All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1071: Returning to the old place

The Ministry of Household Affairs is in charge of the registered acres of land across the country. It also knows how much tax each place should pay each year and how much tax money is converted into it.

The tax system has been simplified, making it easier to collect taxes, making it difficult for local officials to cheat and commit corruption, and increasing fiscal revenue.

To a certain extent, corruption among local officials has been greatly curbed.

The same is true for corvee service. As many people as there are in the family, when the yamen needs to recruit people, they can send out as many people as required according to regulations. If you don't want to send out people, you can also pay for them.

Control local tyrants and landlords, prevent the development of private land ownership, make land transactions increasingly capitalized, and prevent powerful landlords from colluding with the government to seize people's land and evade corresponding taxes.

However, the "One Whip Method" enriches the national treasury, which is an act of enriching the country, but it also means that "silver is expensive and grain is cheap." Businessmen will inevitably raise the price of silver, and grain is cheap and hurt the people.

Therefore, on the basis of the "one whip method", "dividing a small person into an acre" came into being.

Emperor Zhaoyong abolished the "capitation tax" and wrote "Never accept a capitation" in his own handwriting. If his descendants have unworthy descendants and want to collect the poll tax, they must also consider the "filial piety" of their ancestors.

The poll tax accounts for more than 30% of the people's taxes. There is no need to pay the poll tax, which substantially reduces the burden on the people. This alone makes the people grateful.

The capitation tax is also the biggest way for corrupt officials to become corrupt. It is simple and easy to operate. Abolition of the capitation tax is equivalent to abolishing the biggest way for corrupt officials to exploit the people.

As soon as the list came out, the people were so excited that they knelt on the ground and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live my emperor."

Since then, the world has returned to its center.

No one mentioned Emperor Zhaoyong's reputation for being violent and murderous.

And the "spreading small people into acres" continues to be extended to a "one whip method".

How is the field divided?

According to the population, the more children you have, the more fields you will be allocated, and you do not need to pay the capitation tax. The more children you have, the more fields you will be allocated. This is to increase the population, improve social productivity, further curb collusion between officials and businessmen, and corruption, which will make one less Channels of corruption have strengthened control over local officials.

At the same time, the increase in population and increase in productivity are enough to make up for the loss of capitation tax.

The improvement of productivity has made domestic materials more abundant, and can also make up for the "one-whip method" that caused the price of silver to be high and grain to be cheap, and the low price of grain to hurt the people.

These two political moves were based on the lessons learned from the Zhou Dynasty and were drastic reforms aimed at easing social conflicts and promoting production development.

In addition, Emperor Zhaoyong also issued the ‘Law of Land Equalization’.

The land that has been abandoned or confiscated will be used as public land and distributed to the people on a per capita basis. The sergeants will be given five points of the land, the civilians will be given four points, and the widows and disabled people will be given three points. The perpetrators accused them of seizing land, further freeing the people from the control of local powerful landlords and strengthening the centralization of power over the court.

These three items are benevolent policies for the people, putting agricultural development in the first place.

Yin Huaixi also issued a tax law specifically aimed at paying taxes to noble officials.

The original "exemption" clause will be abolished, and various taxes will be exempted, reduced or remitted as appropriate, depending on the fame and official position.

For example, if you are a scholar, you do not need to pay tax on the acres of land in your name, but now it is exempted from tax if it is less than five acres. If it exceeds five acres or more, you will have to pay taxes based on the fame and the number of acres.

Taxes must be paid according to regulations according to the number of acres of land and how much land the family has. The more land, the more taxes will be paid.

All in all, even the Emperor and I must pay taxes according to law.

Anyone who is found to have missed, underpaid, or failed to pay will, depending on the size of the tax and the seriousness of the case, be punished in accordance with the law by ten times the amount, or have their homes confiscated, exiled, or beheaded, etc.

Yin Huaixi also planned commercial taxes.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the 'tariff'. Every land official road checkpoint set up by the imperial court has a 'tariff'. Passers have to pay a certain amount of money, with one tax for civilians and three cents for merchants.

This move has strengthened the control of various checkpoints and also increased revenue for the national treasury.

Port tax, water trade depends on the quantity and value of the goods, and a 30% tax is charged based on the value of the goods. This move is really unfavorable to the merchants, but he also liberalized the transaction quota for salt, tea, cloth, porcelain and other items, so that Free trade for merchants greatly increased trade development.

