All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1006: Confrontation and Formation

The military relative in charge of the pharmacy is Mrs. Ming, the first wife of General Mingwei.

General Mingwei is over fifty years old and is a veteran in the army. He has guarded the northern border for more than thirty years and assisted two kings of Dingbei. For King Zhou Li and King Wu Mu, he was an effective general under their command and a teacher. The division commander galloping on the battlefield, General Mingwei was of the fourth rank, but his prestige in the army was second only to King Wu Mu.

After Changxing Marquis guarded the northern border, he wanted to conquer 300,000 You troops, but he suffered from General Mingwei's prestige in the army, so he sent General Mingwei to guard the border town of Fuxin.

Fuxin was the first barrier against Beidi. After General Mingwei guarded Fuxin, the northern border had stability for three years, and the Marquis of Changxing could sit back and relax.

Yin Huaixi granted the title of Queen Wu Mu Dingbei, and once wanted to transfer the elderly General Mingwei back to Xiangping, but General Mingwei refused.

General Mingwei understands the righteousness, and Marquis Changxing brings misfortune to the You army. At the time of internal and external troubles, it is urgent for King Wu Mu to reorganize the You army, absorb the old troops, and revive the power of the You army.

He continued to guard Fuxin and frighten the people of Di, so that King Wu Mu could avoid worries.

Mrs. Ming had a lively temperament and a warm heart. She and General Mingwei had a good reputation in the army. She often summoned her military relatives to do some sewing, starching and other tasks within their ability for the soldiers in the army.

During the war, she was not afraid of danger and went to the front line to deliver food and medicine to the soldiers and treat the wounded. The soldiers in the army affectionately called her "Aunt Ming".

When the princess established the Military Medical General Affairs Office, Mrs. Ming contributed to it.

Mrs. Ming is also a "field doctor".

It's just that she was getting old and weak. After Changxing Marquis guarded the northern border, she had already retired.

This time, the old lumbar disease also recurred, and I had no choice but to go to Jinzhou to recuperate. I heard that Shaoyi Changjun was following the example of the princess and setting up a pharmacy, and I was immediately interested.

Mrs. Ming knew about Princess Shao Yichang's life story and admired her especially. She wanted to help her, so she recommended herself, signed up for the first batch of military family recruitment list, and participated in the basic training arranged by Princess Shao Yichang.

No one knew that Mrs. Ming came to Jinzhou to recuperate. In addition, the honorific title "Aunt Ming" has almost become a symbol of Mrs. Ming. Therefore, Yu Youyao did not know in advance Mrs. Ming's identity and did not think about Mrs. Ming. Just because Mrs. Ming, During the basic training period, she showed outstanding management skills, and then she was noticed.

The reason why the pharmacy was able to be established so smoothly was indispensable to Mrs. Ming.

"News came from the front line. Mundo called for formation outside Xiaoyu Pass. The two armies faced each other, and a war was about to break out." As soon as Mrs. Ming entered the room, she mentioned the situation outside Xiaoyu Pass.

Seeing Yu Youyao wearing a turban and tied hair, dressed in gray cloth, thick armor tied on the chest and back, and dressed like a woman, it seemed that she was seeing the former Princess Zhou Li again, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Mengduo just issued a battle post the day before yesterday, and today he called for formation outside the customs. It can be seen that he came prepared." Yu Youyao had a bad premonition in his heart, and his right eyelid kept twitching: "Commander Huang mentioned that, Shou Affected by the drought, the internal divisions in Beidi are very serious. Although Mundo is a fierce general, in terms of seniority and rich experience, he is still slightly inferior to some veterans. Why can Mundo win the right to speak of the main war faction? As the commander-in-chief of the main war faction?"

Meng Ying is a well-known veteran in the grassland. When Jin was the emperor, he led the enemy to defeat the Zhou Dynasty. The tiger father had no dog son. Meng Duo inherited his father's bravery and was also extremely brave. After Meng Ying's death, he took over his father's troops. It only lasted eight or nine years.

Mrs. Ming's heart skipped a beat: "Unless..."

"Unless," Yu Youyao quickly took over Mrs. Ming's words, and couldn't help but feel frightened: "Mengduo has mastered the plan to defeat Zhou, and has been recognized by the main war faction, something may have happened at Xiayu Pass."

