All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1033: Another wave starts again

"You bitch, I just can't stand you civil servants. You talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, and act like weak chickens. If King Wu Mu doesn't attack the grassland, Zamoh should attack Shanhaiguan."

"Beidi is determined to take over the Central Plains. You still want to retreat from Beidi and have your big fucking dream. Do you believe it or not? But after King Wu Mu defeated Zamokh and asked Zamokh to find out the details, Huddled at the Jinzhou defense line, Beidi's 300,000 or even more troops will approach the city in the next step."


There was endless noise in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Yu Zong carefully placed the tea cup on the table.

There was a sudden silence in the room.

Yu Zongshen coughed and said: "What is supposed to come will always come. We should be glad that King Wu Mu can still guard the northern border, instead of blaming who is right and who is wrong. The merchants in Xiefu still know how to buy and sell sorghum seeds to help the northern border." Spring plowing is a matter of recuperation; Princess Shaoyi is a female, but she also cares about her family and country. She joins the army and fights the national disaster with Youjun; the Taoist priest of Wanjun Mountain is also facing the national crisis and stands up. , you all serve as officials in the court, why are you in such a mess?"

The words were indifferent, but they made the courtiers look ashamed.

August arrived in a blink of an eye. When the courtiers were worried about the war in the north, the news of a bolt from the blue came from the army of the Liang Dynasty. The King of Liang led an army of 300,000 to launch a general attack on the army of the Liang Dynasty.

For more than a year since Xu Guogong took command of the Liang army, there have been constant frictions between the two sides, with each suffering casualties. The Liang army was well-equipped and had the advantage of large numbers. The Liang thieves did not dare to take the risk of losing troops and generals, so they easily attacked the Liang army. The army sent troops, and the two sides have been in a stalemate.

At present, the war in the north has not ended. The Liang thieves have been recuperating in the Xiangyang area for two years, and their strength has been restored. This battle is still hanging in the balance.

However, one wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

The riots in various places in the Zhou Dynasty could not be suppressed completely.

The remaining clan forces in Shandong resurrected and gathered strength. They called themselves the "Rebel Army" and violently opened the city gates, smashed the government offices, released the prisoners in the cells, and captured the officials of the government offices, big and small, and locked them in prison cars. They marched and killed them in front of the people.

As soon as the news came out, the wave of counter-week protests in various places was unprecedentedly high.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was in chaos.

Yuan Jizi, who was meditating in the tent, opened his eyes and sighed softly.

Xu Ming heard the movement: "Uncle, can you give me some advice?"

"The dragon vein of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been extinguished." After saying that, Yuan Jizi slowly closed his eyes and meditated without moving.

Xu Ming was horrified: "Uncle Master, why do you say this? King Wu Mu has a long life, a true dragon destiny granted by the gods, and a generation of wise kings and saints. He is the orthodoxy of the Tian family and continues the great Zhou Dynasty. It is also a natural thing to extend the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Yuan Jizi closed his eyes and said, "This is a heavenly secret, let's take a look!"

Xu Ming calmed down immediately. Uncle Master's hexagram couldn't be wrong, so there was only one possibility.

After a long time, a long sigh came from the camp.

News of the turmoil reached Yu Youyao's ears, and by this time she had returned to Jinyuanchun.

The battle with Zamoh gave the Northern Territory a precious period of time to recuperate and rejuvenate. As the war between the two sides entered a stalemate, Yin Huaixi was really reluctant to let Yu Youyao stay in the army and suffer hardships. After the Dragon Boat Festival, he sent troops to escort her back to Jinzhou. .

Yu Youyao didn't want to come back, but he also knew that all the general affairs in the army were on track, and he couldn't help much if he stayed in the army.

For more than a year after that, the two continued to deal with the situation of being separated.

Yu Youyao himself was not idle either.

Liaodong has received more than two million refugees. Most of the land has been cleared and is very barren. Apart from sweet potatoes, no other crops can be grown.

Sweet potatoes have solved the problem of food and clothing. It is urgent to increase food production and improve the shortage of supplies in the north.

