All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 228 Banquet, Preparation

Three months later, Yongye City, the ancient imperial city, looked even more solemn and mysterious under the shadow of the dark sacred mountain.

As the day for the banquet held by the Eternal Night Empire approaches, the entire city is immersed in a festive atmosphere. The streets are lined with lights and flags, and the air is filled with everyone's anticipation and joy.

On the top of the Dark Mountain, the preparations for the banquet are nearing completion.

Tall stone pillars support the dome of the banquet hall, which is carved with exquisite patterns, as if telling the glorious history of the Evernight Empire. The interior of the banquet hall was splendidly decorated, with exquisite wall hangings hanging on the walls, and thick carpets covering the floor, which were soft and comfortable to step on.

Before the banquet started, lords from all over the world arrived in Eternal Night City one after another. They traveled thousands of miles from the abyss of the deep sea, the edge of the sky, the bottom of the valley of the dead, and even the half plane of the void to arrive at this mysterious and solemn city. Their arrival added more color and expectation to the banquet.

When the banquet officially started, brilliant fireworks suddenly rose in the sky over Yongye City, lighting up the entire city. The top of the Dark Mountain was also lit up, as if a lighthouse was shining in the dark night, guiding the guests in the direction of the banquet.

In the banquet hall, the guests sat around the long dining table, with various delicacies placed in front of them. Not only are these foods delicious in color and flavor, but each dish also contains powerful energy and magical effects.

Here, people can taste legendary ingredients, such as holy-level spiritual fruits, demigod-level meat, and even the legendary dragon's blood nectar. In addition to delicious food, there are also various entertainment programs and performances. Dancers dance gracefully on the dance floor. Their dances are graceful and graceful, as if they are interpreting touching stories.

"Drink with you all."

Ye San, the consul of the empire, took the second seat at the banquet. He stood up and raised a crystal wine glass to the crowd with a smile on his face.

The guests below all stood up with smiles on their faces and raised their wine glasses.

At this moment, a dark figure like an abyss and a prison appeared on the vacant main seat. He did not exude any terrifying aura, but it gave people a feeling of being superior to all living beings.

He is like a god who rules over the world and controls the destiny of all living beings. He is awe-inspiring.

Seeing this figure, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then showed surprise:

"My lord!"

No one expected that the dark god would come down in person, and in his true form.


A chuckle penetrated everyone's ears. The dark figure didn't say much. He just raised the wine glass in front of him and said softly:

"Drink together."

Everyone present, whether they were high-ranking people or people with extreme strength, whether they were monsters or dark humans, their eyes were all focused on the cup.

Their expressions became extremely fanatical, as if they felt the call of truth.

Immediately everyone shouted enthusiastically: "Congratulations to the king!"

Not only here, but all over the world, wherever relevant celebrations are held, images of this place appear.

Countless dark believers raised their glasses and drank with the gods.

Drink it all in one gulp.

Putting the cup down, the figure of the god disappeared, as if he came to the world just to have a drink with them.

Although the dark gods have returned to the divine realm, this banquet has truly reached its climax.

"For the king, for the empire, for everyone, let me have another drink." It was a rare banquet. Even Ye San, who was usually very calm, could not hold on at this moment, especially when the god was beside him just now, which made him change. My blood boils and I can't suppress it.


The atmosphere of the banquet became extremely lively.

At this moment, they no longer have differences in strength, status, or racial differences. They now only have one identity, followers of the dark god.

This banquet lasted for seven days, day and night, and the whole world was celebrating.

Dark God Realm.

Su Xingyu sat on the throne, closing his eyes and concentrating, digesting the impact of the torrent of faith. The unified plane had a great impact, especially on faith.

His followers were originally very devout, but now that all obstacles have been cleared and there is only one voice and one will left in the entire plane, they are even more devout.

