All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 190 Everyone’s Gains

After confirming that the Undead Corps had not been slacking off and had performed its mission seriously, the Longyao Empire stepped up its offensive and began to gather the power of the entire empire to prepare to completely destroy the Perlman Kingdom.

This was very different from their previous strategy, and it could even be said that they were two completely different strategies.

Before this, after a brief confrontation and failing to take down the Perlman Kingdom, Wang Feng formulated a strategy to consume the power of the Perlman Kingdom through logistics, and then gradually capture their territory until it was completely occupied.

This is also the way most players win at present. As long as they fall into a stalemate, they can generally win. The only difference is the length of time and the size of the consumption.

It can be said that this is also one of the benefits of the players.

With the support of the system, their logistical resources are almost unlimited, and normal forces can never outlast them.

Not to mention, there is a player organization behind Wang Feng.

If the indigenous forces dare to compete with him in consumption, they are basically looking for death.

Of course, the main reason why this step can be achieved is that the players have developed and their foundation has become profound.

Although this method of relying on logistics to drag the opponent to death is stable, its shortcomings are also obvious. It consumes too much and gains too little.

Relying on logistics to kill the opponent and occupy step by step, even if you finally take it, all you can get is a dilapidated ruin.

Because of this, although most players are aware of this method, they will not use it unless they have to. It is better to win quickly, even if the short-term cost is relatively high.

Therefore, after determining the strength and attitude of the Undead Legion, Wang Feng hesitated for only a moment, and soon made up his mind. He chose to go all in directly, gathering the power of the entire Longyao Empire, and preparing to take this opportunity to break through the Perlman Kingdom in one fell swoop.

He has been stagnant here for too long. It's time to get rid of this old opponent and have a big meal.

The situation on the battlefield was just as Wang Feng expected. After the Undead Legion completely intervened in the battlefield, less than half a year later, the entire battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Relying on the characteristics of the Undead Legion, Ramos's Undead Legion has become more and more numerous, from the initial 3,000 members to nearly 40,000.

And because of the strong death aura on the battlefield, not only has the number of undead corps increased, but the strength of undead warriors has also become much stronger.

Now, the undead warriors under Ramos, including the weakest servant warriors, have all reached the minimum standard of the Eternal Night Empire, that is, the realm of mid-level extraordinary.

It can be considered acceptable.

On the battlefield between the Dragon Empire and the Perlman Kingdom, the mid-level extraordinary is the real regular army.

Uh... well, in the current middle realm, except for a very small number of players, most players do not have high-level corps. Whether it is the regular army or the main corps, they are actually in the realm of mid-level extraordinary.

However, the definition of mid-level extraordinary is very broad, from the fourth level to the sixth level, there are three realms.

And if it is converted to the corps level, it will be more subdivided.

So don’t think that everyone is a mid-level extraordinary corps warrior. When they really fight, the actual gap will be ridiculously large.

Even if it is a corps of the same level, due to the different corps quality, there may be a crushing situation when fighting.

The regular armies of the Longyao Empire and the Perlman Kingdom, strictly defined, are between the fourth-order guards and the fifth-order guards, while the undead corps that Ramos summoned temporarily have uneven strengths, ranging from the fourth-order trash to the fifth-order guards.

So don't be fooled by the slogans of the undead corps, such as "starting the undead disaster, the sea of ​​corpses" and "born as a mid-level, choose the right one, surpass ten years of hard work in three days", but they are really not on the same level.

It's okay to scare outsiders, but if you meet someone who knows a little bit about the inside story, you will be slapped in the face.

This also proves that shortcuts are not so easy to take.

However, Ramos didn't take these servants seriously. Anyway, they are all cannon fodder, so let's just say they have weaknesses.

Under Ramos's fierce bombardment, the holes in the Perlman Kingdom are getting bigger and bigger, and they need manpower everywhere, and they are gradually unable to bear it.

If the undead corps at the beginning can only play a disruptive role, but cannot influence the situation on the battlefield, then now that they have completed the expansion, their every move is affecting the changes on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, if they wanted, they could even help to drive out the Longyao Empire.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

Half a year later, facing the attack from both the Longyao Empire and the Undead Army, this kingdom that existed for hundreds of years was finally destroyed.

Although the king escaped, it was meaningless.

The capital was breached, and the Ace Army was disbanded. Even if the troops were restored in the future, it would take quite a while to be promoted back to the sixth-level epic army.


The mercenary army is just a corner of the transaction, and the transaction of Bloody Dawn is still going on.

Not only Su Xingyu, but other members such as Guanghui, Blood God, Wushi, Poseidon, etc., actually hired some warriors to help other weaker members expand their territory.

For them, this is a good opportunity to train.

After years of expansion, they have killed all the forces they can see on the map and can fight against them. The rest are all hard bones and very difficult to deal with.

So it is not easy to find a suitable place to train soldiers.

Of course, these are not the main factors. The most important point is that their battlefield does not lack a few legions.

If there are too many, it will not be very useful.

If there are too few, it will be just like that.

Take the Eternal Night Empire as an example. Although the undead legion sent out is very powerful, it has only been developed for half a year and has directly changed the direction of the entire battlefield situation.

But that is because Wang Feng is weak.

In fact, the current battlefield of the Northern Continent does not lack this undead legion. It is the same with or without him, and it will not affect the changes in the war situation at all.

After the large-scale war at the beginning, the current battlefield of the Northern Continent has actually fallen into a battle of conquest, and the Hundred Nations Alliance has basically given up resistance.

In this case, many Eternal Night Legions have been idle.

