All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 169 The division of demigods, the power of splitting stars

Unlike when invading a plane, the void beast will be suppressed by the laws of the plane and cannot exert its full strength.

The dark void is their home ground, where void beasts are at home like a fish in water, and their strength can be fully exerted.

But even so...

The powerful demigod beast king couldn't even withstand a sword energy.

Because in the void, it was not only the Void Beast that received an increase, but also him, and the increase was even more exaggerated than the Void Beast.

Of course, the increase is still secondary. The main reason is that the strength gap between the two sides is too big.

The strength of gods mainly comes from two points, divinity and authority.

Su Xingyu, who has mastered five powerful authorities and used them as the foundation to condense the dark divine body, was able to be perfectly promoted to demigod, is frighteningly powerful.

Eternal night, devouring, corruption, fear, and death, any one of these five authorities is enough to support the rank of true god, but now they are concentrated in one body.

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The degree of compatibility between authorities is also important. When two well-adapted authorities come together, they can often produce terrifying effects.

The authority that Su Xingyu holds is all based on the authority derived from the dark godhead. Needless to say, the adaptability is ridiculously high.

With the five of them together, even if he has just been promoted to demigod, his combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the veteran demigods.

If demigods are divided into different levels, then the weakest demigods are undoubtedly void beasts. They do not even understand the laws and rely solely on their bodies and blood to fight. This type of demigods can be called weak demigods.

Secondly, there are demigods who have been promoted based on a single law and only have one authority. Their understanding of the law is not bad, but among the many demigods, they can only be regarded as mediocre. Their future achievements will be limited. If there is not much opportunity, the demigods will The realm of gods is their pinnacle.

Most demigods belong to this level. This type of demigods can be called ordinary demigods.

Further up, there are demigods who have mastered a single powerful authority and used it to adapt to multiple weak authorities. They are geniuses among geniuses. In the normal plane, it is rare to see one person in a thousand years.

If there are enough opportunities, they have a high probability of being promoted to true gods.

It is worth mentioning that most players in the future will be at this level.

This type of demigod can be called a higher demigod.

Above the higher demigods, there are powerful demigods and the most powerful demigods.

A powerful demigod, as long as his luck is not extremely unlucky, there will be no difficulty in becoming a true god.

The most powerful demigod is at a very special level.

There are five levels in total: weak, ordinary, advanced, powerful, and supreme. This is the current division of demigod levels.

But at the end of the day, demigods are still demigods.

Beings who can become demigods, which one is not one of billions to choose from!

The so-called "weak demigod" is just a joking name. If you look down on the other party because of this, it would be a big mistake.

After all, no matter how weak a demigod is, he is still a demigod, the best among billions of beings, and the threshold that many high-level extraordinary beings cannot cross even if they break their heads and spend their entire lives.

Although Su Xingyu has only been promoted recently, in terms of strength, he can already join the ranks of powerful demigods.

If some foreign objects are included, then even among the ranks of "powerful demigods", he belongs to the very strong group.

There is a three-level difference between a weak demigod and a powerful demigod, so Su Xingyu's ability to instantly kill the demigod beast king may seem a bit exaggerated, but it actually makes sense.

Even the demigod beast king was killed in seconds. Although there were still a lot of other void beasts, their strength was far inferior to that of the demigods, so one can imagine their fate.

"Death heart." Su Xingyu whispered to himself, and with a wave of his hand, countless dark energy covered it, turning into dots of blackness, and integrated into the body of the void beast.

The next moment, all the void beasts twitched and let out painful wails, as if their hearts were grasped by an invisible hand.


There was only a muffled sound, and then their vitality was instantly cut off. They fell in pieces and fell to the ground, setting off bursts of smoke and dust.

In order to ensure the integrity of the corpse, Su Xingyu did not even use the divine sword. He only used the magic of death, combined with the blessing of the death authority, to kill hundreds of high-level void beasts.

There is no special suppression. In this kind of free battlefield, the suppression of the extraordinary level is particularly great. If you are one level away, you may still be able to fight. If you are two levels away, it will basically be an instant kill.

Slowly falling into the meteorite, the void beast still alive below rushed towards him. Su Xingyu waved his hand again, and the darkness spread under his feet. The void beast instantly fell into it and became silent.

