Chapter 0126 Entente Military Regulations! Victoria is scared!!

British Isles.

Buckingham Palace.

In the palace, which belonged to the king's residence, leaders from all sides had gathered at this time.

Queen Victoria of her country.

Zhu Houzhao of the Daming Dynasty, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, French Prime Minister Leon Victor, and American President Benjamin Harrison.

Wait a minute.

The reason why everyone is gathered here.

Naturally, in order to sign the regulations of the military bloc of the Entente.

"It seems that this British Empire does have two brushes."

Zhu Houzhao sat on a leather chair in front of the round table.

He looked at everyone in the room playfully.

It is indeed similar to the collective Allies in history.

In the crowd here.

The strongest is naturally the British Empire.

This was followed by France and Tsarist Russia.

Then there's the United States.

If Dongying hadn't been beaten by Zhu Houzhao, then Dongying should have been able to stand in the third echelon.

But now Emperor Meiji.

It can only stand with the leaders of a bunch of small countries.

As for Zhu Houzhao's own Daming Dynasty?

Zhu Houzhao said: He hasn't fought yet, and he doesn't know.

But really fight.

The second echelon guarantee is certain.

As for the first echelon, according to Zhu Houzhao's estimates.

It should be half a pound and eight taels.

On high-end weapons.

The Daming dynasty did not lose to Britain.

And in terms of protracted war, Britain did not lose to the Daming Dynasty.

After all, it is also the Sun Never Sets Empire at its peak.

Strength cannot be underestimated.

"After this agreement was signed, you will all be members of the Entente."

"After that, the interests are common, and the advance and retreat are common!"

"Our enemies include Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and so on!"

Queen Victoria said in a tough tone: "And war is the best means for us to get benefits from these enemies!" "

This remark was naturally recognized by everyone.

All problems in the world are issues of interests!

It seems that among the people here, there are many contradictions with those enemies, such as the Anglo-German contradiction, the Franco-German contradiction, and so on.

But actually.

It's all a conflict of interests!

"If there is no problem with you, then start signing it next, Queen Victoria's voice is coming again."

Naturally, everyone began to sign.

Zhu Houzhao probably glanced at the content of the regulations.

Overall, the regulations are still very good.

At least the treatment of the Daming dynasty was quite good.

To sum it up in one sentence.

That is: if there is a benefit, I will go first, and if there is no benefit, you will go first.

Queen Victoria was still unhappy with Daming.

But the situation in Europe today is too tense.

So in many cases, compromises have to be made!

In other words.

In fact, Zhu Houzhao was sending the Daming Expeditionary Force to Britain.

It had already occurred to me that Queen Victoria would have some thoughts about herself.

For example, want to use Daming's expeditionary force as cannon fodder?

For this careful thinking.

Zhu Houzhao actually didn't care, because as long as Victoria was not an idiot, then she would definitely not publicly frame herself, or in other words, she would not frame the Daming Expeditionary Army.

Because this is not in the interests of the British Empire at all.

On the contrary, in order to maintain the majesty of the British Empire, she would also take the initiative to defend the Daming Dynasty before other treaty leaps.


Even if the Daming Expeditionary Force really lost in the war, it would only return to consciousness and not really die.

So Zhu Houzhao didn't have any worries at all.

"Would Queen Victoria like to review the expeditionary force?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile.

After signing the regulations, the heads of other countries have left, but after that, Zhu Houzhao still stays here, after all, he came to Europe this time, not only to sign a treaty, but also to fight for more interests for Daming.

"Of course."

Queen Victoria smiled.

The next most important thing was to go to war against other empires, and this Daming Emperor in front of her, although she was not good for her senses.

But after all, it is an ally and belongs to friendly forces.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a rotten face.

It is said that the Daming Expeditionary Force, after entering the British Isles, directly set up camp near the port.

Originally, Lloyd George wanted to go to offer condolences.

However, it was directly rejected by Daming's army.

Therefore, when he was angry, he did not relocate the camp to the Daming Expeditionary Force and let them continue to be stationed in the port.

The two were in a car.

Soon it was the port.

Mu Shaoxun, who was supervising the daily training of the soldiers, suddenly saw Zhu Houzhao's face.

