All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 861: Epidemic

"This year we have found people who are familiar with the local climate and are proficient in farming, and we have adjusted the planting time. The first batch of cotton seeds has been planted, and the second batch will be planted at the end of the month. For example, the planting time of sweet potatoes is about the same."

Yu Youyao is convinced: "Sweet potatoes and cotton are the top priorities and must not be ignored. We must also try our best to experiment with other crops."

After Grandma Yue and several stewards left, Yu Youyao sent someone to invite General Anyuan to come over for discussion. After that, he went to the study and wrote down in detail what he knew about the locust prevention methods.

At this time, Xia Tao came over and reported: "Miss, General Anyuan and Military Advisor Huang are here together."

Yu Youyao was a little surprised and hurriedly went to the flower hall: "Has everything been handled properly in Anshan?"

Huang Wenwen nodded: "Everything has been arranged properly. Mr. Li has no doubts. Yin Qi has arranged for someone to take over the follow-up matters of gold mining. He will be responsible for all the subsequent matters."

His Highness sent him to the little princess to help the little princess deal with some trivial matters so that the little princess would not have to work hard. Naturally, he would not stay in Liancheng for a long time.

Yu Youyao smiled: "Is there any news from the court?"

Huang Wenwen said: "The imperial court issued a commendation document not long ago. You have made great achievements in suppressing the bandits. The palace also gave you a reward. It only said that the Queen Mother is grateful to the princess for her saintliness, benevolence and righteousness, and she has calmed the princess down."

Only then did Yu Youyao notice that there was a camphor wood box placed in the flower hall.

The Queen Mother's reward is nothing more than some precious medicinal materials, spices, and some exquisite gold, silver, pearls and jade.

There is always no shortage of these rare things in the palace.

The Queen Mother is also generous with rewards.

And these things are often priceless outside.

Yu Youyao was naturally happy to get a good thing for nothing. She was not in a hurry to see it, but instead talked about business: "A large number of refugees have poured into the Liaodong area. How are those refugees resettled?"

General Anyuan said: "Dragon City is the gateway city to Liaodong. The resettlement of refugees also takes time, so we will temporarily place them outside Longcheng City, guarded by Youjun. The government will come forward to verify the identities of the refugees." At this point, he He said more: "Your clan brother Yu Shande is over there. The refugees look up to him. We discuss many matters with him. It makes things a lot easier for him to come forward to communicate with the refugees."

Yu Youyao has also been paying attention to the news about Yu Shande and has heard about it.

General Anyuan continued: "Those who are literate and proficient in craftsmanship will be given priority according to needs. The remaining people will have specialized people to teach sericulture, fishing and other techniques. Because the northern border must vigorously develop sericulture, silk weaving, printing and dyeing Since there is a shortage of people, some people will be selected from the refugees to learn from.”

The best talents will give priority to the needs of the princess and Xie Mansion, and the rest will be allocated by Prince Wu Mu's Mansion.

It's appropriate, Yu Youyao added: "In March, the weather begins to heat up significantly. The hot and humid weather will breed germs. Large numbers of refugees gather together, which can easily spread diseases."

It was only when Grandma Yue mentioned the locust plague that she realized that compared to the locust plague that only appeared in June or July, April and May were the most likely to breed plague.

This is urgent and cannot be delayed.

And now there is not much time for them to prepare.

As soon as these words came out, not only General Anyuan, but also Huang Wenwen's expression became serious.

Youjun was only responsible for the work related to the reception, suppression, and resettlement of refugees. The rest was the government's business, so they didn't pay too much attention to it.

Disasters are often accompanied by epidemics, and the government has also taken corresponding measures. Doctors and some preventive and therapeutic medicinal materials are arranged in the refugee camps in case of emergencies.

However, with the large influx of refugees, the government's preparations were obviously insufficient.

It is not that the government is unaware of this problem, but there are too many refugees, and there is a lack of supplies in the north. The government is short of manpower and has limited energy, so it is inevitable to focus on one thing and lose another.

In addition, the temperature in Liaodong is humid and cold, and even in history, there have been few epidemics. It is inevitable to take a chance, thinking that by evacuating the refugees as soon as possible before the weather heats up significantly, the outbreak of immune diseases can be avoided.

Now Princess Shaoyi pointed it out directly, but could not tolerate their neglect.

Yu Youyao continued: "Doctors should be summoned from the city to be stationed in the refugee camps, and a patrol team should be set up to check the cleanliness of the refugee camps every day. The refugees should be forced to pay attention to personal hygiene, and refugees should be encouraged to supervise each other and report if they feel unwell. People should be isolated and treated immediately to prevent more people from being infected and the disease spreading. The seriousness of the disease must be clearly explained to the refugees."

General Anyuan nodded solemnly.

Yu Youyao added: "In addition, Uncle Sun has some treatment methods for epidemic diseases. Prepare as many medicinal materials as possible in case of emergencies. If necessary, please ask Uncle Sun to come and take charge."

Uncle Sun traveled north and south, was well-informed, and had experience and methods in treating diseases.

She pondered for a while: "The most important thing is to prevent the epidemic. I have some fragrant recipes in my hand that can remove filth, cleanse, and avoid plague. I will arrange for people to rush to make it and smoke it every day. It will have the best effect on preventing and treating the epidemic."

Diseases are spread through insects and rats, and fragrant medicine has the functions of preventing insects, purifying the body, purifying the air, and is also a treatment for diseases.

There are many similar fragrant recipes, which may be used to expel foul odors, detoxify and repel insects, or antiseptic and eliminate diseases, to name a few.

Huang Wenwen immediately said: "It's just that medicinal materials are scarce in the north..."

With so many disaster victims gathering together, it is impossible to take precautions. If an epidemic does break out, without enough medicinal materials, the consequences will be disastrous.

"This is my negligence." The climate in Liaodong area prevented her from realizing this. In addition, her eagerness to rescue refugees made her ignore all the aftermath. Yu Youyao blamed herself: "As early as when she decided to resettle the refugees, , we should be prepared for this.”

The government's unwillingness to take in refugees does not necessarily mean that they will not save them, but that supplies are already very difficult, and there will be all kinds of troubles ahead. Without the support of the court, it is impossible for the government to deal with them.

If done well, it is for the people.

If you don't do it well, you will harm others and yourself.

She took it for granted, thinking that resettling the refugees would give them hope of survival. Little did she know that this hope would still face too many tests.

By gathering a large number of refugees in the north, if an epidemic breaks out, she is not saving people, but harming them.

I did not kill the uncle, but the uncle died because of me.

Doesn't Yin Huaixi know this?

he knows!

Because she wanted to do it, Yin Huaixi was willing to help her do it.

Because he knew the seriousness, Yin Huaixi kept running around, just to resettle the refugees as soon as possible and avoid the tragedy.

She pursed her lips tightly, her eyes were condensed, and her expression was firm: "The news will be released tomorrow, saying that the Xie Mansion has donated a batch of medicinal materials to prevent and treat refugee diseases, and encourages the people to collect medicinal materials. The medicinal materials collected by the common people, Let me take over and make the matter as big as possible."

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