All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 215 The Dilemma of Individual Players

"I have found someone to dispose of the four and a half planes I captured last time, but the price is much lower, only 80% of the previous price." A fat middle-aged man standing near the front reported, his head He is relatively large and has shining eyes. Compared to his other rough-looking companions, his temperament is full of wisdom and he looks quite smart.

He is a member of the Beast Alliance who is responsible for handling transactions and communication, that is, the financial officer.

Usually, after the Alliance of Beasts knocks down the Void Plane and searches for it, it will hand over the Void Plane to him in exchange for resources.

"Why are the prices getting lower and lower?" Some members frowned and asked with some dissatisfaction.

The other members also frowned and looked at the fat middle-aged man, hoping he would give an explanation.

As individual players, they do not have the ability to control believers like gods, so their power development is only a little better than the indigenous forces, or even worse.

Apart from anything else, in terms of war potential, they are indeed inferior to some indigenous forces.

Because the most important thing about war potential is that it is renewable.

Both population and resources must be able to keep up.

Unfortunately, these two points happen to be the worst aspects of individual streaming players.

The first is the population. This population does not refer to those trash monsters, but the elites who truly have development potential and are willing to fight for the players.

Without various infrastructure, and unable to improve the qualifications of the dependents like those who believe in gods, there is only one way for them to keep up with the players who believe in gods.

Conquer those forces with hundreds or thousands of years of history, and then directly absorb them, use force and force to control them, and let them serve themselves.

And this will inevitably require giving up something, such as loyalty.

In the development process of individual stream players, their subordinates change very quickly, and without time accumulation, there is naturally no so-called loyalty at all.

As a result, their real core population is actually pitifully small, with only a few million to survive.

A population of several million, with the regenerative ability of a hammer.

In terms of resources, the same principle is similar. Without the various infrastructures of the players who believe in them, it is impossible to support their power just by farming and mining.

If religious players are likened to developing civilization, then individual players are like plundering civilization.

They mainly support themselves by plundering the accumulation of other forces. Sometimes they will also accept employment from other players and send troops to help in exchange for rewards.

Selling the demiplane of the void is one of their main sources of resources.

Therefore, once the value of the demiplane decreases, many of them will suffer. Without external resources to fill it, they can barely maintain their current power, let alone continue to move forward.

"There's nothing we can do about it, the market is saturated."

The fat middle-aged man explained: "The previous customers bought most of what they wanted to buy, but the demand for demi-planes is actually very limited. Those customers haven't even understood their own planes yet. How dare you buy so many half planes? It’s impossible to manage them.”

"As for those weaker players, a few people usually buy a plane and then jointly develop and manage it. The demand is not large."

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at everyone and then said: "And when we cleaned the plane, we made it a little too clean. Basically, there was only an undeveloped land left."

For players, capturing half a plane can get a lot of loot, and the most important thing among them is actually not the land and mineral veins, but the powerful creatures and monsters above.

As mentioned before, the more powerful the creatures, the higher their value.

Whether it is mineral veins or land, it takes time to show value, but creatures and monsters do not need it, they can use it directly.

It sounds a bit cruel, but directly devouring powerful creatures is actually a very rapid way of growth, and it is currently the main way for player families to improve their realm.

The reason why so many high-level legions emerged in the Eternal Night Empire has a lot to do with this aspect. They used a predatory attack method to devour all the creatures in the void plane and turned them into themselves to climb up. stepping stone.

According to the empire's statistics, two epic beasts can often produce a high-level warrior.

When the Alliance of Beasts captured it, they dealt with it in almost the same way. The only difference may be that they gave those creatures a choice.

Surrender, or perish.

But no matter which method is used, the native creatures in the captured plane will not be retained. As a result, the value of this plane will be compromised for players.

With the development up to now, most players will not lack regular resources.

Therefore, the mineral veins and spiritual plants above are not very attractive to them.

Tian Mo quickly understood the meaning and said softly: "You mean, the price will drop in the future, and we probably won't be able to do this business?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

The fat man nodded and said, "If we don't want to be in a dilemma of lack of resources in the future, we should start looking for new channels now."

"It's really troublesome..."

Tian Mo rubbed his head, sighed, looked at everyone, and said: "You have heard what I said, please tell me what you have to say. Although we still have a lot of resource reserves, we can't just sit back and rest on nothing."

There is no doubt that the Alliance of Beasts is powerful, but its shortcomings are also obvious.

They are like a war machine that keeps moving forward. It needs to be constantly filled with fuel before it can run. It cannot stop for a moment. Once it stops, this war machine will immediately disintegrate.

Everyone began to express their opinions and put forward what they thought was a good idea to find a way out for the alliance and themselves.

The Eternal Night Empire.


This is the research center of the Evernight Empire, and what it studies can be said to directly determine the technological direction of the empire.

High-precision instruments of immeasurable value are running. Magic and technology coexist, giving people a magical feeling.

A group of older-looking middle-aged men wearing white coats were busy working, and the precision instruments shined with infinite brilliance in their hands.

"According to our tests, there is no problem with the information obtained by the Great Priest. This is indeed the technical information of the Space Gate, and in my opinion, it is very reliable. We can even build the Space Gate directly according to the above technology. Got it." A researcher said excitedly. It's hard to believe that the space gate technology that has been stuck in the empire for so many years has been obtained just like this.

