All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 195 Battle of Tianyuan City

It is undeniable that these giant shark warriors are indeed powerful and can fight against Naga warriors head-on without losing.

However, on the battlefield, such warriors are a minority after all.

The people of the Giant Shark King's Court are not all giant sharks. Sharks are just a large category, which is further divided into several small categories.

Just like the Naga Kingdom, in the Naga Kingdom, the dark Naga is the main body, but not all. They also have races such as dark fishmen.

The top giant shark warriors have the strength comparable to that of Naga warriors, but other royal court warriors do not have such strength.

When they faced the Naga warriors, they were completely at a disadvantage.

Under the leadership of the Naga warriors, the army of the Naga Kingdom steadily suppressed the Tianyuan City garrison.

There are no other factors, just one point is enough, the number of Naga warriors on the battlefield is more than twice that of giant shark warriors.

They can only stop half of the Naga warriors, and the garrison can't stop the impact of the remaining Naga warriors at all.

"Come with me and kill them." A Naga warrior waved his spear, the tip of the spear flashed with cold light, and a blood mark appeared on the necks of the two black-horned shark warriors. Their heads floated upwards and they died on the spot.

Seeing this, the fishman warriors behind him roared, stepped forward quickly, and fought with other shark guards.




The two brave sea warriors fought fiercely, and the shouts of killing intertwined together, forming a shocking war song.

The long swords collided, and the special weapons were not blocked by the sea water, showing extremely strong power.

They fought in a mess, you have me, I have you, and there is no difference between each other.

This is the unique fighting method of the monster race, melee.

The battlefield caught in the melee is several times more cruel than the ordinary battlefield. In this battlefield, it is difficult for the warriors to distinguish between the enemy and us.

There are enemies everywhere, and you don’t know whether it is the enemy’s long sword or the shield of your comrade that suddenly appears behind you.

Melee is the stage for the brave and the graveyard for the cowardly.

Only the most elite warriors can survive this cruel meat grinder.

Soldiers from both sides kept falling, their bodies either fell to the ground or floated, blood dyed the sea red, and the strong smell of blood filled the ocean, stimulating the nerves of the warriors.

Even if their comrades died, they were not afraid in their hearts, rushed forward, filled the vacant position, and continued to fight with their opponents.

Fight until death.

Stimulated by the blood, the warriors became more and more violent, and the wildness inherited from their blood also awakened, and soon overwhelmed the rationality of keeping sober.

They began to become crazy.

The way of fighting soon changed to life for life.

The weapon swept away, and the Naga warrior pierced the chest of the shark man in front of him with one blow. Facing the enemy attacking from the side, he swung his thick and long tail, and with a snap, the shark man's body sank, his bones shattered, and he flew backwards in an instant.

Puff, puff——

Two blue tridents stabbed from behind, so fast that the Naga warrior fell into a frenzy and his reaction speed slowed down significantly, and he did not avoid the attack.

The extremely sharp trident broke through the heavy armor on the Naga's body, but failed to penetrate the flesh and blood as expected. With a "ding" sound, it was blocked by the dense scales.

But even so, the piercing pain still made the Naga wake up.

The Naga warrior turned his head quickly, roaring with a bloody mouth, his eyes flashing with cold light, extremely violent, and the spear cut across.

The two sharks didn't even have time to make a defensive move. They only felt their bodies floating lightly, and then they were cut off in the middle.

The thick and long tail stretched out and rolled up the shark's body. The Naga warrior quickly took a few bites, swallowed the flesh and blood into his stomach, and soon turned into a stream of essence and flowed to his whole body.

The surging blood and qi merged into the heavy armor and began to repair the gap on it.

The broken gap in the heavy armor began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Following them in battles for many years, coupled with the characteristics of the equipment, these growing equipment have long possessed a weak spirituality.

Although they do not meet the standards of weapon spirits, cannot communicate, and even have great limitations.

But when they are with their masters, they can indeed do some things that seem incredible to ordinary people.

For example, repairing themselves. Strictly speaking, they are no longer conventional weapons and equipment.