Yu Youyao studied agricultural books with the old farmers on the farm who were responsible for planting crops, and finally set their sights on green manure.

The Zhou Dynasty attached great importance to agriculture and commerce, and also attached great importance to fertilizers that increased crop yields.

Green manure is one of them, with a history of more than a thousand years.

Green manures that were more common in the Zhou Dynasty included wild rice, milkvetch, clover and other plants, which mostly grew in the south.

In "Guangzhi" of the Jin Dynasty, Yu Youyao found records of using wild rice seeds as green manure. The book said: "The wild grass has green-yellow and purple flowers. It was planted under rice in December and spread throughout the Yin Dynasty. It can beautify the fields and the leaves are edible."

During the Northern Wei Dynasty, wild rice was widely used as green manure. According to "Qi Min Yao Shu", "If it is a spring grain field, ten stones per acre can be harvested. Its beauty is the same as that of cooked silkworm dung."

The effect of green manure is the same as that of various types of manure.

Wild rice seeds are very common as green manure in the south, but they are not found in Liaodong. The main reason is that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and agriculture is not developed. No one pays attention to this.

Yu Youyao also discovered that the light-leaf sweet potato, which is mainly grown in the south, prefers a humid environment and cannot be grown in Liaodong.

Later, I discovered in a book "Northern Geography" that a kind of hairy-leaf wild rice in North China is cold-resistant, has strong resistance to barrenness, has wide adaptability, and is not strict on soil requirements. It can be planted in sandy soil, loam, and clay. It has strong vitality and tenacity and does not compete with other crops for nutrients. It has the advantages of improving the soil, fertilizing the land, maintaining water and soil, and suppressing weeds.

Yu Youyao wrote a letter to tell Yin Huaixi about this discovery, and said with emotion in the letter: "Sure enough, people still need to read more to gain more knowledge."

If she had always been interested in agricultural books and farming, wouldn't she have discovered that there is a kind of hairy-leaf wild rice in North China that can be grown in Liaodong? !

Yu Youyao immediately sent people to the North China area to purchase the seeds of hairy-leaf wild rice.

Hairy sweet potato is like a weed in North China and can be found all over the mountains and plains. The cost of the seeds is very low. With the help of the local government, a large number of them were purchased with almost no money.

Therefore, Yu Youyao cooperated with the prefecture government yamen to promote hairy wild rice throughout the northern territory, and wrote a letter to Ye Xiaoci, in which uu Kanshu mentioned the various benefits of hairy wild rice:

"... After the autumn harvest, when the fields are idle, we can plant wild-leaf wild rice among them. They can withstand the cold and survive the winter, and can be used as green manure to protect the land;"

"The harvested large amounts of fresh wild rice grass can be used for livestock husbandry. With a large amount of fresh grass, livestock husbandry in Liaodong can also be expanded on a large scale;"

"A large amount of meat, wool, fresh milk, and even herding horses can not only improve the lives of the people in Liaodong as soon as possible, but also supply the army as military supplies;"

"In this way, the dilemma of lack of supplies in Liaodong can be completely solved. This move will benefit the present generation and will benefit the future. I hope Lord Ye will think twice."

Ye Xiaoci is also knowledgeable. He always feels that as a state official, he is not as broad-minded as Princess Shao Yichang, a daughter. She suddenly feels a little complicated and a little ashamed.

He couldn't help but lament to his staff: "The three major regrets in life are that the crab apples are fragrant, the shad are spiny, and the third regret is that Princess Shaoyi is not a man."


I have green manure strawberries in my hometown. I follow the high-end fruit route. I plant wild rice in the strawberry garden and then plant the strawberries in the wild rice without any inorganic fertilizer or manure. It is clean, natural, green and pollution-free. They How awesome is your strawberry garden? Every year when the strawberries are ripe, all kinds of luxury cars, not afraid of long distances, drag their families with them to pick strawberries. I heard that there are even celebrities. The strawberry garden is not open to the public. The strawberries grown are sold internally and do not go to the market. This People just use the wisdom of their ancestors to become rich~

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