All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 224 The Blood Clan's Counterattack

The land of the Western Continent is completely different from the other two continents.

Normal land is either yellow or black, but the Western Continent is red, and it is not red in the traditional sense. The land here is scarlet, and there is a smell of blood.

In the early years, the Western Continent did not look like this. Instead, it was a normal land like the other two continents. However, as the Blood Empire lasted longer, more and more vampires spread across the continent.

Naturally, these lands underwent some changes and became what they are now.

In fact, it's normal.

Just like plants will grow in a comfortable environment and animals will choose a place with abundant food to stay, vampires will naturally choose a suitable place to live.

However, the Western Continent is so large that naturally it is impossible for all the land to be suitable for the survival of vampires. At this time, the difference of intelligent creatures is reflected.

Environment can change.

Especially for high-level experts, it is not difficult to change the environment.

The Vampires feed on blood, but with the number of Vampires in the Blood Empire, how can there be so much blood for them to eat, so extracting blood from blood slaves is okay, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

We still have to find a sustainable production method, after all, food in large quantities will do.

This is how this land came to be. The blood-red land transformed by high-level vampires can grow a special kind of plant.

This plant has a lot of juice and a taste similar to blood. It is one of the main foods of ordinary vampires.

Not only the Blood Empire does this, but the Eternal Night Empire also does this. After hundreds of years of continuous transformation, they have transformed the Eastern Continent into an environment suitable for dark creatures to survive.

The Western Continent, from far to near, from the edge to the center of the continent, the further inside, the more prosperous the city becomes.

In the Blood Empire, the blood clan also has class divisions, and they are much stricter than those in the Eternal Night Empire.

Blood slaves, ordinary vampires, and advanced vampires.

In a sense, when a vampire is born, their lifelong status is already fixed.

Because the bloodline class is distinguished by the level of the bloodline, and if nothing unexpected happens, the bloodline level will not change. What it is like when you are born will be what you will become later, and it will not change throughout your life.

Duke Bozinan, this is the bloodline level of a high-level blood clan.

The higher the bloodline level, the better the talent, and the higher the growth limit.

Therefore, there is no such thing as lower-blooded vampires enhancing their own strength through cultivation, resulting in a mismatch between strength and status.

Because the upper limit of the growth of lower bloodline is there.

No matter how hard you practice, you will never be able to break through the upper limit of your bloodline.

Because of this, in order to maintain the purity of blood, a large number of clans appeared in the Blood Empire, and these clans were established according to the level of blood.

Big clans can only intermarry with big clans. This is an unspoken rule that all blood clans in the Blood Empire default to.

And it is this rule that blocks the promotion path for most vampires.

Inside the Blood Palace.

All the elders gathered together, all of them looked ugly, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

The hall was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard. These big shots, who usually could decide thousands of lives and deaths with just one word, were now like elementary school students, silently waiting for scolding with their heads down.

"Tell me what's going on. Why did we lose hundreds of cities in just a few days? With so many resources in the empire, how could we just support such a bunch of waste?!"

"Where did those sea clans come from? There are millions of sea clans! Why haven't we received any news at all? Is this what you told me, no worries at sea?"

"Are our intelligence organizations and the spies in the Northern Continent all blind? The Evernight Empire mobilized its troops on such a large scale, but you didn't notice it at all. You didn't know what happened until the other side came in. The empire has supported you. It’s useless!”

"I don't ask you to find out any confidential information, but with such a big movement of the army, can't you even tell this?"

On the throne, the young Blood Emperor could no longer maintain the expression on his face. He looked at the ministers and elders below and roared angrily:

"Waste, waste, it's all waste! There's not a single useful thing. I might as well raise a few blood hounds for you. At least the blood hounds will sound warnings when they encounter enemies. But you don't even know what's happening until the enemies come in." What!”

In just a few days, the Blood Empire, known as one of the two dominant forces in this plane and the sole ruler of the Western Continent, with millions of troops, actually lost hundreds of cities.

