All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 222 Sea Tribe Invasion

When the main force of the Eternal Night Army attacked Jubei City, there were also movements in other places in the Western Continent.

Alutonka Port.

This is a super port of the Blood Empire, located in the heart of the east coast of the Blood Empire, like a sleeping giant, quietly watching the endless ocean.

As an important maritime gateway of the empire, it is not only a key node for material transportation, but also a frontier position for the projection of military power. Ships shuttle in the port, and the sails are like clouds, like a flowing ocean painting.

The navy of the Blood Empire is not weak. It was only slightly worse than the Hundred Nations Alliance in those days. Now, after decades of development and catching up, it has long surpassed the alliance navy of that year.

There are many reasons for this, and the most important ones are two.

One is "licking the bag". When the Hundred Nations Alliance perished, although the "big experience bag" was absorbed by the Eternal Night Empire, the Blood Empire did not gain nothing. They took advantage of that chaotic time to take away a lot of naval information and talents from the Hundred Nations Alliance.

Afterwards, as the situation in the northern continent stabilized, some old people who missed the kingdom, seeing that there was no hope of restoring their country, fled directly to the western continent and surrendered to the Blood Empire.

Among these old people, there were also many talents, which indirectly promoted the development of the empire's navy.

The second is learning. After opening trade with the Eternal Night Empire, many new materials and knowledge inspired the Blood Empire, thus strengthening its own navy.

Although they have not undergone real combat tests, the Blood Empire is full of confidence in the strength of its own navy.

Maybe they can't beat the Eternal Night Empire's navy, but if they just defend the Western Continent, there will be absolutely no problem.

That's right, seeing the previous performance of the Eternal Night Empire, coupled with the in-depth understanding over the years, the Blood Empire, from top to bottom, has given up the idea of ​​a direct battle with the Eternal Night Empire.

Can't beat it, really can't beat it.

Don't fight it out, as long as you can defend your own little piece of land.



The outgoing ships were fully loaded with cargo and returned to the port one after another. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the sparkling sea, covering the returning ships with a layer of golden brilliance.

The port was bustling with people. A small number of blood clans stood on high places, waving long whips from time to time and hitting the workers. The dock workers were busy shuttling between the cargo piles, moving boxes of cargo onto the ship or unloading them.

Most of these laborers came from the monster race. In the Blood Empire, their status was very low. Not only did they have to do a lot of heavy work every day, but they also needed to donate blood regularly.

They came from the forces conquered by the Blood Empire. After hundreds of years of domestication, they no longer had the will to resist. Under the indoctrination of the Blood Empire, they believed from an early age that this was the treatment they should suffer.

They were born slaves and were born to serve the noble blood clans of the Blood Empire.

Everything seemed so peaceful. The workers worked hard, hoping to return home as soon as possible and have a delicious dinner.

The vampires stood on a high place, their eyes scanning the surroundings. They seemed to be monitoring, but in fact they were already wandering in the sky, thinking about where to go for fun later.

Should they go to the tavern to drink a glass of the best "Blood of Ten Thousand Beasts", or go to the underground fighting arena to watch the "Life and Death Duel"...

Everything seemed so calm until someone found something unusual.

"Why is the sea still rising?" Someone looked at the sea water spreading to his feet and asked in confusion.


In response to him, the long whip was swung. The vampire supervisor standing on a high place waved the long whip and scolded coldly: "What are you doing? Hurry up and work. You don't want today's wages, right?"

"Dear Lord Dalico, the tide is rising!" The laborer who was beaten replied while enduring the pain.

"What nonsense are you talking about? There is always a high tide here. I think you just want to be lazy. Go to work quickly. If you don't go, I will beat you to death!" The blood clan supervisor looked at the ground and saw that the sea water was indeed surging up, but he didn't care too much. He swung the long whip and made a "swish" sound.

"Yes, yes, I will go to work now..." The laborer felt something was wrong, but facing the long whip that was about to hit his face, he didn't dare to say anything more. He lowered his head and trotted to move things.

