Chapter 0117 Rush to Kill the Summer Palace! Li Hongzhang's enlightenment!!

In the Summer Palace.

Compared to the war and turmoil outside.

The beautiful scenery of the garden is a festive look.

Today, it is the 60th birthday of Cixi Lafayette.

The time of celebration is better than in the previous two months.

Inside Mansudo.

Cixi sat in the top seat, and Guangxu sat in the side seat.

Sitting on either side of his command were a group of ministers in the court.

"Willing to offer Nanshan Shou, Nian Qi Dayan Jing Lunlun is rich!"

"Shou Kao Zheng Hongfu, Leisure Ya Lu Qiu Life Happy!"

"The sons and daughters congratulate the Queen Mother on her 60th birthday, enjoy happiness and longevity, and enjoy the joy of heaven!"

Guangxu took the lead in toasting and said with a full face.

The smile is not very real.

But the joy in it, of course!

Because after today.

The Empress Dowager herself is about to go into hiding!

How can one not rejoice?

"Ministers and others congratulate Lafayette on his 60th birthday, enjoy happiness and longevity, and enjoy the joy of heaven!"

The rest of the ministers, naturally, also toasted one by one.

"Good, good, good."

Cixi's old face was full of happiness, and he raised his glass to take a sip.

The Manchu monarchs below drank all of them.

After pushing the cup and changing the lamp.

The atmosphere in the hall was also pushed to a climax for a while.

Singing and playing, the lute sounds.

At this time, it was on the mountains ten miles away.

Zhu Houzhao rode his horse and could faintly see the orientation of the Summer Palace.

"Zhang Qing."

"You said that if Xu directly led the troops to rush over, could he give that old demon woman of Cixi '1567' a shock?"

Zhu Houzhao asked lightly.

Ten miles away.

Even the body of a generation of genetic warriors cannot see the Summer Palace.

But he could probably already guess what the old demon woman Cixi was doing at the moment.

It was the last pleasure of this old demon woman before she died.

"Your Majesty, although we came here by surprise."

"It's only a dozen miles away from the capital."

"But this next section of the road, there are many people, and there are many spies and eyeliner in the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

"Don't talk about rushing to the Summer Palace."

"I'm afraid that if we rush down from the mountain now, we will probably have already been discovered."

Zhang Xuan said honestly.

Speaking up.

In fact, he was also very surprised.

Because although this time the rapid march, they all walked in the middle of nowhere, but after all, there were enough 20,000 people!

Twenty thousand people rode on horseback, and they were not discovered by any Manchu soldiers along the way!?

This Manchu dynasty.

It can no longer be called the imperial court.

Almost all have been infiltrated into a sieve!

And not defended in the slightest!

It almost refreshed Zhang Xuan's three views of a dynasty.

It's outrageous!

"It is worthy of the Cixi Dynasty of the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

Zhu Houzhao quipped.

Compared to the Jiajing Dynasty, it is much more powerful!

After all, the Jiajing Dynasty only let more than fifty people run around, and the target was too small, but he was an army of 20,000!

It's still all cavalry!

But any normal person can hear movement within a radius of five miles!

Zhang Xuan reminded: "Your Majesty, it's the Guangxu Dynasty. "

"The Guangxu Dynasty does not have as much weight as the Cixi Dynasty!"

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

After Guangxu ascended the throne, he has done it for more than thirty years!

Where is there any Guangxu Dynasty?

Zhu Houzhao took a horse's belly.

The bare-headed horse under the seat just moved on.

It is currently ten miles away from the Summer Palace.

There is no need to charge at this time.

The army behind him also moved in unison.

The neat military formation, which looked like elite infantry, was almost unimaginable.

Cavalry was able to train to such an extent!?

But if you look closely.

You will find the war horses under these cavalry seats.

When looking at Zhu Houzhao's back, a personified look of fear flashed!

A generation of gene warriors enhanced by a generation of genetic agents is not only a deterrent to humans.

A strong breath of life.

The same is true for other creatures!

Mansudo in.

Li Hongzhang tasted wine and ate the food on the table.

But these delicacies are delicious.

At the moment, in his mouth, it was like chewing wax!

"Zhao Da has been out for two days, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Li Hongzhang's heart was as anxious as fire.

Could it be an accident?!

Although he left himself a way back.

But that's also a dangerous move!

The coastal defense map I gave was indeed very sincere.

He also believes.

If that Daming general wanted to make meritorious contributions, he would definitely cooperate with him, but once Zhao Da was arrested, his secret surrender to the Ming Dynasty was discovered.

Then you're completely finished!

Even if he supports Lafayette again.

I can't save my life!

A small eunuch came over cautiously, and then leaned close to Li Hongzhang's side.

"Lord Li, your house slave said that someone gave you a gift from the mansion."


Li Hongzhang was stunned: "Gift? "

The little eunuch hesitated slightly, and said in a low voice: "It is the head of your family slave Zhao Da." "


Li Hongzhang's hand suddenly squeezed the wine bottle hard.

The wine bottle didn't break, but his bones rang.

The little eunuch shifted his gaze suspiciously.

Surprised to find.

At this time, countless cold sweats had appeared on Li Hongzhang's forehead!

Even breathing and heartbeat have accelerated a lot!

"It's just that a house slave died, so there's no need to be so excited, right?"

The little eunuch is also a little blinded.

But then there was also a reaction.

I couldn't help but admire it.

"It's worthy of Li Zhongtang, who cares so much about the house slaves."

No wonder the subordinates in Lord Li's mansion wanted to hurry up to send this news in themselves.

