All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 226 Huge gap, destruction

Faced with the attack of the Eternal Night Empire, the Blood Empire did not sit and wait for death. After only a brief trance, they mobilized the whole country, gathered heavy troops, and launched a counterattack.

The momentum of this counterattack was very fierce.

The purpose was also very simple. While the Eternal Night Empire had not yet gained a firm foothold, they would beat them out in one go and then push the battlefield back to the border of the northwest continent.

The idea was beautiful, but the reality was a bit cruel.

The Blood Empire mobilized the whole country's troops and had the advantage of home field. It did burst out with amazing power in a short period of time, but during the time when they were stunned and mobilized troops, the Eternal Night Empire had already deployed a large number of legions to various parts of the Western Continent.

To exaggerate, the Eternal Night Empire has more elite legions in various parts of the Western Continent than the Blood Empire, the native empire.

Don't look at the Western Continent, the Western Continent, when formulating strategies, they are always called as a whole. In fact, the Western Continent is not small, with tens of millions of square kilometers. Even if there are some uninhabited areas in it, it is very exaggerated.

The north and south span nearly 10,000 miles. Thanks to the special way of communication, it is estimated that until now, the Blood Palace has not received the news of the invasion.

However, receiving the news is one thing, and how to mobilize troops is another.

Before this, the main legions of the Blood Empire were gathered at the junction of the northern continent and the hinterland of the empire, and they were somewhat lax in controlling the coastal cities.

After all, none of them thought that there would be millions of sea clan warriors launching a full-scale invasion at the same time.

So for a while, they were actually at a disadvantage in the number of elite legions in the coastal cities.

This is completely different from the original idea of ​​the Blood Empire.

After occupying the coastal cities near the coast, the sea clan legions did not continue to go deeper. They are not fools. As a deep-sea clan, it is already very remarkable to be able to capture the coastal cities with some small means.

Continuing to go deeper into the interior, isn’t that courting death! ?

Moreover, now they have the advantage, and the opponent should be anxious.

Therefore, the sea tribe legions in various places began to build defense lines on the spot to provide a relatively stable rear for the imperial legions that arrived later.

The Blood Empire would naturally not just watch, they launched a fierce attack, and then lost even more miserably.

Except for a few places where the Blood Empire recaptured the city, the Blood Empire's army was completely defeated in other important cities, especially those main cities, and some were even annihilated.

Then the intelligence that shocked the Blood Empire was found out, and the reason for their surprise attack was also found.

Teleportation Gate.

The Eternal Night Empire had developed the teleportation gate a long time ago, and it had been arranged at their doorstep.

The most shocking thing is that the Eternal Night Empire is building a teleportation gate in the Western Continent.

This is the reason why the Eternal Night Army is not in a hurry to attack the city. They plan to arrange the teleportation gate on the front line first, and then the empire's army can go straight into the heart of the Blood Empire.

This discovery made all the blood clan leaders crazy.

This is not arranged at the doorstep, but directly in the bedroom!

The Blood Empire tried its best to destroy the strategic intention of the Eternal Night Empire, but it failed as expected.

Under the Blood Empire's reckless attack, several teleportation gates under construction were indeed destroyed. After all, this is the Blood Empire's home ground, so it still has this ability.

In addition, destruction is easier than construction, and it is normal to destroy the teleportation gates with a few strategic strikes.

However, it was useless. The Eternal Night Empire did not lack resources at all. They built ten teleportation gates at the same time. As long as one of them could operate, it would be a victory.

After the teleportation gates were built, the Eternal Night Empire launched an offensive that was even more outrageous than the last war.

The Abyss of the Dead, the Black Dragon's Lair, the Land of Purgatory, the Orc Alliance...

Undead, Asian dragons, dog demons, jackals... Not only the Eternal Night Empire headquarters, but also other affiliated territories, also dispatched a large number of warriors, the scale of which was far beyond the imagination of the Blood Empire.

Even the top leaders of the Eternal Night Empire did not expect that they could mobilize so many warriors.

The emergence of the teleportation gate has greatly reduced the pressure of the army's deployment. It can almost be said that the distance between the two places has been eliminated, allowing their territories to directly border each other.

