All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1,067: Every word touches the heart

She said in a dumb voice, angry and annoyed: "Don't you also say that it's because you are busy that you don't have the time to care about those things? When you stop being busy, you will have the time and the mind to care about it? You have such thoughts? , why do you need to take me to Beijing and let me live alone in Yuyuan..."

Every word touches my heart!

Yin Huaixi felt violent in his heart and pinched Yu Youyao's chin: "When did I say this? You took it out of context and blamed it on me. As soon as I entered Beijing, you didn't even take a breath. , I will arrange for someone to take you to Beijing, and I want to reunite with you."

Seemingly feeling that he had gone too far, he softened his voice: "I ignored the freezing cold weather and the difficulty of walking on the road, which made you suffer and suffer. It's my fault, but why are you so unreasonable? It’s true that the emperor is falsely accusing me of the three palaces and six courtyards, but there is also Emperor Xianzong..."

"Why am I being unreasonable?" Yu Youyao raised her voice and interrupted him: "Yes, Emperor Xianzong and the Queen are monogamous, and they live in the palace like an ordinary couple. But why didn't you tell me, Cheng The emperor was not born from the emperor, so the so-called drinking from a ladle is an unknown joke."

Yin Huaixi looked stunned.

Yu Youyao looked at him deeply, stood up and was about to leave.

Yin Huaixi took her hand and asked subconsciously: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to Xiangping," Yu Youyao turned her back, tears falling from her eyes. She raised her arms angrily and was about to throw away his hand: "I will never come to Jingzhao again."

"Don't go." Yin Huaixi hugged her from behind and refused to let her go.

"Let go," she said hoarsely, and there was no hint of resentment in her tone: "Why are you still trying to stop me? When I leave, you can marry Baier eighty as you please, no matter how romantic and happy you are, one One is like a beautiful snake, clinging to you, wandering around you, treating you like a stallion, fighting for land. This one gives you some medicine to win favor, and the other one gives you some medicine to give birth to a prince. Get under the covers, or simply give you some medicine to make you sick, and then secretly get some red pills to squeeze you dry. This is how the emperor's life is short, I don't care whether you live or die..."

When Yin Huaixi told her, she couldn't help but feel numb, and she couldn't help but laugh and cry: "What are you talking about? You are the only one, and I am already choked."

Yu Youyao felt sour in her heart and pursed her lips slightly.

The height of the carriage was limited, so Yin Huaixi had to lower his head and bend his back: "The Beijing omen has been decided, and the affairs in the palace are complicated. Empress Ning will handle all the affairs in the inner palace. After we hold the ceremony of establishing the queen, I will go down The decree is to send Queen Ning to the palace to take care of herself."

Princess Liyang has no reason to stay in the palace.

Simple and straightforward, without any sloppiness.

Yu Youyao's tense body couldn't help but soften a little, but she pursed her lips and said nothing.

"The dynasties have changed. There is no need to respect the former queen as the queen mother. I will make you feel uncomfortable and let people ride on top of your head. I worked hard to win the country just so that you don't have to look at people's faces. You don’t have to feel as wronged as you did when you were a child.”

Emperor Chengzong was not born from the empress. This was a royal secret that few people even in the palace knew. How could Yu Youyao know such a secret outside the palace?

Except for Princess Liyang, I don’t think about anyone else.

It is not difficult to guess what Queen Ning and Princess Liyang had in mind. They even set their sights on Yu Youyao without his knowledge.

What a smart girl Yu Youyao is.

The pride of being born into a noble family and the upbringing she received since she was a child would never allow her to have her pride, upbringing, and integrity easily shattered by a few words from outsiders.

He was also extremely annoyed in his heart, but he was also suspicious of Princess Liyang's one-sided words and did not want to easily have a bad relationship with him because of Princess Liyang's instigating words.

As for the so-called "Three Palaces and Six Courtyards", Princess Liyang doesn't have any say, his attitude is the key.

The deliberate mention of Emperor Xianzong was also to test him.

If he really didn't have this intention, he should know how to react.

If he had second thoughts, it wouldn't lead to an infatuation and entanglement with each other, and they would be able to escape unscathed because of their years of love.

Smart and sensible.

But it was heartbreaking. Yin Huaixi picked her up and placed her on his lap: "I promise that after I ascend the throne, I will rectify the name of Duke Ning's palace. Queen Baoning and Princess Liyang will live a glorious life. That's all. No matter they fight." Whatever their ideas are, that’s their own business.”

Yu Youyao fell into his arms and sobbed: "You don't know, Princess Liyang came to me and said a lot of things. I didn't believe it at first, but..." She was so angry that she beat him and couldn't help but Annoyed and angry: "She also said that the dispute between you, father and son, and Duke Ning's mansion, I..."

Yin Huaixi was very tolerant to Queen Ning, and many of his calculations against the palace avoided Queen Ning.

She had always tried to avoid getting involved in the affairs between him and Queen Ning.

He didn't tell, and she didn't ask.

"Are you afraid that for the so-called kindness and debt, I will comply with Queen Ning's plan?" Yin Huaixi was a little annoyed by her distrust, but he also understood that this distrust stemmed from his secretive attitude towards Queen Ning: "Ning Guogong What does the collapse of the government have to do with us, father and son? Where does the debt come from?"

Yu Youyao breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she was afraid that Yin Huaixi was too focused on friendship and was not clear-headed.

Ningguo Gongfu was a party member cultivated by the late emperor for the emperor's fifth son. Supporting the emperor's fifth son was a matter of loyalty to the emperor and should be taken for granted.

Ning Guo Gongfu was highly used by the late emperor and went from decline to prosperity. This was originally a transaction between Ning Guo Gongfu and the late emperor, and it was also a huge gamble.

Whether you win or lose is your choice, there is no such thing as a debt.

After the Dog Emperor ascended the throne, it was impossible to kill the emperor's fifth son with the empress dowager as a guarantee. He had no choice but to break away from the empress dowager.

The destruction of Duke Ning's mansion was due to the suspicion of the Dog Emperor.

It has nothing to do with others.

"My father did borrow the protection of Ning Guogong's old ministry to make great achievements in the north. But over the years, my father secretly and openly took care of Queen Ning in the palace, helping her escape many times from the concubine Lu Huang. Plan, I also promised to rectify the name of Duke Ning's palace and give Queen Ning a lifetime of glory. How many favors can't be repaid?"

He also did not say that after Ning Guo Gongfu was convicted, the old troops of Ning Guo Gongfu were not implicated because of the protection of the Queen Mother. It was the Queen Mother's arrangement for his father to go to the north to join the vassal. Those old troops had a great deal of influence. It was because of the Queen Mother that she treated my father differently.

It's just that when people hear these words, they will inevitably feel a little ungrateful.

It's really hard to tell directly.

Yu Youyao cried so aggrievedly: "Why didn't you tell me? You've made me feel uncomfortable for so long for nothing."

"Having said that, my father and son are indeed deeply entangled with Duke Ning's palace. Many things are unclear, and Queen Ning has too many calculations." Yin Huaixi gently rubbed the tears from her eyes, with a look of helplessness on his face: "I don't want to call you I know, I’m involved with them, some people are too dirty, it’s better to stay out of it.”

Since she can't get involved in the palace's personnel affairs, it's best not to get involved.

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