All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 123: What a great prestige

Remember in a second【】

But Yu Jianjia couldn't sit still: "Big sister, I respect you as the eldest sister, but Anise is my maid, she just said something wrong and offended big sister, so I should teach her a lesson, big sister If you don't agree with me, you will slap and beat someone, that is to do it for you, do you mean to ask me?"

Looking at the pale, weak, yet beautiful and beautiful face in front of her, Yu Youyao suddenly thought that in that nightmare, even if Yu Jianjia said the most vicious words in the world, she was so tactful and soft——

"Third sister, Fenix ​​said something wrong, and it's because you, the master, are not strict in discipline. I remember that Zhi Zi, who was in front of you, was beaten up and sold the house because of a mistake. It can be seen that the third sister is too soft-hearted. But even the maids around me can't manage well, even if the slaves bully the master and don't pay attention to the master, as a big sister, I have to be this wicked person and discipline you well, Is this wrong?"

right? Not only was it true, but if people knew about it, it would be assumed that she deliberately indulged the maids around her to treat Yu Youyao disrespectfully. Yu Jianjia coughed when her throat itch.

Yu Youyao smiled faintly: "Besides, Fenix ​​is ​​a servant girl, but she keeps instigating our sisterhood. This is a big taboo of the master's family. If grandma knows it, I'm afraid it will not only be a few tricks, but the house will be settled."

Yu Jianjia opened his mouth, and a gust of cold wind came from nowhere, and it poured into his mouth and down his throat, cooling his heart all the way.

Before, Zhizi was beaten because of Yu Youyao and sold the mansion, and now Fennel has bumped into Yu Youyao again. This one can be said to be careless, but both of them fell into Yu Youyao's hands, and there are so many wives Look, how can there be such a coincidence? If you really go to grandma, what can she ask for?

Jiaosifang's nanny is still in the mansion, so it is imperative to teach her the principles of superiority and inferiority!

Yu Youyao looked at Chun Xiao: "Don't you slap your mouth?"

The two women pressed Fennel to the ground, let Fenix ​​scream and struggle, but remained indifferent, Chunxiao stepped forward and slapped her back and forth, making her scream and cry, and after several slaps, Fenix's face Red and swollen.

Yu Youyao said in a leisurely voice: "Chunxiao's father was originally the coachman in front of my grandmother. He practiced some moves in the past. Chunxiao has learned from him since he was a child. When he fights people, he will not be soft."

Yu Jianjia sat with a pale face, pinched the handkerchief firmly in his hand, and slapped his hands loudly, "Pa, pa, pa, pa", crisp and loud, it can be seen that he had used great force, and it was clearly on the ground. Fennel's face, but she felt as if it was slapped on her face.

After the ten slaps were over, Yu Youyao said softly, "Stop!"

Chunxiao stopped,

Returning to Yu Youyao's side, she took the tea from the young maid and handed it to the eldest lady.

Both sides of Fennel's face were swollen into pig's heads, her hair was scattered on the ground, she sobbed and groaned softly, Yu Jianjia hoarsely asked Ai Ye to help her up. tv mobile terminal m../

Yu Jianjia pursed her lips, and said in a cold voice: "Eldest sister is really very powerful. Today, Fennel committed a crime in your hands, and it was her who made a rude statement, but I have to ask elder sister carefully, it's done well. The clothes, why did shopkeeper Sun take them back again, did everyone take them back, or did I just take them back?"

Yu Youyao pursed her lips slightly, and glanced at Dongmei. She was holding a wooden tray in her hand, and a plain brocade fairy dress was neatly stacked on top of it. It was the style she had chosen before. here.

So, she said slowly: "If the third sister doesn't mind, I will wear this plain brocade fairy dress of mine. I am about the same size as you now. The color of this fairy dress is also plain and elegant, and it is probably suitable for three-year-olds." Sister's."

She had originally planned to do this, but Anise retorted and diverted the endless conversation. She mentioned this matter again, in order to give both parties a step.

But Yu Jianjia didn't appreciate it, because she believed that Yu Youyao was deliberately trying to get along with her just as Fenxiang said, she pursed her lips, with a weak and stubborn expression: "If something goes wrong with my own clothes, I will If you know what went wrong, the big sister will deal with it privately, isn't it too much? I will talk to my father and let him comment on it."

After speaking, Yu Jianjia got up and was about to leave.

Yu Youyao didn't stop her, but turned her head and said to Xia Tao: "Go to the front yard and ask Zhao Da to borrow a book "Worshiping the Six Dances of Confucius"."

Xia Tao responded and went out the door.

Yu Youyao said indifferently: "When the books from father are borrowed, the third younger sister will take a good look at them, lest the third younger sister think that I am against you and deliberately ask Shopkeeper Sun to send your clothes back."

Yu Jianjia felt that something was wrong, it was just a piece of clothing, how could it be related to his father, and how could it be related to the "Liuyi Dance in Honor of Confucius"?

Thinking this way, people also calm down.

Yu Youyao was willing to give away even the clothes in the house, so she wouldn't mess with a piece of clothing. It should be something wrong with the clothes?

Yu Youyao was the housekeeper on the first day, so it made sense to be cautious, after all, if the clothes went wrong, it would harm the whole family, even the Manchu!

After thinking about this, Yu Jianjia was not in a hurry to leave, and while covering her handkerchief and coughing lightly, she apologized: "Big sister, I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now, and my mother is still sick, and big sister helping the housekeeper is also a substitute." It's not easy for my mother to share my worries, but it's not easy for my elder sister to take care of the house. I'm not in good health, so I can't share the responsibility for my elder sister.

She was also angry because of what happened in the mansion, and when she saw Yu Youyao dealing with fennel in front of her again, she lost her sense of proportion.

Yu Youyao nodded: "It's good that you understand, I'm the elder sister, you guys did something wrong

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Naturally, I have to be more tolerant. My mother is still ill. As children, even if we can’t help you, we should be cautious in our words and deeds, and do everything properly, so as not to make any mistakes and cause my mother to worry again. What mother? You can also recuperate at ease. "

The plain and simple words made Yu Jianjia pursed her lips, unexpectedly, Yu Youyao put her nose on her face, as if she was really wrong: "Big sister is right, when my mother is convalescing, the family affairs So big sister Lao will take care of it, hard work big sister."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Yu Youyao with a sincere expression.

Yu Youyao, who was sitting under the magnolia tree, wore eight red skirts and was covered with a gold veil, her body seemed to be glowing, she couldn't help but look away at a glance.

The face of a half-grown child is still very immature, but when she glanced at him, there was a faint chill, as if the bone-piercing cold in the cold spring, the aura made her unable to help shaking her hands!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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