All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 192 The Advantages of Youth


"All of you die!"

The long swords attacked each other, neither side had the intention of retreating, all of them were rushing to send the opponent away first, very fierce.


No need for defense.

As long as the opponent is sent away first and they cannot launch a second attack, there is no need for defense.

Under the education of the Eternal Night Empire, the Eternal Night warriors are very brave, and sometimes they don't take their lives seriously.

For a while, the whole battlefield was filled with tyranny.

The knight of the Eternal Night Empire slashed at the Kingdom Guard with a knife, instantly tearing the armor on his body, then breaking the Qi and Blood Armor, and finally cutting his body open.

The face of the Kingdom Guard was full of determination and firmness, and the attack before death also fell on the Eternal Night Knight.

However, the attack that was enough to split mountains and rocks and break metal armor only made a dull collision sound at this moment.

The black armor was seen to emit a deep glow, and the sharp slash was swallowed and dissolved.

Sparks flew everywhere.

This fatal attack was offset silently.

"This is meteorite from outer space, how is it possible?!" As if recognizing the material of the equipment, the Kingdom Guard opened his eyes wide before he died, full of shock and disbelief.

He didn't understand why such precious meteorite from outer space would be used on an ordinary soldier.

With full of doubts and unwillingness, the Kingdom Guard slowly fell to the ground.

"I have to say that you are still quite capable, but it's a pity that you met me." Looking down at the narrow white marks on the armor, the Knight of the Eternal Night shook his head and grinned, expressing his recognition of the strength of the Kingdom Guard.

The strength of this Kingdom Guard is very strong, even if it is him, he may not win in a fair duel.

However, the battlefield has never been a place to seek fairness.

On the battlefield, what can determine victory or defeat is not only the strength of the soldiers, but also logistics and equipment.

After years of development, the Eternal Night Empire has long surpassed most players in equipment technology. As for the forces of these local planes, they have been left behind and can't even see their shadows.

Among all the "catalysts", war is the most effective in promoting the development of technology. Influenced by this, the Eternal Night Empire has developed rapidly in recent years.

The Hundred Nations Alliance also absorbed a lot of knowledge and developed rapidly in the battle with the Eternal Night Empire.

However, the gap between the two sides has not narrowed, but has become larger and larger.

As for why this happened?

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, the gap in resources.

Let's put it this way, the Hundred Nations Alliance only owns the Northern Continent.

For the Eternal Night Empire, the Eastern Continent is only part of the empire's territory, not all of it. They also have a wider territory in the void.

Although most of those territories are in the stage of land reclamation, it is undeniable that the resources of those lands are indeed rich.

The Hundred Nations Alliance and the Eternal Night Empire are not at the same level in terms of resources.

Just like the previous Azure Country, as long as it gets on the right track, the strength shown by the country with vast territory and rich resources will exceed the imagination of other countries.

It can't be stopped.

The same is true now. The Eternal Night Empire, which has many void planes to support it, has no shortage of resources. They don't care about cost-effectiveness at all.

As long as it can improve combat effectiveness, they will build it.

As for the cost?

Just kidding, there is no cost at all.

The Eternal Night Empire does not lack undead creatures, and there are countless tree people who want to work in the void plane.

For the Eternal Night Empire, the only cost is probably the wages paid for mining.

However, compared with the value of the ore itself, what is this?

Meteorite from outer space is a very precious resource in the Hundred Nations Alliance. It is often only equipped for high-level extraordinary people, but the Eternal Night Empire is different. They equip all warriors.

The equipment of the two sides is almost a level apart.

In addition to equipment, the gap in other aspects is also not small.

The most obvious is the mount under the body.

That is a gap that can be seen at a glance.

The environment of the northern continent is very suitable for breeding horse breeds, and the war horses carefully selected by the kingdom are all very majestic, and can be called the king of horses.

However, compared with the Eternal Night Empire, the gap is too big.

The Hundred Nations Alliance used the entire prairie to train war horses and feed them with fine feed, while the Eternal Night Empire used the entire demiplane to train war horses and feed them with spiritual grass and beast meat.

After years of training, the Eternal Night Empire now has many excellent horse breeds.