The Naga warrior did not stop, sliding his tail and killing again. When the spear danced, the cold light flashed, and in an instant, several shark warriors died.

The huge body of the Naga warrior is particularly outstanding even in the entire sea battlefield, and the ability of a single soldier is even more overwhelming.

It is no exaggeration to say that among all the sea warriors present, they are the strongest in the same level of combat.

Even the giant shark warriors actually have a small gap with them.

Otherwise, how could they rise under the suppression of the giant shark king's court and become one of the three overlords of the sea clan.

To put it bluntly, it is because they can fight.

As Su Xingyu's strength grows, the divine grace he can bestow becomes more powerful.

Coupled with the blessing of the Rule Instrument and other aspects, the cultivation talent of the Naga clan becomes more and more terrifying.

Not to mention, there are various acquired help.

Su Xingyu said that he would not care about the Naga Kingdom, but he still arranged various basic cultivation facilities for them.

Some outstanding warriors were even allowed to go to the Eternal Night Empire for further study.

Otherwise, with their abilities, how could they have grown to this point in just a few decades.

The Naga warriors were rampaging on the battlefield, and the spears in their hands were like the sickles of the god of death, constantly harvesting the enemy.

The death of the defenders of Tianyuan City was extremely miserable, either with a hole in the chest, or with a burst head, or cut in half.

The armor on them did not play any role.

There was a big gap between the two sides in terms of equipment and weapons.

After obtaining the smelting furnace, the price of weapons and equipment was further reduced.

Almost all warriors who reached the sixth level had a set of growth-type weapons and equipment.

These weapons and equipment grew with them all the way and had long become exclusive equipment, which was extremely suitable. On them, the effect was not inferior to the epic level.

There was a gap in weapons and equipment, and there was also a gap between warriors. The two were superimposed, and the result was naturally needless to say.

The Naga warriors could take the lives of these sea guards with one move.

Under the leadership of the Naga warriors, the entire battlefield presented such a picture in front of everyone. The Naga warriors were like big children rushing into kindergarten, sweeping all directions, and there was no enemy.

"Damn, these guys didn't use their full strength when they fought us before." Lord Smod on the city wall looked very ugly, not only because the situation on the battlefield was not good, but also because he was underestimated.

Before this, the giant shark lord Smod and the Naga lord Kedel fought every now and then because their territories were close.

Although the scale was not large, there were only tens of thousands of people.

However, Smod remembered very well that when they first fought, those Naga warriors did not have the current combat power. Facing the giant shark warriors, it often took two Naga warriors to intercept.

After the equipment was upgraded, they could barely block it.

But most of the time, they could only passively take the beating.

As a result, now the Naga warriors have turned around and suppressed the giant shark warriors.

Moreover, the number of Naga warriors is more than that of giant shark warriors.

Such a big change made Smod think that Kedel didn't use his full strength when he fought with him before.

Smod's guess is reasonable. After all, for a race, decades is really too short.

Weapons and equipment can be updated, but warriors can't be updated as well.

So there is only one possibility, that the opponent had hidden some of his strength in the previous battle.

But this is not the case. The real reason is that the Naga warriors are indeed transforming.

Yes, they are still getting stronger.

With the help of the gods, as long as they fight hard enough, their blood will become stronger and stronger.

The stronger the blood, the stronger the combat power.

And there is one more thing.

Blood can be inherited.

Theoretically, the blood strength of the new generation of Nagas today is at least twice as strong as the first batch of Nagas back then.

If it is passed down from generation to generation, sooner or later, they will completely transform into dark Nagas.

"Lord, what should we do? The defense line is about to be broken!" Looking at the increasingly worse situation on the battlefield, the general on the wall looked at Smod, hoping that the lord could make a decision.

"Sir, how about we ask for help? There are too many Naga warriors coming this time, and their fighting power is stronger than that of the giant shark warriors. Unless the royal court supports more giant shark warriors, we can't stop them at all." Another general suggested. As a confidant of Smod, he had also fought against the Naga army and had some understanding of the Naga.

