All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 325 Dark Lord Angel, the invasion begins

A few months later.

Surrounding the Eternal Night Plane, in an ordinary small plane.

Due to the limited energy of the empire, the development level of this small plane is not particularly high. It is still in the era of wild tribes. The rule of the Eternal Night Empire here can only be regarded as a preliminary occupation.

In the east of the plane, in the border area of ​​the continent, a huge portal suddenly rose, and then a human demigod wearing armor and with a strong aura flew out of it first.

He stood in the air, spreading his divine sense to explore the surrounding situation and deter nearby dangerous creatures.

Tap tap tap——

With a burst of close footsteps, a large group of black-armored warriors walked out of the portal one after another. They were wearing uniform black armor, holding various weapons, and their eyes were shining with excitement.

Under the command of the demigod, the warriors quickly dispersed and began to clear the surrounding threats, set up camps, and set up fortifications to lay the foundation for future development and construction.

These black-armored warriors are very powerful. Even in the Eternal Night Empire, they can be called elite warriors.

However, although they obeyed the orders of the Eternal Night Empire, strictly speaking, they were not regular soldiers of the Eternal Night Empire.

Before this, they belonged to the demigod above the sky. In short, they were the personal guards of the lord in their own territory, and there was still a layer of relationship between them and the Eternal Night Empire.

On weekdays, even if there were orders from the empire, they would not be passed directly to them. Often, it would end when it was passed to the lord above them.

If there was no belief in the gods to maintain, it would be hard to say whether they would obey the orders of the lord or the empire at a critical moment.

And it was precisely because of their loyalty that the demigod lord had the opportunity to bring them from the rich territory to this desolate and lonely wild plane with nothing.

"Clear the surrounding beasts and gather those intelligent creatures."

"For the Lord."

"For the Dark Red God, for the Dark Lord!"

With the order of the adjutant, this elite army launched a cleanup operation on the surrounding creatures. One powerful beast after another was killed, one monster tribe after another was destroyed, and the tribesmen were captured and brought back to the newly established camp, and then they were educated.

In front of these territory warriors, the wild creatures on the ground seemed particularly weak, and the two sides were not at the same level at all.

Sometimes, it seems that the difference in the extraordinary rank is not big, but in the real battle, the strength shown is very different, and those wild creatures who resisted were directly slaughtered.

After several months of rectification, a safe area was directly cleared within a radius of hundreds of miles, and a large number of intelligent creatures were brought back to serve as labor.

A new city was built at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A huge amount of resources and materials were transported in from the portal. At the call of the demigod lord, more and more people chose to leave their comfortable environment and come to this dangerous and wild plane.

At the same time, a new god church was also established, named

--Dark Red God Church.

This is the church of the Dark Red God, which is recognized by the Eternal Night God Church and belongs to the Dark God Lord.

For the people of the empire who have believed in the Dark God Lord since childhood, suddenly asking them to believe in another god, even if the god of this god church is the lord of their territory, still makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

For a while, it was difficult to recover.

However, although they were uncomfortable, fortunately, after getting the permission of the Dark God Lord, everyone did not have a rebellious mentality.

In addition, these new gods are more generous, and they can draw big cakes and are willing to give things. The people of the empire who are willing to follow them still change their minds little by little.

Of course, the fastest change is still the wild creatures of this plane.

Faced with the offensive of a big stick in one hand and a big date in the other, these wild creatures who were still in the primitive tribal period quickly surrendered and began to believe in the new god church.

Although the loyalty is not very high, it is a very good start for the new god.

Establishing their own god religion, at least there will be no problem in becoming a demigod in the future, and as long as they become a demigod, they will have enough time to slowly develop their own faith forces.

With a ray of "civilization fire" given by the Dark Lord, as long as they don't make mistakes and develop step by step, there should be no problem in accumulating enough believers to become true gods.

They had already expected the slow development in their hearts, so they had no complaints about it.

With the full support of the Eternal Night Empire, the subsidiary planes around the Eternal Night plane, except for the newly opened dark plane, have all been developed.

One by one, the strong men of the sanctuary and demigods, with the first batch of the empire's people, migrated from the Eternal Night plane and launched a new round of development in the local area.

Dark plane.

After decades of development, the number of semi-elemental creatures here has increased nearly tenfold, approaching tens of millions.

They live on this huge continent, in tribes, without establishing an advanced social system, and live a simple life of working from sunrise to sunset.

For the creatures on this plane, they don't have many ways to entertain themselves.

Daily life can be simply divided into two points.

Engage in production work to provide resources for the angels.

Pray to the dark gods to provide them with the power of faith.

It can be said that their value has been squeezed to the extreme. If it were a normal creature race, they would have started to rebel long ago.

On the vast land, dark elves who failed to awaken and lost their wings behind them were doing their spare time.

These jobs are not very tiring, especially for the dark elves.

Even if they failed to awaken, they still have the strength of the sixth level of transcendence, and these jobs are not difficult for them at all.

They can even be replaced by magic puppets.

However, due to many considerations, they did not do so.

In the academy for cultivating dark elves, the dark angels who have successfully awakened personally serve as teachers, and the dark elves who have not yet reached the age of awakening are working hard to study and practice here, so as to increase the success rate of the awakening moment that will inevitably come in the future.

In the academy, all dark elves students are taught from an early age to believe in the dark god and become a devout dark believer.

In the dark plane, in addition to the giant continent, there is another place.

Nowadays, the entire dark plane can be divided into two layers, the origin continent at the bottom, and the five suspended continents above the sky tens of thousands of meters above.

