All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 841: Sufficient and precious

A wave of heat rushed straight to his forehead, and an urge to rub and play with it suddenly arose in his heart. He had to use all his strength to restrain this ridiculous thought.

If Yu Youyao looked at him carefully, she would find that Yin Huaixi's ears were red.

It's a pity that Yu Youyao is enduring the pain and has no mind to pay attention to this. The pain will be better than before, but it is still very painful. She lets out a small whimper in her throat and tries her best to endure it.

Gradually, she felt that Yin Huaixi's hand holding her foot was a little hot, with a burning sensation stained by sweat. It made the soles of her feet numb for no reason. The numbness was like ants, crawling along her calves, making her body tremble. Paroxysms of weakness.

The process of patience is too difficult.

Yin Huaixi suddenly remembered that one time his father took them to play in the mountains, and his mother accidentally twisted her foot. His father rubbed her feet while telling jokes to make her happy.

So, he cleared his throat: "Once upon a time, there lived two brothers in a village. Both brothers had reached the age of marriage, but there was no girl they liked in the village. The two brothers decided to go outside the village to look for them. One day the brothers passed by In a village, I met a girl at the end of the village."

Yu Youyao's eyes widened, and she forgot about the pain in her feet for a moment, and quickly asked: "Is that girl so beautiful that the two brothers fell in love with that girl at the same time and wanted to marry her?"

She had already imagined a scene in which two brothers competed for a girl.

Well, that’s what it says in the script.

Yin Huaixi heard it funny, shook his head, and continued: "The boss feels that this girl is exactly the person he is looking for, but the second brother feels that this girl is not good-looking and plans to continue looking elsewhere."

ah? ! Why is it different from what she thought? Yu Youyao quickly asked: "What happened next?"

Yin Huaixi told the story and kept massaging his hands: "The boss asked the local people about the girl. Because she was not good-looking, no one proposed marriage. She received a lot of gossip, but he didn't care, and asked the local people about the girl's marriage proposal. customs."

"The locals told him that a man must use cows as a betrothal gift when asking for marriage. An ordinary girl only needs one or two cows, while a virtuous and beautiful girl needs four or five cows, and the most is nine cows. Such a girl looks like a fairy. Likewise, there is no such girl locally, and no one has ever given nine cows as a gift."

Yu Youyao couldn't help but ask: "How many cows did the boss use to marry the girl?"

Yin Huaixi revealed: "The boss bought nine cows, and the next day he drove the cows to propose marriage."

"Ah?!" Yu Youyao was surprised. Could this be beauty being in the eye of the beholder?

Yin Huaixi lowered his head and continued: "He knocked on the door of the girl's house. The girl's father was very surprised when he learned about the boss's intention. He quickly told the boss that his daughter was just an ordinary girl. Just give him one or two cows. , if you send so many cows here, the people in the village will laugh."

Yu Youyao listened very attentively and turned her attention to the story.

Yin Huaixi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "The boss said that your daughter is the best girl in the world. I think she is worth nine cows. Please accept it. After the girl's father tried to persuade her to no avail, in order to be able to My daughter is getting married, so I have no choice but to agree.”

"After getting married, the eldest son always regarded his wife as the best girl in the world. Five years later, the second eldest brother still couldn't find a girl he was satisfied with, so he had to go back to his hometown. He walked into the village and saw a fairy-like girl at the end of the village. The girl couldn't help asking her brother and came forward to talk. The girl brought the second brother to the eldest brother. The two brothers were very happy to see each other again after a long separation. The second brother asked the eldest brother, why didn't he see his sister-in-law? "

Yu Youyao was stunned for a moment: "Is that girl who looks like a fairy the wife that the boss married back then?"

Yin Huaixi nodded: "The boss said, haven't you already seen her? The person who brought you back just now is your sister-in-law. The second brother couldn't believe it, so he asked his brother, but he said, isn't your sister-in-law the same as before? ?”

Yu Youyao was also confused: "Why in the eyes of the second brother, my sister-in-law has become a fairy, but in the eyes of the boss, my wife remains the same as before?"

Yin Huaixi continued: "The second I thought about it, the more strange I became, so I went to find my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law smiled and said, before I met your brother, everyone, including my parents and relatives, thought I was ugly. No one Marrying is not worth a cow, even I think so."

"But your brother thinks I'm worth nine cows. Over time, even I think I'm worth nine cows, and it's become like this unknowingly."

Yu Youyao suddenly realized that the relationship comes from the heart!

A person's life is not static. A person's appearance and temperament will also change according to your heart, and the human heart changes according to the environment a person is in, the people he comes into contact with, and the things he experiences.

Yin Huaixi said warmly: "In the boss's heart, his wife has always been the best girl in the world, so he feels that her wife has never changed. She is always the most beautiful girl. She was before, is now, and will be from now on. It will not change because of the passage of time. The years are ruthless, and the beauty gradually changes, which also makes the wife firmly believe that she is worthy of the Nine Cows, so she becomes the Nine Cows, what she should be like."

Yu Youyao was stunned. She and Yin Huaixi were the story itself.

In the eyes of everyone, the little girl was stupid, naughty, and uneducated, but she was regarded as a treasure by her "cousin" who was living under someone else's roof. Over time, she became what a treasure should be, rich and precious.

Yin Huaixi lowered his head: "In my heart, you are the best girl.

Yu Youyao's heart was trembling, and he completed his unfinished words in his heart: It was the same before, it is the same now, and it will be the same from now on, and it will not change because of the passage of time, the ruthless years, and the gradual change of beauty.

Since I am willing to show my preference to one person, I am willing to be generous for the rest of my life.

Yin Huaixi lowered his head and massaged for two quarters of an hour. The bruises and blood on his ankles had faded, and his feet were still swollen, revealing their slim and beautiful appearance.

He suddenly told this piece of history in order to divert his own attention, and also to divert Yu Youyao's attention.

"The massage is ready." Yin Huaixi tore off a piece of cloth from the hem of her skirt, wrapped it around her feet, and finally released her feet.

The beauty of the soft jade's warm fat still lingered between his palms, which made him feel a little sad, but also a little relieved.

Only then did Yu Youyao suddenly realize that the massage had ended, but the sweat on her body had not stopped, and the hair on her temples was even soaked.

Yu Youyao was covered in sweat, and all the strength in her body seemed to have been drained by the pain just now. Her sitting body couldn't help but fall down.

Yin Huaixi quickly stretched out his arms and took her into his arms: "Are you feeling better?"

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