All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 866: All are chess pieces

Ye Xiaoci wanted to worry about the face of Princess Shaoyi and King Wu Mu, so after seven points of the ceremony, he spared the remaining three points and politely asked Huang Wenxu and his party to sit down.

After tea, Xie Xun explained his intention.

Ye Xiaoci smiled and did not beat around the bush: "Sweet potatoes can only be planted on a large scale around the Dragon Boat Festival. Millions of refugees have gathered in Liaodong, and they will not be resettled until May. The temperature continues to rise in May. If If a plague breaks out, it will surely spread throughout Liaodong, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Evacuation from the epidemic is already urgent."

The wealth of 20% of the Xie family will not be less than tens of millions. It is indeed a big deal. With such courage, the gentry have already lost a lot.

As soon as Xie Xun heard what he said, he knew that Mr. Ye was a practical person, and he couldn't help but feel reassured.

Ye Xiaoci changed the topic: "To be honest, Mr. Xie, I am also worried about this matter. This is a great cause of the Xie Mansion, and it is the blessing of thousands of people in the north. After the refugees are settled properly, I will report to the court to thank you. Please give me credit."

Xie Xun said quickly: "You should not be so complimentary. The imperial court has issued a national policy and the resettlement of refugees cannot be ignored. Everyone should follow it. This is what they should do."

Ye Xiaoci's eyes moved slightly. No matter how high-sounding his words were now, it would hurt a lot if the knife was scratched on the gentry's body.

The Xie Mansion is taking the lead, and it won't be long before Princess Shaoyi in "Yu Garden", who has just come to Xiangping and lives in simplicity, will take action.

When the gentlemen reacted, it was time to put the knife to their necks.

Smart people are often good at refuting people's hearts. All they need is a chessboard, and all the chessboards are chess pieces. There is no need to personally end up playing the game, and to be arrogant and submissive to others.


On the same day, word spread in Xiangping City that Princess Shaoyi had made an appointment with Ningyuan General Mansion and Huang Mansion's family members to go to Pudu Temple tomorrow to worship the Medicine Buddha and pray for the victims. In her own name, she also bought people with information about how to avoid the epidemic. medicinal materials.

The Pharmacist Buddha holds a medicine pot in his left hand and a medicinal herb in his right hand. The Pharmacist Sutra says: "...when suffering from many diseases, such as thinness, spasm, dryness, yellow fever and other diseases; or being poisoned by nightmares or poison; or suffering from short life. , or die unexpectedly; in order to eliminate the suffering of these diseases and fulfill all the wishes. At that time, the World Honored One entered samadhi, which is called the eradication of the sufferings of all sentient beings..."

Therefore, I also respect Medicine King Bodhisattva.

Shaoyi County's intention to collect anti-epidemic medicinal materials and prevent and treat epidemic diseases has become clear to the public.

Once the news spread, Princess Shaoyi's reputation as a saint spread throughout Xiangping again, spreading quickly from the Xiangping area like wings.

The Xie Mansion did its part and was the first to respond to Princess Shaoyi.

Prince Wu Mu's Mansion released news that the Xie Mansion donated 50% of its property to Prince Wu Mu to serve as military supplies for the You Army to protect the inside and deter the outside world.

The government also posted a notice, mentioning that 20% of the Xie Mansion's property would be used to purchase various anti-epidemic medicinal materials to prevent and treat epidemics after the disaster. The government and the people who govern the area should fully cooperate.

This incident caused an uproar in Xiangping City.

"Those wealthy businessmen and gentry are all unkind and earn the hard-earned money of ordinary people. How can they be willing to give up most of their wealth? Who knows how much property the Xie family has? Who knows how much has been donated? I don't know, but it's just... The tricks of deceiving the world and stealing the name are used to fool the people."

Is this kind of thing still rare in the north?

"That can't be true. As far as I know, the Xie Mansion has a reputation as a benevolent businessman. Let's not talk about far-off places, but the early floods in Zhejiang and the subsequent drought in the north. The Xie Mansion donated generously and tried their best to help the victims. Shao Yi The princess is a saint, and Xie Mansion, as a foreigner, cannot really be one of those people who deceives the world and steals reputation."

"That's right, no matter how much they donate, as long as they really donate, I will thank the government for their righteousness. This is countless generations better than those penniless gentry in the north."


Everyone held their own opinions and had different opinions on the matter.

"The Xie Mansion is the richest in the world. With 70% of the net worth, how much silver will it cost? Real gold and silver cannot be circulated, so it must be placed in a bank. Behind the bank is the imperial court. Banks everywhere are under the supervision of the government. The Xie Mansion wants to donate silver. It must be the bank's account, and the stakes here are huge. The Xie Mansion just wants to make a lie, and it can't fool the court, the government, and all the forces behind the bank. The Xie Mansion dares to say this blatantly. Almost there.”

"Brother, what you said makes sense. With such a big commotion, there are many things that cannot be covered up. This is not like real money and silver. Once you lift it out of the house, who knows what is inside."

"Bank notes need to go through the imperial court and the huge power behind the bank. There are so many people handling such a large sum of money, how can it be easily covered up?"

"Who do you think King Wu Mu is? If the Xie Mansion can fool the people, can it also fool King Wu Mu and the court? Anyway, I don't believe that King Wu Mu will join forces with the Xie Mansion to fool the people."

There was a sudden silence in the field, everyone looked at each other, and an incredible idea came to their minds.

"So, is Xie Mansion really going to donate?"

"Eighty percent yes."


There was silence again in the field, and soon there were exclamations one after another, all impressed by Xie Mansion's righteousness.

With contrast, there is harm.

The righteous actions of the Xie Mansion further highlighted the gentry's unkindness and injustice.

Under Huang Wenwen's deliberate arrangement, rumors quickly spread in Xiangping City. Within half a day, they actually turned into a wave of crusade against the wealthy gentry.

Moreover, this wave of noise has the tendency to become more and more intense and spread to the surrounding areas.

Huang Wenwen reported the situation outside.

Yu Youyao was not surprised by this: "After the emperor of this dynasty ascended the throne, he personally launched the Northern Expedition, which resulted in the annihilation of the entire 800,000-strong army. After that, Beidi's nuisance on the border intensified. The people were in danger and suffered heavy casualties."

"This situation was not gradually improved until King Zhou Li guarded Youzhou. In the next ten years, King Zhou Li achieved brilliant results in the northern border. The Di people were afraid of King Zhou Li's bravery and retreated to Xiaoyu Pass. Fifty miles away, the common people in the north also regard King Zhou Li as the God of War in the north."

"King Zhou Li was determined to improve the situation in which the gentry colluded and oppressed the people. However, he had just come to the northern border. He did not have a deep foundation in the northern border and was helpless in the court. He was gradually hampered by the gentry. King Zhou Li's situation in the northern border also deteriorated. It’s getting tougher.”

"Later, the Di people invaded aggressively, and the You army was defeated one after another due to lack of supplies. Only then did the gentry realize the seriousness of the matter. Regardless of whether they win or lose this battle, what awaits them is the imperial court's recruitment of troops to hold them accountable."

If they lose, the court will definitely investigate the reasons behind it thoroughly. The gentry will become the culprits and will not escape death.

After this battle was won, King Zhou Li was bound to go to Beijing to meet the emperor. The court would reward those who had merit, and at the same time punish those who had made mistakes. The gentry still could not escape the blame.

? ?When a person wants to do evil, it may be an impulsive thought, but this kind of impulse cannot come out of thin air. There must be many complicated reasons, which ultimately lead to the final evil consequences. King Zhou Li Death, that's it.



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