Chapter 0108 Angry British Diplomat! Conquer the Beiyang Fleet!!

"Ding Ruchang, you are from the Taiping Army and the roots of the Han people."

"Presumably above the court, it is also excluded, right?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the man in front of him and showed a smile: "Shu will give you a chance now, as long as you are honest and daming, your treatment in the Manchu Qing Dynasty will be given twice as much!" "

That's right, at this time, the man in front of Zhu Houzhao is the Beiyang Navy Master - Ding Ruchang!

After getting the half-crippled Wokou cruiser fleet just now, Zhu Houzhao was already very satisfied.

But unexpectedly, this was only half a day later.

It was again the Beiyang Fleet that discovered the great remnants.

Although it is said to be a big wreckage, the few cruisers inside are also good.

Among them, Dingyuan and Zhenyuan, these two ironclad ships, are still specially manufactured by Germany.

The high technical content can basically represent the top level of the current world

"Are you really the Emperor of Daming?"

Ding Ruchang looked at Zhu Houzhao in front of him, a little incredulous.

Daming has been dead for more than two hundred years.

The Daming Emperor actually reappeared in the world?!


The sudden turn of the ocean into land just now made him a little confused, and now he encountered such a bizarre thing.

It gave birth to an inexplicable sense of magic in his heart.

"Naturally, it's like a fake."

Zhu Houzhao spread his hands and said with a smile.

Behind him, there was also Duo Jin Yiwei.

However, Ding Ruchang was still silent.

Zhu Houzhao naturally knew what he was thinking.

"The sins committed by the Manchus on the land of China are heinous!"

"If it weren't for the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Sun An, who was tired of Yanhuang, could be bullied like this?"

"Now that Xu and Daming have returned to this world, they have come for the 40,000,000 Han people."

"Although you are the Beiyang Navy Governor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, you are a Han after all, and you used to be an anti-Qing fighter."


For the people of Wanli!

For the people!

"For the orthodox justice gate of the world! Already opened to you! "

"Do you still hesitate?"

Zhu Houzhao's words were like a sharp sword, piercing into Ding Ruchang's heart.

But it was still when he was silent.

A person, has already stood up.

"Your Majesty, if you are really the Emperor of Daming, if you are really born for Huaxia!"

"Cheng Biguang, the criminal courtier, is willing to surrender!"

Cheng Biguang said impressively, saying that he was going to kneel and kowtow.

However, Zhu Houzhao's body flashed.

Directly appeared in front of Cheng Biguang and held him up.

"If you are willing to surrender, Xin is naturally happy."

"However, in the Ming Dynasty, there was never a need for courtiers to kneel."

Zhu Houzhao showed a smile.

Cheng Biguang is this person, he naturally knows it.

The commander of the Beiyang Navy during the Republic of China and one of the future admirals of the Republic of China.

However, he was later assassinated.

"Your Majesty..."

Cheng Biguang's body and mind trembled, and he only felt that his nose was sour.

As a Hanchen, he is still a Hanchen with military power.

Above the court of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he can be said to be terrifying step by step, like walking on thin ice!

But this Daming Emperor could treat him like this, how could he not be moved in his heart.

Ding Ruchang on the side was no longer silent.

Instead, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because what Cheng Biguang didn't see, he could see it clearly on the side!

This Emperor Daming, His Majesty.

It seems to be, bang...

Just passed?

Could it be that the Daming Emperor learned the immortal method and came back?

Ding Ruchang was a little confused and shocked.

He wondered if he had just been blinded?

But how can you be wrong when you hit the seabirds on the deck?

"Cheng Qing's family is willing to be sincere, and they are very relieved."

Zhu Houzhao patted Cheng Biguang's shoulder, and then looked at the others with a smile.

"What about you?"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you.

In the end, they also bowed down one by one.

"I'm willing to belong to Daming!"

If they face the bonobos, then they would rather die than fall.


This one in front of him is the Daming Emperor!

Even Ding Ruchang, the governor, was once from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, that is the rebellion of the Manchu and Qing dynasties.

Everyone is protecting the Yanhuang orthodoxy, but it is not some Manchu imperial family!

Everyone has already taken a stand.

However, Ding Ruchang was still a little hesitant.