There are more than a dozen tribes in Beidi, and there are dozens and hundreds of generals, big and small. All of them are experienced in hundreds of battles and are extremely brave. They can all agree on the plan to defeat Zhou...

Mrs. Ming was frightened for a while: "I will immediately send someone to Xiaoyuguan to deliver the message..."

"It's already too late." Yu Youyao's brows were both soft and firm: "The battlefield is changing rapidly. All we can do is believe in His Highness, believe in the soldiers on the front line, and spare no effort to provide rear support."

Outside Xiayu Pass, the two armies were hundreds of feet apart, facing each other, with drums of war thundering and flags flying.

The confrontation between the two armies is a test of the strength of both sides. In this process, neither side will send troops easily. Either side can withdraw its troops at any time, and the other side is not allowed to pursue.

The so-called etiquette first and then soldiers is nothing more than this.

It expresses the soldiers' awe for war, respect for their opponents, and awe for the sky.

At the same time, it also tests the psychological quality of the leaders of both sides.

The famous Wang Jian in history attacked Chu. Wang Jian led an army of 600,000 and used up most of Qin's troops. He was still not sure of defeating Xiang Yan of Chu, so he did not dare to act rashly.

The two armies faced each other for four or five years, until the king of Chu lost his temper and ordered Xiang Yan to send troops. Xiang Yan had no choice but to send troops, which provided Wang Jian with an opportunity to defeat Chu, and Wang Jian succeeded in attacking Chu.

The kind of chaotic rush in the drama simply doesn't exist.

The confrontation is called formation, which tests the morale of the army.

During the call for formation, the two sides either verbally exchanged words or competed with each other with force. Although the victor's morale was greatly boosted, the loser's morale was unavoidable, which provided a favorable opportunity for the victor to attack.

This method is to find the opportunity to attack, reduce casualties as much as possible, and win at the lowest cost.

No army's soldiers are brought by floods. Raising soldiers for thousands of days is unimaginably expensive. Therefore, generals tend to cherish their soldiers and minimize casualties as much as possible.

It has become an unwritten rule to call for formation before a battle.

Victory or defeat depends on one's ability, no matter who you are.

Mengduo rode among thousands of troops and shouted loudly: "Don't you people in the Central Plains pay attention to etiquette first and then attack? I, Mengduo, gallop on the battlefield to respect King Wu Mu's young heroes. Today I will go to my hometown to do as the Romans do and give King Wu Mu a great gift."

He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the four words "When in the country and do as the Romans do", making him appear extremely arrogant, as if the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the Great Zhou Dynasty had surrendered to his cavalry.

Immediately angered, the opponent's Youjun.

General Ning Yuan even retorted: "You are a northern barbarian who drinks hair and drinks blood. You just don't know what to say when you leave your grandfather to play with the ax in front of me. Come here, come and kowtow to your grandfather a few times. Grandpa, I want to teach you. What does it mean to do as the Romans do in the countryside..."

The whole army burst into laughter.

The shouts and curses from both sides could be heard immediately.

Compared with You Jun's scolding, he first 'greeted' your whole family, and then pulled out the eighteenth generation of your ancestors and 'greeted' him ten or eight times without repeating the same words. Beidi was clearly outmatched and was immediately defeated.

The You army won a great victory, the drums beat loudly, and the soldiers cheered "oh oh oh" soaring into the sky.

? ?We watch many costume TV dramas. When the general gives an order, the soldiers immediately charge into the battle, and the army is in chaos. Haha, in fact, this is not the case. Ancient battles pay attention to formations and formations.

? In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, the two armies confront each other and test each other's strength. If one side feels that its strength is inferior, it will definitely retreat. This is called subduing the enemy without fighting.

? Of course, when the strength of both sides is equal, in order to reduce casualties and win, it is necessary to disrupt the morale and morale of the opponent's military as much as possible, and create favorable attack opportunities. There are many types of battles between soldiers.

? The ancients respected war, so it was impossible for both sides to kill each other randomly. They would use various conditions to reduce the consequences of war. We see that in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, two armies confront each other and send their own soldiers to challenge each other. It seems a bit inexplicable, but it is full of the ancients' awe and wisdom of war.



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