Immediately shocked!

He is obviously in Britain, how can he still see his own emperor?

Could it be that he was dissatisfied and hallucinated?

"Duke Qian, don't you salute when you see Your Majesty?"

Yan Song's face turned dark, and he quickly shouted in a low voice.

Mu Shaoxun also reacted and quickly apologized: "Your Majesty." "

"When the last general saw you in this foreign land, he only felt too kind, so he lost his mind for a while."

"It doesn't hurt."

Zhu Houzhao smiled and explained to Victoria: "This person is the commander of the Daming Expeditionary Army, and although he looks young, he is definitely the most outstanding of the young generals. "

"It seems that His Majesty values this young man very much, and actually put this child in charge of such a large military activity."

Victoria means something.

However, Zhu Houzhao just smiled and said nothing.

Of course, he could hear Victoria's subtext that this person was too young, no matter how powerful he was.

But Zhu Houzhao wouldn't tell her.

Three years ago, during the Battle of Dongying.

This kid slaughtered millions of people without blinking an eye.

It's just an army of 100,000 people.

With an extremely flexible tactical combination, Hard Bull has completed the slaughter and destruction indicators.

And all overfulfilled.

Since then, he has been intentionally training Mu Shaoxun.

It is to build this kid as the head of the next martial general!

NextXu Da.

The next Zhang Fu.

Now the battles of the Entente.

In his eyes.

In addition to stirring up the storm and getting more benefits.

And a part.

It is for Mu Shaoxun's examination!

A thousand armies are easy to obtain, and one will be difficult to find.

Zhu Houzhao still had great expectations for Mu Shaoxun.

"Queen Victoria, why don't you go to the barracks with Xuan?"

"Absolutely willing."

Queen Victoria nodded, and pointed out again: "A few days ago, Prime Minister George also wanted to visit the camp, but was blocked by your generals. "

"Except for Xuan, everyone who enters the barracks needs a military order."

Zhu Houzhao did not pick up the stubble, but replied lightly.

See your own two temptations.

They were all directly blocked back.

Victoria's face is also a little ugly.

But now I can only hold it.

Walk into the barracks.

A chilling breath struck in.

Victoria only felt as if there was air conditioning running through her body.

"This is a group of elite soldiers!"

This thought crossed her mind.

"No wonder George wasn't allowed in."

It was the second thought that crossed her mind.

Let's be honest.

She was actually a little surprised.

After all, Daming sent an expeditionary force over, obviously to let the British Empire enter the trap and then provoke a war.

This is a naked yang scheme!

But now, Queen Victoria's mind has changed somewhat.


Isn't that so?

Who pressed his own elite up in order to put on the cover!

And followed Zhu Houzhao all the way to inspect the barracks.

Victoria found that it wasn't just the soldiers at the beginning who were elite.

These soldiers who followed.

The same is also elite!

100,000 elite?

Sent directly to the British Isles for an expedition?

For a moment.

Queen Victoria even really thought that the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao had reformed himself and wanted to dedicate it selflessly!

But soon, she was shooting this childish idea out of her brain.

That's impossible!

"Your Royal Highness, what do you think of the 100,000 expeditionary forces of the alliance?"

Zhu Houzhao asked with a smile.

Victoria sighed slightly: "Very strong." "

She didn't mean to slap.

It's about telling the truth.

Even if it is not pleasing to the Daming Emperor.

But this way it goes.

There was no way for her to open her eyes and say nonsense.

"Not very strong."

Zhu Houzhao corrected.

Then in Queen Victoria's puzzled gaze.

Spit out five words.

"It's very strong!"

Queen Victoria: "..."

Are there any differences between these two sentences?

"I brought the Queen here this time just to tell the Queen two things."

Zhu Houzhao said.

Queen Victoria made a deaf gesture.

"First, Xun's expeditionary force is very powerful in combat and can definitely provide you with great help."


"Xuan's expeditionary army will only obey the orders of the main general Mu Shaoxun, and will not obey the orders of any country."

"At the same time, in all tactical arrangements, he has the right to decide, or refuse."

Zhu Houzhao is not afraid of sacrifice.