For example, the nightmare horse, which has been infected by darkness, mixed and hybridized, is most suitable for dark believers.

Another example is the dragon blood horse, which focuses on physical training, has well-developed muscles, and focuses on endurance, strength, and burst.

Or it is the swift wind horse, which is as fast as the wind, travels a thousand miles a day, and has the ultimate speed.

In addition, there are many more...

And the mounts under this noble legion are nightmare horses.

To put it bluntly, without relying on knights, relying on this batch of nightmare horses alone, many mid-level legions can be taken down.

"Hahaha, all of you die!"

"You are just a soldier of the kingdom, and you think you can stop us. You are really overestimating yourself."

"Under the watchful eyes of my Lord, I grant you death!!!"

Roaring, one by one, the black-armored knights broke through the defense line of the Kingdom Guards. They swung their long swords and killed the Kingdom Guards in front of them.

No matter how much the kingdom's imperial guards resisted, it was of no avail.

There is no use talking about anything else at this time. After all, everyone has the same extraordinary realm and the same firm will, so the only thing that can compete is hard power.

In this aspect, the Eternal Night Knight has a clear advantage.

In addition to equipment and other foreign objects, there is also the most fatal gap between the two armies.


Compared with this Kingdom Guards, the noble legions of the Evernight Empire are really too young. They are generally a generation younger than the Kingdom Guards.

Sometimes, youth is the greatest asset.

Because youth means passion, drive, and room for improvement.

This is not to say that the Kingdom Guards are too old. In terms of lifespan, they are in their prime, and all their body functions are at the peak of their lives.

If there is no breakthrough in the future, then the current period will be the stage when their combat effectiveness is strongest.

Yes, the strongest.

Your peak, my beginning.

The confrontation between the prime of life and youth.

You have reached the end, and I have just begun!

Therefore, there will be a very nonsense phenomenon. It is easy for the opponent to level up just by fighting.

This was exactly the situation on the battlefield at this time. As time went by, this young legion began to improve under the pressure brought by the kingdom's guards.

Things that I couldn't understand before are now gradually becoming clear in my mind.

Feeling this change, the Kingdom Guards felt powerless.

The young warriors on the opposite side kept getting angry, and they wanted to do so, but the reality was cruel and they were powerless.

They are already set.

He no longer has the courage he had when he was young.

They have lost the confidence that "even if this path is wrong, I can still start over", they can no longer do it.

Youth is the greatest confidence.

"Jie hahaha, keep coming, fight well!" Thunder rumbled in the center of the battlefield. Ax looked ferocious, with many wounds on his body, but his momentum became stronger and stronger. The thunder clung to his body and made a crackling sound.

The spear kept waving, and each swing brought up a gust of wind. The lightning flashed, and the shadow of the gun could not be seen clearly.


Bazel was breathing heavily and his injuries were getting worse. He struggled to parry the spear and resist the attack.

Feeling Ax's growing momentum, Bazel also felt helpless.

He clearly injured Ax, but as a result, the opponent's combat effectiveness increased instead of decreasing.

"General, we can't beat him. Let's retreat. We can still run out now, but it will be over in a while." Seeing that the situation was getting worse, the adjutant beside him hurriedly suggested.

"We can't retreat. The opponent's war horses are better than ours. If we retreat, we will die." Bazel was silent for a while and quickly replied.

As a qualified general, Bazel did not think retreat was a shameful thing.

But the problem now is that they can't escape.

Once the battle broke out, Bazel realized that either they would completely defeat this imperial cavalry, or they would all be buried here.

As for retreat?

Sorry, there is no such option.

The gap between the war horses is too big, and they can't escape at all.

Now with a strong spirit, they can still fight the Eternal Night Knight.

Once you choose to retreat, you will have lost your morale and you will really have no choice but to wait for death.

"You are so stubborn that you won't even run away."

The black-armored captain cut off the warrior in front of him with one blow and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

As time goes by, the combat effectiveness of the Evernight Knights becomes stronger and stronger, while the Kingdom Guards are just the opposite. The more they fight, the less confident they become.

No matter how firm their will is, when their own soldiers continue to fall, but their opponents have no losses and are getting stronger and stronger, they can't help but feel a sense of despair and begin to doubt themselves.