"A bunch of cheap bones, thinking about being lazy every day!" The blood clan supervisor snorted coldly and cursed with a smile. He took off the wine bottle from his waist and opened the bottle cap. Immediately, a strong smell of blood filled the air.

After a big sip, the blood clan supervisor inspected the laborers below, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, making people feel cold behind their necks.

After a while, the sea water was getting higher and higher. The laborers silently stopped their work and looked at the supervisor above. At this time, even if the blood clan supervisor was still stupid, he found something wrong.

"What's going on? Will the sea water rise to this position normally?" The blood clan supervisor asked himself in confusion.

The entire port stopped, and the scene began to riot. The blood clan supervisor waved a long whip, maintaining order on the scene while waiting for orders from above.

However, the order did not come, but more and more waves came.

On the distant horizon, the roar of the tsunami was like the roar from hell, deafening and irresistible.

The sea water instantly churned up, forming huge waves, smashing towards the shore like countless giant beasts. The port's dock became shaky under the impact of the waves, as if it would be swallowed up at any time.

"Tsunami, how could a tsunami suddenly break out!"

"Run, run to the inner city, there is a defensive magic circle in the city, don't stop here."


Faced with the irresistible natural disaster, people fled everywhere, screaming and crying one after another, and the whole port fell into chaos. No matter how the blood clan supervisor whipped, it was useless.

In the face of death, pain became unimportant.

Even most of the blood clan supervisors had already run away.

When the tsunami hit, the slow runners were directly swallowed up, and the fast runners rushed forward all the way to the city.

"Close the city gate, activate the magic circle, and resist the tsunami attack." The blood clan inside the city discovered the tsunami before the dock, and when the tsunami came, they were ready.

The energy shield instantly covered the entire city and wrapped it inside. The violent waves hit the shield, just like hitting an invisible wall and were instantly bounced back. The sea water splashed high, but it could not break through the solid energy shield.

The blood clans in the city hid in a safe place, watching the raging waves outside, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"What is that?" Someone exclaimed.

At this moment, a huge black shadow swam in the sea water, attacked at a very fast speed, and then suddenly accelerated and crashed into the city gate.

In addition, there were countless sea clan warriors swimming in the sea water. They surrounded the city and looked at the blood clan inside with a cruel smile.

With a bang, the whole city began to shake with the impact of the huge sea beast.

The blood clan people in the city looked at the scene outside with horror.

"Sea clan invasion? How is it possible? I didn't receive any news!" The blood clan city lord looked at the sea clan warriors outside the city with an extremely ugly face.

The Blood Empire has connections with the sea clan forces in the surrounding waters, and they even conquered several sea clan tribes in order to know the situation in the ocean world in advance.

For a super power at the continental plate level, this couldn't be easier.

They can't go to the deep sea, but with so many high-level warriors, it's easy to deal with the shallow sea forces.

However, the problem now is that no sea clan force has passed on information to them.

The situation couldn't be more obvious.

This sea clan force came from the deep sea area, and it was a surprise attack, so their own forces had no time to report.

One after another, the extremely large beasts kept hitting the energy shield with their bodies, and the whole city shook with it.

"It's really a troublesome turtle shell, but fortunately we have rich experience in dealing with it." On the mount of a giant beast in the distance, stood a Naga lord who was at the peak of the ninth-level holy domain and close to the realm of demigod. He looked at the energy shield outside the city and grinned grimly.

"Big guys, keep attacking and smash this turtle shell." In response to the lord, the deep-sea beasts worked harder.

After completely unifying the ocean world, the development of the Naga Kingdom over the years has been like turning on a plug-in. Ninth-level warriors have emerged crazily, and the number has expanded more than ten times than before.

They not only developed the ocean world of this plane, but also extended their hands to those void half-planes.

Over the years, the Evernight Empire has never stopped its conquest of the half-plane.

However, the Evernight Empire is a land country. Even if it has many powerful people, it cannot deal with the sea people and sea beasts in the sea unless the entire sea area is stirred up.

