All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 170: Does your face hurt?

Remember in a second【】

While talking, Yu Youyao unfolded the clothes to have a look.

The Yuebai one is light blue and white, with light blue orchid grass twigs embroidered on it, half darkly embroidered and half brightly embroidered. reveal.

Yu Youyao looked very satisfied, and turned her head to ask: "Cousin, I drew the style of the clothes myself and asked Jinxiu Zhuang to do it. See if you like it."

Most of the men's clothes are directly embellished, not as diverse as the daughter's clothes. If you want to stand out, you have to spend some time on embroidery patterns.

Zhou Linghuai didn't care much about the clothes, he just felt happy because the little girl thought about it, and heard that the little girl had put in a lot of effort, so he took a second look and nodded: "Not bad."

Yu Youyao smiled and bent her eyebrows, and went forward with the clothes in her arms, and stuffed them into her cousin's arms: "Cousin, go and try to see if it fits, if it doesn't fit, let the embroiderer in the mansion change it again."

The size is the same as before, but after a while, my cousin also has some changes, even if it doesn't fit well, it's not Jinxiuzhuang's fault.

Zhou Linghuai froze for a moment, but didn't move for a while.

Yu Youyao blinked her eyes with anticipation: "Cousin, go quickly, it's the first time to help you make clothes, and I don't know what kind of clothes you are suitable for, so I made it on my own."

The inner room of the study is a room for taking a nap, and there is no need to go to the bedroom.

Zhou Linghuai had no choice but to swallow the rejection that was on his lips, and it became: "Okay!"

Zhou Linghuai pushed the wheelchair into the inner room, Yu Youyao called Chang'an, and asked Chang'an to wait on him, his cousin's legs were inconvenient, so there was no need to bother him.

Cousin left, and Yu Youyao leaned closer to the Qin embryo to take a closer look. The Qin embryo was still rough, and only the embryonic form could be seen, but the Qin embryo had a graceful figure, like a phoenix, and she had already vaguely glimpsed the beauty of agility and gracefulness, and could feel it even more. She curled her lips with a smile on the meticulousness of this piano embryo.

After a while, Yu Youyao heard the sound of a wheel, and when she turned her head to look, her eyes immediately became straight.

The light blue to white moon white is directly embellished, which is both light and elegant, and the patterns of orchids on the top are one deep and one light, intertwined with light and dark, like the moonlight enveloping the whole body, with a flowing luster.

Cousin has hills and valleys in his heart, and his eyebrows are like mountains and rivers. This radiant demeanor is all in his body, as if shining, and the surroundings become eclipsed, revealing an indescribable dignity.

Yu Youyao's eyes became brighter and brighter: "Cousin,

It's so pretty." Yu Youyao wrinkled her little nose as if she disliked her lack of rhetoric. She has learned a lot recently, and she also has a feeling that the book will only be used up when it's time to use it. She came up with a sentence, and her lips curled into a smile: "Accumulated stones are like jade, pine trees are like emerald green, Lang Yan is unique, there is no other in the world. "

In the past, she felt that her cousin was like the sea written by her grandfather's letter, unfathomable and unfathomable. He was always dressed in blue clothes, either light or dark, dull and restrained, which made his charming appearance , also pressed four points.

Zhou Linghuai only clenched his fist, pressed it to his lips and coughed.

Hearing his cousin cough, Yu Youyao took a closer look, and saw that the base of his ear was a little red, and his pale to sickly face suddenly revealed a bit of beauty.

Yu Youyao's eyes lit up, and she didn't think about her words: "Xiao Shu is so clear, he looks like a god, his appearance is good, and his expression is also beautiful and beautiful."

The redness at the base of the ears immediately spread to the face, Zhou Linghuai was helpless: "I learned a few lines of poetry, and I just want to make your cousin happy, but I have a lot of skills."

Yu Youyao giggled, and squatted in front of her cousin: "Cousin, you look so blushing, it's really pretty, I've never seen it before."

Zhou Linghuai felt helpless again, and tapped her forehead lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, let people hear it, so you don't have to be a joke."

Yu Youyao curled her lips: "There is only my cousin and I in the room, who can listen to it, my cousin used to be too serious, like a little old man, from now on he should be like this now, smile more, and live like this Be comfortable."

The little old man Zhou Linghuai couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and he didn't know whether the girl was praising him or despising him.

He used to say that he frowned like a "little old man", but now he asked him to smile more, he understood that this girl, relying on his pampering, was able to make a big difference in front of him.

After admiring her cousin's prosperous face, Yu Youyao saw Mutuoli's other Xuanxuan black dress, and hurriedly took it over: "Cousin, this Xuanxuan black dress is more grand, suitable for some grand occasions. Today, my natal family is visiting, and the house is in trouble, so you can wear this dress, okay?"

There is a banquet at home, so it is not appropriate to wear ordinary clothes

Sure enough, Zhou Linghuai couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, looking at the little girl's bright eyes, full of expectations, how could he refuse? !

Seeing her cousin go to the inner room, Yu Youyao's eyes flashed with cunning.

Chang An, who was called in again, followed behind the young master with a blank face.

Miss Biao's ability to dispel people's curses is really getting better and better, but the young master doesn't feel annoyed at all, let alone get annoyed, but he is still willing to actively cooperate and let Biao girl eliminate them.

It was really Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai, one who was willing to fight, and the other who was willing to suffer.

Ever since he came to the Yu Mansion, his understanding of the young master has been turned upside down. He has never seen the young master pampering anyone so much before, and he is almost as good as the old... old master.

In the past, the young master always said that the old master was very old, and he always got tired of being with his wife, and his teeth were very sore.

After the old master knew this, he slapped the young master on the head and said, "What do you know?

^0^ Remember in a second【】

It's your turn, it's not your turn, your life is considered useless, it proves that you, I, are better than you, and I have no face to hurt you, me. "

is not that right?

It's only been a while, and the feng shui has taken turns.

He just wanted to ask the young master: Does your face hurt?

Thinking about it, Chang An felt that something was wrong. The old master and his wife were husband and wife, but the young master and Miss Biao... can't be compared together?

How did you think of this eunuch? Chang An patted his forehead.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly, and why don't you come over to serve me? You don't have to keep my cousin waiting." Zhou Linghuai practiced his arm strength and was able to take care of himself in daily life, but it took a lot of hard work and time.

But Zhou Linghuai usually doesn't let others serve him very much, and he does all his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation.

Therefore, Chang An was speechless after hearing the young master's words.

It can be seen that the young master really killed Miss Biao.

In the past, the young master's legs were not even touched, but Miss Biao ordered him to massage the young master every morning and evening, and the young master accepted it.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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