No wonder the emperor was so angry, it was such a slap in their face.

He may have thought in his heart that the Blood Empire could not stop the attack of the Eternal Night Empire, but he never thought that the army soldiers he spent a lot of resources to build could not even hold on for a few days and were directly defeated.

Facing the blood emperor's reprimand, the ministers and elders below did not dare to refute, so they had no choice but to bow their heads and accept the scolding. There was no other way, this battle situation was really terrible.

Some time ago, they were bragging about how well the defense construction of the Western Continent was done. Even if the Yongye Empire's army pressed in and the gods descended to earth, they could still hold on until reinforcements arrived.

As a result, within a few days, my face was swollen.

There are hundreds of cities, even if there are several main cities among them, but they are nothing to the Blood Empire, which has a rich family and owns the entire continent.

Although the Blood Empire has lost hundreds of thousands of blood warriors in the past few days, and even two demigods have fallen, their main force is still there. As long as they can regain their strength, these cities can be fought back.

But the performance on this battlefield was really poor.

After the emperor above finished scolding, an old elder stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the matter has come to an end, it is useless to say anything else. The Yongye army marched straight in, ravaging the empire's territory. Our primary goal now is, We should curb their attacks and not allow them to continue like this.”

The young emperor sat back on the throne, his eyes extremely cold, looking at the elder,

"Do you have any idea?"

"Assemble the elite army and recapture some coastal cities first to boost the morale of the people of the empire. These days, the Yongye army marches straight in, unstoppable, and the people of the empire feel panic."

The elder said softly:

"According to the intelligence from the front, there are as many as 300,000 troops invading the Eternal Night Empire this time. If we fight in the plains, with the strength of the Eternal Night Army, it is probably difficult to fight. I think we can use the city defense to kill them first. They have the best spirit.”

"In addition, we also need to find out as soon as possible how the Eternal Night Empire quietly sent an army of this size here. I think there must be a hidden secret..."

As someone spoke, other elders also expressed their thoughts and opinions.

The whole palace became lively again.

Listening to everyone's discussion, the young emperor was still angry, but at least he could listen.

"Just do it."

The young emperor quickly selected what he thought was a reasonable proposal, "Kasai, you will be the commander of the front line this time. You are not required to defeat your opponent, but you will have to last for at least a few months."

"As you command, Your Majesty." The young commander knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Now that things have come to this, it's time for you to make your contribution." The young emperor nodded, and then looked at the other ministers,

"I don't care what grievances you had before. If you don't want to be destroyed together now, then come up with something. The rich will contribute money, and the powerful will contribute. The empire needs you..."

Although he has dealt with these clans more than once before, the accumulation of thousands of years is no joke.

To put it bluntly, the resources produced by the land alone are enough for them to accumulate terrifying wealth over the years.

"As it should be."

There were some slight changes among the ministers and elders, but they quickly reached a unified opinion.

After all, the fate of the Hundred Nations Alliance is there. If they don't want to follow in the footsteps of the former, then it's time to take action.

To put it bluntly, their existence depends entirely on the Blood Empire. Once the Empire is destroyed, they will also be destroyed.

Yes, they don't even have a second option.

After all, the main race of the Hundred Kingdoms Alliance is the human race. If you can't defeat it, you can still surrender and integrate. The main race of the Blood Empire is the vampire race. If you choose to surrender, you will really have to become a subsidiary force.

Affiliated forces may sound nice, but in fact they are no different from genocide.

At least that's how it seemed to them, because that's what the Blood Empire did to those conquered affiliated forces.

In order to facilitate management, the civilization inheritance of these affiliated forces has been strictly suppressed and blocked by them.

All the ministers and elders present clearly understood this truth. Their efforts now were not only helping the empire, but also helping themselves. Therefore, no one refused the Blood Emperor's request.

Actively contribute, those with troops send troops, and those with money contribute money, they are all using their own methods to save this empire.

A city closer to the coastline, the main city of Biya.

