All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1014: Born to be a general

This time, Meng Duo's trick was to eliminate General Mingwei of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although it was not enough to make up for his mistakes, it was not without merit. The army would not make it too difficult for him.

Even so, Mengduo smiled bitterly: "No, I am trying to be smart and trap myself. The people of the Zhou Dynasty, to the officers and soldiers of the You Army, are spears charging into battle and fearless shields. I really understand. There is no turning back when the bow is fired. In this battle, the Zhou Dynasty and Beidi will fight to the death."

Harmon also felt sad.

In the first battle, Mondo was defeated by King Wu Mu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which shattered the pride of the first warrior in the grassland. Not only did he lose his troops, but he also almost lost himself.

Maybe even Mondo himself didn't realize that his words had already made him afraid of retreating.

Harmon sighed, who wouldn't?

I think back then, Yin Huaixi was only twelve years old, and she met him on a narrow road in Xiaoyuguan. As soon as they met, he was caught off guard by Yin Huaixi when he was still contemptuous of Yin Huaixi because of his young age.

It is also God’s will!

Harmon led troops to rush to the front line to help Meng Ying capture Jinzhou in one fell swoop. In order to rush to Jinzhou as quickly as possible, the entire army abandoned their heavy armor and used light cavalry, which made them unable to defend themselves.

And the elite soldiers led by Yin Huaixi had a hundred Mo swordsmen.

Mo Daoshou is the most powerful against cavalry, and it is even more invincible among light cavalry without defenses. The lethality of bows and arrows against heavily armored Mo Daoshou is very limited. Light cavalry without defenses are like sheep among tigers.

This battle made Harmon realize that although Yin Huaixi is young, his grasp of fighter opportunities and his ability to adapt to changes on the battlefield are far better than many veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles.

To put it bluntly, we fight with our brains.

He is a natural talent.

Talent is a gift from God, and it is infinitely better than ordinary people.

After many years, he and Yin Huaixi met again at Xiaoyuguan. This time he and Yin Huaixi fought alone, and Yin Huaixi took his arm with his brains.

From then on, Harmon was very afraid of King Wu Mu, and when the power within Beidi was divided, he chose peace.

Harmon patted Mondo's shoulder and sighed softly: "Yin Huaixi is no longer as young as the weak crown, and he is a talented young man, but we are already declining. Looking at our grassland men, who dares to fight with Yin Huaixi to dominate?"

"We are all old..."

Meng Duo's face changed drastically, and he suddenly understood why various tribes in Beidi supported the main battle. It was not because of his so-called plan to defeat Zhou, nor because of the military order he issued, which was for the grassland plan.

There is a saying in Dazhou: "The hatred between parents is irreconcilable!"

Yin Huaixi cannot be defeated in this battle. In the future, Yin Huaixi's wings will be full, and the cavalry of the Zhou Dynasty will sooner or later set foot on the grasslands of Beidi.


The camp was very quiet, and Yu Youyao was helping Yin Huaixi treat the injury on his hand.

Chunxiao brought a small bowl of strong wine into the tent: "General Lin ordered that His Highness is the commander-in-chief of an army. No matter how big or small the wounds on the body are, one should be careful. Use some strong wine to treat the wounds more safely. Don't let any small mistakes happen." big."

Although the distillation process is widely used in brewing, the process is complicated and consumes too much food. Especially in recent years, due to the severe drought in Guanzhong, the production of wine in Shanxi and Shaanxi has also been greatly reduced, and the military supply has been reduced by more than half compared with previous years.

Due to the limited quantity, it can only be used by some seriously injured soldiers.

Carefully taking some wine and pouring it on the cotton towel, Yu Youyao handed the remaining wine back to Chunxiao: "Take it to the seriously injured camp to treat the wounds of those seriously injured soldiers."

After Chunxiao left, silence returned to the camp again.

Yu Youyao gently wiped the injury on Yin Huaixi's hand with a cotton towel soaked in strong alcohol.

Sprinkle the above good gold healing medicine evenly on the wound, then take cotton gauze and wrap it around the wound to fix it.

The two of them were very close. Yin Huaixi lowered his head and saw her picturesque eyebrows and long, slender eyelashes, trembling lightly, like a butterfly resting on a branch.

After another long while, the wound was treated.

Yin Huaixi looked at it carefully: "In just one night, you have become so skilled in dressing wounds. Many military doctors in the army are not as meticulous as you."

Yu Youyao said quickly: "I am still learning, and I am always worried that if the bandaging is not careful, it will be bad for the soldiers' injuries. I have to be more careful to feel relieved, but I am not as good as the military doctors in the camp. They have rich experience and know how to bandage, which saves time." , save medicine, save cotton yarn, etc., some treatment materials can not only treat more people, but also avoid waste."

When you are inexperienced, you should be more cautious to avoid making mistakes.

Only after you have accumulated rich experience can you know what to do and avoid making mistakes.

Yin Huaixi shook his head: "Most of the wounded soldiers who can be handed over to you are not in danger of life. The soldiers have thick skin and rough flesh, and are strong and strong. They are not as fragile as you think. Feel free to do whatever you want without too many scruples. "

Yu Youyao nodded and turned his attention to his injury: "Although the injury is not serious, it bled a lot. Don't touch the water in the past few days, and use your hands tightly. Change the medicine every other day, three times in a row, and the wound will be damaged." It will almost heal.”

Yin Huaixi nodded: "Okay."

There was another suffocating silence in the camp.

Yu Youyao was busy cleaning up the tools and dirt used to deal with wounds.

Yin Huaixi looked at her carefully and found that after only a few days in the camp, she was already able to do these tasks skillfully. The work was usually done by servants. The carefully maintained nails on her fingertips were also shortened. uuread a book

After cleaning up, Yu Youyao saw that he was covered in blood, so she stood up and was about to leave: "I'll get a basin of water and help you clean it up..."

Yin Huaixi suddenly took her hand and said in a hoarse voice full of exhaustion, "Let me hug you."

The tip of Yu Youyao's nose was sore and she was about to cry. She slowly sat back on the couch. Yin Huaixi's arms fell on her waist and he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Vulnerability is evident.

"You," Yu Youyao's eyes suddenly turned red and she opened her mouth, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say: "Are you okay?"

Her voice was very soft and cautious.

In fact, she had some words of comfort that she wanted to say to Yin Huaixi, but she also knew that the blood and tears shed on the battlefield could only be recovered on the battlefield.

A woman's soft words are like poison that pierces the heart.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, Yin Huaixi has enough sense and calmness to deal with any situation. He does not need anyone's comfort.

Yin Huaixi's voice was hoarse and slightly difficult: "When I was young, I had a very naughty temper. My father often had headaches because of this, so he threw me into the army so that I could sharpen my temper. The person who took me at that time, It's Uncle Ming. Uncle Ming is much older than my father. Even if I call him Uncle Ming, he won't let me call him Uncle Ming. He thinks calling him Uncle Ming is too old. Most of the soldiers in the army also call him Uncle Ming. uncle."

Yu Youyao understood that generals in the army must retire when they reach a certain age. General Mingwei did not want to retire so early, so he was particularly concerned about this.

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