All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 205 The Strongest in the Empire (315)

Chapter 205 The Strong Man of the Empire (3/15)

"Damn it, I'm so dazzled, there are so many demigods!"

"Five demigods, even if they are all weak demigods, is this too outrageous?"

"Damn it, is this really the strength that the indigenous forces of this plane should have? Could it be that we are in the wrong place? We are in the demiplane of the void!"

"It's more powerful than I am. Your uncle, even if the spiritual energy here is rich, this is too outrageous. How can it be so powerful!"

Seeing the Hundred Nations Alliance's trump card, the members of the Bloody Dawn watching the battle in the sky began to curse, a little unbelievable.

I don’t blame them for this, the scene below is really outrageous.

It was so outrageous that they couldn't believe their eyes.

Demigod, this is a demigod, and there are five demigods in total.

He is not the kind of demigod who is temporarily promoted with the help of external forces, but a genuine demigod who has a life span of ten thousand years and can travel in the void!

You know, even these players have not been fully promoted to demigods. As a result, the indigenous forces have already appeared as demigods. What a joke.

"Don't be so excited. Take a closer look. It's not a demigod promoted through normal channels. It has many flaws and is not very powerful."

Guanghui frowned slightly, took a closer look, and soon discovered the clues. He chuckled and said, "Yongye, it seems that your followers have really pushed others to the point of not even giving up on the future."

The appearance of so many demigods was somewhat beyond Su Xingyu's expectation, but after hearing Guanghui's words, he was a little disdainful and sneered: "The general trend is beyond their control."

They are just demigods. Over the years, he has fought in the void plane and killed more than two palms of demigods, including these five.

If you don't know what's interesting, then let's all die.

Moreover, to be honest, these accumulated demigods are actually just like that.

Su Xingyu crossed his arms and looked at the battlefield below with indifferent eyes.

Seeing that he didn't make a move, everyone quickly understood what he meant and looked a little surprised.

"No, Yong Ye, are you really not going to help? These are five demigods. Even weak demigods cannot be stopped by normal creatures!" Feng Feng couldn't help but say.

Although the five demigods in the alliance can be seen as false and true, no matter what, these are demigods, not existences that can be fought against by the ninth level.

You must know that although the difference between Demigod and Ninth Level seems to be only a small realm, in fact there is a big realm threshold.

Just like the fourth level and the third level, the seventh level and the sixth level, there is only a small difference in realm, but the difference in strength is very large.

"Don't worry, just watch. Nothing will go wrong." Su Xingyu glanced at him and said softly.

"Don't slap me in the face and pretend to be fat. Everyone here is my own family. Just take action. There is no shame in it." Seeing this, the martial artist who had a better relationship with him couldn't help but persuade him.

From the martial artist's point of view, if a demigod makes a surprise attack, they can join forces to intercept it.

Five demigods, it would be best to end it personally.

It is better to lose face than to suffer heavy losses for believers.

"rest assured."

In response, Su Xingyu just replied lightly.

"As long as you have an idea." Seeing his persistence, everyone stopped trying to persuade them and began to concentrate on watching the evolution of the battlefield.

The goal of the five demigods is very clear, that is to kill Han Ming.

In a war, the importance of the commander is self-evident. Once the commander is beheaded, victory on the battlefield can almost be declared directly.

Of course, it would be ridiculously difficult to behead the commander-in-chief, and it could even be said to be an impossible task.

The people are there, but there are countless legions on the way. If you want to behead the commander, the first thing you have to do is to penetrate them.

Under normal circumstances, this is impossible.

After all, it was a legion of at least the sixth level of the Imperial Guard, so it couldn't be said that it could be penetrated.

Only now, the alliance commander has used all his cards to hold back several top legions of the Yongye Army.

Then five demigods took action at the same time, forming a sharp knife team and launching a surprise attack at lightning speed, so that they had a chance to complete the goal.

"There are still five demigods. The alliance is indeed deep and tolerant. At this time, we can actually come up with five demigods. It's amazing." He looked at the demigods who were attacking him. As a powerful man, there was no trace of panic on Han Yan's face, and he even had the intention to tease the alliance.

