All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 198: Don't Die

Remember in a second【】

Xiao Youyao was in pain from the fall, and felt aggrieved again. Hearing this, she became annoyed: "There's no reason for what you said. Didn't I miss Yu Jianjia? Isn't Yu Jianjia all right?"

Yu Jianjia had just recovered from a serious illness, a small person, thin and pale, covered his mouth and coughed as soon as he heard this: "I'm fine, big sister just mourned her deceased mother, so it's inevitable that she was in a bad mood, and it wasn't on purpose... "

Xiaoyouyao was already feeling uncomfortable, and these words undoubtedly added fuel to the fire: "Hmph, you put on an air, you look sick all day long, and you don't know who to show it to, it looks like someone has bullied you."

Thinking back to the past, every time she had a conflict with Yu Jianjia, she was the one who was wrong in the end, right or wrong, she would always ask her father to scold her, and then thinking of what the wives said just now, Xiao Youyao just said it again. Stupid also knows that what the woman said may be true.

Father doesn't like her mother, but likes stepmother Yang.

Yang Shi didn't come in, so my father probably had a relationship with Yang Shi.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyouyao glared at Yu Jianjia angrily: "As bad as your mother, I hate you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Youyao turned around and ran away, wiping away tears while running, crying with snot and tears all over her face.

While running, Xiao Youyao saw a tall bodhi tree with a wishing silk hanging on it. She had been to Baoning Temple several times, and she knew it was a wishing bodhi tree.

Xiaoyouyao ran to the wishing bodhi tree and wanted to make a wish.

Accidentally, I saw a man wearing black shorts among the piles of rockeries not far away. The man was tall and strong, much taller than his father. He was holding a big knife in his hand. It shone brightly under the sun, piercing into Xiao Youyao's eyes.

The strong light made Xiao Youyao close her eyes, and tears flowed out.

Xiao Youyao was very frightened, she saw clearly just now that the sharp blade was stained with blood, her little heart was beating wildly, and she opened her eyes to look there again.

At this moment, Xiao Youyao saw lying on the ground a little brother dressed in royal blue eight-treasure pattern embroidered.

The little brother was very thin, curled up on the ground, covering his stomach with his hands, there was a long opening on his belly, his clothes were covered with flesh, and blood came out from there, staining his hands and clothes.

Yu Youyao was terrified. Seeing the man in black raised his knife, she yelled in horror, "Father, I'm here, come quickly..."

all of a sudden,

There was a pair of red bloodshot eyes looking at her ferociously.

Little Youyao was frightened, thinking that one time, when her grandmother took her to play in Zhuangzi, she saw a vicious dog near the Zhuangzi. The vicious dog had green eyes, opened its mouth and barked loudly. Terrifying.

She burst into tears with a "wow". While crying, she also shouted: "Father, father..."

Xu Shi's crying startled the big man in black, and before he had time to move his knife, he ran away in panic.

The man in black left, and Xiao Youyao was frightened to death, crying and trying to run away, but seeing her little brother lying motionless on the ground, still bleeding, she felt that it was not good for her to just run away, He ran to the rockery, pushed the little brother, and shouted: "Little brother, little brother, wake up, the bad guys made Xiao Yaoyao cry away, little brother..."

The little brother didn't move, and the little Youyao shouted in shock and fear: "Little brother, don't die, little brother..."

At this moment, the little brother who had been lying still, finally moved, his eyelashes trembled, and he opened a thin slit, only to see a blurry figure moving in front of him, and he asked angrily, "You, you who is it?"

Xiao Youyao was overjoyed to see that her brother was still alive: "Little brother, don't be afraid, the bad guys made me cry and run away, you wait, I, I'll call grandma to come and save you..."

The big brother bled so much, it looked so scary, and the little Youyao didn't know what to do, and there was no one else nearby, so she only thought of asking her grandmother to help her.

Xiao Youyao stood up, turned around and ran back in a panic.

After running for a while, because he was too panicked, he kicked a stone and fell to the ground screaming.

Xiao Youyao chanted "little brother" and gradually passed out.

Yu Youyao woke up startled from the dream, her chest was tight and she panicked, she couldn't even breathe for a while.

Chunxiao heard the movement and hurried into the room: "Miss, did you have a nightmare again?"

Yu Youyao shook her head: "I just heard you mention things about my childhood during the day, probably because I think about it every day and dream about it at night, and I dreamed about what happened in Baoning Temple."

As soon as Chunxiao heard this, she quickly asked, "Miss, remember? Did the lady really let the thieves run into me at that time?"

There were thieves in Baoning Temple, and the temple was secretive, silent, and it was hard to inquire about the specific situation, and many things were unclear.

Yu Youyao shook her head and laughed, "I fell."

Thinking about that time, she actually tripped over a stone and fell to the point of bleeding. She was really stupid, but she was young and quick-witted. When she saw a thief, she knew that calling "Father" was a bluff.

The thief fled into the pure place of Buddhism, just wanting to escape for his life, he was shocked when he heard the movement, and heard her crying loudly, he was afraid that he would attract people here, so there was no chance of killing people, but Don't choose a way to escape.

It's just that she was scared to death at that time, but she didn't pay attention to who the little brother who was accidentally hit and rescued by her was.

Chunxiao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it: "I guess so, but the lady's toes were swollen at that time, obviously she was tripped by a stone." Therefore, everyone thought that the eldest lady fell by herself, and the old lady refused to let her fall. When people say it, they are also worried about letting the thieves

^0^ Remember in a second【】


Yu Youyao nodded: "Since it's all over, don't mention it again in the future."

At the beginning, it was probably because she cried loudly that she made a commotion and attracted the nearby monks.

The thief entered the temple, which is not good for the reputation of the temple, and it is not easy to publicize this matter. Baoning Temple did not mention the fact that she ran into the thief, but only said that she was found at the Wishing Bodhi.

Grandma was suspicious, but the monks didn't tell lies, and it was hard to inquire about anything.

In addition, it was related to the thieves, and the grandmother didn't want to get too deep into it, and even took the initiative to ask the temple to help cover up the matter.

Such a big event, under the cover of Baoning Temple, and under the management of my grandmother, it is also a major event, and the trivial matter is reduced. Even if others want to inquire about it, they may not be able to find out about her.

Chunxiao nodded: "I just thought of the Pisces Xizhu Longevity Lock that Miss broke. It's a pity."

Yu Youyao also felt it was a pity, her mother gave her fifteen longevity locks, and she wore nine of them, each one for a year, and only got new ones on her birthday.

Only this one, a few days later, fearing that it would be unlucky, the grandmother gave her a new longevity lock, and even put it on for her herself.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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