Moreover, after the unification war, many believers achieved breakthroughs, resulting in a sudden increase in the power of faith. Even though Su Xingyu's current strength is comparable to that of a true god, he is still unable to withstand it.

Fortunately, the original foundation was relatively solid and thick, which could accommodate more power of faith. Otherwise, he would be ready to break through to the True God now.

"After defeating the Blood Empire and taking over the Western Continent, the gains are not small, but there are also a lot of troubles. I guess I won't be able to have a good rest during the next period."

Although the last blood clan of the Blood Empire escaped and took away many treasures before running away, there are still some things that they cannot take away.

The Eternal Night Empire still found a lot of good things from them. With the current size of the Eternal Night Empire, it can still be called good things. Its preciousness is self-evident.

For example, the blood god's true god's body, the true artifact·blood-draining spear, the divine domain building·the trial of the ancestors, the five-star wonder·the river of blood... any one of these items can make players crazy if they are released.

Even the Eternal Night Empire has really gained weight after getting these things.

But the rewards are great, and there are also a lot of troubles to come.

The first is the issue of the will of the world. This plane is a large plane, and the will of the world is very powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to a true god.

The reason why the feeling was not obvious before was mainly because Su Xingyu was a native creature. Even if he showed strong aggression and malice, the will of the world would not directly target him.

But now, after truly facing the will of the world, Su Xingyu intuitively felt the power of the other party.

Even if the other party doesn't resist, with Su Xingyu's current strength, it will be very troublesome to completely control the will of the world.

It’s not that it’s impossible, it just takes a lot of time.

Of course, overall, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages, and far outweigh them.

In the Dark God Realm, Su Xingyu spent some time counting and placing the harvest, and then made some arrangements to avoid unexpected situations and being unable to wake up in time.

After finishing everything, Su Xingyu did not hesitate, closed his eyes and concentrated, directly refining the will of the world in the divine space.

Based on the time of the eternal night plane, ten years passed quickly.

In the Space God Realm, Zhang Tao was sitting on the throne of the temple, closing his eyes tightly, his breath was a little sluggish, and he looked like he had been injured not long ago.

"Damn, these monsters are too difficult to deal with. How can they still be so good at fighting when they only have instincts? It's really speechless." Zhang Tao, who had just escaped from the Monster Continent, looked very depressed. Not surprisingly, , he failed again.

The monsters left on the Monster Continent are too powerful. Even though he holds special space authority and has good combat power, he is still unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

There is no way. After solving those relatively simple continents, the rest are all hard problems. Even with his strength, there is nothing he can do now.

There was no way to recycle the "Law of Space", and the power of faith was not particularly strong, so his progress in strength suddenly slowed down.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tao no longer hesitated, took out the Space Stone, and sent a message to several other members of the Space Conference.

After sending it, he sighed softly, "I originally wanted to save it for later use, but now it seems that I'd better use it directly."

To be honest, Zhang Tao felt that it was very profitable to be able to use the portal technology in exchange for a chance for others to take action. Putting aside everything else, the potential shown by those three players was enough for him to invest.

Zhang Tao can't guarantee other aspects, but in terms of strength, based on his personal feelings, he thinks the three are the worst, and they are also at the level of the boss of his organization.

To be honest, it is difficult for such characters to get their chance.

And this difficulty will become more difficult as their strength grows.

If possible, Zhang Tao would like to keep this opportunity and use it in a better place in the future.

But time waits for no one. In this era where everyone is developing rapidly, if he continues to stagnate like this, it won't be long before he is left behind by others.

"Well, I hope I can get some good things from the "relics", otherwise I will be in vain." Thinking of this, Zhang Tao had a headache. His channels for obtaining resources were very limited. Before, he mainly relied on selling space rings, but As the players gradually developed, the technology of the space ring was also controlled by the players.

Naturally, this business has failed.

"In the final analysis, I am still too weak. If I were strong enough, I wouldn't have to be as careful as I am now. I have to be afraid of everything I do..."

at the same time.