But they don't really joke about the lives of their own soldiers.

Queen Victoria pondered for a moment.

Replied: "Yes. "

If it is before visiting this army.

Then this latter request, she may have to consider it.

But now after visiting, after realizing that the troops sent by Daming are all elite.

Queen Victoria's attitude is naturally different.

Even this time the visit was not very comprehensive.

But Queen Victoria already had a hunch.

This elite army from Daming.

Maybe it can bring them enough surprises.

"Next, it's time for war."

Zhu Houzhao asked, "Her Royal Highness thinks, where should we start?" "

Victoria replied without thinking: "Nature begins in the Americas. "

"Nowadays, the contradictions between the United States and Spain are getting deeper and deeper, and the competition for colonies is becoming more and more fierce, and war may break out at any time."

"We are just using this war to see how strong Spain is."

However, Zhu Houzhao shook his head: "Your Royal Highness, your Great Britain Empire has entered the industrial age, but why is your mind still stuck in the agricultural society?" "

"What do you mean?"

Queen Victoria frowned.

Zhu Houzhao sneered.

"Now that the Allies have been established, the rest of Europe's empires have been put on guard."

"If the Spanish-American War continues to break out, it will inevitably make other empires completely worried about the threat of the Entente and turn to forming alliances against the Entente."

"Therefore, the best opportunity now is to take advantage of the fact that the other empires do not react, and have a battle to set the ground!"

Queen Victoria was slightly stunned.

"War directly in Europe?"

"Of course!"

Zhu Houzhao affirmed.

"The opponents of the Entente are other empires, so naturally they want to point to the origin!"

I saw him spread out the map and then point to the territory of Spain.

"Although this country is also an old empire, its strength is now weak, and it is suitable for giving the treaty national prestige."

"Three days to reorganize the army, three days to storm, five old slaughters."

"You don't need to slaughter them all, you only need to slaughter most of them."

"With the blood of this country, the covenant of the Entente is laid."

"What does the Queen think?"

Victoria understood.

Because the Daming Dynasty did something similar three years ago.

With the blood of Dongying Island.

The existence of the Daming Dynasty was thoroughly announced to the world.

And this time, he will also take the Entente and do the same thing?!

Queen Victoria's breathing froze slightly.

When the British Empire colonized, it was certainly not a gentle little sheep.

But in the face of such a massacre.

It's still a small witch!

"Is that what you are talking about, the war of the times?"

Queen Victoria asked after a moment of silence.

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "That's right. "

"This is the essence of industrial-age warfare."

"Population, it's not worth anything at all!"

"Since it is not worth much, then in order to clear the obstacles as soon as possible, naturally you can only kill."

For the development of a country.

Population is an irreplaceable foundation.

But for a war.

The population of the enemy country will only be an obstacle.

In the war of agricultural society, it is natural to absorb the population of the enemy country into use.

But once into industrial society.

In order to implement the concept of blitzkrieg.

The importance of population is infinitely close to zero.

"Mu Ren is indeed right, you are really a demon."

Queen Victoria shouted frantically in her heart.

At this moment, her jealousy of Zhu Houzhao has been elevated to the top.

Whoever it is.

You don't want to be an enemy of such a demon!

As for who is Muren?

Naturally, it was the poor Emperor Meiji.

It is said that it has been crazy for three years.

Every day, he would only repeat the phrase 'Emperor Daming is a demon'.

For Emperor Meiji.

It can be said that Queen Victoria now has a deep understanding.

But at the same time, she had to admit it.

According to the Daming Emperor's way of playing.

Indeed, it can play the maximum effect in the shortest possible time.

"The war will begin soon."

Looking at Queen Victoria's departing back, a smile appeared on Zhu Houzhao's face.

Then, he turned to Yan Song again.

"Tell the pharmaceutical companies to speed up the production of drugs."

"Soon, it will have to be sold."


Yan Song nodded.

Next, Zhu Houzhao stayed in Britain for a few more days.

It can also be regarded as experiencing the feng shui people here.

Only when you have had enough fun will you leave satisfiedly by ferry.

The storm has stirred.

It depends on how countries perform next.

...... It.

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