All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 217: City of Stars

"Thank you three for your introduction. Let me toast you all." One of the middle-aged men raised his glass and said with a smile to the other three.

The three of them were also very considerate, had a drink with him and drank it all in one gulp.

"You don't need to thank us. The main reason why you can come in is because you have the strength and meet the organization's standards. We only play a role in pushing people along. If you don't meet the standards, no matter how we introduce you, it will have no effect." One of them The young man shook his head and replied with a chuckle.

"He's right. The three of us are just ordinary members, but we don't have that much power. If you don't meet the standards, it will be useless even if we try our best to recommend you." Another person also said softly.

"You can't say that."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said with a smile: "Strength is only one factor. There are many people with my strength in the middle realm, and there are not a few who meet the standards of your organization. But if there is no recommendation from a noble person, how many people can Going in?"

The impact of being promoted to the middle realm was beyond the imagination of some players, so much so that many player organizations fell apart.

This has also led to the emergence of many lone rangers in the medium realm, or small teams of three or five players.

These loners and small teams can survive in the medium realm. After all, they are all players anyway, and they are not inferior to the indigenous forces.

But when you compare player power with indigenous power, you have actually lost.

This is just like comparing it to the NPCs in the game, it is meaningless.

Their opponents have never been the indigenous forces, but other players. The indigenous forces can only be regarded as a "gift package", a gift package to help them grow.

Compared with the indigenous forces, they are indeed developing well. Not only have they not been bullied, but they are also rising steadily, expanding their territory step by step.

But if compared with other players, it is far behind.

Especially those lone rangers who sometimes want to trade resources but can't find any player channels.

Unlike in the elementary realm, where player organizations directly disclosed the plane coordinates of the trading city to attract a large number of players, in the medium realm, the number of players was too sparse, and the trading city they built was not disclosed on the information channel.

If you want to go, you need a certain threshold of strength and recommendations from internal members.

The three of them chuckled, but this time they didn't say anything more. They just kept picking up vegetables and eating. In the middle realm, where there are no life players, it is very rare to eat such delicious food.

"I'm here for the first time, so I don't understand some of the rules very well. I hope the three brothers will take more care of me in the future." The man's face was filled with a smile, and with a flick of his finger, the three of them each had a storage ring in front of them.

Although from the appearance, the middle-aged man is much older, for today's players, appearance can no longer determine his age.

It's just a change of appearance, it's really too simple for them.

After all, compared with the long lifespan of demigods, they are all in their infancy now. Once they break through to true gods, the so-called age may be completely meaningless.

"It's easy to talk about."

The three of them each put away a storage ring, and their faces were suddenly filled with smiles. Their eyes became a little proud, and they said: "Blood Dawn is not like other player organizations. We don't have so many rules here, and you just go there." It’s just a side transaction. To put it bluntly, we are just guests, so there are even fewer rules.”

"In the trading city, you only need to pay attention to two points."

"I would like to hear the details." The middle-aged man hurriedly asked for advice.

"The first and most important point is that no matter what transactions you make, you need to pay taxes." One of them took a sip of wine, looked at him, and sneered: "You can doubt other aspects of Bloody Dawn, but in terms of strength, I believe I, even among all organizations today, we are at the top, and no one can escape the sanctions of Bloody Dawn."

The middle-aged man met his eyes, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I will never violate it."

"It better be so."

Another member nodded, and then added: "Except for paying taxes, it means taking action. All players who enter the trading city are prohibited from taking action, no matter what grudges they have."

"Thank you for reminding."

The middle-aged man thanked him again.

After a while, he looked hesitant and hesitated several times.

"If you have any questions, just say it, no need to do this. Since we have made a recommendation for you and collected your things, we will naturally help you if we can help you. Otherwise, if you have a problem, we will run away. No." The young man who had been working hard raised his head and said frankly.

In order to prevent the mixing of people and chaos in the residence, Bloody Dawn has strict management on the foreign population.

If other players want to enter the trading city of Bloody Dawn, there are only two ways.

First, it is recognized by veteran members, but most of those who enter through this method are not normal players.

The veterans of Bloody Dawn have never changed, neither decreased nor increased. They are the same ten people when the organization was founded.

These ten players have profound knowledge and strong strength. Normally, it would be very difficult for them, members of the organization, to meet.

So those who have direct contact with them are undoubtedly the big guys.

The second method is not simple, or rather troublesome, and requires three members of the Blood Dawn to recommend at the same time.

Members can profit from it, but if something happens to the person they recommend, then they can't escape. They won't be severely punished, but they will definitely have their benefits cut.

For this reason, unless someone offers significant benefits or has a very good relationship, they will not recommend outsiders.

"I heard that your organization has other activities besides trading resources. I wonder if members like us can participate?" The middle-aged man asked a little embarrassedly.

"Is this what you want to do?" The three looked at each other and laughed, but they were not too surprised, as if they had expected it.

The man smiled awkwardly, but did not refute. This was indeed his main purpose for going to the Blood Dawn Station.

For a player like him who has a general foundation and no rule tool to assist, it is definitely impossible to keep up with his faith power by relying on himself.

If the sixth-level extraordinary believers can be cultivated by players as long as they are careful,

Then the believers of the seventh-level extraordinary are really a matter of fate.

There are no rule tools, no special divine buildings, no wonders...

There is nothing. If they want to give birth to a seventh-level extraordinary strongman, they can only rely on the talents of the believers.