Zhu Houzhao looked at him, but he was not angry.

Just said lightly: "I know that your heart is entangled, since this is the case, you will rest for a while for the time being." "

"The next fleet will be temporarily led by Liu Bujiao."

On the one hand, Ding Ruchang still has many concerns in his mind.

After all, although it was the Taiping Army before.

But after the surrender of the Manchu Qing, the reputation was not good.

Now he has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, only afraid that when the time comes, he will be discredited.

And his family is still in the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It is also impossible to put it down at will.

Zhu Houzhao naturally understood in his heart, so he simply let him rest first.

Wait until everything settles down before enabling it.

On the other hand.

It is also because Zhu Houzhao hopes that Ding Ruchang can precipitate.

Beiyang was defeated.

As the governor of the admiralty, this person has an unshirkable responsibility.

Failure is not terrible.

The scary thing is that after failure, you don't know it, you don't know how to reflect.

Zhu Houzhao was willing to give him a little time.

Wait until he finishes digesting it, and then let him come out and lead the troops.

This will allow him to regroup and play a bigger role.


Ding Ruchang smiled slightly bitterly and nodded in agreement.

Now their entire fleet is in the territory of Daming.

What if you disagree?

What's more, for him, there really aren't so many awkward places.

Outside the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Anti-Qing Fuming matter.

But it continued from beginning to end.

"Pull these ships back and remember not to damage them."

Zhu Houzhao ordered to the brocade guard behind him.


Channing on the side took the order.

Now with steam engines, it is not difficult to pull these ships back.

And according to Zhu Houzhao's thoughts.

Only individual cruisers were left to be placed in the engineering academy for study.

The rest will continue to be put into service after repair.

"With this Beiyang fleet, and the previous Dongying fleet..."

"The naval power of the Ming Dynasty, he can also develop."

"If the broken is serious, it will be sent back to the Academy of Engineering for study."

"The broken is not serious, quickly repair it, and pull it out first as a façade."

Zhu Houzhao pondered in his heart.

The corners of his mouth are also slightly upturned.

As long as there is sea power.

The next thing is much simpler!

Moreover, he has the combat power to bless this silver-level talent.

These cruisers are the world's top maritime combat power.

Plus your own talent.

The naval strength of the Zhengde dynasty today.

Really not weak!

"John, stop reading those oriental books of yours."

"That braid dynasty is ignorant and backward, even if it has a long history, it is not at all the golden dynasty recorded in Marco Polo's travels."

The beige flag on the ferry deck.

Wilson was a bit bored.

However, looking at the book John was holding in his hand, his eyes lit up again.

Said with some pride.

"Now is the time of our Great Britain Empire."

"The Age of Queen Victoria."

"Even if there really is a so-called golden dynasty, their emperor will have to bow down for our Great Britain!"

But John just shook his head slightly.

"Wilson, I'm not looking at the history of that braided dynasty."

"But I was looking at the dynasty above the braid dynasty—John the King of Juming put down the book and looked at the rough sea."

He sighed softly.

"The Zhu Ming Dynasty was founded five hundred years ago, and the person who started this country was a poor peasant named Zhu Baba or a beggar? Monk? "

"That's a man full of legends."

"And there are many stories that happened in this dynasty, such as going to the West, such as fighting against Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

"It took more than two hundred and eleven years before it was finally overthrown by the Braided Dynasty."


Wilson shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Could it be that this dynasty will be different from the braid dynasty?" "

"Hey! Buddy! We are Great Britain! The sun never sets empire! "

"Our colonies are all over the world!"

"Could it be that the Zhu Ming Dynasty that came out of history will be more powerful than us?"

"Maybe not, but I have a bad hunch..."

"Although the braid dynasty is decaying and backward, it also has the capital to resist in the final analysis, and the Zhuming dynasty is only afraid that it is better."

John was a little distracted.

The Braided Dynasty, strictly a group of Tatars, ruled countless Han Chinese and the Zhu Ming Dynasty.

But it was an orthodox Han dynasty.

The potential that can burst out of this is definitely more powerful than the braid dynasty.

And this Juming dynasty is still like Atlantis.

Emerge from the bottom of the sea!