"General, what should we do? Should we avoid their sharp edges first? I'm afraid I won't be able to stop them just by relying on the legion commander!" the adjutant frowned slightly and asked quickly.

The Evernight Empire has many means of intercepting demigods, and it has also besieged and killed powerful demigods.

But five demigods attacked at the same time, and for a while, it was really difficult for them to deal with it.

Of course, just because it's difficult to deal with, doesn't mean the other party can do whatever they want.

Just find a quasi-seventh-level legion and hide inside, form an iron barrel array, and then activate the forbidden air magic array. So what if you are a demigod? If you have the ability, break through them.

Different from the normal battlefield, there are now millions of extraordinary warriors gathered on the battlefield, and the laws of elements have been completely disturbed. Even the powerful demigods cannot even think of being unparalleled on this battlefield.

Without being able to use Wushuang, attack the quasi-seventh-level legion.

"Need not."

Han Meng shook his head, looked away, and said in a respectful tone to the young man in black robe next to him: "I'm sorry to bother you, elder."

"The duty lies."

Ye Mo nodded lightly, waved his staff slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant. After a while, he appeared in front of the five demigods, and said indifferently: "Leave one behind."

"Demigod, no, that's not right. You are still at the ninth level!" On the alliance side, the demigod who was also a magician frowned slightly, and then after carefully feeling it, there was some surprise in his eyes.

Such a powerful aura, but it hasn't broken through yet, and it's still in the Holy Domain. This is too terrifying!

It's so powerful even without a breakthrough. If it really breaks through, it will be terrible!

"Everyone go ahead, I'll be there later." The magician in the demigod realm looked at the others and then stayed.

The other four demigods nodded slightly, bypassed Ye Mo, and continued to fly forward. Ye Mo did not stop them and let them fly over.

His strength is very strong. It has been some time since he reached the peak of the ninth level.

Coupled with the generosity of the king, his understanding of the law of darkness has made great progress. It can be said that as long as he wants, he can be promoted to a demigod at any time.

However, Ye Mo felt that the time had not come yet, and his state was not perfect enough. If he broke through like this, his future prospects would not be too great, so he kept suppressing it.

But even so, his strength was not weaker than some demigods.

He might not be able to beat him, but he would definitely have no problem holding him back.

"What an arrogant boy, you want to defeat the demigod with the ninth level. You will pay the price for your arrogance." The demigod magician felt the abundant vitality of the young man opposite and was very jealous. He had touched the threshold of demigod at such a young age, and his future achievements were limitless!

"You are not even as good as the Void Beast King. How can you be called a demigod?" Ye Mo looked at him, not in a hurry to fight, and sneered.

"Whether you are worthy, you will know later." The Alliance Demigod glanced at him coldly, thinking in his heart that since he couldn't kill the Empire Commander personally, it would be good to leave this young ninth level here.

"Then come."

The battle was about to break out. In an instant, red and black occupied half of the sky, and the two laws began to confront each other.

Compared to the brutal fighting between warriors, the fighting between magicians is more gorgeous.

The ninth level and the demigods fought against each other, and it was difficult to tell who would win for a while, and the Alliance demigods did not gain any advantage.

Just as Ye Mo thought, the Alliance demigods in front of him, although their realm had reached the demigod level, did not keep up in terms of combat power. They were even worse than himself in their understanding of the laws.

Such demigods were at the level of the Void Beast King.

On the level of demigods, they were the lowest level demigods.

Ye Mo had met many such demigods, fought with them, and even joined forces with others to kill them.

"At the ninth level, he can actually fight against demigods." The alliance demigods who were flying forward felt the movement from behind, turned their heads and looked at Ye Mo who was fighting back and forth with the demigods, and their faces changed. One of them suddenly sighed: "How did this Eternal Night Empire come out, and why is it so powerful!"

Even now, the alliance has not figured out the origin of the Eternal Night Empire, or rather, they do not believe the Eternal Night Empire's own rhetoric at all.

No way, that rhetoric is too outrageous.

"At such a young age, he has reached the threshold of demigods. Such a genius, if we don't get rid of him today, even if we survive this offensive, he will become a big worry for the alliance in the future! Should we send someone back to surround and kill him?" Someone suggested.