It was not until the Naga Kingdom unified the ocean world of this plane that they truly had the ability to completely clear those sea areas. Before, at most, it was used as a trial place for the Naga Kingdom, and strong people were sent there from time to time.


The sea army attacked!

While clearing these sea areas, the strength of the Naga Kingdom has expanded rapidly.

They not only conquered the sea tribe, but also subdued many deep-sea monsters. These monsters are extremely powerful, and basically have adult talents, that is, high-level talents.

Under the continuous impact of the deep-sea monsters, the energy shield of the city soon couldn't hold up.

It's no wonder that the defense system here is so lame. After all, who would have thought that there would be a force that could land here directly, and bring so many strong men with them!


With a loud noise, the energy shield began to break.

The sea water poured into it, and the blood clan warriors screamed in fear and fled in all directions.

If they faced other invading forces, they would still fight for the glory of the blood clan, but seeing the current situation, most of the blood clan had no intention of resisting.

The sea water swept in, and the city under their feet became an isolated city. The sea clan warriors were all visible to the naked eye. The only support, the energy shield, was also smashed!

Just ask, how to fight this?

There is no way to fight.

Fighting with the sea clan in the sea, they really can't do it, which is really a bit difficult for them.

Admittedly, they have the strength of the sixth level of extraordinary, which can ignore the influence of some environments.

But the problem is that the opponent is also a sixth-level warrior!

No one cares about the blood clan warriors who are fleeing in all directions, and the city is in chaos, with no order at all.

Because the blood clan lord of this city had fled with his confidants as soon as the energy shield was broken.

With the situation so clear, the blood clan lord did not want to be buried with the city.

His idea was also very simple.

If the city was gone, it was gone. As long as he was still there, he could use the power of the empire to take it back. At that time, he could just recruit a group of blood clans from the mainland and buy a group of blood slaves, and the city would be back.

Even if he could not fight back, he would not be the city lord. He could still live well with his ninth-level sanctuary strength.

"Kill! Fight for the God of Fear!"

Under the leadership of the Naga warriors, countless sea warriors jumped out of the sea, climbed the city wall, and rushed into the city.

"For the glory of the God of Fear!"

"Kill, kill, kill!!!"

The blood warriors who did not escape in time had no resistance to the attack of the sea army.

The sea warriors easily killed the blood warriors.

One by one, the blood warriors fell, their bodies sank to the bottom of the sea, and their blood dyed the sea water red.

Occasionally, the blood fought back, but they were easily suppressed.

Compared with the sea warriors who were the elite in the world, the blood warriors in this city were not that powerful.

Because of their different positioning, no one had ever thought that one day this place would become a priority target, and it would be invaded by the sea forces.

In the case that the front line was not lost, the Blood Empire could not imagine how a large-scale army would directly invade the coastal city.

So naturally, not too many elite blood clans were sent here.

In addition, the blood clan city lord was stingy, and various defense facilities were perfunctory, so that this city, which was very important to the Blood Empire, did not even last half a day before it fell and fell.

"What a weak race." The sea clan general looked at the surrendered blood clan warriors and sneered.

"Not only weak, but also stupid, they actually thought that a few small tribes could monitor our movements. They didn't even notice such obvious signs of the sea tide." Another sea clan general also laughed.

"It's boring. I prepared for so long in vain. If I had known it was so boring, I wouldn't have applied to come here." Another sea clan general complained.

"Go into the city. The empire asked us to restrain our subordinates and not kill them indiscriminately." The Naga lord shook his head and rode his mount to the inside of the city.

Not only here, all the coastal cities of the Blood Empire were attacked at almost the same time.

The tsunami swept the entire coastline, and the sea water covered it, providing favorable conditions for the invasion of the sea tribe.

Millions of sea tribe warriors, divided into dozens of armies, led by the sea tribe lords, launched an attack on the Blood Empire.

In just a few days, nearly a hundred cities fell.

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