Chapter 0103 Zhu Yuanzhang: Since ancient times, you have been part of Huaxia!!

[Do you want to show national strength?] 】

Text appeared in the sky.


Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

Although he is ranked third, he feels that he has reached his limit this time.

【The national strength display of the Hongwu Dynasty is about to begin】




As the countdown ends, the picture in the sky slowly unfolds.

【April of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[You just came out of the chat group, and immediately flipped through the rewards from the leaderboard. 】

[Of course, you know in your heart that the reward this time is very good, otherwise it would not have made Emperor Zhengde show that kind of shock and surprise expression. ] 】

[Sure enough. 】

[After you roughly read the books on the steam technology system, the shock in your heart was almost impossible to suppress. ] 】

[The horror of the steam engine constantly reverberates in your head]

[As the founder of Daming, although you don't read much, your understanding of the world is very profound]

[The steam engine and other machinery derived from it recorded in this book could have been developed.] 】

[For the entire Hongwu Dynasty, it must be a huge improvement! ] 】

[You immediately asked Shangshu of the Ministry of Works and Shangshu of Hubu to come to the Fengtian Temple and order them to implement the steam engine technology system above at any cost. 】

[May of the sixth year of Hongwu.] 】

[You start laying the tracks, and this first train track naturally leads to the grassland. 】

[Today's grassland, although it has been occupied by Daming, but if you want to completely integrate the grassland into Daming, you still need more means]

[After all, the Han people rule the entire grassland, which is almost unprecedented. 】

[However, the progress of the train tracks makes you feel worried. 】

【June of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[Steam technology has made a breakthrough, and steam engines that can be used in real places have been developed]

[Under your impetus, steam engines quickly expanded to other industries, greatly increasing the productivity of all walks of life]

[But at this time, what you are most concerned about is the laying of train tracks]

[Although the grassland is now occupied, if there is not enough suppression effect, it is impossible to use these lands to the fullest, and it is even more difficult to make it a pasture of the Hongwu Dynasty]

【July of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[You announced that you would enter the Nanyang Kingdoms and bring the entire Nanyang region under the rule of Daming and become the territory of Daming]

[Qunchen is naturally against a piece! ] 】

[The Hongwu dynasty has just occupied the grassland and completed an unprecedented feat, and what is needed now is to consolidate Daming's rule in the grassland]

[At this time, if you rashly raise troops, won't it give the grassland the opportunity to rebel? ] 】

[But it's not just opposition]

[The brilliant young general in the second Northern Expedition, Blue Jade, is extremely holding your decision, and is even eager to try]

【For you】

[Don't say that there are many military generals who support it now, even if no one supports it, the things you decide are not allowed to be changed]

[And your announcement into Nanyang is not a reckless move]

[Today's super rice has been rolled out nationwide, three months have passed since the last time I left the chat group, and the second batch of super rice has also borne fruit, a bumper harvest nationwide, and logistics have full support]

[And this march, you just let the southern army enter the Nanyang countries, the northern army does not need to be moved, naturally it will not affect the rule of the Hongwu dynasty over the grassland. ] 】

"Dad, you have also entered the Nanyang countries?!"

Zhu Di was a little confused.

Although the value of the Nanyang countries is indeed very high.

But his own father, he just took down the grassland not long ago.

Now it is at war with the countries of the South Seas.

Even he, a militant, feels a little militant...

"What do you know?"

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Zhu Di.

If he had occupied the Nanyang countries before.

Then of course he would not have attacked in such a hurry.

After all, the Nanyang region can fully supply the development of the Ming Dynasty and enhance its national strength as soon as possible.


The place he occupied before was the grassland.

And it is still a steppe that has not completely calmed down.

Before the whole steppe subsides.

For the Hongwu dynasty, it was almost completely unhelpful.

Therefore, in order to improve his national strength as soon as possible, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally set his sights on the Nanyang countries.

After all, from the picture of the Zhengde Dynasty, he already knew the value of the Nanyang region, just like an old satyr who had been hungry for ten years, and a naked beautiful woman lay next to him.

Can't help it at all!

"If I'm not mistaken, Grandmaster Taizu is so anxious to attack the Nanyang countries"

"Another very important reason is to hit the second place, right?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile on the side.

"It's still thick to understand us."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded reasonably.

After all, the last time was only thirty points short of national strength, how not to be moved.

Zhu Di only felt a chill in his ass for a while.

"I have always wanted to surpass the Zhengde Dynasty, if I am compared by my father..."

"That's a shame."

Zhu Di suddenly had a sense of crisis in his heart.


He also understood that Hongwu was not far from Yongle!

