All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1050: The hidden dragon army is on standby

The Marquis of Zhenguo said: "The news has been sent, and I think I should receive a reply in a few days. Eunuch Zhu has received the emperor's 'manuscript' to mobilize the Third Jing Battalion and be escorted by the Third Jing Battalion. This will ensure everything is safe."

The Third Jing Battalion participating in the escort were outstanding warriors carefully selected from major battalions across the country. They had experienced hundreds of battles, and were the ace hidden in the Third Battalion. They were also the sharpest knives in the emperor's hand.

The group discussed for a long time and finally agreed on the transportation, export, route, etc. of materials one by one.

Yu Zongshen looked tired. After coughing for a while, his face turned pale: "Your family members are also ready to leave Beijing at any time. After all, this is an offending job. It is better to do it sooner rather than later, so as not to cause changes later." , without any side effects."

The news of "abandoning the capital to protect the north" caused an uproar. When it reached Xiangping City, Yu Youyao couldn't help being startled and broke into a cold sweat.

Yin Huaixi had already assessed the Liang thief's strength and concluded that it was destined for the Liang thief to break into Jingzhao.

What the Yu family did was really unexpected. How similar was it to the time when Duke Zhonglie committed regicide and opened the city gates to welcome the new emperor? !

Until this moment, Yu Youyao could finally understand that the first words the clan elders said when giving the clan history to their descendants: "The Yu clan is the Yu clan in the world. It is loyal to all the people in the world and governs the peace and well-being of the country." , What we seek is eternal peace, what we seek is people’s livelihood, and the backbone of the Yu family is built by thousands of ordinary people in this world.”

At the time, she couldn't understand it.

After learning the cause of her mother's death, she felt a little bit of resentment towards the Yu clan, always thinking that the Yu clan was too cold and too profitable.

It was not until after her grandmother passed away that she came to Xiangping and became more and more close to the Yu clan. Gradually she felt the protection of the Yu clan and understood that there is no fairness in a big family. It requires everyone to be equal and equal, and neither does a saint. It can be done. Fairness is more reflected in the scale. We must grasp a certain fair scale in dealing with personnel, and treat everyone equally within a certain scale.

However, fairness does not mean justice

But in this world, there is only justice.

What is justice?

"Gong" represents the broad meaning, the public.

"Upright" means impartiality and integrity.

Justice is a legal system that represents the interests of the majority of people. It is impartial and fair to most people and is in line with the interests of most people. It reaches a balance between fairness and justice——

Equity is the measure of justice.

Justice is in the heart.

That's axiom!

The Yu clan grasped this very well.

Yu Youyao slowly closed her eyes, and her voice became dry: "What was said outside?"

Xia Tao swallowed her saliva: "There are all kinds of things to say. Some people say that the second master is doing this out of righteousness and to plan for the future of our Chinese descendants. Others say that the second master abandoned the capital to protect the north and was not loyal to the imperial court. This is really not true. Loyal and unjust people, such acts of robbery are no different from those of villains. They are degrading and shameful. Some people say that the second master was frightened by the Liang thieves and abandoned the capital to protect the north. To put it nicely, it is to support the war in the north, but in fact it is to hand over the Zhou Dynasty's supply to the Liang thieves..."

Giving up on Jingzhao means giving up on the innocent and pitiful people in the northern regions that have not yet been occupied by Liang thieves.

Yu Youyao took a deep breath. Yu Zongshen was indeed on the side of justice, but the people who had their property confiscated for no reason, no matter whether they were innocent or not, had not been convicted by the court law, but they had suffered an unreasonable disaster. How could they swallow this sigh of relief? He must also publicize his notoriety.

This approach is indeed criticized by others.

Even Duke Zhonglie who committed regicide back then, if Emperor Gaozu had not used "Zhonglie" to rectify his name, Duke Zhonglie's reputation would not necessarily be favored by future generations.

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot have both sides, and it has never been just a matter of words.

Yu Youyao couldn't go against his conscience and said that Yu Zongshen shouldn't do this. After all, the people who benefited were Yin Huaixi, the 500,000 You army, and the people of the Zhou Dynasty whom they risked their lives to protect.

After putting away the secret message from the capital, Yu Youyao changed her clothes, called Butler Wen, and convened the military advisers and staff in the palace to discuss the matter.

The group of people stared at the map and pointed, and after repeated deliberation, they finally determined the connection route.

"The Third Camp of Beijing has already set off. The Marquis of Zhen Guo explained the transportation route in a secret letter and arranged the time and place for the reception. We will meet the Third Camp of Beijing at the designated time and place, as well as the things to be transported. Xiangping City is staying behind. Fifty thousand elite troops will be mobilized and 10,000 will be divided into ten batches. We will set up connection points on the agreed-upon routes. Each batch of troops will cooperate and respond to each other to carry out concealment, ambush, cover, and reconnaissance..."

People die for money, and birds die for food. Yu Youyao never underestimates the greed of the world. Even when the country is in crisis, there will be people who ignore the justice of the family and the country and take risks.

After repeated discussions until late at night, the relevant action arrangements were confirmed one by one, and Yu Youyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

All the people who were discussing the matter left and hurriedly went to make arrangements.

Silence returned to the room.

The candlelight on the lamp holder flickered and danced, and the light gradually dimmed.

Yu Youyao rubbed her somewhat swollen and sore forehead, and repeatedly broke and kneaded the previously determined action route, response location, and entire response process into pieces, and considered them one by one.

Youjun could not enter the capital until the edict was issued.

The support and deployment they arranged were all within Liaodong, but Hebei and Jingzhao outside Liaodong were unable to intervene.

This batch of things was so huge that it brought together the wealth of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Yu Youyao couldn't help but feel jealous and confused, worried that something had gone wrong and that outsiders were being advantaged.

Yu Youyao was sitting in a dark room, her face looking a little uncertain and obscure under the flickering and swaying candlelight.

Finally, she pulled out a bone whistle from her collar. This bone whistle was hung by Yin Huaixi on her neck the night before she left the army.

Gently stroking the bone whistle with her fingers, Yu Youyao brought the bone whistle to her lips and blew it hard.

A short, high-pitched voice sounded.

Unexpectedly, a gust of cool wind blew into the room, and the candle on the lamp holder swayed, then extinguished with a slight "squeak" sound.

The room suddenly became dark, and a hoarse voice sounded: "The Hidden Dragon Army is on standby."

The Qian Jiao Army was handed over to her by Yin Huaixi personally when she was leaving. The Qian Jiao Army did not belong to the imperial court and was only ordered by Yin Huaixi. This was the greatest confidence left to her by Yin Huaixi.

No one knows what Princess Shaoyi Chang conspired with the Qian Jiao Army that night. A thousand Qian Jiao Army broke into pieces and quietly passed through the east gate.

as expected!

The Beijing Third Battalion set off from Jingzhao and had a smooth journey. However, before entering Shanhaiguan and arriving at Huludao, Liaodong, they were ambushed by a group of mobs.

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