Chapter 0114 Terrifying Development Speed! Declaration of war on Manchu! Sell technology!!

"Your Majesty."

"In the past two months, the internal combustion engine has been initially put into operation."

"The first internal combustion engine car has been born, using oil as fuel for internal combustion engines, and internal combustion engine cars have greatly improved both speed and range."

"Instead, the internal combustion engine is used instead of the engine group composed of the steam engine, and the scope of use is also more."

"In the previous ironmaking and steel casting plant, some problems due to insufficient kinetic energy have been solved!"

"Five cruisers and ten ironclads of Britain are also in place."

"Chen Delu, president of the Academy of Engineering, has already taken a cruiser and an ironclad ship for research according to your orders."

"The generator set is also in the process of research, and the results are also remarkable, and the Daming telegraph has been successfully developed, but the telephone system has not yet been perfected."

"Our trading system with Europe has also been established."

Zhang Xuan reported one by one, and the affairs of all walks of life in the court were placed here for him, but they were like a few family treasures.

It also has to be said that since Daming came to this world, the speed of progress can be even more terrifying than the previous steam era!

One is because Zhu Houzhao has completed various reforms.

Now in the Zhengde dynasty, there are very few internal loopholes.

Just constantly absorb energy from the outside and strengthen yourself.

And this world, whether it is resources or technology, is a second-class dynasty's Zhengde Dynasty.

So it is completely reasonable to develop so quickly.

The second is because of the reward Zhu Houzhao received from the chat group before.

Although many rewards are drawn from the first-tier prize pool.

However, this does not mean that this reward does not apply to the second dynasty.

On the contrary, even the most basic guaranteed rewards, Super Rice and Long White Pig, these are these.

All of them can be of great help to the current Zhengde Dynasty.

As for the rewards you got from the secondary prize pool before?

That's naturally even more terrifying!

Power group design drawings and electromagnetism have made certain achievements in this world.

Daming can fully use these results.


Now in just two months, the principle of the telegraph has been understood and can be produced by itself.

The phone has not yet understood the technology.

But at short distances, it is possible to lay the system autonomously!

Needless to say, the design drawings of the internal combustion engine.

Today, the internal combustion engine developed by the Ming Dynasty is the same as the single-cylinder internal combustion engine in Europe.

But the engines on the European side are all four-strokes.

That's equivalent to ten percent of the heat produced from petroleum fuel, seven of which escapes directly.

But the single-cylinder internal combustion engine of the Ming Dynasty was a six-stroke!

The efficiency has increased by 40%!

That's equivalent to ten pounds of petroleum fuel to produce heat, and in the end only five to six points are wasted.

Don't look at it, it's just a point or two worse.

But once it became popular.

The gap is huge!

There is also oil extraction and smelting technology.

The extraction field is still under construction.

Oil production is indeed underground, and for the time being, it is necessary to buy a large amount of European oil.

But smelting technology, there is no problem.

Previously, Zhu Houzhao thought that there was no oil in the Ming Dynasty.

But later, after obtaining oil extraction technology, it was discovered that since the Western Han Dynasty, the people had begun to use oil on a small scale.

It's just that because it has no mining capacity, it is only a very small part.

And smelting technology.

But a lot has been studied.

Now there are chat group reward books as a guide.

Naturally, it is also easy to develop smelting technology.

Today, the oil entering Daming from Europe will undergo secondary processing.

It not only meets the needs of automobile burning oil.

It can also process other by-products and sell them to Europe.

As for what has not yet played a role, only advanced pharmacology is left.

Mainly because of the lack of manpower in the engineering academy.

So stranded for the time being.

However, Zhu Houzhao still attaches great importance to advanced pharmacology.

After all, he had made up his mind to provoke World War I within five years.

At that time, once the war starts, the demand for medicines will skyrocket!

Zhu Houzhao can already imagine.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty will definitely be able to rely on medicines and make a lot of money during World War I!

Zhang Xuan spoke for half an hour.

It's all about getting it done.

The price of the rapid development of the Zhengde Dynasty is that it will make this set of management groups in the imperial court tired enough.

Thanks to this second-level world, there are already many regulations.

The Ming Dynasty could have used it as a reference to reduce its workload.

Otherwise two months to develop like this.

Whether the machine is broken or not, I don't know.

Anyway, Zhang Xuan and these people are probably going to be bad.

"Your Majesty, now the development of my Ming Dynasty is thriving."

"But now there is a big problem."

Zhang Xuan said with some embarrassment.

Zhu Houzhao was still reminiscing about the achievements of the Zhengde Dynasty, and he was also puzzled when he heard this

"What problem?"

Zhang Xuan sighed and said, "The treasury is running out of money!" "

Since Daming opened the sea ban, raising commercial taxes and tariffs.

The treasury of the Zhengde Dynasty was almost always full, and it was even necessary to build another warehouse to store silver.