And right now.

A spy dressed in gray also walked into the Manshou Hall.

For a while, the laughter in the Manshou Hall also paused.

Because this spy is nothing else, it is the sticky pole in the Manchu court.

Known as the world's first intelligence agency.


The cold sweat on Li Hongzhang's face became more and more.

Even my body couldn't help but tremble slightly!

He has realized it.

Zhao Da was killed, and he was also given a head gift box!

That shows.

The matter of secretly defecting to Daming has probably been leaked!

"Zhao Dafen is clearly strong in martial arts, how could he leak the news?!"

Li Hongzhang hated the root of his teeth.

And wait until the spies at the sticky rod finish speaking in Cixi's ear.

Cixi also couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The relaxed body just now sat up with his chest.

At this moment, the courtiers in the Wanshou Hall were also completely quiet.

They stopped their cups and dropped their chopsticks.

Able to do this position.

The feelings of this group of Manchu bureaucrats were very keen.

Naturally, he has realized that something is wrong.

Cixi's gaze slowly looked at Li Hongzhang.

The originally happy face was already a little scary at this time!

"It's over!"

"It's completely over!"

A flash of despair flashed in Li Hongzhang's heart.

Such a major event of collusion and treason.

No matter how great merit he has made, he can't keep him!

"Li Zhongtang!"

"Lord Li!"

Cixi slowly spoke: "What else do you have to say?" "

Her voice was flat though.

But it echoed in the Manshou Palace.

Let the bodies of the officials straighten up goosebumps.

And Li Hongzhang is not to mention.

At this time, he was already drenched in cold sweat, and his face that had changed in the past was already gray.

"Lafayette, the criminal minister has nothing to say!"

Li Hongzhang stood up.

Walk to the middle hall and bow three times to Cixi.

Cixi was silent for a while.

Li Hongzhang is a Daoguang 27th year scholar.

It can be said.

He had just begun to take power.

Li Hongzhang has been using this person all the time.

Until later the Western Affairs Movement.

He also promoted Li Hongzhang to one of the main responsible persons.

And now.

This Lord Li Zhongtang Li made such a time0...

Instantly, she was in a good mood today.

Swept away!

If Li Hongzhang asks for mercy, quibble.

That's fine.

Cixi could have thrown evidence of the crime in his face, and then directly imprisoned him, or beheaded him immediately!

But now Li Hongzhang's posture of complete resignation to fate.

But it aroused the few kindness in her heart.

"You go back."

Cixi finally said.

She decided to leave this old fellow with one last trace of dignity!

The meaning of going back.

Not just going home, of course.

It's about leaving a decent way to die.

"Thank you Lafayette!"

"Minister Li Hongzhang wishes Lafayette a long life without boundaries!"

Li Hongzhang's face was full of bitterness, and after kowtowing three times in a row.

Just turn away.

And the rest of this official.

One by one, you are still looking at me, I look at you.

Some are incomprehensible.

This Lord Lee.

What happened?

How did it lead to this?

"If you know this, it's better not to send that picture."

After leaving the Wanshou Palace, Li Hongzhang sighed and turned pale.

If he doesn't send it.

At least he was able to flee south with Lafayette.

Not so, death is coming.

"Lord Li, why did you come out?"

There was also an unknown old eunuch, greeting him earnestly.

Li Hongzhang waved his hand and did not reason.

These are the things that can make him feel complacent in the past.

Now there is no taste.

Because he was dying.

People die like lights out.

What else is the use of these foreign objects?

Dragged his body towards the outside of the Summer Palace.

Li Hongzhang no longer knows how he came out.

I only felt that as soon as I arrived at the door, my eyes turned black, and I stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

The guards on both sides also hurriedly helped him up.

"Power, money... In the end, it was just for the sake of stealing life, Li Hongzhang muttered. "

The two guards were puzzled: "Lord Li, what are you talking about?" "

Li Hongzhang broke free from the support of the two guards and wanted to return to the house to prepare for his last time.

But right now.

The ground suddenly trembled slightly.

It almost made him fall to the ground again.

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that the Earth Dragon turned over?"

Li Hongzhang slowly came back to his senses, and there was a little more expectation in his heart.

If the Earth Dragon turned over, he would smash Cixi to death in the Wanshou Hall.

Then don't you have to die?

"It's not Earth Dragon 3.6 Rollover, it seems to be!......"

"Ride, cavalry!"

The two guards suddenly looked like a great enemy!

They had also been on the battlefield and knew what the cavalry looked like when they marched and charged.


Li Hongzhang was stunned.

Then there is seeing, above the horizon.

Black dots are rapidly magnifying!

Is that......


Or the cavalry of Daming?!!

That sun and moon flag is particularly conspicuous in the sun!

Daming's army actually arrived in the capital so quickly?!!

Li Hongzhang's eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity.

The day before yesterday attacked the port of Jindi, and today he arrived in the capital?

How could it be so fast?!


"I'm like, don't have to die!"

He suddenly thought of something.

Eyes lit up all of a sudden!

If the Manchu is gone.

So why should he obey Cixi's words and die?

"Li Zhongtang, what should I do?"

"Get back quickly!"

The two guards were in a hurry.

However, Li Hongzhang's eyes only flashed slightly.

A smile suddenly appeared.

"You two, come with your ears."

"Lord Ben has something to say to you."

The feeling of dying just now had made Li Hongzhang thoroughly understand the preciousness of being alive.

Money, power.

In front of Gou Huo, it is not worth mentioning!

To continue to live.

It can only go one way to the dark!

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