It adds a touch of mystery.

"Okay man, don't think so much."

Wilson patted John's shoulder and said, "We are just going to negotiate with the Zhuming Dynasty, even if they are not simple, it is not us who should be troubled." "

"Let's go, a glass of gran, it might make you a little better."

"That's fine."

John shook his head, throwing aside the worries in his heart.

As a diplomat of the British Empire, he was worried, but far from fearful.

According to the intelligence collected before, the Ming Dynasty is only in the beginning of industry, and it is not even as good as the current Qing Dynasty.

Analysis from the aspect of strength.

It is indeed not a cause for concern.

Perhaps, because he hasn't slept well for too long?

That's why you're worried too much?

"Wait, Wilson, what do you think that is?!"

Suddenly, John exclaimed.

When Wilson heard this, he saw several ships appear at sea.

"Which country's cruiser fleet is this?"

Wilson frowned slightly: "Looking at this look, it seems that these cruisers have experienced wars before and have just been repaired?" "


Wilson's eyes widened: "It seems to be those ships that the Braided Dynasty bought back from Germany." "

"Didn't the Whip Dynasty say that the entire Beiyang Fleet has fallen within the territory of the Ming Dynasty?"

Although it is only ten days before the end of the Sino-Japanese naval battle.

However, the British Empire's ability to search for intelligence was completely sufficient to restore the beginning and results of the Sino-Japanese naval battle during this time.

"Not only the Beiyang Fleet of the Braided Dynasty, but also those ships of the Dongying Kingdom"

John on the side looked at those ships with a serious expression: "Obviously, after these cruisers fell to the territory of the Ming Dynasty, they were captured." "

"It was then repaired and served as its own naval force."

"It seems that my fears just now have come true."

John smiled wryly.

This Daming Emperor was indeed different from the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Braided Dynasty after the Sino-Japanese War.

Even the best preserved cruisers must have been damaged.

But after being captured by Daming.

But being able to repair it in such a short time, and directly showing 007 is enough to show the ambition of that Daming Emperor.

In that naval battle.

Dongying Kingdom has already failed in gambling on national fortune and has completely collapsed.

In the surrounding country, there is absolutely no naval power that can match these cruisers.

But why show it?

No doubt.

This was when the Daming Emperor expected them to return.

So specially show them to see!

Wilson took a breath of sea breeze, and his face instantly looked ugly.

No more casualness.

Because if the Ming Dynasty only had some steam ferries and large wooden ships, as in the previous intelligence.

Then they naturally negotiated with a condescending attitude towards the Ming Dynasty.

But if you already have naval power of the level of a cruiser.

Even if this force is not strong.

It's enough to make them pay attention!

"The previous negotiation plan needs to be changed."

John said with some regret.

According to the original plan, they should have entered Daming with a full attitude, but now Daming's strength is much stronger than in the intelligence.

"I know!"

Wilson felt some resentment in his heart!

This time, he is the workhorse of diplomacy.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is approaching, this is the time to change the diplomatic plan.

But it's too weak!

But there is no way not to change.

The British Empire is indeed the empire that the sun never sets in his mouth.

Today, it is indeed in what he calls the Victorian era.

He has the capital to despise the Ming Dynasty!

Even having capital that despises the entire East!

But in addition to Britain, Europe also has Germany, France, Portugal and these old empires!!

These countries are also competing globally for various share of interests.

This oriental dynasty was born.

Now the interests of all parties are at stake.

Even if that Daming Emperor was smarter, he could balance all parties with his own size.

In today's colonial era, get your share!

Unless Wilson was prepared to get Great Britain to completely sever diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty and stop competing for interests on the continent.

Or give away a lot of benefits to other empires.

Otherwise, at this moment, you can only break your teeth and swallow into your stomach!

"Damn the Ming Dynasty, one day at the latest will make you a colony of the Great British Empire."

Wilson said hatefully in his heart.

The first time he became a diplomat, he suffered such a setback.

After this incident, his career is worrying!

That damn Daming Emperor is simply sinful!!

PS: The editor told me that it is best not to write too much at the end of the Qing, otherwise it is easy to go wrong, so the plot behind needs to be readjusted, today's update will be slower, sorry...

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