All Hail Cousin Brother

Four hundred and twentieth IX: Bewitched

Speaking of this, Yu Youyao couldn't refuse anymore.

Qi Sining sent a painting of his own, which was the beauty of the lotus lake in Tiaoyuyuan. The whole painting was 6 feet (2 meters) long, and it was a rare large-scale painting.

Qi Sining is not very old, but his painting skills are really good, not only the style of painting is soft and smooth, but also has the artistic conception of "the lotus leaf field and the green water, and the lonely boat under the shade of flowers".

For such a large-scale painting, from composition to retouching, it will take at least three or two months to complete.

It can be seen that a lot of thought has been spent.

The maid sent by Qi Sining also said: "My lady started painting this painting in April, and she only finished the painting in the first few days. It's a mere clumsy work. Miss Yu can just look at it and enjoy herself!"

Tang Yunxi returned to the screen she embroidered, it was Qingwu Wuyue, with jadeite leaves and bright tung flowers.

Tang Yunxi's embroidery skills are exquisite, and the whole screen is beautiful, clean and elegant, which is pleasing to the eye. Even Madam Xu couldn't help admiring after seeing it: "Miss Tang Wu, she is a person with inner beauty."

It is not easy to embroider a screen, and I think it has been embroidered since April and May.

Yu Youyao felt strange: "I just gave some small things, why is it like an appointment, and the gifts are more grand than the one in return?"

Mother Xu smiled: "Sister often gives them things, and they do it all by themselves. They have benefited from you, so they have to put more thought into it. It's all because of your friendship."

Family friendship is mostly based on face. If you want to have a sincere relationship, you will carefully prepare gifts to communicate with others.

Yu Youyao suddenly realized that the gift was received calmly.

At this time, the person sent by the mansion to the Marquis of Zhen Guo's mansion to inquire about the news came back.

It is said that Song Shizi was in a coma for a day and a night, and he still hadn't woken up. Yesterday, in the middle of the night, he suddenly developed a high fever. Physician Hu gave him an injection and also took medicine.

I don't know what's going on, the fever goes away and then goes back, and goes back and forth again and again, but it doesn't get better.

The Zhen Guohou's Mansion was also in a hurry, and almost hired all the imperial doctors who were available in the Imperial Hospital. The results of the diagnoses of the imperial doctors were all that Song Shizi was in a hurry.

In desperation, the Zhen Guohou Mansion invited many famous doctors from outside.

But Song Shizi still didn't wake up.

At this moment, the news that Song Mingzhao had an emergency had already spread.

There is a lot of discussion in Beijing.

Old Madam Yu was really worried, so she asked Madam Liu to go to Zhen Guohou's Mansion in person to see Song Mingzhao's situation, and sent some precious medicinal materials and supplements along the way.

Grandma Liu walked for an hour, and when she came back, her face was solemn: "The situation of Song Shizi is not very good. He said that he was in a hurry, but this old slave looks like, it is..."

When the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and closed his mouth tightly again, becoming hesitant.

Old Madam Yu squeezed her veil tightly: "Tell me quickly, what's going on? There is no one else in the room, so just speak up if you have anything to say."

Having got the right words, Grandma Liu hurriedly approached the old lady, and lowered her voice: "This old servant sees that Song Shizi seems to be possessed by a demon, and he is still in a coma, but he is clutching his chest and keeps asking [Who are you] What is this?" Asking questions, he vomited blood out of his mouth, scaring me to death..."

Old Madam Yu was quite shocked: "You still vomited blood? Are you telling the truth?"

Grandma Liu nodded again and again: "This old servant saw it with his own eyes, and the Marquis of Zhen Guo probably didn't expect that Prince Song would suddenly vomit blood in a nightmare, and he was shocked, and Mrs. Song was even more frightened, and fainted on the spot past."

Madam Yu quickly closed her eyes,

Twirling the beads in his hands, he muttered: "Amitabha, Amitabha..."

After chanting, he opened his eyes again, and quickly asked, "What did Yu Yu doctor say?"

Grandma Liu replied: "Physician Hu gave Song Shizi ten rescue pills, saying that Song Shizi is not in danger for the time being, but if he stays awake, it will be hard to say. From the looks of it, Song Shizi's situation is not optimistic. "

Madam Yu felt uncomfortable: "I even used the emergency medicine to save my life!"

It's not easy to say anything else.

Grandma Liu continued: "The old slave made his own decision and told Mrs. Zhen Guohou that there is a Master Huitong in Baoning Temple who honors the Medicine Buddha and has excellent medical skills."

It was a horrible situation.

She is an old man who has lived most of her life, and she is panicked from the bottom of her heart. Seeing that the Zhen Guohou's mansion is in a mess, she thinks that she must help after making such a trip.

The old lady worshiped Buddha all the year round, and she knew more about Baoning Temple than others. Although Master Huitong was not well-known, she also knew that he was proficient in medical skills.

Old Madam Yu hurriedly said: "Medicine Master Buddha helps people save the world, it doesn't matter even if he says his name, if Prince Song is really... really should let the eminent monks of Baoning Temple take a look, even if he is not bewitched, Hui Tong The master is proficient in medical skills and can also help with treatment."

Grandma Liu breathed a sigh of relief: "This old slave thinks the same way."

Old Madam Yu closed her eyes and kept twisting the beads: "Amitabha..."

In the afternoon, the Yu Mansion received the news that Mrs. Zhen Guohou went to Baoning Temple in person and invited Master Huitong into the mansion.

Master Huitong used medicine for Song Mingzhao.

Song Mingzhao stopped vomiting blood, but he kept having nightmares, fever and fading.

Master Huineng closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in Song Mingzhao's room, chanting sutras.

The news of Zhen Guohou's mansion kept spreading into Yu's mansion, and even Yu's mansion was solemn.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yu Youyao.

In August, the lotus flowers in the lotus lake bloomed and fell, and many lotus pods had formed in the lake. At noon, when the weather was the hottest, Yu Youyao took a book and went boating on the lake to the depths of the lotus. Go to Xieyin, pick lotus pods by the way, let the maids peel the lotus seeds and pick out the lotus heart.

Although lotus heart is bitter, it is a good thing when made into lotus heart tea.

In the dry and hot autumn, lotus heart tea clears the heart fire, calms the liver fire, relieves the spleen fire, lowers the lung fire, nourishes the heart and brain, and is most suitable for the elderly like grandmothers.

Cousin drinks some every day, and it can also nourish the mind.

At this time, Yin Huaixi, who was being cared about by Yu Youyao, was sitting leisurely in the tent, holding a red silk stone bigger than the palm of an adult man, and was carving an inkstone.

Eunuch Zhu sighed as he looked at it. This piece of red silk stone was blood red like chicken blood, and the red silk was reflected in ribbons.

It comes from the Hongsi Cave in Heishan, Qingzhou, Shandong.

None of the red silk stones that have been tributed to the emperor over the years have such a good appearance.

Thinking in my heart, I couldn't help but say a few compliments: "Qingzhou red silk inkstone is famous, and it is known as the head of all inkstones, and it is better than Duan inkstone. , are all extremely beautiful."

Liu Gongquan of the Tang Dynasty said in [Inkstone Theory]: "Qingzhou is the first storage inkstone, followed by Jiangzhou, and then Duan and She will be discussed!"

Many writers in later generations also commented: "The red silk inkstone is the first inkstone."

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