Compared with the current batch of Naga warriors, those who fought before felt like a ragtag army.

"Impossible, other areas of the royal court are also being invaded, and the situation may be worse than ours. In the short term, the royal court can't count on them." Smod shook his head and rejected his subordinates' proposal. Tianyuan City is indeed very important, but all kinds of support have been consumed over the years.

You have consumed so many resources, but as soon as something happened, you asked for help directly?

Then what was the point of my supporting you before!

What's more, the entire royal court is now at war, and there is no power to support it.

"Then we can only hold on." General Giant Shark looked a little ugly.

As the order came, the royal court warriors began to switch from offense to defense.

"Want to fight a war of attrition? Come with me and kill them." The leader of the sixth-level Naga Legion, the eighth-level Great Naga, sneered and led his personal guard to attack the defense line.

This is a guard legion with extremely strong combat effectiveness. Even in the entire Naga Kingdom, it is a top legion.

Sixth-level warriors are not uncommon in the Naga Kingdom. Whether it is the Naga tribe or the fishman tribe, you can find a lot of them.

However, there are not many real sixth-level legions, especially the guard-level legions, which are even rarer.

After all, Naga also belongs to the monster race.

It is really too difficult to let the almost disordered sea warriors form a legion.

There are many warriors who meet the conditions, but when they gather together to form a legion, they don’t seem to meet the requirements.

Compared with the legion’s cooperation in combat, Naga warriors still prefer to mix with fishman warriors. One person leads a few fishman warriors and rushes forward.

Fortunately, after some tossing, the Naga Kingdom still found its own way of training soldiers and successfully formed a legion.

The surrounding sea water has been dyed red by all kinds of blood, but the Naga warriors in the legion are not affected at all. Their eyes are bloodshot and they look at the royal court warriors with extremely cold eyes.

It was like a top predator looking at its prey.

The Great Naga roared, swung his huge spear, and chopped down.

The spear instantly burst into a terrifying black mist, as if it had condensed endless dark power, and the sea was filled with a suffocating sense of oppression. Wherever the spear pointed, the enemy's defense was easily cut open like paper, and blood, flesh and limbs flew everywhere.

The Great Naga's movements of waving the spear were like a storm, and every swing was accompanied by a thunderous roar. The spear danced in his hand like a living thing, as if it had its own will, madly devouring the enemy's life.

The enemies were vulnerable under the attack of the Great Naga, and their resistance was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, which seemed so insignificant.

Under the leadership of the Great Naga, the elite Naga warriors burst out with terrifying combat power, and the defense line formed by the royal guards was instantly torn apart.

"Weak creatures, feel fear under the glory of my Lord!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"


The Naga warrior moved his tail, leaped quickly, and stabbed at the enemy formation like a spear, with an incredibly fast speed, and the spear stabbed even faster.


The giant shark warrior had not yet reacted, and with a crisp sound, the huge head shattered like a watermelon.

The giant shark warrior, who could still compete with the Naga warriors before, was a little overwhelmed by these super elites who formed a legion.

The cooperation between the legion warriors made their combat effectiveness complete the transformation.

Even if they avoided a round of attacks, the second and third rounds would appear immediately.

Although the number of legion warriors was small, the mutual cooperation gave the royal guards an illusion that there were enemies all around.

Such a fierce offensive caused the royal guards' defense line to collapse directly.

The Naga warriors became more and more crazy.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

To frighten the ancestors, kill all enemies.

His mind was filled with all kinds of tyrannical ideas, but his eyes were still cold, like a ruthless killing machine.

"A mere fry, wanting to stop my ace army, is really a foolish dream!" Kedel saw the performance of the Naga Army and immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face.

It is not in vain that he spent so much effort to build the Naga Army. This combat power is beyond doubt, and it is particularly strong.


"Open the defensive magic circle and stop them!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the generals of Tianyuan City immediately chose to retreat.

At the same time, an extremely large energy shield rose up, wrapping the entire city.

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