Yes, even if the two-front war is launched at the same time in the Northern Continent and the Void Plane, the Eternal Night Empire still has a considerable number of legions idle.

So much so that when Su Xingyu heard that someone wanted to hire a legion, he agreed without thinking.

And the other members are almost the same.

Since they are idle anyway, why not send them out to train and earn some resources? With this idea in mind, they began to vigorously support other members of the organization, helping them to deal with those tough guys and expand their territory. And the hired members were also very satisfied with this. To be honest, it is not realistic for them to expand their territory quickly in a short period of time by themselves. Their growth coefficient is indeed higher than that of the indigenous forces, but their foundation is too shallow and the time is too short. Let's put it this way, as long as every player is willing and patient, they can develop steadily. At worst, they can unify the plane, become the master of the plane, and ascend to the realm of true god. But after seeing the rapid development of others, they simply cannot calm down and develop. This kind of development is too slow. Just like playing games, normal players will expand their territory first if they can, even if they don't use it, they can occupy it first. Because in many cases, the size of the territory represents productivity. The larger the territory, the greater the production capacity. For a force, territory and population are the basic plate, and everything else is expansion coefficient. Whether it is the Rule Tool, the God's Domain Building, or the World Blessing, they are all based on territory and population.

They are like an exponential function, the former is a constant and the latter is an exponent. If you want to expand the whole, you have to do both.

Especially when the latter changes slowly, the former should be improved.

The players all see it clearly. Instead of developing stupidly, it is better to expand the territory and population.

They have been expanding over the years, but their strength does not allow them to expand quickly.

Before, they thought about asking other players to come to help, but it didn't work.

First, it is not safe. Even if they are in the same organization, they are worried that they will be set up and directly backstabbed.

Second, no one is willing. Before, the players were busy with their own affairs, so how could they have the spare energy to help others.

Now after an organization gathering, there are no such concerns.

Both problems have been effectively solved.

The first problem is that if someone guarantees, they don't worry about being backstabbed at all, and their safety is guaranteed.

The second problem is that after decades of accumulation, most players have developed and have enough strength to intervene in the outside world.

Relying on the powerful legion hired from the boss, the members of Bloody Dawn quickly expanded their territory and soon reached their control limit.

After expanding their territory, they immediately started the second round of construction and development.

Relying on the extraordinary believers supported by other players, they quickly completed the social system of their own forces and made it more perfect.

The biggest beneficiaries of this transaction are undoubtedly these peripheral members of Bloody Dawn at a lower level.

If they develop normally, that is, without external forces, and rely on themselves alone, they want to expand their territory to the control limit, at least for decades, or even longer.

Now, relying on the legion of the boss, although they have paid a lot of price, they have only taken a few years to go through the road that originally took decades to complete, which can be said to be a blood profit.

Such a large base is enough for them to toss for a while.


In addition to the mercenary legion, trading extraordinary believers, rule tools and special buildings have also had a significant impact on the players.

The first two items have a greater impact on those members of the organization with weaker strength, while the third item is just the opposite, it has a greater impact on members with stronger strength.

This imperial heavy weapon that affects the national destiny is extremely effective and can even mass-produce geniuses.

They select believers with talents in various aspects and then send them to the corresponding player planes to further awaken their talents with the help of the power there.

For example, if the believer is an alchemist, then he will be sent to the plane of the alchemist, which is a real alchemy paradise with the most complete alchemy system and corresponding means of improvement.

Even though they cannot convert to other gods and cannot enjoy the blessing of the gods' favor, their talents have also increased significantly after experiencing the baptism of the imperial heavy weapon.

It is just as the saying goes, every profession has its own specialty.

Everyone sent delegations to other player planes, both to visit and to learn.

To be able to get to where they are today, the players' development path must have its merits.

So whether it is for reference or to avoid mistakes, these things are worth learning.

It is common to go the wrong way, and how to correct it is a difficult problem.

Only by exchanging and learning from each other, referring to each other, and learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses can they go further.

History has told them that it is not good to work in isolation.

The great scholars on both sides took this rare opportunity to start a fierce exchange.

On the other hand, under the accelerated construction regardless of resources, the Bloody Dawn's organization base soon took shape, and the construction of the first main city was completed.

This also means that the first Void International College was born.

According to the original preparation, everyone sent the corresponding believers to the college and became the first teacher of this college.

As for the dean?

Everyone is not very interested in this position.

Originally, it was planned to take turns, whoever was in charge of the organization's base would be the dean, but later the organization's veteran "teacher" recommended himself and volunteered to be the dean.

And in order to show his sincerity, he also left an incarnation of divine power with the strength of a demigod in the academy.

Seeing the teacher so active, and thinking of his authority, naturally some people guessed that he could benefit from it.

But no one cared too much.

As long as the academy can run smoothly and achieve the expected goals, it doesn’t matter what the teacher gets from it.

As I said, the things are there, and it’s your ability to get them.

As for stopping,

Why stop it?

Everyone has no hatred, why do such a thankless thing!

If you have time to think about these, you might as well think about how to strengthen yourself.

The unanimous approval of the crowd surprised the teacher a little. After all, this is a college founded by everyone, and it is somewhat strange that he is the dean.

To be honest, the teacher has been prepared for a big loss, but surprisingly, no one made things difficult for him.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, the Bloody Dawn is not big or small. Although everyone contributed to the attack on the garrison, the ones who can really make decisions and have the right to speak in the organization are still those few people.

The rules of this world are very simple, speak with strength.

Yongye didn't care, Blood God didn't care, and Guanghui was kind.

Since the three of them didn't object, the others naturally wouldn't embarrass him for such a small matter, so it passed smoothly.

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