All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 129: But I Prefer Your Cousin

Remember in a second【】

Grandma Liu wrinkled her chrysanthemum face with a smile, took a stack of thick papers, and read each page carefully, she didn't feel anything at first, but she was surprised and admired unavoidably.

When she was young, she helped the old lady with the housekeeping, and she was the most capable person around the old lady. Now that she is old, she is still helping the management of the house, and she is the most experienced person. At first glance, it is a bit bold and reckless, but the life and death of the subordinates are pinned on the master, so they can't make mistakes. The profit and loss of the manor shop are all borne by the steward himself, and there is no need to worry about the loss of the mansion. If the manor shop can't do it It's a good thing, and the replacement can be dealt with in an aboveboard manner, and the loss can be stopped in time.

Grandma Liu couldn't help being shocked: "The old lady's family management method, the old slave thinks it is feasible, but the old slave thinks that some of them need to be more detailed..."

This is the reason why Yu Youyao specifically sought out Nanny Liu.

Grandma Liu has been the housekeeper for many years, and there is nothing she doesn't know about everything in the house. With Grandma Liu's help to discuss it, it can be more comprehensive and perfect.

The two began to discuss, and this discussion lasted for less than half an hour. After they had roughly agreed upon, they found out that Mrs. Yu was sitting on the couch without making a sound.

Yu Youyao approached her grandmother with a cheerful smile, and her voice was crisp and clear: "Grandma, grandma, when did you get up? I don't even know."

Old Madam Yu held her granddaughter's hand with a smile: "I have listened to what you discussed with Madam Liu, and tell me quickly, which expert is giving you advice."

It's not that she looks down on her granddaughter. Such a way of managing the family, how could she, who has just been housekeeper for the first day, think of it?

Yu Youyao stuck out her tongue: "Grandma asked knowingly, who else could there be besides cousin?!"

Old Madam Yu smiled "haha" and pinched the tip of her granddaughter's nose lightly: "Your cousin is pregnant with a great talent. If he hadn't broken his leg, he would be the only one with such a stunning talent. You can’t dominate.”

When Song Mingzhao was mentioned, Mrs. Yu's expression paused slightly, and even her gaze deepened.

The granddaughter's small face has grown, her figure has also grown, her body is full of tenderness, and her every move is appropriate, just like a painting, even the princess and princess she saw in the palace before, is not as good as her, It was obvious that Nanny Xu had trained her to become a noble daughter.

Yaoyao will be ten years old next month, she should see her and make plans early...

It suddenly occurred to his mind that in Baoning Temple earlier, Mrs. Song's undisguised love for Yaoyao, Mrs. Yu suddenly squeezed the Buddhist beads tightly.

Hearing the word "Song Mingzhao\

,"Yu Youyao's heart skipped a beat, and she pursed her lips: "Song Shizi is a young talent, high-spirited, but my cousin is as sharp as cutting, cutting like grinding, if you really cut and grind, you are legs and feet." Inconvenient, just like Guibi, grandma is not allowed to talk about my cousin's legs and feet."

The old man Yu heard her words of protection for his cousin, and couldn't help laughing again: "Praise your cousin, and even boast about good or bad, you little white-eyed wolf, grandma doesn't treat you badly on weekdays, so you will My heart is on your cousin."

Yu Youyao plunged into her grandmother's arms and acted like a baby: "Grandma, please don't wrong me. When I came here just now, I didn't forget to bring grandma the new tea I made before. I was worried that grandma would get tired of the previous tea, so I would give grandma a change. , you see, I think of you all the time."

Old Madam Yu turned her head to look, and sure enough, she saw a blue and white porcelain box on the table of the Eight Immortals. She smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth and said, "At least I didn't hurt you for nothing." After she finished speaking, she put her arms around her granddaughter again. Tuan Jiaorou: "You and your cousin are happy, it's too late for grandma to be happy."

Zhou Linghuai can think about Yaoyao, and with his temperament, he will definitely be able to protect Yaoyao in the future. Now that Yaoyao has grown up, she doesn't worry about Yaoyao anymore.

Mrs. Yu lowered her head, looked at her granddaughter's beautiful eyebrows, and thought slightly: "Your grandmother Song wrote me a letter a few days ago, saying that your previous pear ointment recipe, she boiled it for a while, cough The disease has indeed improved a lot, and let me thank you."

Yu Youyao was very happy: "Grandma Song's health is better, it's really great."

The tone was completely sincere, Madam Yu lowered her eyes and stared at the Buddha beads: "Your grandmother Song has suffered from cough and disease for many years, and I have been in love with her for many years. Naturally, I wish her well. The tea is also good, why don't you send some over?"

Affection always comes out when you come and go, and after a long time, feelings will emerge.

Yu Youyao was a little displeased, but her grandmother said so, so there was no reason for Yu Youyao not to agree: "Okay, let Xia Tao send a few boxes later, and grandma will watch."

It doesn't matter much if you don't add spirit dew, although the effect is weakened, but drinking it often is also very good for the body.

Father has been used to drinking herbal tea for a while now, and he also feels better. A few days ago, he asked Zhu to come over and get a few boxes.

Old Madam Yu nodded, then changed the topic: "Give me the way you manage your family."

Yu Youyao hastily handed over a stack of papers. Grandma is the master, and her vision is different from that of Grandma Xu and Grandma Liu. Naturally, she wanted to show grandma over.

Old Madam Yu could tell that Zhou Linghuai had come up with the idea, but the headlines and rules made it clear that it was her granddaughter's own idea.

The servants in the house made mistakes, damaged things, broke the rules, dirty feet, chewed their tongues, etc. How should we deal with each case?

In the past, the steward had consulted the master for instructions, and handled it by himself, but now there are clear regulations, that is, the rules in the mansion are greater than the steward.

How should the profits in Zhuangzi's shop be distributed and rewarded?

How to punish and punish if there is a loss?

There are monthly and quarterly dividends, and the benefits of the stewards are really in front of them. The premise is that the stewards can do practical things to benefit the government.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Every month, managers who do not do well will be given a warning, and if they cannot turn losses into profits, they will be dismissed and investigated!

Those who harm the interests of the Yu government and make major mistakes will be dealt with severely according to their severity.

The steward has the right to manage the subordinates, but has no right to dispose of them. The subordinates have the rights and responsibilities of reporting, denouncing, recommending, etc. Those who report true will be rewarded.

The master, the steward, and the people who work below each other supervise, restrain, and check and balance each other.

It's a relationship!

The interests are tightly tied together, pulling one to mobilize the whole body, whoever is dishonest, wants to make small moves, but he can't go around one left and one right.

Mrs. Yu was already very satisfied, so she took a closer look and pointed out a few places: "Since we want to be disciplined, we must make the discipline bigger, so that people don't feel pain or itching, so they don't know where to be afraid. Afternoon Zhuang When the stewards of the bunk enter the mansion, you should discuss the rules with them and listen to their opinions."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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