All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 200 Prelude to the Final Battle

The elders of the Blood Empire discussed and expressed their own opinions, but the number of people supporting both sides was almost the same, so they could not reach a unified opinion.

In the end, the supreme ruler, the master of this empire, made the decision.

And Angel's opinion was very clear, that is, to strongly support.

Strong support.

If we only look at internal development and external wars, Angel is definitely an emperor who pays attention to development and does not like war.

However, the fact is not so, or on the contrary, Angel is an ambitious emperor.

His ambition is too big.

So big that even with the strength of the Blood Empire at that time, it could not be accomplished.

Everything he did, integrating the internal forces of the Blood Empire, concentrating power, promoting reforms, and developing people's livelihood, was for one purpose, that is-unifying the plane.

While other blood clans were still immersed in the glory of the empire and content with the status quo, Angel had different ideas.

He wanted to conquer all the forces in the entire plane, turn them all into slaves of the Blood Empire, and then use the power of the entire plane to surpass the ancestor of the Blood Empire, the long-fallen god.

Originally, according to Angel's plan, the Blood Empire should develop for a period of time, and when it is strong enough, it will launch a full-scale invasion of the Northern Continent, and attack from both inside and outside with the internal rebellion forces. Unfortunately, the emergence of the Eternal Night Empire broke his plan.

When he saw them start the war, Angel thought that the two sides would fight for at least a hundred years, or even longer.

However, the speed of the Eternal Night Empire's capture was far beyond the imagination of the Blood Empire, and they also did a great job in managing and ruling the captured areas.

When Angel realized the seriousness of the problem, it was too late.

In just a few decades, the Hundred Nations Alliance was about to perish, and it was destroyed by foreign invasion. This kind of thing would not have been believed by anyone a hundred years ago.

However, the facts are now in front of us. The Hundred Nations Alliance has come to the brink of extinction. If it is left alone, perhaps it will not be long before the Hundred Nations Alliance will no longer exist in this world.

Since the matter is irreversible, let's make things worse for the Eternal Night Empire before the Hundred Nations Alliance perishes!

After the supreme ruler made the decision, even if there were still elders who disagreed, it was useless.

The Blood Empire quickly responded to the Hundred Nations Alliance and began to mobilize the legions to vigorously reinforce the Northern Continent. There was no intention of covering up, and they were not afraid of the Eternal Night Empire finding out.

The capital of the empire, Eternal Night City.

When the Hundred Nations Alliance once again asked the Blood Empire for help, the Eastern Continent also began the final mobilization.

The top legions that returned from the void half plane began to prepare for war. After years of training, some of them were promoted to the seventh level and became true epic legions. Some still belonged to the category of the sixth level legions, but they had moved forward a lot and had combat power comparable to that of ordinary seventh-level legions.

The luxurious training environment, inexhaustible precious resources, and the firm heart of pursuing strength allowed them to keep moving forward and become stronger.

"The time to destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance has finally arrived. It's really a long battle!"

"After all these years, since the king came, it seems that this is the first time we have encountered such a troublesome opponent? It took almost forty years. I have to say that he is really capable."

"After all, he is the overlord of the Northern Continent. It is normal to last so long with such a vast land and a huge population. But it's useless. Victory will belong to Eternal Night."

"Well said, victory belongs to the King of Eternal Night! Victory belongs to the Eternal Night Empire! Victory belongs to us! Hahahahaha!"

Looking at the neat and majestic army, all the people of the empire admired from the bottom of their hearts.

"Such a powerful army, I'm afraid we are the only one in the world who has it!"

"Brother, be more confident. Not to mention the whole world, even in other worlds, there are probably not many forces with such a powerful army."

"That's natural. I heard from those warriors who have fought in other worlds that the forces in other worlds are not that powerful. Although everyone is a god-favored force, their development is still very different. Some god-favored forces don't even have a few sixth-level legions. What can they compare with us?"