As one of the main coastal cities of the Blood Empire, the main city of Biriya has extremely developed transportation and commerce, and its prosperity is even comparable to that of the main city in the core area.

In the past, Biriya was known as the Pearl of the Border Sea.

But that's all in the past tense.

In the previous invasion of the Sea Tribe, the main city of Biriya was lost, and this prosperous main city was completely reduced to the "nest" of the Sea Tribe monsters.

But now, the vampire army has reorganized its army and is preparing to take back its own city.

A mixed army of nearly 200,000 vampires surrounded the entire city.


Following the command from the leader of the vampire clan, the fighting started again, and the warriors of the vampire clan launched a charge towards the city.

Hundreds of magic cannons that were urgently mobilized opened fire in an instant, and concentrated energy strikes hit the soldiers above the city wall, hoping to suppress them and then take the opportunity to attack the city.


The Naga leader sneered, and then waved his hand: "Blast them to death for me, play with magic cannons with us, it's so funny..."

Above the city wall, hundreds of magic cannons were activated, and they counterattacked in a more violent way. The oncoming vampire warriors were instantly turned upside down.

Large craters were blasted out of the earth, filled with blood and broken flesh.

The city has not raised an energy shield because the defense system here has been destroyed in the previous wave of attacks. Therefore, facing the bombardment at this moment, one must either rely on the city walls blessed with inscriptions to resist, or a strong person can chop them down and directly Explodes in the air.

The hard city wall, even with the blessing of inscriptions, was blasted with huge gaps, and dust suddenly flew up.

Before the two sides actually fought, many soldiers died.

"Forbidden curse: The blazing sun will last forever."

Behind the blood clan army, a magic corps, led by the corps leader, issued a terrifying forbidden spell, and a second sun appeared in the sky.

The blazing sun radiated a fiery light, and the surrounding air rose rapidly. The damp and cold air around it, which was changed by the sea clan, immediately became hot.

The sea clan has a field advantage in the sea, and its strength is strong. It can suppress most of the same level, but vice versa, their combat effectiveness on land will be weakened.

Before, they were able to occupy this city, more in one go, with the help of the residual power of the tsunami.

Now that the tide has receded, even if they can use rainfall magic to attract rain, they can only maintain normal combat effectiveness, or even weaken it.

Being disturbed by the light and fire mixed forbidden spell, even the sea clan warriors who have reached the sixth level of transcendence feel a burning sensation at this moment, and feel uncomfortable all over.

"Damn it..."

The Naga general snorted coldly, a little annoyed, and then mobilized the power of the legion. In an instant, countless huge ice-blue spears shot at the huge fireball in the sky.

Puff puff puff——

The spear shot into the fireball, just like ice cubes put into magma, emitting a bunch of gas, and it had no effect.

Seeing that the attack had no effect, the Naga commander's face sank, and he sneered: "Since it can't be destroyed, let's all bear it together."

He quickly changed his response strategy, no longer attacking the scorching sun, but changing the surrounding environment.

After a while, dark clouds gathered above the city, and heavy rain poured down.

On one side, the scorching sun was shining, and on the other side, dark clouds were dense. The strange celestial phenomenon made the entire battlefield a little extreme.

The alternation of cold and hot, the air became sticky, as if in a sauna, extremely uncomfortable.

The newly recruited blood slave legion was already a little dizzy due to its strength.

Seeing that the celestial phenomena did not have much effect, the blood clan army did not hesitate and immediately launched a siege. Countless blood clan warriors soared into the air and leaped towards the city wall.


The Naga warrior thrust his spear straight, and immediately pierced the flying blood clan warrior.

"Get out of here!"

The blood clan warrior roared, and slashed down with his long sword, splitting the fishman warrior in front of him in half from top to bottom, and then swept the long sword horizontally, and two blood slave warriors fell to the ground instantly.

"Get up."

With the blood clan commander's light shout, the scarlet power under his feet rolled and surged towards the city, climbing up along the city wall, and then reinforced and solidified. A slope of about 30 degrees appeared in front of him, leading directly to the city wall.


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