All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 140: Cousin is angry

Remember in a second【】

I really didn't expect that even Chang'an, a childish ghost, is a tall man who hides his secrets, and he doesn't know how many secrets his cousin has hidden? Thinking of how she accidentally saw her cousin's whereabouts in Baoning Temple and asked someone to cut off a strand of hair with a sword, Yu Youyao shook her head quickly, not daring to think any more.

Chang'an was holding a hatchet and was chopping the tree, making "bang dang" and "bang dang" sounds, and the tall Qingwu also began to shake violently.

The commotion was so loud that the entire Yu Mansion was alarmed. After a while, many people gathered near the Yaoyu Courtyard, pointing at the towering Qingwu plant.

Even Old Madam Yu heard about it, she let Madam Liu help her into the yard: "Why did this girl bring harm to Qingwu?"

When Grandma Liu heard this, she laughed: "How can this be possible? The old slave has just found out clearly that it is Young Master Biao who wants to teach Miss the piano art, and wants to cut off the sunny tree on the top of Qingwu, and give it to Miss. As for the qin, the paulownia in our mansion grows well, not to mention how old it is, and it is still planted in the sunny place, Master Biao said, there is no better qin material than this."

Mrs. Yu also laughed: "Yo, it's not easy to make a piano. It takes time, effort, and painstaking effort to make a good piano. It doesn't take a year or a half, but it can't be done well in five years. I didn't expect Linghuai, who can play the piano, really has a heart."

Grandma Liu: "Isn't it? The old servant was surprised when he heard that."

The more Mrs. Yu talked, the happier she became: "It's good to learn the piano. Although the head of my daughter's family values ​​virtuous character, she should also learn some elegant things in order to show her talent."

Yu Youyao was worried that after the paulownia tree was cut off, it would fall from the top and hit someone, so she made everyone in the yard stay away, and pushed her cousin to the red corridor.

"Cousin, is it possible to make piano tires after cutting the tung tree?" Yu Youyao asked curiously.

Zhou Linghuai shook his head: "It's not that easy." Seeing the little girl looking at him with bright eyes, she seemed very interested, so she explained: "The paulownia wood that has just been cut is wet wood, and it must be weighed first before planing. Dry it and make it into Qin materials, and the best quality Qin materials will take ten days to finish planing."

Yu Youyao was puzzled: "Why do you want to weigh the paulownia wood?"

Zhou Linghuai explained: "The planing process of paulownia wood is also very particular. It needs to be fired in a kiln and exploded with charcoal fire. It is close to the wall. The paulownia wood is dry and looks like smoke. Weigh the paulownia wood. If it is reduced, it will be dry. If the paulownia wood is dry at the same time, it seems to have a smoky color, and the four good things are the best..."

Full of doubts, Yu Youyao pursed her lips: "This is too difficult. How can the planed dry wood be as heavy as the freshly chopped wet wood?"

No wonder throughout the ages,

Although there are many Qins, there are few famous Qins handed down from generation to generation.

Even Zhou Linghuai was dumbfounded by the question, the knowledge in it was too great, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Seeing that her cousin was in trouble, Yu Youyao felt more and more that it was not easy to cut the piano: "Cousin, it turns out that cutting the piano is so troublesome, and the smooth planing process is so complicated, and it takes a lot of time and effort. You should stop cutting the piano for me. There is a "rare sound" left by my mother in my room, it is said that it is a famous piano handed down from the previous dynasty, and it is very good to learn the piano with my cousin."

Hearing this, Zhou Linghuai pursed his lips suddenly and did not speak.

Yu Youyao's scalp exploded, her cousin was usually calm and indifferent, but after getting along for a while, she could probably feel some subtle emotional changes of his cousin.

Cousin is angry!

Just as he was about to explain, he heard Cousin Lian's voice cold: "Cousin, but you dislike the violin I made, why not a famous one?"

Yu Youyao's scalp was numb again, and she quickly explained: "How can I? I think that chopping the piano is too troublesome, exhausting and laborious, and I worry that it will tire my cousin, drag his body down, and make my cousin suffer. Cousin's body is more important than a piano," he said, squinting his eyes quietly, taking a peek at his cousin's expression, seeing his cousin's expression softened, he quickly squatted in front of his cousin, tilting his head up : "Cousin, don't misunderstand me, but I like everything my cousin gives me the most."

Zhou Linghuai shook his head and laughed, but he couldn't get angry: "Making the piano is slow work and meticulous work. It's troublesome, but it's not a matter of a day or two. It's okay to do it slowly, and it doesn't hinder anything." .”

That is to make the body of the piano, as well as painting, drawing, carving, polishing, etc., there are more than a dozen processes, each of which takes a lot of time.

Zhou Linghuai planned to make more rare lacquer ware, so he was even more particular about it. It would take at least a year and a half to paint layer by layer. If a process goes wrong, all previous efforts will be ruined.

For a little girl, of course, the best is the best.

He didn't intend to do it right away.

Yu Youyao felt relieved: "The cousin will do it slowly, and I'm not in a hurry."

After speaking, I thought of the fan I embroidered before.

Knowing that her cousin was coming, she stuffed it into her sleeves and prepared to give it to him, but when she heard that her cousin wanted to play the piano for her, she was so happy that she forgot about it.

At this moment, when I thought of it, I quickly took the fan from my cuff, and looked at my cousin flatteringly: "Cousin, I have already embroidered the fan that I promised to give you earlier, take a look, my embroidery skills are very good." Haven't you grown a lot?"

Zhou Linghuai raised his eyebrows, exuding an ink-stained charm, and took the fan.

On one side, the black bamboo is sparse, with a quiet and pleasant shape, and on the other side, the black orchid, the leaves are as broad as bamboo, but narrow and long and vigorous, like a blue dragon going out to sea, and the lotus petals are dense and orderly.

The little girl has made great progress in her embroidery skills. Compared with the sachet on her waist, the stitches are already smooth and tight, and her skills are still a bit shallow, but the charm of the embroidery is revealed, but the flaws are not concealed.

Zhou Linghuai's throat tightened slightly: "In a short period of time, my cousin's embroidery skills have improved a lot.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

This fan has cost my cousin a lot of time and effort, and it has made my cousin work hard." Caressing Mo Lan on the fan, he lowered his eyes: "I didn't spend too much effort on the cursive script before, and my cousin embroidered it." But it was more difficult to make a fan, which made me take advantage of my cousin. "

Yu Youyao was very happy: "I said early in the morning that I would give it to my cousin, but it took so long, but it was my fault. Didn't my cousin want to give me the piano? A fan is not worth the trouble of chopping the piano. Cousin every time One day I will go to the Yaoyu Academy to teach me calligraphy and guide my homework, and when it comes to taking advantage, I take advantage of my cousin most of the time."

Zhou Linghuai's expression paused, but his smile didn't fade: "I'll make a fan bone out of the surplus paulownia wood after planing."

Yu Youyao nodded: "My cousin is really good, he can even make a fan."

No matter how many times I heard these words, it made people feel happy. Zhou Linghuai lightly rubbed the top of the little girl's hair: "Go to the study to teach you how to play the piano."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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