It seems that the idea I just had just now must be implemented as soon as possible!

Otherwise over time.

The gap between the Yongle Dynasty and the Zhengde Dynasty will only become larger and larger!

It is even possible that he will really be caught up by the Hongwu Dynasty!

【August of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[After the army entered the Nanyang region, what you used was not to drive the army commander straight in like the Northern Expedition, but step by step]

[Just like when they fought against Chen Youshu and Zhang Shicheng]

[How much territory to eat,]

[Just digest as much territory.] 】

[Although this method will slow down the speed of conquest]

[But if there is a loss, there will be a gain]

[You can eat and wipe these occupied territories almost effortlessly and smoothly transform them into the territory of Daming]

[With the footsteps of the army going south]

Super rice also entered the Nanyang region, greatly reducing the planting time. 】

【September of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[The progress of the conquest is not hurried]

[During this time, there have been attempts by Nanyang countries to cede land and seek peace, but you don't care at all]

[What you want is not those small pieces of land at all, but the whole of Nanyang

【September of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[A breakthrough was made in the war in Nanyang, and many small countries surrendered and were incorporated into the territory of Daming by you]

[You tell the people of these countries]

[In fact, the Nanyang region has been part of China since ancient times]

[It was only when they accidentally became independent after the Han and Tang Dynasties that the so-called Nanyang Kingdoms came about]

[You are not invading them, but taking them home. 】

[Although your statement aroused the anger of many Nanxi people]

[But you don't care. 】

[Because after the occupation of these countries]

[In addition to growing super rice, you also spread the culture of Daming, forcing the use of Daming's system, weights and measures, currency, etc.]

[Under the scouring of this intensity]

[It won't be long before this so-called Nanyang country will be sinicized by the whole people]

【October of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[Half of Nanyang has been taken by you]

[Among the remaining countries, for a while, the monarchs of the countries have thoroughly seen your ambitions, and their hostility to Daming has risen to the extreme]

[In the discussion of the monarchs of various countries, a Nanyang coalition army known as a million-strong army was born]

[The alliance of all countries is bound to push you back! ] 】

[But after you heard about it, you didn't have any scruples]

[On the contrary, it is a big joy! ] 】

[Because you know, this is already the last resistance of the Nanyang countries. 】

[Once this so-called million-dollar coalition army is eliminated, then it can easily absorb the entire Nanyang region. 】

[At the same time, you can also see the reality of the coalition this time]

[The so-called million-strong army, the real ability to fight, is estimated to be only 300,000]

[The rest are some transport teams or something.] 】

[And in the next battle]

[The Nanyang Alliance Army is indeed as you think, in front of Daming, there is no combat effectiveness at all. ] 】

[Even if it's just Daming's Southern Army]

[But that is also with your original Northern Expedition, driving away the elite of the Yuan Dynasty]

[Now equipped with elite weapons, it is naturally easy to fight Nanyang]

[After easily destroying the Nanyang Alliance]

[The Nanyang countries also seemed to have been siphoned off their backbones, and almost as soon as the Ming army reached their border, they announced the surrender of the entire territory. 】

【November 6th year of Hongwu】

[After the situation in the Nanyang region has no more turmoil, you chose to return to the DPRK]

[The Daming Southern Army will stay for the time being to stabilize the people's hearts]

[Last time in the ranking of the imperial dynasty ranking, the Hongwu Dynasty ranked third]

[So there are only two rewards you bring out of the chat group, one is the guaranteed reward steam technology system, and the second is the special reward track technology]

[It's less, but it also means you can specialize in developing both.] 】

【After returning to Yingtian】

[You found that the development of steam technology system is indeed very gratifying! ] 】

[Steam cars, steam ships, steam trains, etc., have all been made]

【The only regret,】

[It's that the train tracks are laid too slowly.] 】

[It started laying from the northern suburbs, but now it has just arrived outside the country.] 】

[Although the steam train has been studied, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and it is useless! ] 】

"Enter Nanyang in August and return to the DPRK in November."

"It took more than three months."

Looking at the display of national strength in the picture, Zhu Houzhao calculated in his heart.

I can't help but sigh.

With the emperor chat group reward again and again.

The strength of the major imperial dynasties has indeed risen very rapidly.

When he was ready to occupy Nanyang, he preset four months!

And now.

Whether it is the Yongle Dynasty or the Hongwu Dynasty.

You can complete the task of occupying Nanyang within four months.

It is estimated that it will be some time later.

The remaining dynasties wanted to take the Nanyang region.

It's just a probing thing.


"Hongwu has developed to such an extent in six years..."

"It's completely different from the original Hongwu Dynasty."

