Chapter 0105 Dynasty Mode! Late Qing Dynasty Republic of China! The scene of the Sino-Japanese naval battle!!


Zhu Houzhao said without the slightest hesitation.

The Heavenly Adventure Mode, which has been waiting for so long, is finally on.

Naturally, there is no hesitation.

【The adventure of the heavens is opening】

[Successful opening! ] 】

[Heavenly Adventure Mode Extraction! ] 】

[Extraction complete! ] 】

[This adventure mode is: Dynasty Mode! ] 】

"Dynasty Mode?"

See the text that appears in the sky.

Everyone frowned involuntarily.

Obviously, the meaning of this pattern, they do not understand.

"The so-called dynasty model is that we take our respective dynasties into a strange world."

"Get rewards by exploring values!"

Zhu Houzhao explained.

"So it is."

Then everyone understood.

I saw that the words in the sky were changing again.

【Adventure talent extraction】

[Tip: Adventure talent levels are divided into bronze, silver, gold, diamond, master, and king]

[Talent extraction complete! ] 】

[The talent of this adventure is: output increase (bronze level talent)]

[Output increase (bronze): Dynasty with this talent will increase all production value by 50% in the adventure event! ] 】


"Risk, adventurous talent?"

"50% increase in all output value??!"

When they saw the words and talents in the sky, the emperors were stunned.

They didn't know in advance that the original Heavens Adventure Mode would still have an adventure talent.

But this does not prevent them from understanding.

After all, the emperor chat group was originally a fairy means.

Then this adventure mode of the heavens is slightly more magical, and it is naturally within the acceptable range.

"Bronze-level adventure talent, isn't it the lowest level?"

"The lowest level of talent is actually able to reach the level of a fifty percent increase?!"

Zhu Houzhao was also shocked!

It seems that the gold content of this heavenly adventure mode is much higher than I imagined.

Because the increase is 50%, but it's not just 50!

The development of a dynasty, in the absence of technical barriers, must be an exponential growth rate!

And once you have a sufficient growth rate in the early stage, quickly get through that period of flattening.

Then there's the technological explosion!

It can be said that this increase is fifty percent.

At least one dynasty can increase the development speed of a dynasty to more than 17 percent!

And this is just a small bronze-level talent?

So silver, gold...

Even the highest king-level talent, what kind of demeanor should it be?

090 did not wait for everyone's shocked mood to calm down.

The words in the sky began to change again.

[The top three additional talents are in the lottery! ] 】

[Congratulations to the first place - Zhengde Dynasty for obtaining additional talent: combat power blessing silver level)]

[Combat Power Blessing (Silver Level): All attacks released in any form increase by 150%, morale, public opinion, etc. increased by 150%]

[Congratulations to the second place - Yongle Dynasty for obtaining additional talent: the people's hearts can be used for the bronze level)]

[Popular Hearts Available (Bronze Level): Morale, public opinion, etc. increase by 200%, soldiers will gain attributes such as fearlessness and absolute loyalty, and the people will gain attributes such as supreme worship and loyalty]

[Congratulations to the third place - Hong Wuchao for obtaining additional talent: rapid development bronze level)]

[Rapid development (bronze level): The development speed of the dynasty under his command increased by 60.]

"The top three even have additional talents."

Zhu Zhanji was numb.

After all, he is the fourth place.

Of course, it's just envy.

After all, he is still a long way from the previous Hongwu Dynasty.

"People's hearts are available!"

"Good a popular heart available!"

Zhu Di saw the talent belonging to his own dynasty for the first time, and immediately smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth!

That's pretty cool, right?

As long as the people's hearts are available, the development of Yongle Dynasty will never stop!

But when he saw the talent of the Hongwu Dynasty.

His face froze slightly.

Rapid development: The development rate of the dynasty increased by 60%.

Direct increase, percent... Sixty?

Zhu Di is also numb!

The gap between the Hongwu Dynasty and the Yongle Dynasty was not large.

Now I have this talent again.

Maybe it's a little worse than popular support.

But if it is used to quickly increase national strength, it is just right!

"Hahahaha, this talent we got is really in line with our heart, and Zhu Yuanzhang can't help but laugh."

Zhu Di could think of it.

Naturally, he could think of it.

I have long wanted to squeeze Yongle Chao down and get the second place myself.

But I didn't expect it.

The opportunity actually came so quickly!

Zhu Houzhao's attention did not fall on these two guys.

Instead, he put it on the silver-level talent he got.

"Combat power blessing..."

Zhu Houzhao touched his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the role of this talent is not Gat's development.

But in his opinion.

But it's just right!


Because in the Heavens Adventure Mode, he doesn't know which world he will go to next.