But after a while, no void beasts could be seen on the meteorite, and even their corpses were collected by Su Xingyu.

"It's so big that it's hard to handle. It would be better if it were smaller. Just pack it up and take it away." Looking at the meteorite at his feet, Su Xingyu was a little distressed and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Meteorite contains many veins of precious metals, especially meteorite, which is the main material for forging epic and legendary equipment. It can also be used to build mana cannons and naval battleships.

In the classification of various resources, meteorite is a high-end material. With such a huge content, even Su Xingyu is really reluctant to give up.

If you are not a householder, you will not know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive.

He didn't lack resources before...well, he doesn't lack regular resources now either.

In other words, there are actually very few players who lack conventional resources in the medium realm.

With at least five times the concentration of spiritual energy in the plane, plus fifty years of growth, even a weed can be turned into spiritual materials. How could there be a lack of conventional resources...

However, there is no shortage of conventional resources, but there is a huge shortage of high-end resources. Whether it is spiritual medicinal materials or metal veins, there is still a big gap in the Evernight Empire.

"Forget it, let's just dig." After thinking about it, Su Xingyu still didn't want to give up, so he had to rely on himself.

This is a meteorite, not a demiplane. There is no way to open the system portal, so he can't send people to dig it. If he wants to get the resources of this meteorite, he has to do it himself.

After carefully scanning and exploring with his spiritual mind, Su Xingyu instantly had an idea of ​​the distribution of resources in the meteorite.

"A very large blood crystal mineral vein, a very large black gold mine, a very large meteorite mine..." There were many mineral veins in the meteorite, but these were the only three that deserved his attention.

After locking the location of the mineral vein, Su Xingyu started taking action without any hesitation.

After releasing the blockade on himself, in an instant, his size began to increase dramatically, and his body shape and appearance gradually changed.

After a while, he turned into a dark giant thousands of meters tall. His skin was as dark as night. Ancient divine patterns appeared all over his body, shining with the faint light of stars. His eyes were like two small black holes, as if they could swallow All matter in the world.

The body is tall and strong, the muscles are graceful, and everything about him is perfect, without any flaws.

Gods are the most perfect creatures in the world.

"It's such a comfortable feeling. I haven't felt this happy for a long time." Su Xingyu murmured to himself. With his divine body fully expanded, he rarely felt a sense of comfort. He just slept on the bed, curling up and feeling uncomfortable everywhere. limit, and now suddenly straightens his legs.

This feeling can be described in just one word, cool!

The divine power is mighty, like the power of heaven.

Without control, his power instantly covered the entire meteor, and his domineering aura spread into the void.

"Open it!" Vast dark energy surged out, burrowing into the ground like countless giant pythons, extending downward infinitely. Then Su Xingyu shouted angrily, and the earth began to crack, and huge cracks spread like spider webs. .


The entire meteor trembled.

Under this power like a god and a demon, a huge crack more than ten kilometers long and a hundred meters wide emerged, revealing the metal veins buried in it.

The dark energy covered it, like locusts passing through the grass, instantly swallowing up all the matter inside.

However, after a while, the entire meteorite was completely destroyed by Him. There were cracks and holes everywhere, as if it had been hit by countless meteorites.

It took nearly ten days to almost completely dismantle the meteorite before Su Xingyu dug out all the high-value mineral veins. Although a lot of resources were wasted in the process, it was better than leaving them all here.

"It's a pity that the strength is not strong enough, otherwise I can pack it up and take it away." At the end, a somewhat overstuffed Su Xingyu glanced at the meteorite reluctantly, and then slowly walked into the space crack and left here.

In the next few years, Su Xingyu worked diligently to clean up and clean up all the meteorites that were relatively close.

During this period, he encountered a total of thirteen demigod beast kings, and countless other high-level void beasts. As for those extraordinary mid-level void beasts, they were even more ridiculous.

Although their strength was not weak, they were too scattered and had no chance to unite, so in the end they were defeated one by one by Su Xingyu and they were all eliminated.

The process is very painless.

Search, clear out, dig.

Among the three steps, eliminating the void beast can be said to be the easiest step.

