All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter four hundred and fourteenth: cut first and play later

Yu Youyao counted the days, remembering that today is the day when the counter-insurgency army will be launched, so how could she still sleep: "Let Mrs. Liu get ready, I'm going to Baoning Temple in a while."

Chunxiao was taken aback: "Why are you going to Baoning Temple all of a sudden?"

When the master went out, didn't he have to look through the almanac in advance, watch the date, get the consent of the elders, and then go out after making preparations?

What is going on?

"It's also because I was not at ease in my heart, and I made up a sudden idea." Suddenly woke up from sleep in the morning, thinking that today is the day when my cousin leads troops to Shandong, and for some reason, Yu Youyao wanted to go to Baoning Temple.

Chun Xiao was puzzled, and persuaded: "Miss, this is not polite, should I report to the old lady first, and then go after getting the old lady's consent?"

How can there be a sister of a rich family who doesn't tell her elders and goes out without authorization?

Not to mention, the eldest lady is still young, and she can't go out alone without the company of her elders.

The last time I sent Master Biao out of the city, the old lady had made an exception because of the deep relationship between Miss and Master Biao.

Yu Youyao also knew something was wrong, but she had to wait until Chen Shi before she could report to her grandmother, and she didn't know if she would agree, she couldn't wait any longer: "I'll explain to my grandmother later, go down and get ready!"

Chun Xiao disapproved: "Miss..."

Yu Youyao waved her hand: "Go down and get ready first, let Xia Tao come over and wait for me to freshen up."

Talking about this point, Chun Xiao also knew that she couldn't persuade the young lady. Although she disagreed, she didn't have much to say as a servant, so she had to go down and prepare.

Not long after, Xia Tao brought someone in to help Yu Youyao freshen up.

At this time, Mother Xu also got the news and came over: "My little ancestor, this is a good place, why are you making a fuss about going to Baoning Temple? It's not polite, no matter how much the old lady loves you, she can't let you go."

Yu Youyao threw herself into Nanny Xu's arms and acted like a baby: "If I take Mammy with me, it doesn't count as not being accompanied by elders."

Grandmother trusts Nanny Xu, and if Nanny Xu goes with her, she will be at ease.

Nanny Xu stretched out her finger and poked her forehead lightly: "Okay, you can go down and make arrangements by yourself!"

Yu Youyao's eyes widened, she didn't expect Nanny Xu to agree so easily: "Mommy, are you going to persuade me?"

Nanny Xu looked helpless: "I don't know you yet? With your attitude of cutting first and playing later, it is determined that you must go to Baoning Temple, and no one can persuade you."

Yu Youyao pursed her lips: "Mommy loves me the most!"

Grandma Xu poked Hao Hao's forehead again: "Grandma Liu should get up now, I'll go to An Shoutang to talk to Grandma Liu," and when he said this, he couldn't help giving her a look: "I can get used to you!"

With Nanny Xu on the scene, once the matter was settled, Yu Youyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the sky was bright, the carriage had already left the gate of the mansion.

Old Madam Yu has already woken up, leaning on the pillow and talking to Mother Liu: "Since Linghuai returned to Youzhou, I know that sooner or later, Yaoyao will have trouble."

Grandma Liu thought it was true: "Miss is also a half-grown child, she has a good relationship with Young Master Biao, so it will be uncomfortable for Young Master Biao to leave like this."

Fortunately, the lady endured it for a long time.

Mrs. Yu also nodded: "I don't know her yet? I didn't have a mother since I was a child, Yang's face is sweet, her father is harsh, and several sisters don't kiss each other. Even if she is bullied, she won't say anything. If you ask her, she will pretend to be crazy."

Grandma Liu didn't speak, that's why,

The old lady treats the young lady more and more fondly.

Old Madam Yu sighed slightly: "After Ling Huai entered the mansion, she devoted herself to her, pampered her, protected her like a brother and father, and taught her. After getting along with her in just a few months, her love for Ling Huai Reliance is no less than mine, Ling Huai's body is weak, and Youzhou Road is far away, so she is not worried, and hurriedly ran to Baoning Temple, fearing that her heart is not at ease, and she wants to pray for Ling Huai."

Earlier, under her nose, Yaoyao was so troubled by Yu Jianjia that she became seriously ill and almost died. This made her suddenly realize that she can't blindly spoil her granddaughter, she should be more for her granddaughter. Daughter figured it out.

Therefore, only when Zhou Linghuai entered the Yu Mansion could she truly accept Zhou Linghuai.

Yaoyao was happy to get close to Zhou Linghuai.

Thinking that Zhou Linghuai has taken root in the big house of Yu Mansion, and Yaoyao is also supported by her elder brother, even if she is buried in the soil in the future, Yaoyao will not be alone and helpless.

How did he know that Zhou Linghuai was still a remarkable figure.

With the help of such a cousin, Yaoyao can let go of most of her heart that has been hanging around for many years.

She wished Yaoyao could get closer to Zhou Linghuai, how could she stop her from going to Bao Ningchi to pray for Zhou Linghuai.

Grandma Xu is also a person who becomes smart before she grows old, so she went to An Shoutang to find Grandma Liu and said, "My sister had a dream about Master Biao last night, and she was not at ease. She got up before Mao, making a fuss Wanting to go to Baoning Temple to pray for blessings, it is useless to persuade anyone, I thought, my sister is worried about the young master Biao, and the young master Biao will not come back anytime soon, if I don’t go this time, I’m afraid I won’t feel at ease. You can't get sick."

Grandma Liu passed the words to her ears.

Thinking about it, Mrs. Yu, when she was young, she was not at ease, and she also liked to run to the temple. Later, when she got older, she couldn't run anymore, so she set up a Buddhist hall at home. Drilling into the Buddhist hall, I have sustenance in my heart, and I feel that my life is much smoother.

Besides, Yaoyao was thinking of her cousin in her heart, and it was the first time she was separated from her cousin. She felt uneasy, couldn't eat and sleep well, and it didn't really make her sick.

Just open your eyes and close your eyes.

Grandma Liu smiled: "Today is the day when the counter-insurgency army is launched. People all over Beijing have gone to the suburbs of Beijing to watch the excitement. Baoning Temple is also clean, so it is appropriate for Grandma Xu to follow."

Old Madam Yu nodded: "This child has seen the trouble, and he knows how to measure it since he was a child."

On June 30, Yin Huaixi set up an incense table in the school grounds in the suburbs of Beijing, prepared three animals and five animals, and held a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven.

Banners were rolled up on the entire school field, and soldiers in heavy armor lined up neatly holding swords, guns, swords and spears, with a majestic momentum.

Yin Huaixi wore black armor, sat on a high platform, wore a black iron mask on his face, blocking most of his face, and read out the "Fengtian Beg Li Xiwen"——

"The leader of the Li family in Shandong, the people under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was enshrined by the emperor, out of integrity, committed rebellion, plotted rebellious acts, became a wolf, and still harbored evil intentions, spying on the country's society, making chaos Its rivers and mountains bring harm to its people, the envy of gods and men, and the intolerance of heaven and earth."

"Today's sage is wise, his ancestors have made great achievements, and his glory has been spread all over the world, so he ordered us to witness against the bandits. When the sound is loud, the north wind rises, and the sword's energy rushes, and the south fights flat. If you are silent, the mountains will collapse, and if you are loud, the situation will change. In this way To control the enemy, how can the enemy not be destroyed? How can we not defeat it if we use it to achieve success?"

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