Once the belief is shaken, it will affect the overall situation like chain lightning.

Finally, after a day of fierce fighting.

The fighting stopped on this battlefield.

Ax looked ahead, and there was no one standing anywhere visible to the naked eye.

The Royal Guards Corps of the Kingdom was completely annihilated.

"Report to the general, the casualties have been counted."


"We lost 1,372 people and killed more than 10,000 of the enemy." The officer who came to report the situation was very excited and said with a smile: "General, what a victory! Even the regular army of the empire will face the kingdom. For the Imperial Guard, if you want to achieve such a high battle loss ratio, I am afraid that only the previous legions can do it.”

"Yes." Ax nodded silently, his face still calm, and there was no sign of any joy.

Within the Evernight Empire, there are many legions that can defeat the sixth-order guards.

However, there are only a few that can annihilate an entire legion.

To be able to lead this newly formed noble army to such an achievement, Akers' ability is undoubtedly very strong.

"Gather their bodies and burn them." After a while, Akers said.

"Yes, General." The officer immediately responded loudly.

As Eternal Night believers, they naturally also mastered the art of summoning the undead, but no one suggested doing so.

After a brief rest, Akers led the legion and rushed into the grassland again to start looking for other opponents.

Both sides invested hundreds of thousands of troops here, and the fighting was extremely fierce. However, the overall situation was very clear. The Evernight Empire had the advantage, and the battle line moved forward all the way, heading straight for the capital of the kingdom.

Facing the powerful Eternal Night Army, the kingdom was unable to resist and was retreating steadily.

Compared to when the war just started, the warriors of the Eternal Night Empire have become much stronger.

At the same time, a sea area near the North Continent.

In this turbulent sea area, the coastline of the North Continent is vaguely visible, and a large-scale naval battle is taking place here.

Hundreds of warships are like steel monsters, scattered across the sea area. Their hulls shine coldly in the sun, and their flags flutter in the wind, indicating their respective camps. The artillery fire interweaves into one, the flames soar into the sky, the sound of cannons continues, and the smell of gunpowder and seawater mixes in the air. The intensity of the battle can be imagined.

"Aim, shoot, and smash their ships for me." In this naval battle, the Eternal Night Empire has an absolute advantage. Even if they are on an expedition to the North Continent, they still firmly suppress the Alliance Navy on the opponent's home field.

On the hundreds of meters of warships, one by one, the magic cannons emit a low roar, and the muzzles gather dazzling light.

Then, rays of light streaked across the sky, falling towards the enemy fleet like a meteor. Explosions rang out one after another, flames shot up into the sky, and enemy ships broke and sank under these powerful attacks.

Each of the warships of the Eternal Night Empire has a body of hundreds of meters. They are like castles on the sea, indestructible.

In front of these behemoths, the ships of the Alliance Navy seemed a little small and fragile. Although they fought back with all their might, their resistance seemed so powerless under the fierce bombardment of the Eternal Night Empire's magic cannons.

In addition to the warships at sea, the empire also has sea warriors and super sea beasts to assist in the battle.

One by one, the agile Naga warriors, led by the fish servants, jumped from the sea and landed on the deck of the warship.

These half-human, half-snake creatures with snake bodies are known for their agility and strength. Their bodies are covered with black scales, which can not only resist the damage of swords, but also swim freely in the water.

"Damn monster, get off." As the sea warriors landed on the splint, the battle became fierce. On the warships of the Hundred Nations Alliance, the alliance warriors who had been waiting for a long time rushed up directly and fought with them.

The Hundred Nations Alliance, which had seen the sea warriors in the early years, had already taken precautions against their landing and was not as panicked as before.

These alliance warriors were different from those in the past. They also had strong combat effectiveness in close combat.

At least this time, there was no one-sided situation.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities." The huge Naga warrior sneered, raised his hand and stabbed out with a gun, the speed was so fast that the alliance warrior who rushed over didn't even see the shadow of the gun, he only felt a pain in his body, and a bloody hole as big as a bowl appeared on his chest.

The close combat effectiveness of the Alliance Navy has indeed become stronger.

But it doesn't mean much to the Naga warriors.

After many transformations, they can even be called the top ocean overlords.

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