All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 881: Murder and heartbreaking

Ye Xiaoci's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt that the gavel in his hand was a little hot. Standing in the hall was Shaoyi's master, Cuiguan Xiapei, with an upright posture and unsquinting eyes. Every move she made showed that she was a noble lady of the world. The style and self-cultivation one should have, the character is inherent, the majesty is external, and it is impartial.

A sentence suddenly popped into his mind: The nobles kicked the iron plate!


Yu Youyao continued: "There is nothing wrong with the women seeking medical treatment in a hurry. This county has no intention of arguing with the people. However, the country has national laws and the government has its own guidelines. It is also the responsibility of the government to clearly identify injustices and to try and redress grievances. , how can this county interfere with political affairs and violate the government's principles? Isn't this a violation of national law? Although this county has been favored by the Heavenly Family and received great favor from the emperor, and the daughter of a foreign minister has been granted the title of princess, it is always cautious in its words and deeds. Serve the public and abide by the law, and stay safe and respect yourself."

The gentry's plan in the street would not work, but if Zhang intercepted her car and complained about her injustice in the street, rumors would definitely spread, and the gentry would definitely use public opinion to deal with her.

He is jealous of his high reputation, and he favors and slanders his students.

Regardless of whether she intervened in Zhang's complaint or not, once this matter spread, there were still some pretentious people who would think that the reason why flies do not bite seamless eggs was because she did not know how to behave and took advantage of the princess. status, openly meddling in government affairs.

Although she is upright and is not afraid of her shadow being crooked, she often wants to accuse someone of something, so why bother without saying anything?

The more people spread a rumor, the more false it becomes true.

She needs someone who is fair and aboveboard, takes the position of the victim, and completely cuts off any malicious speculation by others.

As the capital of Youzhou, Ye Xiaoci was based on one premise, whether it was to contain the vassal king or balance the noble clans, and that was the responsibility of the state capital.

They were responsible for levying taxes and servitude, handling lawsuits, establishing education, enforcing customs, and supporting the people, etc. They all performed their duties personally and diligently.

The imperial court issued national policies and took in a large number of refugees. The promotion of sweet potato cultivation was a top priority and was directly related to him. At present, the prevention and control of epidemics was also urgent.

Yu Youyao is the key to these two things.

Mrs. Ye went to Longfeng Temple this morning and even mentioned Mr. Ye to her without hesitation. It was Ye Xiaoci who was showing his favor to her.

She and Ye Xiaoci have common interests. Before this, Ye Xiaoci's position was on her side.

This is how the drumbeating of grievances began.

Of course, this is her first step.

Ye Xiaoci's eyes flashed, and he followed the current and said: "What the princess said is very true. It is the responsibility of the government to redress grievances. It is the responsibility of the government to litigate grievances. Some people went beyond the government offices and approached the princess. Of course, it was because the princess was holy. He is kind and virtuous, but the people do not understand the etiquette and law. Why is it that the local officials are not interested in governance, so the people have no way to seek help, so they are so sick that they seek medical treatment and go to the princess. The princess is tired and frightened. It is also my fault of oversight. "

The county government is under the government's government, and Ye Xiaoci has the power to supervise, supervise, and hold accountable the counties in Youzhou.

Yu Youyao's face was a little solemn: "This county was originally confused as to why Zhang didn't go to the county government to complain when he was wronged. But at that time, people around him were talking a lot, and this county couldn't let it go, so he planned to ask about the situation, and the people around this county The guards accidentally discovered that someone in the crowd was deliberately instigating and inciting the people."

Ye Xiaoci's expression suddenly became solemn: "Princess Princess, do you have evidence to prove what you just said?"

Yu Youyao said: "This county ordered the guards to arrest them one by one. They also admitted in public that they were paid to do things. Now they are outside and are guarded by the guards around this county."

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaoci understood that Princess Shaoyi had come prepared. He patted the scaffolding and said, "Come here, bring the culprit here."

A Yamen servant walked into the hall and accepted the order.

The people outside the yamen also consciously made way for them.

Ye Xiaoci looked at Yu Youyao: "Princess, please sit down for a moment."

Yu Youyao thanked him and sat down on the Grand Master's chair. She originally thought that gentry versus gentry was a tacit understanding between King Wu Mu and the gentry.

But he didn't expect that the Han family would be unable to sit still as soon as the Xie family made a move.

The plot was directly blamed on her.

Since she doesn't abide by the rules of the game, don't blame her for killing the chicken to scare the monkeys and uprooting the Han family.

And taking advantage of her own strength, this is her second step plan.

After the grievance is filed, the prefectural government office will learn more about the case. After confirming that the case is true, the government office will accept the case and file a case.

She is the princess of Shaoyi County who was personally named by the emperor, and she has common interests with Ye Xiaoci. This case is of great importance, and Ye Xiaoci will definitely investigate and deal with it strictly.

Who is the person who bribed the bastard?

Who instigated it?

Why was Mrs. Zhang so bold as to stop the princess's car and complain about injustice? Who instigated it?

Which drug store is Zhang trying to sue?

What was the cause of death of Zhang’s husband?

Once the government files a case, it will investigate it thoroughly.

Ye Xiaoci was in Youzhou and served as the state capital for more than 20 years, restraining the military power of the vassal king and balancing the relationship between the nobles and clans. He himself suppressed the nobles to a certain extent.

The state government office was located in Xiangping, and his control over the three provinces of Liaodong far exceeded that of the gentry.

Ye Xiaoci himself came from Linjiang's Ye family, and the gentry were particularly jealous of him.

The case goes deeper and deeper, and the people behind it are nowhere to be seen.

Behind an incident, there is often a matter of pulling out the carrot and bringing out the mud. On the surface, only one crime is investigated, but once the case is filed and investigated, several crimes are involved.

After a while, the government officials brought eighteen criminals to the court.

When these second-rate people saw the official, they were like a mouse seeing a cat. Ye Xiaoci was so frightened that he was so frightened that he pissed himself off and told everything that happened.

According to their confessions, it has been confirmed that there was a hidden agenda behind Zhang's public interception of the princess's car and her grievances in the street.

The case was established.

At this point, Yu Youyao's goal has been achieved. She walked into the hall and said: "This county is deeply aware of the emperor's great kindness. Therefore, since being granted the title, it has adhered to the etiquette of respect and humiliation, obeyed the laws and orders of the country, behaved in a well-behaved manner, been cautious in speaking and speaking, and lived in seclusion and never left the house. Might as well walk on thin ice.”

Ye Xiaoci deeply thought so.

Although Princess Shaoyi is famous, she is low-key, but she responded to the saying that she should be low-key in life and high-key in work, which shows the upbringing of her family.

"No matter what the plot is behind this, one thing is certain. Some people want to use the name of this county to be holy, kind and benevolent, inciting the people to speak out, and want to get this county to intervene in government affairs, interfere with the laws and regulations of the court, and want to trap this county. For disloyalty and injustice.”

"Master Ye, you might as well think about it, if this matter spreads like this, people who don't know the truth will think that a female prostitute in this county is interfering with the court and disturbing the law?" At this point, Yu Youyao raised his hand and said to Ye Xiaoci He bowed deeply and said, "Killing kills people, but that's all. I beg you, Mr. Ye, to investigate this matter strictly and bring justice to this county."

Ye Xiaoci hurriedly said: "Princess, please come up quickly. It is my duty to clearly identify those who have been wronged. The princess is under my rule and has been wronged for no reason. It is my duty to investigate the matter strictly." , and restore the princess’s innocent reputation.”

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