Zhu Biao looked at the picture and couldn't help but sigh.

It was almost three years before he was in Hongwu's third year that he gradually came into contact with imperial politics.

Even the original Second Northern Expedition had his applause.

However, the Hongwu Dynasty in my impression is compared with this one in the picture.

It's not just a little bit different.

Even Zhu Biao can see his younger self in the picture.


He is a little envious of himself in this parallel world.

With Hongwu dynastic development.

What a sense of accomplishment would that be?

"Took Nanyang so quickly."

"The gap between the Hongwu Dynasty and the Yongle Dynasty is indeed getting smaller and smaller."

The sense of crisis in Zhu Di's heart also slowly turned into a sense of anxiety.

This is how the Hongwu Dynasty develops.

How can the speed of national strength not be fast?

And he suddenly remembered.

It seems that Hongwu has not officially opened up maritime trade.

If the time comes, Hongwu will start sea trade.

Isn't that another skyrocketing national strength?

Now don't talk about Zhu Yuanzhang.

Even Zhu Di was already a little anxious, and he just wanted to see the final comprehensive evaluation of the Hongwu Dynasty's national strength.

He was now eager to know how much difference between the Hongwu Dynasty and the Yongle Dynasty was?

【December of the 6th year of Hongwu】

[Various riots in the Nanyang region have gradually subsided, and many Daming officials have also taken office. 】

[Daming's influence gradually spread throughout the Nanyang region]

[You chose to divide the Nanyang region into five provinces before the arrival of the New Year, officially belonging to the Hongwu dynasty]

[The development of steam technology is still in order, steady progress]

[You're starting to stop being in a hurry]

[Although the train is laid slowly, the grain production in Daming is so fast today]

[As long as those tribes on the steppe have brains, it is impossible to rebel]

[And 980 and even if they have no brains]

[If you want to suppress them, it is also easy! ] 】

【The first month of the seventh year of Hongwu】

【New Year, the whole country celebrates】

[When the Southern Army squad returned to the dynasty, you greatly rewarded you, and at the same time ordered Mu Ying to go to the town to guard the south. ] 】

[Mu Ying is your adopted righteous son since childhood]

[Your trust in him is even deeper than Xu Da and others]

【February of the seventh year of Hongwu】

[When Zhu Biao and Chang's first child was born, you were overjoyed and named it Zhu Xiongying. 】

[But while you are excited, you are also a little worried.] 】

[Because according to what Emperor Zhengde said, Zhu Xiongying died of illness when he was eight years old]

[Looking at the villain in front of you, you can't help but think of the genetic potion of the Heavens Mall in the chat group! ] 】

[If you can use a gene potion to Zhu Xiongying]

[Then it will definitely be able to save his life.] 】

【March of the 7th year of Hongwu】

[Steam technology has made another breakthrough, and you have seriously injured the old craftsman of the Ministry of Engineering. 】

[At the same time, the full popularization of steam technology was announced]

【April of the 7th year of Hongwu】

[There was a resentencing of the toast in the Nanyang area, and Mu Ying chose to slaughter on a large scale to set an example. ] 】

[You appreciate it]

【May of the 7th year of Hongwu】

[The first harvest of super rice sown in the Nanyang region is 20% higher than that of super rice in Jiangnan]

【Shocked the whole country】

[At the same time, the Nanyang area is completely closed]

In the last few months.

More is the peaceful development of the Hongwu dynasty.

Through a bountiful harvest of super rice, the newly conquered Nanyang region has proven its worth.

However, Zhu Biao's attention was rarely focused on these rices.


He looked at Zhu Xiongying, who had just been born in the picture, and his heart suddenly rippled.

For this eldest son of his own.

Of course, Zhu Biao loves deeply!

When Zhu Xiongying died, Zhu Biao was also shocked.

In addition to Zhu Xiongying, there is his wife Chang Shi.

As his first wife, Zhu Biao's love for her.

It's the same!

The text in the sky has changed again.

[Hongwu Dynasty national strength display ended, the comprehensive evaluation of national strength is: 849]

"Eight hundred and forty-nine?!!"

Zhu Di's eyes widened.

The face is full of disbelief!

The last time the gap in national strength was 30 points.

And this time it's only twenty-five?!

"Good, good!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed a smile.

It seems that this is the case.

It won't be long before Hongwu Chao can reach the second place!

"Fourth, you have to work hard."

Zhu Biao obviously understood the truth of this: "If you are surpassed by your father, you will only have a special reward." "

Zhu Di secretly gritted his teeth.

It's not fair!

Hongwu Chao has a father and eldest brother, and another self.

But he only has one prince.

It's not fair!!!.

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