What if it's a world at war?

There's no chance you'll develop slowly.

Just go to war!

And at this time, what is the use of development aversion?

Only with stronger combat effectiveness can we strive for more development opportunities!

So for this talent.

Zhu Houzhao is still very satisfied.

The words in the sky changed again.

[Talent distribution completed.] 】

【Heavenly World Extraction】

[Hint: Dynasty level corresponds to Adventure World level! ] 】

[The first-level world extraction is complete! ] 】

【First World World: Southern Ming Dynasty】

[Dynasties that traveled to the first-level world this time: Hongwu Dynasty, Jianwen Dynasty, Yongle Dynasty, Hongxi Dynasty, Xuande Dynasty, Orthodox Dynasty, Jingtai Dynasty, Chenghua Dynasty, Hongzhi Dynasty, Jiajing Dynasty, Longqing Dynasty, Wanli Dynasty, Hongxing Dynasty, Tianqi Dynasty, Chongzhen Dynasty]

[Fifteen dynasties in total! ] 】

"Southern Ming Dynasty...?"

"What kind of pseudo-dynasty is this?"

When he saw the world appear this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment.

His face suddenly became cold.

"After Chongzhen's death, the remaining Daming court reopened the palace in Yingtian, that is, the Southern Ming."

Zhu Houzhao explained on the side.

"So it is."

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized.

Then my eyes were also a little excited!

Today's Hongwu dynasty, but Wuyun Changlong!

Wude prosperous!

If he can go to the end of the Ming Dynasty to play, of course, he will have a hundred wishes.

The eyes of the rest of the emperors also flickered slightly.

There is clearly a glimmer of expectation.

Especially Chongzhen!

"Very good!"

Chongzhen's teeth are almost crushed!

"If I don't have the help of the Emperor Chat Group and Grandpa Tai, I'm afraid I'll already hang up the Southeast Branch, right?"

"Now that I have the honor to go to the Nanming World, it can be regarded as letting me take revenge!"

Although now his Chongzhen dynasty has forced Huang Taiji to the sky with no way and no way to enter the earth!

But if you can go to the Nanming world, take revenge again.

Naturally, he was also very happy.

[Secondary World Extraction...]

"Secondary world."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the sky, and his face became serious.

Although now the Zhengde dynasty has become a second-level dynasty.

But the upper limit of the second-level dynasty is a full ten thousand points, and he is only just over a thousand points!

If you go to a more powerful second-level world.

That's not a small difficulty!

[The secondary world has been extracted! ] 】

【Second World Level: Late Qing Dynasty Republic of China】

[This time to the dynasty of the second-level world: Zhengde Dynasty! ] 】

[A total of one day! ] 】

"The Republic of China at the end of the Qing Dynasty?"

Zhu Houzhao was slightly stunned, followed by ecstasy!


That's great!

Originally, he was still wondering if the second-level world he went to would be too powerful.

Now it seems.

It's just that it has just reached the second-level standard!

"Qing Mo?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and others also raised questions.

They also remember that after Emperor Taiji's Houjin entered the Central Plains, he established the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Didn't expect that.

Is there a whole dynasty difference between the Zhengde dynasty and the world they went to?

"Houzhao, this Manchu Qing dynasty and our Daming have a lot of grudges!"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly: "You went to this late Qing world, you have to teach those Manchu Qing a good lesson!" "

He knew.

After the entry of the Manchu clearance.

A large number of massacres were created!

It can be described as a great crime!

If there is a chance.

Zhu Yuanzhang also wants to go to the late Qing world!

Of course, just thinking about it.

After all, now the Hongwu dynasty is only a first-level dynasty, and if you go to the second-level world, you are not qualified!

"Grandpa Taizu rest assured."

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "If I have the opportunity, I will slaughter all those Manchu royal families." "

But if not.

That's no way to do it.

After all, the late Qing and Republican periods.

The Manchus themselves were already unable to protect themselves, and the most powerful people were still protecting themselves.

And what makes Zhu Houzhao value it the most.

Or another country in that world.

For example, Europe, the Americas, or Africa, which has experienced two industrial revolutions, and so on.

Resources, technology...

It's all good.

"So it counts."

"The combat power blessing of this silver-level talent is just right."

The corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth turned up slightly.

At that time, Europe already had airplanes, smokeless gunpowder, and even gas bombs.

If there is no combat power blessing.

Zhengde has passed, and it really may not be able to stand.