However, without other amplification effects, if they rely solely on the favor of the gods and natural evolution, the "seventh-level" talent is not so easy to appear.

Take the cultivation talent as an example. The people of the Eternal Night Empire generally have a cultivation talent of about the sixth level, which means that as long as the resources are sufficient, they can easily cultivate to the sixth level.

And the ordinary members of the Bloody Dawn, their believers' cultivation talents are generally around the fourth level, which is also the cultivation talent of most players and believers at present.

However, whether it is the fourth level or the sixth level, it actually belongs to a large level, the middle level.

In theory, if you can enter the fourth level, you can enter the sixth level. The difference is only the amount of resources consumed and the length of time.

An eighteen-year-old sixth level and a forty-year-old sixth level have completely different meanings.

The former has the possibility of impacting the seventh level or even the eighth level, while the latter is likely to stop there.

So what the man really wanted was not to go to the Blood Dawn station to trade, but to use the various facilities there and better conditions to help him train a group of high-level extraordinary people.

"Yes, there are. The big guys above are also very generous. As long as the players can go to the Blood Dawn plane, they can send their believers to the academy there for training. If the grades are good enough, they can also use those imperial heavy weapons..."

After a pause, he continued to explain: "But there is no free dinner in the world. If you want to use the power of those imperial heavy weapons, you have to pay a price, and the price will not be light. If you have this plan, you'd better be mentally prepared, so as not to be too disappointed and unable to bear it."

"I know, thank you for reminding me." The man smiled, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

It's good to be able to use it, as for the price...

Compared to the value it creates, what are the resources!

The heavy weapons that are enough to change the trend of the entire empire are extremely rare, even in the entire player group. It is extremely difficult to use them in normal times, even if you just look at them.

Compared to before, there is at least a way out now.

"Haha, you look quite honest, but you have big ambitions..."

"Let me tell you about the situation over there, so you don't have to waste time looking around."

"Please speak."

"... Blood Dawn has..."

"... The academy in the Blood Dawn plane is controlled by the elder "teacher" all year round. At the last gathering, the teacher's strength had reached the level of a powerful demigod..."

"... If you want to say which elder is the most powerful, it must be the boss of Yongye. His imperial heavy weapon is also the most suitable, and almost all races can use it..."

"During the regional qualifying competition, Yongye ranked second?" The man asked in shock.


The young man who explained for him nodded and continued:

"But although the heavy weapon of the boss of Yongye is easy to use, don't even think about it. Not only you outsiders, but also a bunch of members in our own organization are watching, and there is no way there will be a vacancy.

"Of course, if you can come up with symmetrical conditions, you can also talk to the boss of Yongye yourself. But it is important to know one's own limitations. If you use a completely unequal gadget to tease him... hehe. "

The young man sneered, and the warning in his eyes was self-evident.

"I dare not."

The man shook his head hurriedly. He thought he was still a bit capable, and his strength was not worse than the three people in front of him, but to tease the big man who ranked second in the qualifying competition that year, it was really a waste of his life.


The Blood Dawn Station, the Blood Dawn Plane.

The huge city built on the local holy land, the City of Stars.

From the distant horizon, the City of Stars looked like a bright pearl, inlaid in this ancient land. Its outline was looming in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the tall city walls were like a giant dragon winding and circling.

The city wall is hundreds of meters high, like the backbone of a giant, standing on this land, guarding everything in the city. The city wall is covered with sharp spikes and complex runes, which emit a faint light and high-intensity energy flows through them.

The forbidden air magic circle covers hundreds of miles in radius. Even powerful creatures in the ninth-level holy realm cannot fly here by strength.

A terrifying magic cannon is mounted on the city wall. They are like sleeping beasts, ready to wake up at any time and release destructive power. The barrels of these magic cannons are made of special alloys, and the surface is engraved with runes. These runes emit a faint blue light under the nourishment of magic power, which contains powerful power.

This is a city that any army will sigh when seeing it. It is like a war fortress. As long as there is an enemy invasion, it will show its fangs in an instant, and then instantly blast the enemy into powder.

In the distance, a large-scale caravan passed through the system's teleportation gate and headed towards the City of Stars.

"Is this the City of Stars? So magnificent, so spectacular, taller than any city I've ever seen. I guess no army can conquer such a city!" The young man who followed was shocked when he looked at the outer wall of the City of Stars.

"No-fly, suppression, two super-strong mixed magic arrays, coupled with the defense of this city, even a high-level legion can only sigh in despair!" Under the suppression of the surrounding environment, the legendary strongman's strength can be said to be only one tenth of it.

"With such a wide coverage area, and the consumption of the inscriptions on the city wall, where does it get so much energy?" A magician who came for the first time asked in confusion.

"You don't have to worry about this. I heard that the City of Stars was built on the original holy land of this world. There are several extremely large energy veins buried underneath. There is no problem in supporting the defense system of the City of Stars." Someone who has been here several times and has some understanding of the layout of this city said.

"Oak, don't be discouraged after entering the academy here. If you have any problems, go to the seniors of the same tribe for help, and communicate more with the tribes of other gods." An old man told the young man beside him.

"Elder, don't worry, I will take good care of myself." The young man, who looked only sixteen years old and had reached the fifth level of strength, replied loudly.


The old man sighed, looked at the group of young boys in front of him, and said earnestly: "You must remember that you are still young, and the future of the empire belongs to you. As long as you don't give up, the empire will always be your strongest backing. Don't be easily defeated."

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