All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1025: Xiangyang city destroyed

The King of Liang launched an army to rebel. The Ministry of Household Affairs allocated money to the Ministry of War to purchase military supplies for the army to attack Liang.

Because of this, news of Beidi's large-scale invasion reached the court, and the household department was stretched thin: "If I had known today, when Yongle Marquis asked the household department for money, he should not have given so much."

Yongle Hou was the main general in charge of this attack on Liang.

He is a fierce general under the command of Xu Guogong, otherwise the Ministry of Revenue would not be so happy with the money!

Someone immediately echoed:

"Thieves Liang are making trouble in the sky, but they are also making trouble at home. But he really allowed Beidi to break through Jinzhou's defense line, break through Shanhaiguan, and take control of the Central Plains. The tragedy of Wu Hu's chaos in China will be repeated again."

"Isn't that right? The Liang-defeating army passed through Hebei and Henan, which areas were not important grain-producing areas. When the grain and grass were insufficient, they ordered the collection of grain and grass in the name of the imperial court. How could the famous families in various places not cooperate obediently? Can we survive without food and grass? Let’s see what we have in the north.”

"There has been a severe drought for several years, and we have accepted so many refugees. It is only thanks to Princess Shaoyi that she promoted sweet potato cultivation, and the drought was barely alleviated. But when this war started, the amount of food and grass was more than ten times, dozens of times." How can we eat and live with all the consumption? If the imperial court does not support us, will we have to wait for Beidi to attack the family? "

"As soon as the battle started, Di Ren gathered 100,000 soldiers and horses, and also dispatched two brave generals, Mondo and Hamon. It is expected that the follow-up soldiers and horses will never be less than 300,000. This battle will definitely not be easy. Food and grass must not be careless..." The scale of the battle was no less than that of the Emperor's own Northern Expedition.


Yu Zongshen nodded secretly, thinking clearly: "First, in the name of the imperial court, we will issue documents to collect grain and grass from all parts of the country, and order famous families from all over the northern border to assist in the war. Anyone who does not cooperate will be regarded as treason and treason, and will be punished according to military law. If you are out of town and your orders are not accepted, the matter will be left to King Wu Mu to decide on his own."

This is giving the power of life and death to King Wu Mu.

The eyes of everyone in the cabinet flickered, but they did not refute.

Yu Zongshen continued: "Let's put aside the military matters for the time being. The Ministry of War will first prepare military supplies. Prepare as much as possible and send them to Liaodong in batches. The military supplies are mainly cotton armor, weapons, horses, and medicinal materials for warmth and defense, and food and grass. Hold on for a while, Princess Shao Yichang promoted sweet potato cultivation throughout Liaodong last year, and in October this year, good harvest news spread frequently in Liaodong, so I think there will be no shortage of food and grass in the north for the time being."

The Minister of War responded one after another.

Everyone in the cabinet has their own concerns. When marching and fighting, soldiers and armor are important, but they are not temporary consumables.

The consumption of medicinal materials and grain and grass accounted for most of the military supplies.

Medicinal materials are easy to talk about, but food is indispensable. If soldiers don't have enough to eat, how can they have the strength to fight?

Princess Yichang has solved the food and grass problem, so the court can take some time off.

The cabinet discussions lasted from morning to afternoon, and finally the military supply issues in the north were sorted out one by one, and a series of documents were quickly sent to all parts of the country.

Fortunately, Yu Zongshen firmly controlled the Ministry of Household Affairs and had a close relationship with the Ministry of War, so he could control the overall situation of the imperial court. If someone else had changed the imperial policy, the situation would have been turbulent.

After the cabinet meeting adjourned, Yu Zongshen saw that it was not too late, so he went to Qianji Hall to see the emperor.

Several veterans in the cabinet knew that the emperor had suffered a stroke, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were drooling, he could not even speak clearly, and they were not sure who he was meeting.

Morning morning on the second day -

Eunuch He asked Eunuch Zhu to send a handwriting to the cabinet. It was written by Eunuch He and stamped with the emperor's seal. Along with it, there was a bunch of keys.

After Yu Zongshen received the items, he quickly knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty is wise."

The ministers also followed closely behind.

Afterwards, Yu Zongshen and Eunuch Zhu went to the inner treasury together.

The inner treasury in the palace is the emperor's private treasury. No one is allowed to enter without the emperor's permission. Most of it contains rare treasures paid tribute from various places, which are often priceless.

The servants from the Ministry of Revenue and the House of Internal Affairs took inventory of the inner treasury, selected items that had clear origins, were valuable, rare, and had no hidden secrets or suspicions, and moved them out of the inner treasury one by one.

After hearing about this, the empress also opened a private treasury and selected a batch of rare items to support the war in the north. She also called on women from home and abroad to raise funds.

The news spread to the people, and many business gentry also took the initiative to launch fundraising activities.

Many ministers in the court received rewards for various reasons. This seemed to be a signal. Anyone who received a reward knew that it was time to show "loyalty" to the court.

Yu Zongshen found the owner behind the bank and sold a batch of items from the inner treasury to the bank. In this way, he obtained a large amount of money from the bank.

Gold and silver in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times.

It’s not that the bank doesn’t understand this truth, but since Yu Zongshen personally takes action, he still has to give him face. Otherwise, if the label of “almost missed a military plane” is slapped on his head, the banker’s hands and eyes will be all over the place. Where else can he go? !

Right now Yu Zongshen is "Heaven".

The things in the emperor's private treasury are indeed priceless, and the bank does not suffer. The business gangs behind the bank are extremely rich, and they must be interested in such rare items from the palace.

In addition, the bank and the court both prospered and suffered losses.

If either Beidi or Liang Wang invaded Jingzhao, Qianzhuang would be the first to bear the brunt. In these places with money and silver, Qianzhuang hoped more than anyone else that King Wu Mu could repel the Di people.

In this way, everyone is happy when uu reads a book.

The boss behind the bank couldn't help but sigh: "This Yu Shoufu is really a person. He has used all the tricks to make money. He is indeed the man who opened the sea ban."

Putting aside this point, after he stole his love and returned to the court, he single-handedly stabilized the order of the court. Otherwise, the Zhou Dynasty would have been in chaos.

The heavy snow in the border town stopped falling, and after ten days of tossing, it finally stopped.

At this time, the Liang army had arrived in Hubei.

At the same time, the King of Liang personally led his troops to break the Xiangyang Fortress. General Huwei, who was guarding Xiangyang, felt shameless and cut his neck in front of the court and died.

Under the cover of all the soldiers, a young general under his command fought his way out of the siege and presented it to the court with a bloody letter written by General Huwei before his death.

General Hu Wei weeps every word, analyzing many details of the battle between the two armies, the strength, equipment, food and grass of the two sides, etc., and peeling out the weaknesses of the Liang thief. It shows that the Liang thief has been planning for a long time, and his soldiers have all been trained for many years. The dead soldiers asked the court to be careful and warn the court.

After that, General Huwei attacked the Liang army and compared all aspects with the Liang army. He came to the conclusion that the Liang thieves were desperate and did not care about life and death, and Yongle Marquis could not resist. He asked the court to send another brave general to take charge of the Liang army.

General Huwei also recommended useful generals in his letter.

Then he said: "These generals have experienced hundreds of battles and are rich in experience. They are enough to contain the Liang thieves. When King Wu Mu calms down the border defenses and returns to protect the capital, the Liang thieves will not be afraid."

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