All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 118: Hit a stick and give a sweet date

Remember in a second【】

Zhou Yongchang thought that although planting trees is hard work, not only can he save his life, but he can also have a job in the future, so that he can live his life.

Servants like them who have made mistakes, and those who are more serious, like the eldest lady, are beaten with a board and sent to the government. If the government beats them, they will be exiled again, and their lives will not be guaranteed.

Even if they are lighter, they will probably be kicked out. This kind of experience can be easily inquired about, and they will not be able to find work outside in the future. It will not be long before life will be difficult.

Even when the eldest lady dealt with the servants, she showed true benevolence and righteousness, and Zhou Yongchang also kowtowed in gratitude like Yang's mother.

Yu Zongzheng thought about it carefully, and realized that Yaoyao's treatment was well-intentioned, and it really showed both kindness and power: "Okay, I will do as you said."

The other servants also felt that the eldest lady was benevolent, and they all looked at her with admiration.

Yang Shuwan looked at Yu Youyao, selling people's hearts in front of her eyes, and she was so angry that she was really shaking, but she couldn't help but smile: "Yaoyao's handling is very appropriate, just now my mother was angry, so she said some cruel words." In other words, Mama Yang and Zhou Yongchang are both old people in the mansion, so they don't have a lot of affection, so naturally they can't really send them to the government, otherwise they will be regarded as our family and treat the servants harshly."

Yu Youyao pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "I also learned some principles by watching my mother's housekeeper work on weekdays. Mother should not blame me for overstepping."

How can I learn this from her, it is obvious that someone behind the scenes has pointed it out?

Yang Shuwan felt a stab in her heart, and said quickly: "Why, I'm sick now, Yaoyao can help the housekeeper, and I can recover from my illness at ease. I'm grateful to you before it's too late, so how can I blame you."

Yu Youyao felt relieved: "Mother's complexion is not very good, she must be tired too, I ordered someone to find a doctor for mother to have a look, so mother can rest!"

Yang Shuwan froze for a moment, then tasted it, the expression on her face froze again, and she couldn't refuse: "Then thank you, Yaoyao."

She used to take advantage of her illness to hand over the housekeeper's key on purpose, but now Yu Youyao made it clear that she wanted to take advantage of this illness to let her continue to cultivate.

At this moment, it would be impossible for her to take over the housekeeping power from Yu Youyao.

Yu Zongzheng patted Yu Youyao's small shoulders, and praised: "Yaoyao has acted thoughtfully, as a father, I did not misunderstand you. From now on, you should pay more attention to this family."

These words undoubtedly affirmed Yu Youyao's housekeeping ability, that is, Yang Shuwan will take care of her body in the future,

I'm afraid it won't be easy to take back all the housekeeping rights.

Thinking of this, the blood on Yang Shuwan's face faded completely, and she held Yu Youyao's hand again, and said in a gentle voice: "Yaoyao has to go to home every day and learn things with Mother Xu. I have to help the housekeeper because my mother is ill, and I have worked hard during this time, and when my mother recovers, I will definitely thank you very much."

Yu Youyao said softly: "Mother is being polite, it's all as it should be."

Yu Zongzheng also realized that it was wrong to let Yaoyao be the housekeeper all the time, so he said to Yang Shi: "Take care of your body carefully and get well as soon as possible, and you can't let Yaoyao take care of the house alone. Delayed studies."

When Yang Shuwan heard it at first, she was overjoyed, but after hearing it, her face froze again. Master, what does this mean? Even if she is in good health, you still want Yu Youyao to continue managing the house with her?

How can this work?

Yang Shuwan couldn't help it right now, and wanted to speak.

But Yu Zongzheng never liked to deal with these common affairs in the mansion. After everything was settled, why would he stay here any longer: "I still have something to do in the study, so I'll leave first."

After finishing speaking, before Yang Shuwan could react, she strode away.

Yang Shuwan was so angry that she almost fell on her back, she asked Nanny Li to support her so that she didn't lose her composure on the spot.

Yu Youyao pursed her lips lightly, and saluted Yang Shuwan: "Mother is not feeling well, so let's take a good rest. There are still some things in the front yard that have not been dealt with, and my daughter will go there now."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yang Shuwan's reaction, she had already led the maids and women to the front yard.

Yang Shuwan stared at Yu Youyao helplessly, and was surrounded by servants in the mansion like stars and moons to leave. This scene hurt her eyes, and she even tore the handkerchief in her hand: "No way, this little bitch This is the opposite of the sky, look at her, in front of her father, she pretends to be like that, people who don't know, think she came out of my stomach, and when her father left, she If you don't pay attention to me..."

Nanny Li felt her scalp numb when she heard it: "Madam, please keep your voice down, this is still outside the main courtyard..."

Yang Shuwan came to her senses, glanced around, her head was throbbing again and again, if she had known this, she might as well have stayed in the main courtyard just now, waiting for Yu Youyao to bring Zhou Yongchang and Mama Yang to the door, in her own courtyard, Either way it can be covered up.

But now, it's really embarrassing, and it's all thrown into the mansion.

Yang Shuwan complained to Nanny Li: "How did you hear the news? Let me let the master scold me for nothing."

When Nanny Li heard this, she bowed her body in fright and trembled: "Old, this old servant panicked when he saw the master. He was afraid that the young lady would chew it in front of the master, so he thought about it." Hurry up and report to Madam, Madam will be able to deal with it ahead of time, who would have known..."

Yang Shuwan was so angry that she gritted her teeth: "Why don't you think about it, it took you a lot of time to go back and forth, that bitch Yu Youyao should chew, and chew?"

Nanny Li was very wronged in her heart, but she admitted her mistake in panic: "It's all the old slave's fault."

But she was thinking in her heart, how did she know that the Eldest Master would come to the main courtyard with the Eldest Miss, usually the Eldest Master would not care

^0^ Remember in a second【】

The common affairs of the government.

Even Da Furen herself didn't expect it, otherwise how could she be so panicked?

Yu Youyao returned to the front yard, and ordered Zhou Yongtian and the others to be summoned: "The matter of Zhou Yongchang and Mama Yang's greed for money in the mansion has nothing to do with you, but you Zhouzhuang fooled the master's family and did not take good care of the crops. In fact, I went back and made it clear to the people in the village that in the future, the rent per mu will be increased by 30 cents, and the harvest of this season's crops will be increased by 10% compared to previous years. If you can't do it, you won't The fields in the plantation house."

Zhou Yongtian and the others are grateful, what the eldest lady means is that they can continue to rent and grow the fields on the small Zhouzhuang, which is worth more than anything else.

Besides, Yu Mansion is still very kind.

Even if something like this happened, the rent was not increased, and it was only about the same as other families in Beijing. In the past few years, the years have been good, and they have been working hard on the crops. These rents are also considered to them To be light and easy is to be able to eat enough, save some money, pass the day, and have some hope.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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