All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 417: Well, don't read

Yu Youyao couldn't wait to open the letter: ""Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records that donkey-hide gelatin is used for both medicine and food, and long-term use can lighten the body and benefit qi. Be well, don't read it!"

A letter was only a short line of words, and Yu Youyao counted each word carefully, counting over and over again, twenty-three words were neither too many nor too few.

She read the letter over and over again, repeating the four words "well, don't read" over and over again.

The donkey-hide gelatin produced in Shandong has been a royal tribute since ancient times and is known as a nourishing holy product.

Twenty-three short words are contained but not revealed, but as long as you put your heart into it, you can also feel the cousin's concern and care for her between the lines.

At the end of the letter, there is not even an inscription, only a bright seal of Qin and Se Heming.

In the upper left corner of the seal, there are luxuriant tung leaves on the branches, and a bunch of tung flowers are elegant and lovely. The long russels hang down from the center of the flowers, as if swaying in the wind.

Under the flowers and leaves of the phoenix tree, there is an incense table, and a stringed harp with twenty-five strings is placed horizontally. On top of the stringed harp, a piece of Yaoqin with seven strings is placed obliquely, and the harp is on the table.

"This illuminated steatite is also rare. I happen to lack a seal, which will be used to communicate with people in the future."

"What kind of seal does my cousin plan to engrave?"

"What does my cousin think?"

"Why don't my cousin engrave a qin and se, the qin and se are at the gate, and the years will be quiet. I hope that my cousin will be with the qin and se in the future, and the years will be quiet."


The memory of the past is still vivid, and Yu Youyao is delighted: "It turns out that the seal of Qin and Se has already been engraved, it is so beautiful, and it is as good-looking as my engraved Pisces seal."

She took her Pisces engraved seal, and pressed it lightly under the Qinse seal.

A violin is in the imperial court, so it is good to be quiet.

Wet with each other, moist with foam.

Yu Youyao took a piece of lotus paper that her son had just made. On the pink paper, there was a faint fragrance of lotus, which was fresh and pleasant. She couldn't wait to grind the ink, hold the pen, and dip it in the ink.

Compared to her cousin's brevity, Yu Youyao was long-winded and wrote a lot of words.

The tung blossoms from the Tiaoyu Courtyard are in bloom, and the tung flowers hang on the branches, bright and bright, with drooping rutabagas, swaying beautifully, just like the zither seal carved by my cousin.

It is written that the lotus lake is full of pink, white, and red lotus flowers. The wind blows and wrinkles the emerald green pool, and the blossoming lotus flowers are graceful and graceful.

She wrote that she picked rose flowers in the yard and made rose dew, and used rose flowers to make lip balm with bright colors. When her cousin came back, she would wipe it on for her cousin.

She wrote that after her cousin left, she did not neglect her studies. She practiced calligraphy, learned the piano, read history, and studied "Heavenly Creation". Pharmacology still needs to be learned.

After nagging and writing a lot of trivial things, I wrote about some recent changes in Beijing, the progress of the joint trial of the three divisions.

Afterwards, I told my cousin to eat well, sleep well, and take care of my body. If the incense pills I brought were not enough, I would write to her and tell her that she would prepare some more and let the hidden guards take them there.

At the end of the letter, thinking that she hadn't seen her cousin for a long time, Yu Youyao was inevitably depressed, and unconsciously wrote many missive words...

When Yu Youyao stopped writing, she suddenly realized that her wrist was sore and heavy.

Tilting his head, a dozen sheets of letter paper filled with words were laid out on the desk.

It was only then that Yu Youyao realized that without realizing it, she had written so much without taking a breath and without resting at all.

Yu Youyao read one by one, feeling that she was too long-winded, and hesitated whether to rewrite it.

But after relaying the note paper, she picked up the pen but stood there in a daze, her mind was blank, she didn't know what to write.

She had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​rewriting, took the Pisces engraved seal, dipped it in cinnabar, and pressed it at the end of the letter.

Yu Youyao took the envelope and stuffed a thick stack of paper into it. The flat envelope was bulging. She sealed the envelope with a wax seal.

The dark guard who had been hiding in the dark all this time came out.

Only now did Yu Youyao have time to look at him.

On such a hot day, the dark guard wore a black outfit, a black cloth scarf wrapped around his head, and a black iron mask on his face, revealing only a pair of ancient well-like eyes.

Yu Youyao handed the letter to him and asked, "What's your name?"

The dark guard's voice was hoarse: "Yin San."

What's the name? Yu Youyao was taken aback when she heard that, "Cousin, did you have a lot of hidden guards, and you are the third among them, that's why you are called Yin San?"

Dark Guard: "It's codenamed Yin San."

Yu Youyao asked curiously, "Is there any difference?"

The hidden guard: "If I die, someone will replace me and become Yin San."

Yu Youyao's breathing was slightly stagnant. She had heard from her cousin that Youwang's Mansion raised many soldiers and secret guards, and most of these people were children whose father died in battle and became orphans because of the war.

Those with good aptitude will be trained to become soldiers of the government, or secret guards, to serve in Prince You's residence.

Those with poor qualifications can only be sent to Zhuangzi to work.

It also gave them a way to survive.

They all joined King You's command from their father's generation, and they were loyal to King You. After their father died in battle, they were also honored by King You's upbringing, so they were absolutely loyal to King You's mansion.

Yu Youyao took a deep breath, and then said: "It's a long journey, how is my cousin? After arriving in Shandong, how does he eat and sleep? Is there any violation of the water and soil? Is the person assigned to my cousin suitable?"

Yin San replied one by one: "There is the medicinal fragrance prepared by Miss Biao, the young master is in good health along the way."

"After arriving in Shandong, Young Master Biao used Miss Biao to prepare Lengxiang Pills, Bishu Pills, and Tongqiaoxiang Pills every day. There was no sign of acclimatization."

"Every night before going to bed, the young master will bathe and purify his body with the medicine lotion made by Miss Biao. Before going to bed, he will burn the Ningshen Xiangxiang pill, which is good for eating and sleeping."

"Many of the people sent by the emperor to serve the young master are young masters, so it is naturally appropriate."

When he came, the young master explained carefully.

If Miss Biao asked about his health, there was no need to say anything, just tell Miss Biao that he listened to Miss Biao and used the incense pills made by Ms. Biao every day.

After hearing this, Yu Youyao was really relieved: "Since the incense pills brought over are effective, I will prepare some more, and you can give them to cousin together with the letter."

Yu Youyao hurriedly went to the fragrance room, picked and picked the fragrance pills that she had re-prepared during this period, and prepared more than ten kinds, kept them properly, took them back to the study, and handed them to Yin San.

Finally, he handed a small package to Yin San: "I have prepared some dry food, you can take it with you on the way."

Yin San was a little surprised and hesitated for a while.

Yu Youyao frowned: "Take it, it's hard work to travel back and forth in such a hot day."

Only then did Yin San take it over, and the moment his figure flashed, he jumped out of the window and left.

Yu Youyao chased after the window, but Yin San could no longer be seen.

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