The origin continent is where the dark elves thrive and most of them live here, while the five suspended continents are the destination of the awakened dark angels.

As long as the dark elves awaken successfully and deal with their family affairs, they will be forced to go to the suspended continent and cannot stay on the origin continent to avoid affecting the social structure here.

On weekdays, unless there is an important matter and permission is obtained from the relevant departments, they must stay on the suspended continent and cannot return to the origin continent at will.

In this matter, the law enforcement department of the dark angels showed a very tough attitude.

The five suspended continents are named Fall, Death, Eternal Night, Devouring, and Fear, symbolizing the five laws of authority mastered by the Dark Lord.

Because the dark elves help to bear the pressure of labor, the dark angels on the suspended continent have no extra worries. They only need to consider one thing, that is, to practice hard, improve their own strength, and then offer everything to the Dark Lord.

There are twelve supreme leaders of the Dark Angels.

They are based on the divine origin of the Dark Lord, have experienced the baptism of creation, and are known as the incarnations of God. They are called the Dark Lord Angels by many Dark Angels.

Purgatory, destruction, killing, curse, depravity, arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.

These Dark Lord Angels have integrated the divine origin of the Dark Lord, the godhood of the ancient gods, the original origin, and many rare materials, and their life essence is ridiculously high.

In a sense, they can even be called innate gods.

These Lord Angels have the strength of powerful demigods as soon as they are born. They can be called the darlings of the void. Their starting point is even more exaggerated than those of the true descendants of gods.

And for them, being a powerful demigod is just a beginning. There will be no bottleneck in their promotion to true gods in the future.

The most important thing is that there is a mysterious connection between them and the Lord of Darkness. In terms of intimacy, the two sides are even closer than father and son, which is the main reason why they are praised as the incarnation of God.

When necessary, the Lord of Darkness can descend across countless spaces through this connection, directly take over their bodies, and fight for them.

Time flows silently like flowing water.

The entire dark god system, in the eyes of ordinary creatures, remains relatively stable and has not made any major moves to the outside world, as if to maintain the momentum of development and continue to accumulate strength.

However, there is no action to the outside world, but the actions within are not small at all.

The Lord of Darkness is practicing in the kingdom of God, comprehending the original laws, digesting the gains brought by the promotion to the true god, and striving to enter the realm of the extreme true god as soon as possible.

Many top dark believers made their own choices and gradually embarked on the road to becoming gods. Some went to the void for training, while others opened up the subordinate planes and established new churches of gods.

In the dark plane, more and more dark spirits awakened successfully, became complete elemental creatures, and were promoted to extraordinary high-level. The number of dark days is increasing, and it has formed a strong force.

The twelve dark angels, with the power of faith obtained from the dark god, began to strengthen their own foundation and prepare to enter the realm of true gods.

In places that people cannot see, cross-border portals are being built quickly in the void.

If someone can look at the overall situation, they will find that the routes of these cross-border portals extend from the Eternal Night Plane, all the way forward, with meteorites as transit stations, and then go to the surrounding small planes.

Like an invisible network, it extends the influence of the dark pantheon to a farther place.

Under the surface calmness of the dark pantheon, there is unpredictable restlessness, just like the night before the storm.

When others didn't notice, they were already preparing for war.

It's just that due to the different concept of time from ordinary creatures, the preparation time was a little longer.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-three years had passed.

A piece of news reached the kingdom of God and came before the dark gods.

"Your Majesty, the transmission channels to the five surrounding small planes have all been built."

In response, the Lord of Darkness simply nodded, and then casually said:

"Then let's get started."

So, with the words of the Dark God, the entire Dark God system moved.

Nearly a hundred war fortresses and hundreds of 'Sky Cities' left the Eternal Night Plane, flew into the void, and then divided into five teams, flying towards the target plane.

Nearly seven hundred void units away from the Eternal Night Plane, a complete plane named Plane No. 3.

Although it is only a small plane, the strength of the creatures here is not weak, and is much stronger than those planes in the void before.

Apart from anything else, there are two true gods in this plane.

The birth of a true god in a small plane, and two true gods, is completely unimaginable in the original void area.

But here, due to the large number of relics of the gods, the inheritance of the old gods is preserved intact, and the underlying rules are loose, so that the impossible has become a reality.

Without external intervention, the small planes in this void area can often give birth to 1 to 3 lower-level true gods.

As for the middle-level true gods, it depends on fate.

The Kingdom of Sesit, a force that believes in the true god of orcs.

The main city of the hinterland border, Skarn.

Due to the lifting of the restrictions on the void, the true gods were able to leave their planes and enter the void to obtain the rare resources in the void. As a subsidiary force, the Kingdom of Sesit also got a share of the pie.

Massive resources were constantly sent back from the void, making the entire kingdom active, which immediately promoted the economic development of the kingdom. The adventurer profession, which was originally dormant, was once again rejuvenated.

On this day, the people in the main city of Skarn lived as usual.


A loud noise broke the tranquility of this place.

A dark beam of light came from the sky, pierced through the plane boundary wall, and fell to the center of the main city of Skarn. The area within a radius of hundreds of meters was directly destroyed. The city lord with the strength of the ninth level did not even react to what happened and turned into ashes.

Four metal fortresses like mountains, as the dark beams fell from the sky, they stood at the four corners and formed a portal on the ground.

The demigods who controlled the war fortress exerted their strength at the same time and pushed the war fortress with all their strength.


Another loud noise, a dark vortex that kept spinning appeared in the portal constructed by the war fortress.

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