All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 895: Xiangfang

In addition, Chinese medicine also emphasizes treating the heart first when treating the disease.

It nourishes people's spirits and gives people a psychological hint, making them subconsciously believe that if they take these medicines, their health will be better, and their bodies will be able to fight against diseases and prevent them from getting sick easily.

Chunxiao suddenly realized: "I have heard earlier that many victims fell ill after entering the refugee camps. Those refugees who went through countless hardships and finally arrived at the refugee camps often had tight stomachs after eating a hot meal. Once you relax, you can go away in one breath.”

The journey of escaping from famine caused great trauma to the body, mind and spirit of the refugees.

Yu Youyao was stunned when she heard this and couldn't help but pursed her lips: "A lot of people die every day?"

Chunxiao nodded: "I heard that at least hundreds of people die every day."

Yu Youyao said after a long while: "We can only resettle the victims as soon as possible, and avoid large numbers of victims gathering together. If an epidemic breaks out, millions of victims will be implicated, the number of doctors will be insufficient, and medicinal materials will be consumed in large quantities. This is not what the northern border can bear. Dispersing the shelter of disaster victims can reduce the chance of an epidemic. Even if an epidemic unfortunately occurs, it can be better controlled in one village or in several villages, and treatment is relatively easy."

When the number of victims is small, the disaster can be effectively controlled without affecting too many people, and resources can be concentrated for treatment.

The incense workshop is very large. There are dedicated people doing the cleaning, drying, processing, etc. of the medicinal materials. Everyone is quick and orderly in doing the work.

Qingxiu took Yu Youyao for a walk around the Xiangfang.

Yu Youyao was a little surprised when she found that this village was very big, and there were a lot of medicinal materials and spices grown in it: "Is this originally a medicine village?"

Qingxiu nodded: "This Zhuangzi is located at the foot of the Goddess Peak Mountain. Most of the land is sloped. It cannot grow crops, but it is suitable for growing some common medicinal materials and spices. There are more than 30,000 acres in total, and more than 300 commonly used medicinal materials and spices are planted. .”

Yu Youyao was shocked: "It's actually so big?"

The gentry in the north were very xenophobic, and it was very difficult for outsiders to buy property.

Qingxiu smiled: "Not only this medicine village, but also the mountains and forests near the medicine village have been purchased, totaling 70,000 to 80,000 acres. In the future, when Xiangfang develops, we can continue to open the medicine garden. All we need to do is to purchase it from the Yamen. As long as the land is available, I found You Jun, who was responsible for resettling the victims, and selected a group of refugees who knew some pharmacology. I signed long-term labor contracts and asked them to grow medicine. Although the medicinal materials produced on the farm were not self-sufficient, But at least it can solve an urgent need and won’t be choked by local drug dealers.”

After coming to Xiangping, Yu Youyao was very busy every day and had no time to care about Xiangfang. He had heard Bai Shao say something earlier and recognized the abilities of Bai Shao and Qing Xiu, so he stopped paying attention to them.

Unexpectedly, they didn't know that Qingxiu and Bai Shao had carried out such a big battle without saying a word.

She was shocked: "The value of medicinal materials in Liaodong is relatively high. This medicine store should be very tight. How did you and Sister Bai Shao get it?"

When Bai Shao and Qing Xiu came to Liaodong, Yu Youyao gave them a large sum of money to spend as they pleased to build the incense workshop.

Qingxiu explained: "The original owner of the medicine village was a medicinal material dealer in Xi'an. Because he was implicated in the case of King Zhou Li, his home was confiscated and his family was exterminated. The property in his name was taken back by the court. Later, the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of War liquidated it, and he has been in arrears for many years. You Jun's army couldn't get the money, so he had to give part of the confiscated gentry property to You Jun, and handed it over to You Jun himself to handle it. This village was purchased from You Jun through Butler Wen. It’s earned.”

Yu Youyao suddenly realized: "Although the imperial court gave the medicine village to Youjun for handling, in fact Youjun did not own the property and could not farm. The business of the property also had to go through the government, and the government reported it to the court. Zhou Li was also implicated. King, ordinary people don’t dare to touch it, so it will inevitably fall into their hands.”

"This area of ​​Goddess Peak is only suitable for the growth of medicinal materials. However, it is very troublesome to obtain medicinal materials. Ordinary people cannot do it. Most of the medicinal materials originally grown are also wasted. The price of Zhuangzi continues to bottom out."

Qingxiu nodded: "In this village, each acre of wasteland is sold for 300 cash, and the land planted with medicinal herbs and trees is sold for 850 cash per acre."

Yu Youyao said in surprise: "It's a big advantage."

Qing Xiu was deeply convinced: "Being able to buy this medicine store at such a low price, apart from the fact that the land price in Liaodong is already very low, this medicine store cannot be sold, so it is a pity to keep it in hand. The main thing is, Wen The housekeeper came forward to get through the government. The government knows that you are the one who wants to buy Zhuangzi, so they don't have to worry about you because Zhuangzi has nothing to do with them and has no benefits, so they are naturally willing to sell you a favor."

Yu Youyao naturally understands this: "There is a lack of supplies in the north, the value of medicinal materials is high, and the cost of making fragrant medicine is too high, which limits the target group of fragrant medicine and its output, and limits the development of Zhiyu Tower. If you buy a medicine store to be self-sufficient, you can grow We have greatly reduced costs. Thank you for your hard work during this period."

The positioning of Zhiyulou has always been that it has expensive products that rich people can afford, but it also has some cheap and beautiful products that ordinary people can use with just a bite of their teeth.

Even, every quarter, some preferential activities will be held to dispose of some overstocked goods that are not suitable for long-term storage in the form of discounts.

In the future, Zhiyulou will supply goods to the whole country and even overseas countries. If the cost and price are too high, I am afraid that I will only earn a hard-earned money.

The two of them entered the Xiangfang again.

The third courtyard is clearly arranged.

Each process is divided into areas and is carried out by a separate small courtyard. There are three small stewards in each small courtyard, one is responsible for the operation of the courtyard, one is responsible for production, and one is responsible for quality.

In addition, every ten people are divided into a team, and each team is responsible for special medicinal materials and spices.

After a process is completed, specialized people will come over to count, inspect, and make a record. If there are no problems, they will be immediately sent to the next area for further processing.

The procedures have been refined and there are many more processes, but the division of responsibilities in each area has become simpler and clearer.

Whenever there is a problem in any process, go directly to the manager of that area, and there will be no fighting between each other and shirk of responsibility. Everyone's responsibility is clear. This eliminates some people's fluke mentality and avoids accidents. If you take responsibility for your mistakes, you will work more seriously.

Yu Youyao greatly appreciated this management method.

At this time, Bai Shao came over and said with a smile: "I learned this method from the lady. The lady wanted to make a fragrant medicine to avoid the epidemic. Before, she proposed to separate the process of making the fragrant medicine and let a separate person take charge of it to form a flow. The production of the type inspired me a lot.”

Yu Youyao was very interested.

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