All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter four hundred and fortieth: Precarious

The red silk inkstone should be a Mid-Autumn Festival gift from her cousin in advance.

She told her cousin that in the future, she must remember to give her festival gifts every year and festival.

Cousin always remembers.

The red silk inkstone is just a piece of red silk inkstone. The reason why Yu Youyao can't put it down is because whether it's the scarcity or the luxury of the red silk inkstone, or even every detail on it, every extraordinary place behind it, expresses her cousin's love for her. The most precious piece of mind.

Only those who treat you sincerely will spare no expense to find the rarest treasure in the world.

Because, in his heart, you are also the most precious treasure in the world, and only the most precious treasure in the world is worthy of the most precious treasure in his heart, such as the red silk stone.

Only a person who treats you sincerely will spare more time and energy to prepare the most rare treasure in the world for the treasure in his heart, especially the red silk inkstone carved with red silk inkstone.

Yu Youyao took the Pisces engraved seal and signed it: "How is the situation in Shandong?"

Yin San didn't hide anything: "The fourth young master Leng died tragically. The Leng family approached Li Qiguang and asked Li Qiguang to uphold justice. The Leng family demanded that Young Master Mu Qi pay for it with his life, but the Mu family refused and were willing to pay the price to compensate the Leng family for the loss. No problem, at the time when the imperial army is suppressing the situation, Li Qiguang does not want to make matters worse, and intends to suppress this matter for the time being, and discuss it later."

Yu Youyao understood as soon as she heard it.

Fourth Young Master Leng died tragically in public, and the Leng House wanted justice for the family's reputation and dignity. Only Young Master Mu Qi paid for it with his life, and the matter would be over.

However, the Mufu are both clans, their own blood, how can they allow the Lengfu to fight and kill, it is really in line with the Lengfu's wishes, what is the reputation of the Mufu, and what is the majesty?

All interests are at stake.

However, involving the clan's reputation that has been passed down for many years is undoubtedly provoking and even shaking the foundation of the clan.

The conflicts between Mufu and Lengfu are irreconcilable, and the clan alliance is in jeopardy.


Yin San changed the subject, and said: "However, the prefect of Jinan persisted, and forcibly imprisoned Young Master Mu Qi on the charge of intentional murder. Even though the Mu Mansion is powerful, it has always been right and proper to govern the people since ancient times, so we had to ask Li Qiguang to come forward. But the prefect of Jinan doesn't give Li Qiguang face, so Li Qiguang has nothing to do."

Once the court gets involved in matters within the clan, it will become very complicated.

After careful consideration, Yu Youyao understood: "The imperial army is suppressing the border, and the Jinan Mansion represents the imperial court. At this juncture, what happened to the prefect of Jinan is undoubtedly a provocation to the imperial court. The imperial court will definitely send troops immediately. The government is fighting against each other, and the clan alliance is not stable, no matter how arrogant Li Qiguang is, he will not dare to touch the prefect of Jinan, so the prefect of Jinan has nothing to fear."

Normally, the prefect of Jinan would definitely want to give Li Qiguang and even the Mufu some face.


At present, the imperial court's anti-rebellion army is suppressing the border, and the court officials have the support of the army, so they are confident.

Yin San nodded: "Master Mu Qi was poisoned and died on the third night of being imprisoned in the prison. After the Mu family got the news, they were furious, thinking it was the work of the Leng family. The conflict between the two sides further deepened, and even intensified."

Yu Youyao smiled: "Master Mu Qi was poisoned and died in the prison of the government office. The Jinan Mansion cannot escape the responsibility. Both the Mu Mansion and Li Qiguang will suspect that the Leng Mansion and the Jinan Mansion colluded with each other, so the prefect of Jinan imprisoned Young Master Mu Qi. It is convenient for the Leng House to attack Young Master Mu Qi in the prison. The Jinan House and the Leng House have formed a natural alliance. The clan headed by the Leng House has been forced to be implicated with the court and forced to stand on the opposite side of Li Qiguang. The alliance has disintegrated."

There is a kind of "grievance" in this world,

Even jumping into the Yellow Sea can't wash it off.

There are complicated interests between the clan and Li Qiguang. The Leng House is against the Mu House, but Li Qiguang still needs to give some face.

Therefore, to completely disintegrate the clan alliance, it is necessary to further plan and plan on the basis of the clan's hostility.

Master Mu Qi was poisoned and died in the government prison, which is the most critical part of the layout, as long as Li Qiguang thinks that Leng Fu has betrayed him, that's enough!

Even Li Qiguang has some doubts about this.


At the time when the imperial army was pressing down on the border, Li Qiguang would no longer trust the Lengfu.

But Leng Fu will only take it for granted that Li Qiguang prefers Mu Fu.

It will only make him more dissatisfied with Li Qiguang.

In this world, what can disintegrate an alliance of interests is never human life, let alone interests, but trust that is not very strong.

This trick of alienation, one link after another, is really too clever.

Yin San nodded: "A group of clans headed by Mufu unite to denounce Lengfu. Lengfu is not afraid of Mufu, but is very afraid of Li Qiguang. They just don't do anything, and secretly cooperate with Jinan prefect. The young master plans to make a move in September. Send troops and formally attack Li Qiguang."

Yu Youyao felt sure and went to the kitchen.

When Mother Zhao saw her coming, she quickly put on a smile: "The weather is hot today, and the kitchen is stuffy and dirty. If Miss does something, just tell her servants, don't do it yourself."

Yu Youyao said with a smile: "Grandma has a bad appetite. I think the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days. I just have time today, so I want to make some mooncakes. Grandma is willing to eat a few more bites."

Cousin can't come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so she plans to make some mooncakes and ask Yin San to bring them to her cousin.

Although we can't enjoy the reunion of the moon together, we can also share the sweet taste of the cake, and our hearts are also full of joy.

Zhao's mother smiled and narrowed her eyes: "The kitchen is also preparing to make moon cakes. Everything is ready. What kind of lady is going to make, and the servants will help make it together."

The eldest lady makes moon cakes to be filial to the old lady, how can she stop it!

"This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I'm afraid my cousin won't be able to make it back, so I will make more and send some to my cousin."

Cousin doesn't like many desserts, but Bazhen Cake is the only thing she has a special affection for. Yu Youyao plans to make Bazhen Cake into moon cakes, and then make some salty dried fruit fillings.

Mother Zhao quickly agreed.

Yu Youyao had been busy in the kitchen all afternoon, and the mooncakes were freshly baked. With the addition of spirit dew, a plate was given to Mrs. Yu, and the rest were sent to Tiaoyu Courtyard.

For those who didn't add spirit dew, some were distributed to various places in the house.

Yu Youyao gave Yin San the mooncakes wrapped in oiled paper, the camphorwood box, and a reply letter: "Tell cousin to pay more attention to his health. I'll wait for his triumphant return."

During dinner, Mrs. Yu saw a plate of moon cakes on the table, and was taken aback for a moment: "In the blink of an eye, in four or five days, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival."

The war in Shandong is still at a stalemate, and there have been many bad rumors outside.

The joint trial of the three divisions is still under review, and many people have been implicated.

The emperor's body in the palace is not very good.

This year is an eventful year, and it will be a busy festival even if you think about it.

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