"Are you sure?" A senior researcher frowned.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

The researcher said: "Our team has made some improvements to the original space gate based on the above information. The effect is very significant. The transmission range has increased by 20%, and the stability has also been improved a lot. It will not be as frequent as before. There was an accident."

The senior researcher was silent for a while, looked at the test data again, and then said:

"Let's do this. I'll give your team another trial fund. You can test it a few more times. After making sure it's correct, tally up the results and show them to me."

For the current Eternal Night Empire, the research on the Space Gate is a top priority, much more important than any invention.

After all, the teleportation ability of the Space Gate is directly related to capturing the Blood Empire and unifying the layout of the plane.

Nowadays, most of the wise men of the Eternal Night Empire have realized that if they want to defeat the Blood Empire, they have only two ways to go. Either rely on their strength to crush it without giving the other side any chance to resist, or they can directly eliminate the distance between the two sides. , put the troops there, rely on a larger army, and conquer the Western Continent step by step.

The former is difficult to do.

Even though the development potential of the Eternal Night Empire is far greater than that of the Blood Empire, their development time is still too short after all.

They are much stronger than the Blood Empire, but they are still on the same level. This is not enough to form a crushing force. With the help of geographical advantages, both sides still have to fight.

So if they want to unify the planes, they can only take the second path.

Eliminate the influence of distance as much as possible and give full play to your own advantages.

As long as the troops can be deployed into the blood empire itself, even if the vampires defend the city, it will not help.

By then, the Blood Empire will face the same situation as the Hundred Nations Alliance, or even worse.

After all, the Hundred Nations Alliance still had hope for the Blood Empire at that time, but when it was the Blood Empire's turn, they could only rely on themselves.

Because of this, the empire was not stingy at all in researching the space gate.

In other words, they were already very generous, but now they are even more generous.

When we couldn't see results before, a huge amount of resources were invested every year. Now that we have concrete results, this investment will only increase, not decrease.


The researcher in charge nodded repeatedly and replied excitedly.

"Go and work hard. If you can really produce results, I will report to the Council of Elders and get you back as a noble." The senior researcher with a high status patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss. I will definitely work harder to get the space door out as soon as possible." The researcher became even more excited, and his heart was surging.

Imperial researchers have a high status and good benefits, but in the Yongye Empire, which is full of martial virtues, they are still inferior to those nobles with fiefdoms.

The senior researcher nodded and immediately asked him to go back to research.

"These guys are really smart enough to produce results so quickly." Su Xingyu, who was practicing in the divine domain, paid special attention to this matter and saw that it had only been a few months since he handed over the technical information. Empire Research The hospital actually understood part of the technology and improved the original space door, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

According to his assumptions, even if the technical data were perfect, with the capabilities of the Evernight Empire, it would take several years to produce results. Who knows, in the end, someone would have done it in just a few months.

According to this trend, it is estimated that it will not be long before the empire can complete the space gate.

Even the lowest-level space gate has a transmission range of one thousand kilometers and is very stable. Normal mid-level extraordinary warriors can pass through it. This is much better than the one created by the original Eternal Night Empire.

"That guy No. 2 does have some skills. I don't know if it comes with his godhead or if he picked up some relics."

Sitting on the throne, he whispered to himself: "In this case, I should also prepare, so as not to be in a hurry..."

Since you are sure that the technology provided by the other party is genuine, you must naturally do what you promised the other party.

Go to the demiplane of the void designated by the opponent, help out once, and share the pressure of the demigod siege.

This sounds simple, but it is actually quite troublesome.

Let’s not talk about other things for now, the unknown is too high.

The location is completely decided by “No. 2”, and they themselves have no idea about it. If the other party has bad intentions and wants to kill them, then it is very feasible.

At least, for Su Xingyu himself.

If he is given enough time to prepare, he can kill many players.

However, Su Xingyu has no intention of violating the agreement. He is still a person with a strong sense of contract. At least the current situation is not enough for him to violate it.

Since he has agreed, he will definitely help.

But... helping is helping, how to help is another matter.

First of all, we need to figure out what the other party needs?

“No. 2” needs them to help share the pressure of the demigod level.

This demand is very clear and simple.

Since it is just to share the pressure, there is no need to send the real body there, just get a demigod incarnation.

Since Zhang Tao put forward his needs, Su Xingyu has never thought that he would send his real body there.

After all, the danger is too high.

In a completely unknown situation, follow another unknown player to another unknown place to help.

Any normal person would not agree to it.

Su Xingyu is not a fool. The reason why he agreed is that he has a way to deal with it.

He has many demigod incarnations. When a certain amount of spiritual consciousness is separated, these demigod incarnations can exert strong strength. I dare not say anything else. The high-level demigod is the bottom line, and the powerful demigod is the top.

Su Xingyu believes that a powerful demigod incarnation can already meet the requirements of "No. 2".

In this way, even if the other party really has some plans, He will only lose a demigod incarnation.

Su Xingyu doesn't know what other people think, but in his opinion, using a demigod incarnation to exchange for the technical information of the space gate is still a good deal.

As mentioned before, the technology of the space gate is not limited to this plane, but can also be extended to other void half planes. Even in the future, when the void is expanded, they can directly invade other players' planes through the space gate.

Although we haven’t reached that situation yet, we can still look ahead and make arrangements in advance.

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