"Ah! No way, is the gap so big?"

"Nonsense, who do you think we are following? That is the King of Eternal Night, who ranks at the top of thousands of gods. As the king's god-favored force, it is normal for us to be stronger than them."

"Those country bumpkins of the Hundred Nations Alliance thought that the previous legion was the strongest. Now let them see what a truly invincible legion is!"

The people of Eternal Night City discussed enthusiastically. The citizens of the empire with a deep knowledge reserve proudly showed their knowledge to other companions, which attracted cheers from the crowd and was also proud.

As players send delegations to each other into the world and students exchange and learn, this also brings some effects that are not sure whether to be good or bad.

That is the expansion of information horizons, and they begin to accept various complex information.

The original believers of gods, the world they know is actually not big, only the ruling area of ​​their own forces, and the larger one is the plane they are in.

Whether it is the ruling area or the plane, there is a characteristic, that is, the uniqueness and uniqueness of the gods.

Simply put, except for the gods you believe in, all other beliefs are evil gods.

When you start to contact other player forces, especially when multiple different forces come into contact with each other, it is inevitable that some information exchanges will occur, which will lead to the result.

That is, there are some deviations in the original education.

If you are more pragmatic, it will be fine. If you like to brag, the scene may be a little embarrassing.

If it is serious, it may directly lead to the breakdown of the believers' faith.

Fortunately, both Su Xingyu and other members of the Bloody Dawn are prepared for this.

In other words, almost all players are prepared in this regard.

This is not because they are prophetic and have anticipated today's situation in advance, but because they have suffered losses in this regard before.

When the players fought each other in the primary realm, there was a collapse of faith.

Although faith mainly relies on deception, you can't be too outrageous.

You brag about how invincible you are, but you are beaten to the ground at will. It's strange that your faith doesn't collapse.

The people of the Eternal Night Empire were very pragmatic from beginning to end, and Su Xingyu did not brag except for the initial trick he gave them.

After all, when your abilities are improved to a certain level, many seemingly false abilities are actually achievable.

Therefore, the impact of information exchange on the empire can be said to be almost non-existent.

It even made them more confident.

Compared to them, the believers of other players were slightly affected.

After all, it is inevitable that they will be shaken after learning that the god they believe in is not the only one and not the strongest.

However, this phenomenon is normal, and it will be fine after getting used to it in the future.

"What a powerful legion! I wonder when we can have such a legion!"

"The Eternal Night Empire is indeed powerful, not only in various construction and technological development, but also in the legions. These legions are probably powerful enough to destroy a country!"

"The legions that are about to be promoted to the seventh level are all high-level warriors. When the legions are fighting, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers inside will not be weaker than that of high-level warriors. What kind of kingdom can withstand the impact of tens of thousands of high-level warriors?!"

"Hiss, I feel a little terrified when I hear you say that!"

In addition to the people of the Eternal Night Empire, the crowd watching also includes foreign friends. They are also watching with curiosity.

There are not many opportunities to watch the top legions. Everyone is watching carefully and discussing in a low voice.

Looking at the extremely powerful Eternal Night Legions, they intuitively feel the gap between themselves and the other side. In their own power, the top legions seem to be a little insignificant compared to the other side.

"What a profound background. No wonder the supporting troops are so humble."

"It is worthy of being an empire that can support the sixth-level legion at will. It is so powerful!"

The foreign friends were amazed again and again, but they were just amazed. They were not scared, and their faith did not waver.

The members who can go to other worlds for communication are all carefully selected by players, and they are one in a million believers.

They have extremely firm beliefs. They are not the kind of devout believers who regard the Bible as everything, nor are they fanatical believers who regard the gods as everything. They are "true" believers who truly understand the core of faith and are still willing to follow the footsteps of the gods.

Before breaking through the seventh level, such believers are called

-Saint Reserve.

Once promoted to the seventh level, they are saints.