With the abundant martial virtue atmosphere of the empire, coupled with the outrageous extraordinary foundation. It can be said that any citizen of the empire is a qualified warrior after adulthood.

In order to make achievements, these citizens of the empire spontaneously organized themselves into a variety of corps, and went to the Western Continent to fight through the teleportation gate.

Without the constraints of distance and the difficulties of logistics, they are very willing to fight for the Eternal Night Empire.

This situation is particularly outstanding in the affiliated territories.

If the empire headquarters, that is, the group of human races in the East Continent, have derived some entertainment culture after years of development, then in the affiliated territories, the only way for each race to entertain and relieve boredom is fighting.

In each affiliated territory, many monster warriors die in private fights every year, and this is already the situation where the Eternal Night Empire has issued relevant decrees.

If the tribes were to manage themselves, it would probably develop into the Naga Kingdom, with tribes fighting each other.

This has something to do with their own racial characteristics. Monster races are inherently violent.

Plus, the gods they believe in are also a little bit... ahem, evil.

So they don't really care about death.

In their view, death is just a sleep.

So, the current Western Continent gives them a channel to vent their energy, allowing them to vent their energy that has nowhere to go.



After nearly half a year of hard fighting.

The Eternal Night Empire has completely established a foothold in the Western Continent and began to implement a comprehensive occupation plan.

The sea clan army blocked all sea passages in the Western Continent and sent some sea clan warriors to march along the river, gradually occupying the river channel of the Western Continent.

The undead army went south from the north of the continent, setting off the undead disaster, and at a very fast speed, eroding the desert territory of the Blood Empire in the north.

The monster coalition invaded from the west. The complex mountain and forest terrain here is very suitable for them to fight. After all, the order of monster warriors is relatively poor.

Even after years of training, there have been some results, but the way they are best at fighting is still chaos.

On the chaotic battlefield, they can play the advantage of their strong individual strength.

The monster coalition has two attack methods. On one hand, they attack the city with a large army and continuously occupy the blood clan city, and on the other hand, they clear the local blood clan with a small team of thousands of people.

The south and east of the Western Continent are under the charge of the empire headquarters. The terrain on these two sides is mainly plains, which is very suitable for large-scale legion operations.

The most intense of the three battlefields is undoubtedly the last one, where the most elite legions of both sides gather, with a total number of more than one million soldiers, comparable to the final battle that destroyed the Hundred Nations Alliance.

The two sides fought bloody battles around several main cities, which was extremely cruel.

Ordinary warriors who are elite died like ants, truly interpreting the saying that the sixth level is not as good as dogs, and the seventh level is everywhere.

In this grand battlefield, even a strong demigod may fall.

Apart from other things, the number of demigods in the main cities at the junction of the two continents alone has reached double digits.

The Eternal Night Empire, which has reorganized the legions, can be said to have gone all out this time.

This all-out effort is not only reflected in quantity, but also in quality.

Except for the Temple Guard Corps that stayed in Evernight City to protect the safety of the imperial capital, the other six complete seventh-level corps all arrived in the Western Continent. As for the other quasi-seventh-level corps, sixth-level epic corps, and imperial guard corps, there were even more than they could count.

When the Hundred Nations Alliance was destroyed and the Northern Continent was captured, the Evernight Empire gave birth to too many, too many elite corps.

Previously, they were restricted by various factors and could not be deployed on the battlefield. Now that there is a teleportation gate, all these elite corps can be sent there.

The situation on the battlefield is very clear. The Evernight Empire is almost crushing the territory of the Blood Empire.

Even though they had been prepared, they built magic towers all over the continent, arranged large magic arrays, and mobilized the blood clans across the country. The major blood clans also worked together to give the empire the greatest help.

Afterwards, they opened the class promotion channel and attracted a large number of blood servant races.

But in the face of absolute strength, these are meaningless.

Many magic towers?

Then remove them all.

Strong magic array?

Then destroy them all.

There are many blood clan warriors?

Then send more Eternal Night warriors to kill them all.

The Eternal Night army directly broke through their defenses in a brutal way.

There is no strategy at all, just use hard power to push.

Unlike the Blood Empire's estimate, the two sides are no longer on the same level in terms of strength.

