All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two: The Future Is Destroyed

Remember in a second【】

Mrs. Changxinghou breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

After listening, the mother-in-law Mrs. Cao pondered for a while, frowned and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to the old man in Yu's mansion in person, and you two will go there with me to apologize, and Mrs. Yu will give you some money." I have some face, at least I want to make this matter go away, and from now on," she said, looking at Cao Yingxue sharply: "Yingxue's reputation has also been ruined, and staying in Beijing is also a joke. Send it into the clan to avoid the limelight."

Mrs. Changxing Hou's eyes widened in shock, and she crawled to the old lady's feet, crying bitterly, begging for mercy...

Even Cao Yingxue's breathing became heavier.

At first, she couldn't understand what it meant to be sent into the clan to avoid the limelight, and being a grandmother was really planning for her.

Later, she watched her mother knelt on the ground crying heartbreakingly, crying every word.

Only then did she suddenly realize that avoiding the limelight was just a superficial talk, as long as she returned to the clan, she probably would never have the chance to return to Jingzhao in her life.

When they are a little older, they will choose someone of the same age and a decent family background among the familiar in-laws in the clan, and they will marry in a low-key way with a few dowry.

From then on, even in her husband's house, she couldn't hold her head up, and her life's future was completely ruined.

To her, such a punishment was considered kind.

No matter how powerful the family is, the sisters and sons whose reputation has been ruined will be sent to the family nunnery, where the ancient Buddha is lit up, and their hair is brought to practice, or they simply have their hair cut and become a sister-in-law.

Even worse, a bowl of arsenic killed even his life.

Cao Yingxue wondered, if it was Yu Youyao who ruined her reputation yesterday, what would happen to her?

About the same as her!

Mrs. Cao and Mrs. Yu talked about some of the past, and they finally managed to make sense of the words, and they talked about it, and they were more or less fortunate in their hearts.

As soon as Mrs. Cao changed the subject, she smiled and said, "Call out all the little ones in your family and let me have a look. They should have been brought to my room for me to have a look at the flower festival yesterday. I admit it, but my son has a cold and is taking medicine, so it’s hard to see people, so I don’t want to give them the sickness.”

Whether it is a real illness or not is unclear for the time being, but as soon as the words were uttered, they also had the meaning of showing goodwill,

It shows that she is recovering from a serious illness today, showing her sincerity.

Madam Yu pointed to the screen logically, and said, "You guys don't hide, come out and say hello to Madam Cao."

Yu Youyao came out first, followed by Yu Shuangbai, and Yu Jianjia asked Ai Ye to help him out alone.

As soon as the three sisters came out, Mrs. Cao's cloudy eyes also lit up: "This one is so fresh and tender, just like a flower bone, really cute." After finishing speaking, she looked at it again. Glancing at Mrs. Yu, her face was full of envy: "You old bastard, no one is as lucky as you."

Two sons, one will be the chief assistant in the future, and the other will be able to work in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The granddaughters also seem to be in the same place. They act generously and don't show off at all. Just by looking at them, they can know that they are well-educated, and they don't know what kind of bright future they will have in the future.

Yu Youyao took Yu Shuangbai with her, and Yu Jianjia greeted Mrs. Cao: "Old lady is well."

Mrs. Cao saw Yu Jianjia at a glance, glanced at her legs and feet, and quickly asked concerned: "It's the third sister, what's wrong?"

Yu Jianjia lowered his head and said softly: "Returning to the old lady, I accidentally sprained my foot yesterday and hurt my foot. If there is any impoliteness, I ask the old lady to forgive me."

Although asked to be supported, but whether it is temperament, self-cultivation, etiquette are also first-class good.


Mrs. Cao glanced at her pale and sickly face, but she didn't show it at all: "You sprained your head at my house yesterday." While talking, she glanced at Mrs. Changxing Hou beside her, and said angrily: " It's really a crime, even a little girl can't take care of her well, but she has suffered such a crime."

Mrs. Marquis of Changxing quickly looked at Yu Jianjia, with an apologetic expression on her face: "It's my fault. The third lady came to the house as a guest, so she was supposed to entertain and take care of her, but she didn't expect that she would let the third lady put her head in my house and sprain her feet." After finishing speaking , and asked with concern: "How is the foot injury? Did you ask the imperial doctor to visit?"

Yu Jianjia's pale lips curved slightly, showing a shy smile: "Thank you, Madam, Madam for your concern." Then, she said softly: "The family invited Doctor Li, who is good at muscles and bones, to come over and see. Even if the tendon is sprained, it will be fine if you raise it a little more, Madam don't have to worry."

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine," Madam Changxing Hou felt relieved, and smiled again: "I have some high-quality supplements at home, as well as healing medicines for wounds, and they will be delivered in a while. keep it."

Mrs. Cao smiled, took a piece of green jade pendant from her waist, and stuffed it into Yu Jianjia's hand.

Yu Jianjia only felt that the tentacles were fine and smooth, but they were high-quality green jadeites, so she quickly declined: "Madam, how can this make..."

Mrs. Cao said with a smile: "A stubborn thing is not worth anything, let's play with it!"

Yu Jianjia looked puzzled, and looked up at his grandmother.

Old Madam Yu waved her hand: "You are a gift, you can't deny it, let's continue!"

Only then did Yu Jianjia thank Mrs. Cao.

Mrs. Cao patted her hand: "You sprained your ankle, sit down quickly, don't stand and talk."

Yu Jianjia thanked again, and asked Ai Ye to help him to sit on the small round stool beside him, his feet lightened suddenly, and the painful pain was relieved

^0^ Remember in a second【】


Mrs. Cao looked at Yu Shuangbai again, and saw that Yu Shuangbai was beautiful and generous, she was very lively, standing upright, her manners and etiquette were excellent, and even her smile was gentle: "This is the second sister, right?" This looks really nice." After finishing speaking, he turned Yao's eyes and said, "Madam Yu is really well-bred." Yu Shuangbai's appearance is beautiful and generous, which is the favorite of the old family. When the parents and elders saw it, they would all love it, and they must praise it once.

Yao Shi pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "You look like a monkey, how can you deserve such a compliment from the old lady."

Yu Shuangbai stomped her feet immediately, with a strange expression on her face: "Mother, the guests are still here, so please save some face for me!"

There was a roar of laughter in the room.

"But you are a good boy." Mrs. Cao smiled and pulled a jade bracelet from her wrist, and put it on Yu Shuangbai's wrist without any explanation.

The half-red and half-white jade bracelet is this jade face, and it is also very valuable.

With Yu Jianjia accepting the gift first, Yu Shuangbai accepted the gift generously, and thanked in a sweet voice: "Thank you, old lady."



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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