All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 136: I'll Be Good To You Forever

Remember in a second【】

Those eyes were full of contempt, and when she stared at her, she didn't even dare to breathe.

"Cousin," Zhou Linghuai called her with a smile, and said in a light and graceful voice, "I won't hurt you," gently rubbing the little girl's soft hair, and even her heart was soft: "Never. "

Yu Youyao squatted in front of her cousin, her eyes were bright, and the smile on her lips gradually expanded, becoming innocent and joyful: "Cousin, cousin, I will treat you well for the rest of my life."


Zhou Linghuai chewed this word lightly in his mouth. Thinking of his legs, a paranoid suddenly emerged in his heart. He smiled on his lips: "Eat first."

Yu Youyao nodded happily, and then opened the soup pot.

There are goji berries floating on the bright yellow soup, the faint medicinal fragrance is not bitter, but very delicious, the soup is only milky white, even some transparent white ginseng, but it is full of color, fragrance and taste.

Yu Youyao likes seafood, so her eyes lit up: "Ah, it's white jade ginseng. It was sent by my grandfather some years ago. There were a total of ten of them. I've never been willing to eat them."

Zhou Linghuai's face didn't tense, it changed on the spot.

Yu Youyao didn't pay attention to her cousin's expression, so she took a bowl happily, filled a bowl of soup for her cousin, and specially scooped up a white jade ginseng: "Cousin, the sea cucumber is soft and tender, and tastes delicious, try it soon. "

Sea cucumber is a rare and precious sea product, and white jade ginseng is even rarer. It is known as "thousands of years black, ten thousand years white".

Just as Zhou Linghuai was about to refuse, he saw the little girl looking at him expectantly, and her throat couldn't help but twitch.

Seeing her cousin sitting still, Yu Youyao urged repeatedly: "Sea cucumbers are very nourishing and warm in nature. They are the most suitable for my cousin to eat. In the future, my cousin will eat more sea cucumbers. There are still many black cucumbers sent by my grandfather in my room." Sea cucumbers, red sea cucumbers, although not as rare as white jade ginseng, but the effect is not bad, let Changan bring some back soon."

The blue veins on Zhou Ling's forehead didn't tense, they couldn't stop throbbing.

It takes a lot of courage to eat such strange things as sea cucumbers.

Of course, he is not prejudiced against sea cucumbers.

Southern seafood has always been in high demand in Jingzhao. Sea cucumber, a seafood that grows in the deep sea, is known as one of the "Eight Treasures" of seafood because it is not easy to catch and has an elegant flavor. It is as famous as bird's nest, abalone, and shark's fin.

Often in Daya Hall, it is the last "finale" dish.

Seeing her cousin staring at the sea cucumber without moving, Yu Youyao thought that her cousin didn't know how to use the chopsticks.

The whole white jade ginseng was actually cut into small pieces, but the outer skin was connected, so it looked like a whole one. Yu Youyao took a piece of sea cucumber and brought it to his cousin's lips: "Cousin, taste it quickly."

Now I want to refuse but I can't refuse.

Zhou Linghuai was holding a wheelchair to support him, his back was full of veins, and his knuckles turned from blue to white. He moved his lips, and under the bright eyes of the little girl, he opened his mouth reluctantly.

The little girl smiled and bent her eyebrows, and sent the sea cucumber into his mouth very naturally. Zhou Linghuai suddenly felt that the unbearable sea seeped into his mouth, and the taste was soft and tender, with a rich taste and a faint fragrance of lotus , with a trace of medicinal fragrance, it is very delicious.

Yu Youyao asked expectantly, "Is the sea cucumber delicious?"

Zhou Linghuai hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "It's really delicious."

"Then cousin eat more." Yu Youyao smiled cheerfully, and a cunning flashed across her bright eyes, which Zhou Linghuai didn't notice because they were too bright.

Mother Xu said that sea cucumber is a "longevity dish". The queen mother in the palace eats sea cucumber every day, and sea cucumber is also indispensable in the royal meal of the Holy Majesty.

The medicated diet made of sea cucumbers is better than ginseng. My cousin is weak and cannot be nourished. Such an overbearing medicine like ginseng should not be eaten in excess, but sea cucumbers can be eaten every day.

Well, every day for lunch, I will make a sea cucumber dish for my cousin to eat.

Seeing his young master, who was beaten to death by Miss Yu Biao, even ate the sea cucumber that he always hated, Chang An on the side stared in surprise again, with an incredulous expression on his face.

Shocked, suddenly calmed down.

No matter how outrageous it is for the young master to be with the cousin girl, he will not find it strange in the future.

After dinner, Yu Youyao went back to the study to practice calligraphy. The bamboo pipes given by Mr. Ye Nv were used for a few days, and then the jade pipes from Ziyang brought by her cousin were placed in the cabinet.

The jade tube is warm and delicate. After using it for many years, the front has softened a little. She was not used to it for the first two days. It was her cousin who held her and took her to write down her name one by one. Over and over again, tirelessly.

After getting used to it, I felt that Ziyang's writing style was full of sharpness, tactful and vigorous, which was indeed more suitable for her.

Yu Youyao pursed her lips and smiled lightly, she put it aside, and when she turned her head, she saw her cousin holding a wide sleeve, revealing a thin but not slender wrist, but saw that his wrist bones were agile, his bones were strong, and his ink was fresh Runny, suitable shade.

It was the first time Yu Youyao saw her cousin painting, her eyes lit up, and she hurried over to have a look.

When she saw what her cousin had drawn, Yu Youyao blushed a lot, she quickly covered her face, but she didn't dare to see anyone.

Zhou Linghuai lightly painted a picture of bamboo orchids on the paper, he put it down, turned his head to look at Yu Youyao, who covered her face and dared not look at him: "What do you think of this painting, cousin?"

Yu Youyao covered her small face and nodded her head like garlic: "Biao, cousin is very skilled in painting, so it's naturally excellent."

Just now, after just a few glances, I feel that the painting is wonderful, the ink bamboo is clear and sparse, and the ink orchid is beautiful and moist. With the sparseness, it paints a cold and deep scene.

Zhou Linghuai chuckled lightly: "Cousin, don't you take a closer look?

^0^ Remember in a second【】


Thinking that he couldn't see it, this girl deliberately pretended not to know that he didn't eat sea cucumbers, and played tricks in different ways to narrow him down.

Yu Youyao felt ashamed, and quickly shook her head: "No, no, my cousin uses ink like a god..."

Cousin is trying to remind her that the fan that he promised to give before hasn't been delivered yet.

How dare she look more!

Yu Youyao had a frustrated face. She had learned double-sided embroidery, and she had been praised by her grandmother and mother Liu before, so she was a little embarrassed, but she was also a little proud. After a few days, this momentum went down, and I didn't care much about female celebrities.

On the first day or two of the first day, Nanny Xu would still remind her.

As time goes by, Nanny Xu doesn't force her to become a female celebrity anymore.

If she hadn't been reminded by her cousin, she would have almost forgotten that not long ago, she exchanged the cursive script with her cousin.

Today, that cursive script is hanging on the wall of her study.

But the fan made her forget about it.

"Little liar!" Seeing her covering her face in shame, Zhou Linghuai couldn't help laughing.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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