At the same time, foreign trade was opened, and Xiaoyuguan became the first experimental point for mutual trade.

More taxes are paid, but there are also more business opportunities.

The new decree issued by Yin Huaixi drew lessons from historical books, but the dynasties were different and the national conditions were also different, so they could not be copied in full.

Yu Youyao is proficient in agriculture, industry, and commerce. In recent years in Liaodong, she has done many good deeds that benefit the country and the people. Whenever Yin Huaixi issues a new policy, he must discuss it with her and listen to her opinions. Then he brainstorms and works with the cabinet ministers. After consultation and improvement, the new policy centered on "people-oriented" was implemented.

The issuance of successive government orders gradually brought Dazhao back on track.

Because the Ministry of Etiquette was preparing for the conferment ceremony, the man and woman could not meet before the wedding. Yin Huaixi had to return to the palace under the repeated urging and invitation of Eunuch Zhu.

Yu Youyao sent someone to deliver a message to the Yu Mansion, planning to go back to the Yu Mansion. Her relationship with the Yu family was also constantly involved, so it was impossible to go back to the capital but not go back for a walk.

This message caused an uproar in the east and west mansions of Yu Mansion.

The imperial edict had been issued and Yu Youyao wanted to return to the Yu Mansion. Jiang family immediately panicked and went to look for Yu Zongzheng.

At the beginning of the new dynasty, the new emperor successively appointed many officials from the previous dynasty, especially a large number of people from the Yu clan, and placed them in important positions in the court.

Mr. Yu Ge was promoted to chief assistant.

Yu Shande appointed the bachelor of Dongge University to directly enter the cabinet, and was promoted to the third rank and served as the left minister of the Ministry of Industry.

The Ministry of Works is in charge of all construction projects, including the dredging of the city, the repair of civil engineering, the procedures of craftsmen, the cultivation of fields in salt ponds, weirs and canals, water conservancy and navigation and other fortifications. The most important thing is hard work.

The current minister of the Ministry of Industry is over fifty years old. Anyone can see that Emperor Zhaoyong has the intention of training Yu Shande. He just waits for a few years to master the affairs of the Ministry of Works before he can take over the position of the Ministry of Works. The position of Shangshu.

Yu Shan was virtuous and experienced in human relations, but he was slightly lacking in sophistication and tact, but he was deeply rooted in people's feelings. For him, the Ministry of Industry was a place where he could flex his muscles and display his ambitions.

The members of the Yu clan who used to be in the court were all given important positions. On the contrary, Yu Zongzheng had only been back in Beijing for two months, but he had not waited for the imperial edict to be activated and had been idle at home.

Therefore, when he heard that Yu Youyao was going back to his hometown, he couldn't help but cheer up: "Although the imperial edict has been issued, the ceremony has not been completed yet, so it is difficult to go beyond the etiquette system."

I mean, as long as there are no mistakes in etiquette.

After Jiang received the words, he calmed down and quickly went down to make arrangements.

Three days later, early in the morning, the east and west mansions of the Yu Mansion opened their doors and swept the courtyards. Guessing that it was time, Yu Zongshen took the first and second bedrooms and the whole family to wait outside the mansion to welcome Yu Youyao.


The idea of ​​apportioning people into acres was germinated during the Kangxi period. During Kangxi's reign, he proposed to breed more people and never increase taxes. However, the person who implemented the policy of apportioning people into acres was Yongzheng. The idea of ​​apportioning people into acres directly affected all the people. Only the common people benefit from the interests of the nobility, local tyrants, gentry, and landlords.

Just for this political move, Yongzheng offended all the ministers in the court, both loyal and treacherous, and made himself infamous. He also worked himself so hard that he died young. After Yongzheng's death, he His son Qianlong enjoyed the fruits of Lao Tzu's political achievements and drained the national treasury.

Later, it was implemented again and again by our great founding leader, more thoroughly and comprehensively, and the landlords, local tyrants, and capitalists were suppressed to death.

The land equalization system originated in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was a system that allowed the land to be owned by the court and helped the people to get rid of the control and exploitation of the local gentry to a large extent. It was used until the Tang Dynasty, and was abolished in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. It was rarely used in the later period. , but it is undeniable that this is also a great system.

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