Searching for meteorites is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and mining is tiring for everyone. The only time to clear out the void beasts is to just wave a few times and it will be solved in a short time.

With his powerful demigod strength, even if he had to fight two demigods sometimes, he would still be able to face two demigod beast kings at the same time with ease. It was just a matter of swinging a few more swords.

The Void Beast King who has not understood the laws is really too weak for a strong person like Su Xingyu.

As for those void beasts, they can be destroyed with a flip of the hand.

Although the meteorites around the plane were cleaned up, Su Xingyu felt that the void beasts would not disappear.

This void is too vast, and the void beasts are endless. It is simply unrealistic to completely solve the problem of void beast invasion now.

Unless he completely masters this plane, becomes the master of the plane, rebuilds the defense line, and fills those loopholes.

But it doesn’t matter.

Now get rid of these conspicuous guys first. In a short time, there should be no invasion of void beasts.

Even if it appears again later, the scale will not be as large as before. The permanent army of Yongye City can handle it and will not interfere with the empire's subsequent war.

This plane.

The junction of the Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent.

Although the Hundred Nations Alliance in the Northern Continent signed a peace agreement with the Evernight Empire, both sides still deployed hundreds of thousands of elite troops on the border and conducted military exercises all year round to deter their opponents.

Which side is under more pressure?

There is no doubt that they are the warriors of the Kingdom of the Northern Continent. After all, looking at the configuration of the army on the opposite side, it must be a lie if they say they are not panicked.

It's nothing to have hundreds of thousands of elites who can fight. They can pull them out, but they keep rotating them, and each one turns out to be particularly good at fighting. This is a bit outrageous.

Let’s not talk about whether the Alliance can defeat the Empire. These warriors on the border will definitely be the first to suffer. Even if they are not completely wiped out, they will be severely damaged.

In comparison, the warriors from the Eternal Night Empire are different.

They are not resistant to war, and are even a little excited. After all, war means merit, and it means that they can please the gods.

For the people living in the Evernight Empire, the education they received since childhood clearly told them how the Evernight Empire got to where it is today.

Territory will not fall from the sky, and resources will not appear out of thin air. Everything they have now is all fought for by their predecessors.

The pace of imperial expansion has never stopped, not in the past, not now, and not in the future.

Their predecessors have laid a solid foundation for them, allowing them to be innately ahead of the people of other forces, so what reason do they have to be afraid.

Now it's their turn to contribute to future generations and acquire more land and resources.

All the warriors of the Eternal Night Empire know that when they embark on this road of expansion, they have no way to retreat. They can only keep moving forward and defeat all opponents.

Many people will die on this road.

But so what?

It’s just death, nothing to fear.

Just like the oath they took before the statue of the god when they joined the army.

"We dedicate everything we have to the king, may the empire last forever, and may the gods remain forever."

The warriors of the Eternal Night Empire are willing to sacrifice everything for the empire and the gods, even their lives.

Under such education, the soldiers stationed on the border of the Evernight Empire were looking forward to the coming of war all the time.

And it is precisely because of this that the senior leaders of the Evernight Empire had to rotate them to prevent these border troops from taking the lead when the empire was not prepared.

Both sides know that the peace agreement is only temporary. Sooner or later, one side will be the first to tear up the agreement.

But when that day will come, no one knows.

If possible, the Hundred Nations Alliance hopes that this day will never come. Years of trade have given them a general understanding of their neighbors in the Eastern Continent next door.

After reading their history, the top leaders of the Hundred Nations Alliance only had one opinion about the Eternal Night Empire: the Madman Empire.

In the history of the development of the Evernight Empire, war occupies a large chapter. Even during the period of the most stable development and the transformation of military soldiers, they did not stop the pace of expansion.

They have no idea of ​​stopping and have only two options: accelerating expansion and slowing down expansion.

This is not in line with normal country conditions.

Being neighbors to such a lunatic empire, as a member of the Hundred Nations Alliance, gives me a headache just thinking about it.

And the Eternal Night Empire did not make their headaches in vain. On a dark and windy night, the Eternal Night Empire tore up the peace agreement, and the troops on the border launched an attack on the Hundred Nations Alliance.

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