In terms of population alone, the Eternal Night Empire is more than five times that of the Blood Empire. In terms of quality, the blood clan who only rely on inherited blood cannot compare with the dark clan.

So when the Eternal Night Empire gained a foothold in the Western Continent and established a teleportation gate, the demise of the Blood Empire had already entered the countdown.

And compared with the demise of the Northern Continent, this time will be much faster.

Although the Blood Empire is stronger, more united, and has been prepared for a longer and more complete time, but according to the current trend, the Blood Empire will be completely destroyed in at most 20 years.

Because the strategies of the Eternal Night Empire for the two are different, the main race of the Northern Continent is the human race, which is the same race as the Empire headquarters, while the main race of the Blood Empire is the vampires.

Before this, there were no vampires in the Eternal Night Empire, and they had no intention of conquering the vampires and adding another subordinate race to themselves.

Moreover, these vampires with a unified will are not so easy to conquer. These vampires still have a strong sense of identity with their own empire. It is tantamount to dreaming to conquer them with a little benefit like the Northern Continent.

So when conquering the Northern Continent, the Eternal Night Empire fought and governed at the same time, but now it is only fighting and not governing when conquering the Western Continent.

They just have to ensure that the vampires do not make trouble. As for other aspects, I can only say, sorry...


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In these three years, facing the fierce attack of the Eternal Night Army, the Blood Empire retreated step by step, and it can be said that it was defeated, and one-tenth of its territory fell.

Although the proportion of one tenth is not large, you should know that it includes several main cities with the strongest defenses in the Blood Empire.

Moreover, the early stage is the stage when the Blood Empire is the strongest and has the strongest resistance. Later, as the number of elite troops decreases, their resistance will only become weaker and weaker.

Just like a hedgehog, after knocking off the outermost shell, only tender meat is left.

And the fact is indeed so. The offensive of the Eternal Night Army has not weakened, but has strengthened. More and more legions have arrived in the Western Continent, and the size of the army has completely suppressed the Blood Empire.

The Eternal Night Empire has no intention of fighting a protracted war. Although there will be a phase of legion rotation, the impact is very limited due to the convenience of the teleportation gate. At least the Blood Empire has not noticed it at all.

Under the crisis of national extinction, the entire Blood Empire is united and completely twisted into a rope, bursting out with extreme combat power. The brilliance of its will is more dazzling than that of the Hundred Nations Alliance.

However, it is useless. No matter how strong you are, you will still push through.

The blood warriors can fight to the death to defend their country, and the Eternal Night warriors can also fight to the death for the future of the empire.

Both sides have their own fighting beliefs.

It is hard to say whether this war is right or wrong.

The Blood Empire was not wrong. They had completely given up their plans for external expansion in the later period. They just wanted to close the door and live their own lives. As a result, they were inexplicably beaten. It can be said that it was very unfair.

But was the Eternal Night Empire wrong?

From the perspective of the Blood Empire, it was indeed wrong. They did nothing wrong. Why should they be invaded by other countries?

But from the perspective of the Eternal Night Empire, their approach was completely correct.

They wanted to unify the entire plane, and the Blood Empire blocked the way, so they had to remove it. This is normal.

It can only be said that different positions lead to different perspectives on the problem.

There is never real right or wrong between countries.

If we really want to talk about right and wrong, we can only talk about it based on the interests of our own country.

The eighth year of the war.

The Second Legion of the Blood Empire, this extremely prestigious seventh-level legion, was surrounded by the Silver Armor Legion and was directly annihilated.

The twelfth year of the war.

More than half of the territory of the Blood Empire has fallen, and it has completely lost the ability to engage in direct combat.

The fourteenth year of the war.

Only the core area of ​​the Blood Empire was still resisting, and the resistance was getting weaker and weaker. It was not that their fighting will declined, but that the number of elite troops that could fight was getting smaller and smaller.

The fifteenth year of the war.

The Eternal Night Army invaded the capital of the Blood Empire, and the Blood Empire was officially declared destroyed.

However, the empire was destroyed, but the blood clan did not perish with it.

Millions of blood clans drove a small star, escaped from the plane, and started a journey of wandering in the void.

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