All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 844: Someone from the government

Even with the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, there is no marriage, how can...

She hit her little head a few times in annoyance, which must have hurt her.

At this time, Nanny Xu entered the carriage: "Wake up!"

Yu Youyao sat upright in a disguised manner and asked quickly: "How is the elimination of the bandits going?"

Nanny Xu nodded: "Last night, there was a fire in the mountains. In order to prevent the girl from worrying, His Highness sent someone down the mountain to report the news and reassure the girl. His Highness is still in the mountains, so the specific situation is unknown."

Yu Youyao's heart tightened: "Have all the hostages in the village been rescued?"

Nanny Xu said: "Yin Sanyi escorted the hostages down the mountain early and arranged them not far from the camp. These gangsters are very cunning. Before the identity of the hostages is verified, they are temporarily under the custody of Youjun. The girl should not go near that place."

Yu Youyao was overjoyed: "By the way, are there any people from the government? Is there any news?"

Nanny Xu shook her head: "The government sent someone to deliver a message in advance, saying that Mr. Li has brought five hundred people and is on his way. He will not arrive until around noon."

From this point of view, when the officials arrived, everything in the mountain would be settled, and the matter of the gold mine would be covered up, and Yu Youyao would finally feel at ease.

Aunt Xu helped Yu Youyao get dressed: "You girl, you are really annoying, but you are so cowardly. Suppressing bandits is a man's business. Why do you want to get involved with a daughter's family? You have scruples in your heart. You have your own ideas, but you don’t know how worried His Highness is who is far away? Does An Neng know that the problem you are worried about cannot be solved by His Highness? "

Yu Youyao is a fan of the authorities, but she is a bystander.

It is true that there is a turbulent undercurrent inside and outside the court, and it is not appropriate to create extraneous branches. The suppression of bandits is indeed somewhat inappropriate for Youjun.

But with Yin Huaixi's ability, what can't be solved?

Yu Youyao wanted to suppress the bandits, but he was worried about causing trouble for Yin Huaixi. He would rather bear more risks than eliminate them all.

In her opinion, Yin Huaixi was more concerned about Yu Youyao's safety than the trouble caused by suppressing bandits.

Before she decided to risk her life, Yu Youyao really didn't consider Yin Huaixi's mood, but yesterday she also figured out the joints and thought about it carefully.

If she had it to do over again, she would still stick to her decision. It's good that Yin Huaixi has the ability, but she is the one who wants to suppress the bandits. It makes no sense that she can get her wish but leave the mess to others.

Yu Youyao said: "I must do my best to solve things that I can handle. I will not easily get involved in things that I am not capable of solving."

Blindly relying on others, even if that person is Yin Huaixi, in her opinion, is just constantly consuming the feelings that this person has invested in you.

She has the ability to do it well, so why should she let others take risks and work hard for her?

Aunt Xu sighed slightly, the truth is correct, but the human heart is made of flesh. After she came back yesterday, there were injuries all over her body, including varying degrees of abrasions on her knees, elbows, and back. It was obvious that she had suffered. .

How can I not feel distressed?

Yu Youyao threw herself into her arms and acted coquettishly: "Auntie, I won't do anything I'm not sure about or take risks I'm not sure about."

Nanny Xu didn't say anything more: "I have prepared a medicinal bath. You can take a dip carefully to relax your muscles and bones, and also to recuperate your mind. By the way, I will remove the medicinal water from your body."

A tent was set up in the camp, but it was in the wild after all. Grandma Xu arranged for the accompanying women and maids to surround the tent tightly.

Yu Youyao soaked happily for three quarters of an hour. The medicine on her body was removed, and her skin returned to a smooth, white and greasy state. She felt refreshed and refreshed.

Nanny Xu helped her apply medicine again and ordered someone to prepare breakfast.

Yu Youyao didn't eat anything seriously all day yesterday. She was hungry now and had used a lot.

After breakfast, Nanny Xu prepared a medicinal soup that can activate blood circulation and let Yu Youyao soak her feet for a quarter of an hour. She also took some medicinal oil that stimulates muscles and activates collaterals, and gave her a massage.

Yin Huaixi really didn't lie to her. The massage this time was not as painful as before, it was just a dull pain, and it didn't need to be massaged for a long time like the first time until the bruises melted away.

Aunt Xu used the horizontal pushing technique and only massaged it for a quarter of an hour. Then she applied analgesic ointment and re-bandaged and fixed it.

"The injured area is wrapped too tightly, which is not conducive to recovery. Every two hours, it needs to be untied to let the air flow, and then the medicine is applied again, and the bandage is fixed. It will take about five days to recover."

Yu Youyao leaned on the soft couch and took a book to pass the time.

At this time, Chunxiao came over and reported: "His Highness sent someone to report to you."

Yu Youyao quickly put down the book: "Please come in quickly."

Chunxiao bowed out of the camp and soon led a soldier into the camp.

The soldier lowered his head and looked straight. He knelt down on one knee three steps away from Yu Youyao and said with cupped hands: "I have seen the princess. Your Highness is afraid that the princess will be worried about the situation in the mountains. You have specially ordered me to report to the princess. The overall situation in the mountain has been decided, please feel at ease, Princess."

After receiving the accurate news, Yu Youyao smiled: "I heard that there was a fire in the village yesterday. Is the fire serious? Did any bandits escape? Are our people injured?"

The soldier lowered his head and thought about it. Before going down the mountain to report the news, His Highness specifically ordered: "If the princess asks about the situation in the mountain, just say," the words of His Highness's instructions came to mind, and the soldier hurriedly said: "Report to the county." Lord, the fire in the stronghold was very strong. Thanks to the special terrain of the stronghold, we had many people. His Highness ordered people to isolate the fire area. The fire subsided. Except for the group of hostages rescued first, some of the bandits who stayed in the stronghold, Almost all of them perished in the flames, but our people were not injured."

This sounds okay at first glance.

There is a fire in the mountains, who set it? Why the fire? This avoids the important and takes the light.

After the bandits were dealt with, they were set on fire and burned completely. Even if they died, they would be buried in the sea fire. There is nothing wrong with this.

It's not a lie either.

Yu Youyao didn't know what the soldier was thinking, nor did she know that Yin Huaixi was massacring bandits. When the soldier said this, she subconsciously made up the situation at that time.

Torches were lit in the stronghold, and Youjun also held torches. Most of the fortifications and houses in the stronghold were thatched houses and wooden houses. If the scene was chaotic, it would indeed be easy to cause a fire.

Yu Youyao just regarded it as an accident and didn't think much about it.

The bandits were cruel and treated human life as nothing. No one was innocent, and she would not sympathize with those bandits who perished in the sea of ​​fire.

He just nodded and asked, "Your Highness, when will you come down the mountain?"

The soldier said: "His Highness will come down the mountain when the officials arrive."

As soon as noon arrived, Mr. Li rushed over with the government servants. He learned that Princess Shaoyi had sprained her foot during the bandit attack, and hurriedly came to pay her respects.

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