All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1082: Welcome

The chariot drove out of the Princess Chang's Mansion, with the Queen's guard of honor accompanying her. The guard of honor stretched for several miles, making it a spectacular sight. Chang'an Street was heavily guarded, and the people on both sides cheered excitedly.

There were musicians playing music along the way, and the song "Guan Ju" seemed extremely grand.

"Guan Guan Jiu Jiu, in the River Island. A graceful lady, a gentleman is so good..." Look at the Guan Guan Heming Ju Jiu in the river, a virtuous and beautiful woman, a good spouse for a gentleman.

I want to pursue her day and night,

I miss her day and night,

The constant longing makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Leisurely leisurely——

Play the harp, drums and harp to get close to her.

Beat the bells and drums to please her.

Amidst the sound of bells and drums, the chariot walked along Chang'an Street to the palace gate. It was almost dusk.

It's dusk to get married.

The time is exactly the same.

Aunt Xu smiled brightly and shouted: "Good luck!"

The accompanying palace attendants also shouted: "Good luck!"

The chariot stopped slowly.

Yu Youyao was about to ask, when she heard Aunt Xu saying from the side of the chariot: "The Emperor personally came to the palace gate to greet you. He was wearing Zhou Dynasty Xuanhu wedding clothes, with red in the black, bright red on the collar and sleeve edges, and bright red on the chest. He is riding a tall horse with a red flower tied on its head. It is very festive and high-spirited."

Yu Youyao was silent for a moment.

After being granted the title of Empress Jia Li, Yin Huaixi in the palace was even busier than she was. She was busy offering sacrifices to heaven, earth and ancestors, running around almost non-stop from morning to night.

There is no time to welcome the bride in person.

I couldn't go to Princess Chang's Mansion to welcome her in person, so I waited at the palace gate to welcome her into the palace.

She had been working on it since dawn until the auspicious time. The wedding ceremony was very complicated, but no matter what, it was different from the wedding ceremony she knew. There was no festive look at all, and there was a sense of solemnity from beginning to end. The solemnity kept her in a trance.

It was not until this moment that Yu Youyao had a real feeling of getting married.

The man she wants to marry is the most noble emperor in the world.

He is also her childhood sweetheart's 'cousin'.

He is also her beloved man who has been with her through thick and thin and has been with her for many years.

He is also a lover who shares her heart.

Yu Youyao felt a wave of sweetness in her heart and couldn't help but curl her lips.

On auspicious days, she couldn't look outside, couldn't see how high-spirited Yin Huaixi was, and couldn't imagine how radiant he looked at this moment.

But hearing Aunt Xu describe it like this, she suddenly felt that he was probably not a big fool with a big flower on his chest. This was not how the silly son of the landlord's family welcomed the bride.

In fact, not only Yu Youyao was speechless.

Even the officials accompanying the Emperor's guard of honor couldn't help but remain silent when they suddenly saw the Emperor's "happy" and down-to-earth look.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was no tradition of wearing a corsage when welcoming brides, and it was only performed this way in operas. I don’t know where the emperor read the opera, but he believed it to be true.

Someone like the Minister of Rites, who was younger and lacked concentration, suddenly couldn't help laughing, and let out a slight "chuckling" laugh.

Those who had a little better concentration quickly tightened their mouths and tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, but the corners of their mouths couldn't stop twisting and twitching. They thought it was very hard to hold back laughter.

As old as Mr. Yu Ge, he had seen all kinds of storms and waves in his life. He glanced at them and then lowered his eyes, as if he was looking at his nose and his nose at his heart, as if he had not seen it.

As for what's going on in his heart, I'm afraid only he himself knows.

Yin Huaixi was sitting on a tall horse. Through the semi-transparent curtain in front of the chariot, he could only see the shadowy figure in the chariot, showing dignity and grace. His heart felt hot, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger until he was neat and tidy. Qi's eight teeth are all exposed.

He raised his head, raised his eyebrows, and his whole body exuded a sense of pride that I am getting married today and that I have a wife.