But Zhang Xuan never expected it.

It's only been two months into this world.

Hundreds of millions of taels of silver are almost exhausted.

In the treasury today, less than 20 million silver can be taken out.

If it is compared with the Zhengde Dynasty before the sea ban.

This number is naturally a lot, but if it is compared with the previous full state, it is too much worse!

"If the silver is not spent, it is a pile of waste paper in the warehouse."

Zhu Houzhao said hehe: "Zhang Qing, you should be happy, because these silver earned into the treasury has been turned into nourishment for Daming's growth!" "

"That being said..."

Zhang Xuan was a little depressed: "But if you can't make a profit, I'm afraid the speed of development will slow down next." "

If he slows down, his job will naturally be easier.

However, as the chief assistant of the Shotoku Dynasty who is extremely demanding of himself.

He didn't care about these things at all.

I only hope that Daming can be as strong as possible!

"Don't worry, I already expected this situation before."

Zhu Houzhao didn't care, and asked the little eunuch on the side to hand Zhang Xuan a telegram.

Zhang Xuan took a look.

His face changed suddenly.

"Your Majesty, you want to sell the technology of a single-cylinder six-stroke internal combustion engine to Britain?"

In his opinion, the technology of the internal combustion engine can be said to be extremely important!

Because the internal combustion engine is a kind of engine, and it is already the most advanced engine at present.

Among cruisers and ironclads, this is also used.

If you sell these technologies.

Isn't that a capital enemy?!

Although now Britain is assisting Daming.

But in Zhang Xuan's view, it is just a bunch of wolf ambition calculations.

At best, it is an equivalent exchange.

Daming also gave enough benefits.

Han and Westerners.

It is impossible to be friends, either master and servant, or mortal enemies!

Zhang Xuan very much recognized the saying that if it is not our clan, its heart will be different.

"At present, the fastest and most expensive way to get money is this method."

Zhu Houzhao smiled gently: "As for whether this technology will threaten Daming?" "

"Naturally, don't worry at all!"

Daming has the blessing of combat power, does Britain have it?

And at present, in the future, Daming will inevitably be able to build more advanced internal combustion engines, and use these must be outdated internal combustion engine technologies to exchange for a lot of money.

In this way, the development time of the Ming Dynasty was reduced.

In Zhu Houzhao's view, this point is completely worth it.

And even if you don't sell it yourself.

Wait until after the First World War.

The world's big explosion of science and technology!

The so-called single-cylinder six-stroke internal combustion engine may not take long to build.

I can also eat the dividends of a blank technology as soon as possible.

"Well, the problem of development is solved."

"Then there's another thing to say."

Zhu Houzhao said.

Zhang Xuan also became serious.

Now in the leopard room, in addition to Zhang Xuan, there is also Shangshu of the military department.

In fact, after Zhang Xuan saw that Shangshu of the military department was also coming.

There was already a faint guess in my heart.

"You should all know that there are only five days left before the sixtieth birthday of that old demon woman in Cixi."

Zhu Houzhao showed a kind smile: "Two months ago, I brought the Jindi Machinery Manufacturing Plant of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. "

"It's just the so-called coming and going, not being polite!"

"Now, taking advantage of Cixi's 60th birthday, Xu is also ready to give a big gift."

Zhang Xuan showed such a look.

Then, there was joy on his face.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

War, without a doubt, burns money.

But it's not just about burning money, it's also about making money!

For example, this Manchu puppet dynasty at the doorstep of the Daming family.

If the Manchu Qingchao's Manchu money is taken to the Daming treasury.

Wouldn't that be another wave of riches?

Shangshu of the military department is also eager to try.

"Your Majesty, now the power of my Daming can be described as heaven-in-law."

"And in the practice of these two months, the Han people of the Manchu and Qing puppet dynasties have also heard endless anti-Qing and reviving slogans among the people!"

"Maybe we can try to pound the yellow dragon directly!"

"Just like when the Yongle Emperor was in the beginning, Fengtian Jing was difficult."

"As long as the Manchu royal family is destroyed, it is natural for me Daming to take over the world!"


Zhu Houzhao also smiled.

"What Ai Qing said is good, very heart."

In fact, that's what he originally thought.

However, accepting the Manchu plate wholeheartedly, he was naturally not happy.

Wait until after the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Maybe he still needs to learn from Grandpa Taizu.

First kill a few rounds at the imperial court, and then digest it slowly.

After all, it's been almost three hundred years.

There may be no difference between the people.

But the difference between those officials and gentry is probably great!

"Zhang Xuan, you go and draft documents and declare war on the Manchu and Qing puppet dynasties!"

"Shangshu of the military department, you immediately go and draw up a charter and recruit the entire northern library!"

Zhu Houzhao said.


Zhang Xuan and Shangshu of the military department replied, both of them looked excited!

Daming has been in this world for two months.

The first war is finally coming to play!

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