The plane of eternal night.

Within the Dark God Realm.

The dark god sat firmly on the throne, closed his eyes tightly, and was refining the will of the world.

The Space Stone placed deep in the Divine Realm suddenly lit up with light, which was particularly dazzling in this dark and lightless Divine Realm. Su Xingyu opened his eyes, with a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes, as if he had just woken up.

He glanced at the items with a helpless look in his eyes, "If you don't come early, you won't come late, but if you come at this time, there are enough people who will cause me trouble..."

After all, it had to be done. After gathering a ray of spirit and receiving the information from the Space Stone, Su Xingyu quickly grasped the corresponding situation.

"Ten days standard time, that's not bad." The message passed was very simple, a time and place.

Ten days in the main world time, that is, nearly a year later, just follow the plane coordinates in the information and go there.

One year, this time is very loose, and he has already made corresponding arrangements, so there is no need to prepare at all.

Darkness flickered in his eyes, and the darkness beneath his feet surged crazily, then gradually solidified, and a huge skeletal body emerged, exuding a terrifying aura.

Looking at the incarnation of death in front of him, Su Xingyu was a little dissatisfied. This guy was already pretty strong, but he still didn't feel like he was good enough.

After pondering for a moment, he sighed softly, "All the benefits have been taken away, so we still have to try our best." He then waved his hand, and countless dark divine sources immediately poured out of the ridiculously large pool of faith in the distance, like a torrent. The top condensed into a black ball.

Su Xingyu raised his hand slightly, and a small vortex appeared in the center of the "black ball" and began to rotate continuously.

As the vortex continues to rotate, the black ball becomes smaller and smaller, and divine sources continue to pour into the pool of faith below.

The black ball became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a rhombus-shaped crystal about two meters long, like a shining black gem.

"Although there are still some flaws, it should be enough to support it."

Under Su Xingyu's control, the diamond crystal shot towards the skeleton and finally merged into its body, like a human heart, fixed in the chest.

He separated part of his spiritual consciousness and directly merged into the incarnation of death in front of him.

"Then we just have to wait for the time to come."

After doing everything, Su Xingyu looked tired, closed his eyes, and continued to refine the world's will.

The skeleton stood aside, like a loyal guard, guarding the safety of his master.


Ice world.

Ice and snow divine domain.

A silver-haired woman with a beautiful face and a cold temperament sat on the throne. She was wearing a white dress, like an elf living in the ice and snow world, ethereal and dreamy.

She closed her eyes tightly and was also refining the world's will.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, took the space stone from the pile of debris in the distance, and after receiving the information, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's finally here."

She didn't like to owe people things, so if she could finish it early, it would be better to finish it as soon as possible.

After a while, a powerful incarnation of divine power appeared in front of him. This incarnation was made of blue crystals and had a set of semi-divine artifacts on it. It was very powerful.

"A powerful demigod's clone should be enough to deal with it." Looking at the incarnation in front of her, the woman whispered to herself, and then ignored it and began to concentrate on refining the world's will.


In the demiplane.

In a palace that looked like a giant city, there was a continuous mountain. When you get closer, you will find that it is not a mountain, but a ferocious black dragon.

The huge black dragon opened his eyes, and his body, which was more majestic than the mountain, moved slowly. When he woke up, the whole palace was shaking, as if there was an earthquake.

The black dragon woke up, and the servants waiting outside quickly rushed in and saluted respectfully:

"Your Majesty the Dragon King."

"No need to be polite." Tian Mo shook his head, as if he was clearing his mind. After a while, he looked down at the elf in front of him,

"Go and bring Abekel here."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The elf replied respectfully, and then quickly left the palace.

Not long after, the elf returned, with a strong man with two horns on his head behind him.

"My Lord." The strong man knelt on one knee when he saw Tian Mo, very respectful.

"Abekel, I have a dangerous mission that I need you to complete..."

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