[Talent, the world is distributed! ] 】

[The adventure of the heavens is about to begin, please get ready! ] 】

[Please note: Dying during the Heavenly Adventure will end the adventure immediately and can be revived in the chat group space! ] 】

[Please note: All earnings in the adventures of the heavens can be directly attached to the dynasties under your command]

[Please note: In the Heavenly Adventures in Dynasty Mode, the subjects under your command do not belong to the physical body, but only project the consciousness mode, and after death, they will return to their original bodies with the end of the adventure]

[Please note: In the Heavenly Adventure Mode, there will be no lifespan decay! ] 】

A prompt for the upcoming start appears.

At the same time, there are four striking reminders.

Everyone can understand it.

It is nothing more than no worries.

But don't worry about that.

Everyone still sat up.

The first experience is inevitably stressful.

Even if it is Zhu Houzhao.

There is also no intention of joking anymore.

I saw a flash of white light in front of my eyes.

Wait until everyone opens their eyes again.

It's already in another world.

"What a strong smell of gunpowder!"

The white light in front of me had just dissipated.

Zhu Houzhao smelled an extremely strong smell of gunpowder, as well as an even stronger smell of blood!

In a trance.

You can also hear the roar in the distance!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Zhang Xuan stood a little confused: "Just now, a voice suddenly sounded in Chen's head, and then he suddenly came here. "

"So, what's going on here?"

Zhu Hou looked at him and frowned: "What sound?" "

"That is to say, about to go to the late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China world, please be prepared and wait for Zhang Xuan to return."


Zhu Houzhao fell into deep thought.

It turns out that this is the so-called dynasty model.

Directly teleport all the subjects under your command?


"In this way, this people's support and morale are quite important."

"After all, this is another world, and the subjects and people are from the original world, and if one is not good, it is easy to cause mutiny."

Zhu Houzhao pondered in his heart.

"Your Majesty, is there an edict now to appease the hearts of the people?"

Zhang Xuan asked.

Zhu Houzhao nodded: "Let's go." "


After Zhang Xuan left.

Zhu Houzhao set his eyes on the current situation.

The sound of cannon in the haze just now, as well as the strong smell of gunsmoke and blood, did not look like a fake.

It seemed that the place they were in was not far from a large battlefield.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the soles of his feet.

Discover the ground on which you stand.

It still seems to be faintly damp.

"Wait, this ground seems to rise from the bottom of the sea?!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes widened.

He was a little horrified!

In his previous life, he was a researcher who studied soil quality and farming.

For this kind of thing, it is naturally familiar.

This land under your feet.

There is no terrestrial feature at all.

Definitely under the sea!

And it's still extremely deep under the sea!!

"In the entire Zhengde dynasty, the territory already has the entire north, Beishan County, Jiangnan, and the five provinces of Nanyang!"

"Although I don't know exactly how the teleportation works."


"It seems that it's not just people, but... The dragon generation of Xu is also here?! "

Zhu Houzhao looked behind him.

Behind himself.

Exactly the leopard room!

That is, the so-called dynasty model.

The whole Daming, the people, the soldiers, and even the buildings.

All projected?!

"This dynasty model is really beyond Xuan's expectations."

Zhu Houzhao slowly calmed down, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The land does not occupy other places, but rises directly from the bottom of the sea to a continent!

Is the land of the same area as the land of the Zhengde dynasty?

What a mighty power?!!

"Your Majesty, the announcement has been sent."

"But we found some huge ship fragments outside Beijing!"

Zhang Xuan quickly ran over, his expression a little anxious: "In addition to the fragments of the ship, many corpses have been found!" "

"They all seem to be Han, but they all have different hair, and they look more like Jurchens."


"It should be a Manchu Qing people."

Zhu Houming turned white, and his brows frowned slightly.

The sound of continental artillery rising from the sea and the smell of gunsmoke, the remains of the battlefield and the corpses of the Manchus

"In the Manchu and Qing dynasties, was there a naval battle?"

Zhu Houzhao thought for a moment, and instantly reacted.

Sino-Japanese naval battle!

There was a naval battle of Penghu ahead, but that was during the Kangxi Dynasty and did not correspond to the end of the Qing Dynasty.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was only the Sino-Japanese naval battle!

And smell the smell of gunsmoke in the air, it seems that the war has just ended.

"It seems that this is in a good place!"

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

Sino-Japanese naval battle.

In the Great War of 1894, the Manchu Qing Dynasty fought against the Eastern Ying Kingdom.

In the end, the whole army was defeated.

This great battle was almost the last straw that overwhelmed the Manchu and Qing dynasties.

And with it.

It was the complete defeat of the Manchu dynasty.

Sixteen years later, it was completely destroyed.

"Let's go, take Xu to see."

Zhu Houzhao said.

Manchu dynasty, garbage in garbage!

But in the First Sino-Japanese War.

There are still a few real heroes...

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