the past fifty years, there has been no major war in the Evernight Empire, and it is just in a stage of stable development.

When the government is developing steadily, as long as the governor is not a waste, it is impossible to achieve poor political performance.

Ye San, who can be recognized by Su Xingyu, is obviously not a waste, he is very capable.

In the past fifty years, under Ye San's rule, the empire has undergone rapid changes. Both the empire headquarters and the affiliated monster tribes have undergone tremendous changes, and the overall national strength has been significantly improved.

The small goal of raising all soldiers in the army to the sixth level was achieved as early as the tenth year.

As for the seventh-level legion, the Eternal Night Empire still has not appeared.

Difficult, too difficult.

Even the most powerful Eternal Night Paladin in the empire is still a little short of the seventh-level legion.

Su Xingyu's original idea was not wrong. After the body, energy, blood and mental will were accumulated to a certain level, he could indeed cross the threshold and become a seventh-level warrior.

But the difficulty is somewhat beyond imagination.

Fifty years later, there is still no success.

Of course, the seventh-level legion was not born, but many sixth-level epic legions appeared.

The capital of the empire.

Evernight City.

After decades of development, Yongye City has been expanded again, and its scale has become several times larger than before. It has become one of the most prosperous cities in the empire.

The rebuilt city wall not only used the best materials, but also had special inscriptions engraved on it. It covered the entire city with a super large magic circle and absorbed the spirit stone veins under the city as energy.

Today's city wall is tall and strong. It is no longer the fragile city wall that broke when touched. Even if a high-level powerhouse comes, under the multi-layer defense, it cannot cause any harm to this city wall.

The buildings in the city are well-proportioned, each area is clearly divided, the streets are spacious and clean, and the shops are bustling and lively.

Compared with those years ago, the architectural styles in the city are more diverse now. There are tall and spectacular palaces, magnificent and exquisite temples, exquisite gardens, etc., all kinds of buildings, demonstrating the prosperity and prosperity of the empire.

In addition to the expansion of buildings, Yongye City's transportation, water conservancy and other infrastructure have also been greatly improved. The roads in the city are wide and flat, and the transportation is convenient, which greatly facilitates people's travel. The water conservancy system is complete and ensures the normal operation of the city.

The empire did not follow the path of technology, but the brilliance of magic shrouded the entire empire.

If you are in doubt, magic will solve it.

Most things can be solved by relying on the power of magic. If it cannot be solved, it only means that the power is not strong enough and needs to be strengthened.

The power of magic not only strengthens the empire's strength, but is also used in people's livelihood to facilitate the lives of the people of the empire.

Now the Evernight Empire has developed in all aspects, and truly has the atmosphere of an empire, instead of giving people the feeling of a violent barbarian like it did back then.

In the center of the city, there is a towering giant tree growing into the sky. Its branches are straight and thick, with lush leaves, covering the sky and the sun. It is like a huge stone pillar, connecting the sky and the earth, giving people a mysterious and solemn feeling. Feel.

Over the past fifty years, the concentration of the world's spiritual energy has increased, allowing the spirit-gathering tree to fully develop. Now it has broken through the seventh-level epic realm and become a ninth-level sacred creature.

And the fruits it bears, both in quantity and quality, have been improved.

It bears fruit every three years.

The output of the epic fruit that helps break through the bottleneck at level six has been increased to thirty pieces.

The output of normal spirit-gathering fruits has been increased to over a thousand.

As for the effect, it has been improved by about 50%.

It can be said that with this spirit-gathering tree alone, as long as there is a suitable family, a big force can be created every three years.

And in addition to fruits, the spirit-gathering tree that has been promoted to the ninth level has another function, that is, it can finally cultivate offspring.

There is a slight probability that the core of the epic fruit can cultivate another spirit-gathering tree.

Although in terms of qualifications, they are definitely not comparable to the mother tree cultivated by Su Xingyu himself, but due to their characteristics, the growth rate will not be much worse. After all, the effect of gathering spiritual energy cannot be faked.

The consciousness of the ninth-level Spirit Gathering Tree has gradually matured, and its mind has reached the level of a teenager.

There is a feeling of precocity.

In addition to this towering tree, there are many iconic "buildings" in Yongye City.

The god-given monument is a hundred meters high and stands in the center of the city square. Countless people go there every day to gain enlightenment and find their own path of cultivation.

Some people had an enlightenment overnight, directly broke through the extraordinary constraints, and became a high-level powerhouse.

There are also people who sit there for months without achieving anything, with no improvement at all, so they have no choice but to leave in frustration.

There are only a thousand steps on the Stairs of Will, a distance that ordinary extraordinary warriors can cross in a few breaths. At this moment, suppressed by the mysterious power, even the seventh-level strong man has to walk step by step to see if he can reach the top. It’s all about willpower.

Legion soldiers come here every day to challenge and climb this mysterious hill, trying to reach the top, but only a few succeed.

After all, [Will Detachment] tests willpower and has little to do with strength.

An ordinary warrior may not have any worse willpower than an extraordinary warrior.

There is no shortcut to willpower.

Just like these steps, if you want to improve your willpower, you can only move forward step by step and hone it slowly.

The clearly layered steps allow all members who challenge here to intuitively feel their own improvement and their willpower is increasing.

This feeling is very good, like a guiding light in the dark night, preventing them from getting lost in the boring practice.

Hard work will pay off, and it will be given on the spot.

This kind of improvement that is visible to the naked eye makes many soldiers full of motivation. They are not afraid of hardship or fatigue. They are only afraid that they have given everything but got nothing, and failed to live up to the empire's training.

Although [Heaven Monument] and [Transcendence of Will] are both popular, the most popular place is the [Bloody Arena] located in a remote place.

This is the favorite place for all the people of the empire.

【Bloody Arena】

Category: Man-Made Wonders


Effect ① Trial: Put a ray of the participant's spirit into the fighting space and engage in 99% realistic fighting, which can accumulate combat experience.

Effect ② Deathmatch: Invest a certain amount and engage in the most realistic fighting, two by two, until the final winner appears (100/1000/10000)

Effect ③ Martial Arts: The city where you are located advocates martial arts, and the people are warlike. It is suitable as a source of troops. The difficulty of recruiting troops is -50%.

Effect ④King of Gladiators: A gladiator who wins one hundred consecutive victories here will receive the blessing of the God of War.

Here, gladiators fight to the death every day, and from time to time you can see the empire's elite legions fighting in the shadow space.

This kind of violent and bloody scene is very popular among the people of the empire. After all, they themselves are violent elements.

As for where the gladiators came from?

Some are the subjects of the empire, and some are warriors from affiliated tribes.

But more of them are prisoners.

When it expanded its territory, the empire conquered too many forces. Under the iron heel of the Yongye Army, some forces chose to surrender, while others chose to resist.

Those who surrendered abandoned their original beliefs and converted to the King of Evernight.

The rebels broke up the power structure. Ordinary tribesmen scattered around according to the situation, while the extraordinary warriors threw themselves into the arena, became a gladiator, and fought with other gladiators.

If he can win a hundred games in a row and obtain the status of the Gladiator King, then the empire will grant him freedom and let him leave.

Of course, they have another option, which is to become a noble of the empire and serve the empire.

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