Agents who can carry the will of the gods and walk on the earth on behalf of the gods.

Such believers will not have anything that can shake their will.

So they will sigh, be shocked, and envy, but they will not shake their faith.

The Imperial Hall.

The elders, councilors, and nobles of the empire gathered here to make the final discussion for the conquest of the Hundred Nations Alliance.

"Report to the Archon, the top legions such as the Eternal Night Paladin Corps, the Temple Guard Corps, the Silver Armored Heavy Corps, the Dog Demon Corps, and the Asian Dragon Corps have returned. The main force is stationed outside the Eternal Night City, waiting for the next instructions from the Empire."

The current Archon of the Empire is still Ye San. Ye San's cultivation talent is not top-notch. Even if he devotes all the efforts of the whole country and has Su Xingyu's secret help, he has only just reached the legendary realm.

After listening to the report, he nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Then Ye San looked at the elders and nobles and said softly: "Everyone, there is only one step left to take over the Northern Continent. The army is also ready and can set off to the destination at any time. If you have any ideas, just say it directly."

"Everything is ready, what ideas are there, just fight and it's over." A new generation of great nobles laughed.

"That's right, it's come to this point, there's nothing to discuss, let's solve the Hundred Nations Alliance first." Another elder nodded in agreement.

"We have to be wary of the Blood Empire's intervention. Since we started the war with the Hundred Nations Alliance, those guys have never been honest. This is the final battle, and I don't think they will sit idly by and let us destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance." The older and more stable middle-aged elder said softly.

"We should be wary. Although the Eternal Night Empire is very powerful, the Blood Empire is the overlord of the Western Continent, with a profound heritage and strength that cannot be underestimated." Another middle-aged elder also nodded in agreement, his tone quite serious.

"Strength is secondary, the main thing is the distance, we are too far away from the North Continent." The middle-aged elder who was promoted to a great noble through military exploits said helplessly: "It's tens of thousands of miles away. If it weren't for the space ring, which greatly reduced the logistical pressure of the army, I really don't know how we can defeat the Hundred Nations Alliance."

"Even if it's the speed of the top cavalry corps, it will take more than a month to get there. This distance is really a bit outrageous."

The top cavalry corps of the Evernight Empire, the mounts they are equipped with are naturally top-notch and have extremely strong endurance.

Traveling a thousand miles a day, to be honest, is a bit underestimated.

But even so, it will take a long time for them to reach the North Continent from the Evernight Empire.

And this is because of the problem of logistics supply, which is solved by the space ring, otherwise the time will be several times more.

"Don't look at me, this is a problem of the research institute, and I don't have any good solution." Seeing everyone looking at him, Ye San waved his hand and said helplessly.

The director of the research institute sitting in the corner was thinking, but he didn't expect that a black pot would fall from the sky. He hurriedly explained: "Space transmission technology can only achieve short-range transmission now, up to 300 kilometers, and it is not safe to exceed. Moreover, this transmission technology has high requirements for the physical fitness of the user. I know what you are thinking, but there is really no way."

Nowadays, what restricts the expansion of the Eternal Night Empire is not combat power or resources, but distance.

Even if they are strong enough and have millions of troops, a single legion can deter the kingdom.

But when they encounter tough guys, their shortcomings will still be exposed.

The distance is too far, so they can't deploy troops in time and implement effective control.

"Okay, don't talk about these empty things, let's talk about how to fight this battle." Seeing that everyone has digressed again, an elder hurriedly brought the topic back.

"It's easy to fight. We have surrounded them now. We can just attack them. We have all the resource production areas in our hands. We can bombard them with magic cannons for ten days or half a month. I don't think they can hold out for long."

"We old guys shouldn't worry about so much. The battlefield changes rapidly. No matter how many plans we have, we still have to adapt to the situation! Professional matters should be left to professionals. Let the commander handle the battlefield matters. We only need to take care of the rear."

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