All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter six hundred and ninety fifth: Nasty

The latest website: Old Madam Yu's body softened, her lips trembling.

At the beginning, there was no peace in the bowl, but after all, the root of the disaster was left behind. Now Roujia died early, the eldest is unwilling, the second is resentful, and the brothers are fighting against each other.

For the sake of the Yu Mansion and her two sons, she has planned her whole life, and even her body has been ruined. She just hopes that one day, she can fulfill the old man's entrustment before his death.

But in the end, the Yu Mansion was still defeated by her.

Yu Zongzheng was furious and lost his mind: "It's because I'm not as promising as my second brother. My second brother married Xie, which ruined his future. I married Xie, and I can use Xie's money to pay for my second brother." There is a future to pave the way.”

Mrs. Yu tried to explain: "I didn't do this all because of your second brother. Your ranking in the scientific examination back then was barely considered middle-of-the-road. The Yu clan was defeated, and the Yu family was also in ruins. You and your second brother entered the court for the first time. Tang, everything is not going well, your second brother is better, and Xia Ge has taken a fancy to him, but you have been in Beijing for a year or two, and you can't make any achievements, so you will be completely buried. If you want to have a way out, you can only There are decentralization, but the days of decentralization are not easy..."

If capable people are sent to the local government for three or two years, they will definitely be able to succeed.

But the boss is mediocre, the Yu Mansion is also in ruins, and there is no one in the clan to help him pave the way in Beijing. When he gets to the place, he has to rely on himself.

If you can't make it through, you will die in office for the rest of your life.

She didn't want her eldest son to work so hard.

But Yu Zongzheng couldn't listen to it. He heard the old lady's words, which undoubtedly became the evidence that he was not as good as his second brother: "In Beijing, there are many people who are right with me and beneficial to my official career. Why do you have to I marry Xie Shi?"

His future is not as good as that of the second child, but the Yu family is a rich family, a family of scholars, he is a serious Jinshi, and he is also the eldest son of the family. If he wants to inherit the family business in the future, he can also marry a scholarly daughter with a relatively solid family background.

Not necessarily, I have to marry a merchant woman from the Xie family.

Speaking of this, Mrs. Yu also regretted it.

The second child wrote "Hai Tu Ce", which helped the imperial court lift the sea ban, and Xie's mansion also won the imperial court's praise, and it was also beautiful. When she saw Roujia, she was generous and bright, like a pomegranate flower on a tree, flourishing, probably a widow For many years, it was rare to meet such a lively and bright person, and even his heart was opened up, and his heart was filled with thoughts.


Inevitably pondered this matter.

She is a Buddhist, so she feels that the Xie Mansion is kind to the Yu Mansion, which is also a rare fate. Rou Jia is smart and capable, and being the eldest daughter-in-law can support the family.

Then add up carefully.

The Yu Mansion is indeed down and out, and if marrying with the Xie Manor, there are indeed many benefits, so I feel that this is a rare and good marriage.

Later, she happened to see the way the second child looked at Roujia, and she began to feel restless.

The second child is mild-tempered when he is young, but for such a tepid person, the way he looks at Roujia is like a pomegranate flower on a branch, full of fire, bright and scorching, like a moth that wants to catch a flame.

Then she fainted.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

But Mrs. Yu couldn't explain this to the boss: "I'm a widow, no matter what I do, I'm always timid. I think of Roujia, who is generous and straightforward, and will support the family in the future..."

"You lied to me," how can a merchant woman compare to the prostitute who was carefully raised by Xiangshu Family? Yu Zongzheng roared angrily: "Is it because Mrs. Xie and his second younger brother already had their first and second brothers?!"

"You..." Mrs. Yu's head was dizzy for a while, and she couldn't even speak.

However, Yu Zongzheng thought that the old lady was guilty and had nothing to say, so he was furious on the spot: "For no reason, why did the Xie family help the second younger brother? Don't they want to take the opportunity to cling to the official family?"

"It's a shame for a merchant woman to marry into an official's family to be a noble concubine, but my mother didn't let her second brother accept the Xie family because the second brother and the Xie family had a relationship. !"

"The Xie family has the second younger brother En, and he has been commended by the court. The second younger brother has just entered the court and has not yet established himself in the court. We can't make things too ugly, otherwise it will hurt the second brother's reputation and hinder the second brother. future..."

The more he said, the more confident he felt, the more he felt that this was the case.

"You, you," Mrs. Yu was so angry that her eyes were filled with stars: "Shut up, you are dirty, and you think others are as dirty as you..."

Because he was in Yang's mansion back then, messing around with Yang's family, so when he looked at this matter, he unknowingly substituted himself, thinking that the second child was so dirty.

The prostitute sees prostitution.

A wise man sees wisdom.

After seeing this point, Mrs. Yu will know, no matter how she explains, the boss will not believe it.

He has decided in his heart that the second child and Roujia are married.

Yu Zongzheng suddenly became furious: "I'm dirty? No matter how dirty I am, my second brother is dirty and hangs out with the elder sister-in-law. For the sake of the second brother's future, the mother doesn't allow the second brother to marry the Xie family. In order to appease the Xie family, let me do it." You have been taken advantage of by marrying Mrs. Xie into the mansion, wouldn't it be embarrassing for my mother to do so?"

Mrs. Yu's ears were buzzing, and she was panting heavily, but her chest was becoming more and more suffocated: "You, don't, don't say it..."

Yu Zongzheng frowned: "Tell me, is Yaoyao the second child..."

"Pfft——" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yu suddenly became furious. She opened her mouth and was about to scold, but she spat out a mouthful of blood. She barely supported herself and slammed it heavily on the big pillow. He fell back on the big pillow and rolled his eyes, the handkerchief tightly held in his hand fell to the ground, and there was a shocking scarlet on the handkerchief.

Yu Zongzheng was startled, and rushed over quickly, his legs softened, and he almost fell to his knees: "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you, mother, come here, come here quickly..."

Grandma Liu, who was guarding outside, heard the arguing inside and wished she had plugged her ears with cotton, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

When he heard the old man yelling in panic, his head was also dizzy, and he rushed into the inner room——

The old lady was lying on her back on the bed, her mouth was open, panting continuously.

Grandma Liu was so frightened that her legs went limp, she knelt down on the ground with a "plop", grabbed the old lady's hand, and began to press the emergency acupuncture point on the old lady's hand.

Yu Zongzheng was also shocked, his mind was in a mess, he was angry with his mother, he was unwilling and resentful, but he never thought that he would make his mother so angry...

Yu Youyao got the notification from Qingxiu, because she mixed the incense, her body was also covered with the scent of the medicine, worried that it would hinder her grandmother, so she hurriedly changed her clothes and delayed for some time.

When she hurried over, she heard movement in the room, she felt a "thump" in her heart, she swung open the curtain, and hurried into the inner room.

I saw my grandmother lying on the head pillow, her eyes widened, and she was panting.

Immediately! Coolness penetrates the body.

Yu Youyao's mind buzzed, and she cried, "Grandma, what's wrong with you..."

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