All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth: Worker wants to do his job well

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "This is one of them."

Could it be that something happened in the northern border? Yu Youyao took a tight breath, and quickly asked: "There are other reasons?"

Zhou Linghuai did not let it go: "The drought affected not only the Great Zhou Dynasty, but Beidi was even more affected. They are nomadic tribes who live on nomads. They are not good at farming and there is a serious shortage of supplies. Earlier, the leader of Beidi, Harmon, sent a message Give it to me, I am willing to exchange the BMW of the grassland for the food they depend on for survival."

Yu Youyao was a little surprised: "It seems that the drought on the grassland is quite serious, did my cousin agree?"

In the past two years, Beidi has frequently harassed the border, also hoarding supplies for the drought, but every time they lost troops and returned without success.

Fighting wars consumes a lot of materials. If you win, you can snatch the materials from the defeated side. Use the battle to nourish your body and strengthen yourself. If you lose, you will inevitably lose your vitality.

Beidi is short of supplies, so naturally they can’t afford to consume them, and they can’t grab supplies. Once there is a famine, even people can’t survive, let alone the precious war horses on the grasslands.

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "I did not refuse."

Yu Youyao was not surprised either: "War horses are scarce materials, this is a rare opportunity for my cousin." Speaking of this, she smiled: "If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapons. Only by being strong can more deaths be avoided."

The Great Zhou Dynasty had very strict control over military supplies.

Cotton, iron, medicinal materials, grain, etc. can also be avoided by the imperial court, and purchased in small quantities and hoarded in large quantities in different identities in different regions of the country through escort agencies.

If you are more cautious, you will not attract the attention of the court.

Horses are a problem. x

There were not many areas where horses were raised in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and almost all of them were controlled by the imperial court.

However, the imperial court has expressly stipulated that it is not allowed to buy and sell horses in private, and the horses used for transportation are strictly regulated according to their status and status. Once the number exceeds the number, they will be convicted.

Ordinary people can only use mules and donkeys instead of horses.

It is not that there are no horse farms that raise horses privately, but the scale is not large, and the number of horses in small horse farms is also very limited.

They are not as good as Beidi's war horses.

Di Ren is tall and powerful, and he is good at fighting. The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were hard-working, strong-tolerant, and had the belief in defending their families and the country. They were also elite soldiers on the battlefield.

However, what is compared on the battlefield is morale, military spirit, and even more powerful supplies.

The war horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty have always been inferior to Beidi, and they have always been at a disadvantage on the battlefield. This has allowed Beidi, a tribe, to bully the great country.

Zhou Linghuai laughed as soon as he heard it: "Bei Di has been at war with Da Zhou for generations, and the hatred is irreconcilable. Don't you think my deal with Bei Di is an act of collaborating with the enemy?"

Yu Youyao frowned and said: "The law of war says that poor bandits should not chase after them. Maybe my metaphor is not appropriate, but in my eyes, Beidi is a group of poor bandits with strong soldiers and horses. Right now they are not at the end of their rope.

Naturally, he can still negotiate a deal with his cousin calmly, but if his cousin refuses to make a deal with Beidi, the Di people will be at a dead end. In order to survive, the northern border will face a war that is more terrifying than any previous one. "

Zhou Linghuai raised his hand to support his forehead, vision and heart often determine a person's pattern, the little girl's vision is all people in the world, not Da Zhou.

Yu Youyao blinked, and looked at her cousin: "Of course, I believe that my cousin is wise and powerful, and he will not be afraid of Beidi." She smiled, her lips curled up, her eyes sparkled: "Look, there is no one except Ben Chao The Emperor Gaozu, who did Beidi ever talk about a deal with in a calm manner? Didn’t he get scared by his cousin, frightened by his prestige, did he make peace? Get ahead first."

In the battle seven years ago, King Zhou Li sacrificed his life, and his cousin sacrificed his physical weakness. They turned the tables against the wind in desperation and turned defeat into victory. In the end, they defeated Di Ren's courage and pride, and his cousin regained control of Beijing. The environment, Beidi attacked again and again, with a more or less tentative attitude.

Zhou Linghuai's smile deepened, enjoying the little girl's adoring eyes.

Yu Youyao continued: "War needs to consume a lot of supplies, money and food, but right now there is a severe drought in the north, and disaster relief is urgently needed, so it is not suitable to start a war again." Speaking of this, she continued: "There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Cousin has countless elite soldiers and generals, food and grass are well prepared, what is lacking most is war horses that can charge into battle, and if you can exchange food for scarce war horses, you can also avoid a war disaster, cousin is not at a disadvantage."

Unless it was a last resort, it was impossible for Beidi to exchange the powerful war horses of the tribe to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and let the Great Zhou Dynasty use their war horses to deal with themselves.

The loser is Beidi.

Cousin started hoarding supplies early in the morning, the supplies in the northern border are enough for 500,000 troops, internal consumption text 0

Sweet potatoes have been cut and survived, but the yield is unknown, but with drought-resistant grain, there is basically no shortage of grain and grass in the north.

It's okay to exchange some food and grass for Beidi.

If the Great Zhou Dynasty was in chaos, only a strong army could remain invincible.

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "I originally planned that in August of this year, before the famine broke out on a large scale, I would personally mobilize troops to attack Beidi, plunder Beidi's war horses, cattle and sheep, and use war to raise war to frighten Beidi, lest Beidi take advantage of the Great Zhou chaos. Get up and take advantage of the fire."

In the past six years, the northern border has been fighting in small ways, but not a decent battle has been fought.

A warrior who has not gone through war, fighting, and bloody baptism will never be a real warrior.

The 500,000 secluded army is like a treasured sword that has not seen blood.

Before the chaos of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he first had to use the Di people to sharpen his sword, strengthen the morale of the army, and raise the blood of the soldiers, so that he can be invincible and invincible.

Yu Youyao's eyes widened: "My cousin wants to go to the Northern Expedition, but I heard that the grasslands are vast and boundless, Di Bu lives without a fixed place, avoiding the Three Caves, the Northern Expedition is not easy."

Zhou Linghuai chuckled: "There is a dark dragon in the Qianjiao Army, but only a hundred people. They are good at disguising, infiltrating, assassinating, obtaining information, surveying terrain, etc." , I am preparing for the Northern Expedition. Over the years, with some fragmentary information they have obtained, I have basically grasped the scope of operations of Dibu, surveyed the topographic map of the grassland, although the topographic map is not perfect, it is enough for the Northern Expedition.”

He has never been a person who would not sit still. He trained the Qianlong army earlier to help his father be invincible and invincible on the battlefield in the northern border.

Passive resistance and defense are not his style. Beidi can plunder the supplies of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why can't he plunder Beidi's war horses, cattle and sheep div

Cousin Wanfu

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