He can fight against demigods at the ninth level. When he really breaks through to demigods, how powerful he will be? Just thinking about it, everyone has a headache.

Don't think that they are already in the demigod realm.

But if nothing unexpected happens, this state is their future peak.

The demigod created by secret methods has huge flaws after all. In essence, it is not even as good as the Void Beast King. Even the ten thousand years of life that the demigod should enjoy has been discounted.

After hearing what that person said, the other three demigods hesitated and fell into confusion for a while.

They found that even if they really succeeded this time, beheaded the commander of the empire, and defended the last base of the alliance, they would not be able to escape the failure in the future.

The development potential of the empire is too outrageous.

They are like the sun that has just risen, and the future is full of infinite hope.

And the alliance is already in the west. Even if they survive this time, what can they do? They have destroyed their foundation and have no future.

For a while, everyone was a little negative and their mood became low.

"Don't think too much, just get through the present first."

The strongest demigod of the alliance shook his head, cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and his eyes became firm again, "Keep moving forward, kill the commander of the empire, and leave the future to the people of the future."

"We only live in the present."

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes became firm, and they no longer had wild thoughts.


At this moment, the space in front of him suddenly shattered, and a terrifying slash attacked the Alliance Demigod from the dark crack.

"Be careful."

The Alliance Demigod, the only one among the five who reached the level of ordinary Demigod, reacted instantly, swung his long sword and slashed at each other. In an instant, the two slashes collided, making a deafening roar.

The high-intensity force collision instantly tore the surrounding space apart, and everything around became blurred at this moment.

A figure flew out of the space crack at a high speed, holding a long halberd in both hands, and slashed down with force. The space was cut in the middle, and the Alliance Demigod raised his sword to block, and a huge force came.



Even though he was a demigod and a strong warrior, he was actually at a disadvantage in the competition of strength.

The Alliance demigod flew back hundreds of meters before he managed to stabilize his body.

The remaining three people were horrified, and they could not imagine what kind of power could knock a demigod warrior out.

"Who are you!" The Alliance demigod, who stabilized his body, looked at the figure that knocked him out, his face extremely gloomy.

He was an extraordinary young man with curved horns on his head, dark golden eyes exuding endless majesty, an extremely burly figure, and clear muscle lines. Just standing there, he gave people a strong sense of oppression, as if the person standing in front of him was not a person, but a towering mountain.

Black Dragon, Nidhogg.

"Under the throne of the King of Eternal Night, the Black Dragon Nidhogg."

Relying on the powerful ancient bloodline, Nidhogg reached the realm of demigod in just a hundred years, becoming the first believer of the Eternal Night Empire to break through the ninth level.

"Demigod." The demigod warrior's face was solemn. He could clearly feel the terrifying aura coming from the young man opposite. The extremely thick blood and qi overflowed, almost crushing the entire space.

"Leave two of you, otherwise I'm afraid you alone won't be enough for me to fight." Nidhogg pointed his long halberd directly at the demigod warrior and said domineeringly.

Unlike other creatures who find it extremely difficult to be promoted to demigod, Nidhogg, who has the ancient bloodline, has a very low difficulty in promotion. Although there are some thresholds, he quickly crossed them with the help of Su Xingyu.

Of course, according to the law of conservation, there are good and bad.

Nidhogg's combat power is not particularly top-notch after being promoted so easily.

Even after all these years of precipitation, he has only reached the edge of a high-level demigod.

People like Ye Mo and Ye Zhan have relatively strong accumulation. Once they are promoted to demigods, they will go a long way on this road. Not to mention reaching a high-level demigod immediately, but it will definitely not take much time.

But even so, it is a sure thing for Nidhogg to beat these incomplete demigods.

The demigod warrior looked at another magic demigod, then nodded and made a decision.

"Merck, Gra, you keep going forward." The demigod warrior looked at Nidhogg coldly, and said to the other two companions without turning his head.


The other two nodded, without any hesitation, and directly bypassed Nidhogg.


A more intense battle started instantly.

The other two demigods continued to move forward, but this time, their figures became a little bleak.

The foundation of the empire was somewhat beyond imagination.

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