"Go back to the palace." Yin Huaixi straightened his back and rode his horse into the palace majesticly.

The chariot welcoming the bride followed him into the palace.

The music of bells and drums played again, and a song "Taoyao" appeared under the setting sun and the western mountains, which seemed simple and distant, and the sound of the music seemed to reach all over the sky and the earth.

"When the peach blooms, its flowers are shining brightly. When the son returns, he will be suitable for his family..." Thousands of peach blossoms are in full bloom. This girl is going to get married and return to her husband's family with joy. She must be harmonious and happy.

The branches are full of plump and fresh peaches. This girl's home is sure to make her family prosperous.

The peach leaves grow thick and dense. If this girl marries her husband, they will grow old together.

The emperor's guard of honor stretched from the palace gate to the Meridian Gate and all the way to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

When they arrived in front of the palace, the chariot stopped.

Yin Huaixi got off his horse and walked to the chariot.

Chunxiao and Xia Tao raised the curtain, one on the left and the other on the right.

Aunt Xu stepped forward, helped Yu Youyao out of the carriage, tied one end of the red silk into a couplet and stuffed it into Yu Youyao's body, and handed the other end to Yin Huaixi.

Yu Youyao lowered her eyebrows and did not raise her head to look at him, but she could still feel that Yin Huaixi's gaze on her was full of burning passion, which made her heart shudder.

Next, she and Yin Huaixi will enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony side by side, walk along a long passage in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and step on the thirty-nine steps in front of the temple until they reach the top of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is extremely vast. There is a wide hall in front of the hall, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people to worship and celebrate. It is very majestic. Along the long passage, a palace suddenly rises from the ground, several feet (eight feet) above the ground. meters), it is so majestic and majestic that it seems to reach directly into the sky.

At this time, "Preparation" played in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony:

"Plan your firewood, and the three stars are in the sky. Tonight or later, I will see this beloved man. I am here, son-in-law, how can I be such a beloved man!"

To keep means to wrap around and bundle up, as well as lingering.

The bundle of salary is a metaphor for the couple being united and affectionate.

The light and lingering melody is mixed with the cheerfulness and liveliness of the flute. Every time it is played to "Tonight or What Eve", the tune is subtle and playful, with a sense of being intoxicated on this auspicious day, happy and excited, and forgetting oneself.

Yu Youyao's face turned bright red as she listened to the music. During the Zhou Dynasty's welcoming ceremony, most of them played "Tao Yao" and "Preparation", both of which symbolize a beautiful marriage and best wishes for the newlyweds.

Even if we don't compose some literate songs from the Book of Songs among the people, we also have to sing a little song called "Preparation" to express the celebration and joy.

But this is a gift for empress, so playing this music is a bit unceremonious.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yin Huaixi really sang the ditty "Preparation" just like a common man. His voice was clear and clear, and it was not difficult to hear the spring breeze in the tune.

The firewood is tied tightly, and the three stars in the sky are shining brightly. What night is it tonight? I am so happy to see this beautiful family. I want to ask you, I want to ask you, how do you kiss this beautiful woman like a flower?



There are so many bundles of grass, and the three stars in the southeast are flashing. What night is it tonight? How happy it is to have such a good time. I want to ask you, I want to ask you, how do you spend this good time?



A bunch of wattle sticks are tied tightly, and the three stars in the sky shine on the door. What night is it tonight? I'm so excited to see this beauty. I want to ask you, I want to ask you, how do you love this beauty?

It hurts——



This is the second time I have written about Zhou Zhi Han Wedding, and I am really filled with emotions. Although it is the second time I have written it, it is very comfortable to write. I held the Book of Songs and turned it over, and I still picked Guan Ju, Tao Yao, and Preparation Three. First of all, I feel that there is no replacement. I really like the Zhou system of Han weddings. I may write about it in the future. In my heart, the Zhou system of Han weddings is the real Chinese wedding. Later generations added chaos and excitement to Han weddings, and some etiquette revealed that men are superior to women. Thoughts, do not have the mind and grandeur of Zhou Zhi Han Marriage!

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