All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 494: Cousin, you are so kind

The first battle in Shandong, if you want to come to Beidi, you will also get news.

Now his reputation is so great that even the feudal princes have to avoid him. Beidi has suffered a lot under the hands of him and his father, and he will never dare to act rashly until he finds out the truth.

In the early years, Chang Ningbo rushed to support the war in the northern border, and he still has some experience in fighting Beidi.

Yu Youyao finally felt relieved.

Turning her eyes, as if thinking of something, Yu Youyao hurriedly said: "Cousin, you said you brought me a gift, where is the gift? Quickly show it to me."

I knew that no matter what I forgot, I would never forget the gift. Zhou Linghuai smiled deeply: "Put it in the flower hall, and I will take you there to see it."

Yu Youyao happily went to the flower hall with her cousin, and saw at a glance that the table was full of gift boxes, and said pleasantly, "These are all prepared for me?"

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "Some are special products from the northern border, most of them were brought back from Shandong, and some medicinal materials and spices are not allowed. Chang'an sent them to Tiaoyuyuan just now."

Everyone else in the house only had one gift from "Youzhou", but she had two.

Yu Youyao couldn't be too happy: "Thank you cousin!"

The gifts prepared by the cousin were all very delicate, obviously carefully prepared, Yu Youyao couldn't wait to take a gift box, and removed the silk brocade outside, it was a rosewood box with pine and cypress cloud patterns carved on it.

As soon as the box was opened, there was an inkstone inside. It was green and pure in color, shaped like a sycamore leaf, and its stone patterns were like pine branches and cypress leaves, strong and sparse.

Yu Youyao's affection almost overflowed her face, and she quickly took the inkstone in her hand.

The inkstone feels icy and cool to the touch, like holding an ice stone in your hand, holding it for a long time but not warm, and you can't put it down: "Cousin, what is the origin of this inkstone?"

Zhou Linghuai smiled: "This is the Wutai Mountain Inkstone. It is produced in Wutai Mountain. It is also called Xielong Stone. It is as cool as ice and is good for ink. It is also a very rare good inkstone. I carved it myself." Speaking of this, I thought of it. I gave her a red silk inkstone before, so I explained: "I heard from Yin San that you like the red silk inkstone I gave you earlier, and you also like these strange stone inkstones, so I searched for it."

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, "stone is more expensive than jade", especially stone carvings and stone carvings, and high-quality stone products can be engraved to make inkstones, so stone inkstones were also very popular in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On the contrary, the Chengni inkstone, which was very famous in the previous dynasty, was not as popular as the stone inkstone because it needed to be fired.

In the past, Yu Youyao did not show any special interest in inkstones, but after giving the red silk inkstone, she found that Yu Youyao had an extraordinary love for inkstones, and she would like to collect these rare inkstones.


Holding Wutai Mountain inkstone, Yu Youyao was overjoyed: "Wutai Mountain is a sacred place of Buddhism, the Xielong Stone produced from Wutai Mountain, will it also be tainted with Buddha nature?"

She really loves the inkstone, but it is only given to her by her cousin.

The purple gold inkstone that Song Mingzhao gave her was also a rare exotic stone inkstone. She didn't even touch it, and she didn't think she liked it much.

He doesn't believe in Buddhism, but Yu Youyao seems to have some ties to Buddhism, so Zhou Linghuai laughed: "If you think it's touched, it will, it's just a matter of opinion."

Yu Youyao smiled and curled her lips.

Zhou Linghuai changed the subject: "I got a few high-quality Xielong stones. Because the stones are relatively large, it will take a while to transport them to Beijing. Xielong stones are as cold as ice. I will carve them for you at that time. Put it in the study room, bedroom, and flower hall every day, and put it in the water, and the water will be as cool as ice, which is not only beautiful, but also cool and refreshing, cooler than ice cubes. .”

Yu Youyao's bitter summer,

Since it arrived in May, it has been screaming hot.

Although there was an ice cellar at home, Nanny Xu did not allow her to use too much ice, as the ice would melt when exposed to heat. Although it could relieve the heat for a while, it could not continue to reduce the heat. Yu Youyao also suffered a lot.

Zhou Linghuai thought about it and thought of Xielongshi.

Xielongshi ice naturally cools down and relieves heat, unlike ice cubes, which bring cold air, and if used too much, cold and damp will easily enter the body, which is not good for the body.

However, the best Xielong stones are rare, and it took a long time to find a few pieces.

At that time, it is rare to give a piece to the old lady, and other people in the house. It is also rare to send some scraps.

Yu Youyao smiled and frowned: "You are so kind, cousin."

It's been a long time since I heard the little girl say this, Zhou Linghuai's lips curved slightly: "Just like it."

Because the first gift was a big surprise, Yu Youyao looked forward to it every time she opened a gift.

And her cousin didn't disappoint her, the gifts she gave her were all exquisite and distinctive obscene things, which were not common in Beijing, so Yu Youyao's eyes were wide open just because of the rarity.

When the little girl unwrapped the presents, the joy and pure joy pleased Zhou Linghuai, and it was not in vain that he spent a lot of manpower, material resources, and even financial resources, searching for it with all his heart.

At the back, when Yu Youyao took out a purple gold inkstone from Langya Mountain, she couldn't help being taken aback.

How sensitive Zhou Linghuai was, how could her subtle emotional changes escape his eyes, and he asked calmly, "What's the matter, the Zijin stone inkstone is as famous as the Hongsi inkstone in Shandong, but you don't like it?"

Yu Youyao came to her senses and held the purple gold stone and couldn't put it down: "Of course I like the gift from my cousin. A while ago, Song Shizi came to the door to thank him and gave him a Zijin stone inkstone from Langya Mountain. I was a little surprised at the moment."

Zhou Linghuai's eyes were deep, and he said calmly: "Oh, is it? The purple gold stones produced in Langya, Shandong are very rare. This piece of mine is also an old object that has been collected by the Leng Mansion for many years. It took some time to carve it into an inkstone. I want to come to him. What I gave you is also an ancient relic with a lot of background, I want to see it."

Yu Youyao curled her lips: "The purple gold inkstone sent by Song Shizi, I took a casual look, it is indeed a rare antique, as for the origin, I don't know, let Mother Xu put it in the warehouse, if cousin If you want to see it, I will send someone to find it.”

They were both Zijin inkstones, but when Yu Youyao mentioned Song Mingzhao's piece, she seemed to lack interest, instead she held the Zijin inkstone that her cousin had given her, and started appreciating it seriously.

The look of love in his eyes seemed to be seeing such a rare thing for the first time.

This piece of purple gold stone inkstone is engraved with "Tun will come out of the east, and the purple air will come out of the bright glow in the east". The gold has purple in it, which looks thick and noble. The piece Song Mingzhao gave seems to be purple with gold.

At first glance, it seems that there is no difference.

But after careful observation, I found that the texture of my cousin's piece is better than that of Song Mingzhao, and it looks quaint and elegant to the extreme.

This should be the highest quality among purple gold stones.

Zhou Linghuai shook his head: "Since it has been stored in the warehouse, forget it, and just look at it later. Although my purple gold stone inkstone is not an ancient relic, it is of high quality, very rare, and worthy of use."

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